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About Specter

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  1. well, the thing is, with ai being gunner, the m119s have a spread of approx 3 metres at ~7km... I don't see the point of having 4 shells explode in the same spot (and that's with 1 gun, if you have more guns -> more rounds in the exact same spot). (MLRS is even more ridiculous) So it would be nice to a) be able to set the spread manually when the player is gunner/commander of AI artillery or b) increase the default spread for both
  2. Is it possible to do so? If yes, how? If no, why not? ;)
  3. Hello dear recruiters, I am currently looking for a leadership-role in a europe-based, ace-using tactical coop-clan. I'm 28 years old, have BIS-experience from OFP (played a lot on LOL), over Arma (LLBrig & GOL) to Arma2 (GOL). As can be deducted from my previous clans, I'm looking for a more serious approach in the sense that there is a commandstructure and orders are followed. Also I do expect a certain extent of freedom for squad-/sectionleaders. Since I've been squadleading (2 fireteams á 4 men + dedicated marksman) for quite a while now, I'm definatly not looking to be a grunt (it's just not fun to be following orders to the letter anymore). I do understand that a clan interested in me will have to evaluate my capabilities, but leadership is my one and only goal. Additional previous experiences include administrative jobs, specifically recruit-/membermanagment and influencing the clanleader, as well as website and database administration (those had to take a step back due to me being busy with university). Please contact me via PM, since this thread is too much of a clusterfuck to find any usefull information in.
  4. Then give each each civilian a killed eventhandler: <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">this addeventhandler ["killed", {_this execVM "civkilled.sqf";}]; civkilled.sqf: <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE"> private["_killer","_currVal"]; _killer = _this select 1; {    _currVal = 0;    if(format["%1",side _killer] == _x) then {         _currVal = call (compile format["counter%1 = counter%1 + 1; counter%1", _x]);     };     if(_currVal == civDeathLimit) then {         [_x] execVM "armCivilians.sqf";         // remove the following 3 lines if you want the         // civs to be able to go mad at more than one faction         // an alternative to setting all counters higher than the limit, is to remove the "killed"-ehs from the remaining civ units.         counterWest = 5;         counterEast = 5;         counterGuer = 5;     }; } forEach ["WEST","EAST","GUER"]; In the script 'armCivilians.sqf' you can go on now on your own, with arming them and telling them to attack the new enemys ( the value (_this select 0) holds the side that reached the limit). The command 'setFriend' doesn't seem to have any effects on the civilian side, but you can order a civ unit to attack a single target with the command 'doFire'. Nice, that's exactly what I'm looking for. On the civ-side not attacking, yeah I know that but I was thinking about placing the civilian units under guer, set guer friendly to all at the beginning and then use your script. And as far as I understand your script from reading it once, I just drop the "counterGuer = 0;" from the init. Is that correct?
  5. Is it possible to check who killed how many members of a different side? as in "killedby"? what i want to do is have a script activating whenever one of two factions shoot a civilian and after a certain number of dead civilians i want a script to run that arms the civilians and sets them hostile to the faction that hits the kill-counter first...
  6. is it possible to override the viewdistance set by addons like instantviewdistance? i want to use a scripted viewdistance-tool and max it out at 3.5km. but with instantviewdistance i can ignore the inmission tool and set it to 10km anyway, which is way too much
  7. Specter

    Editor Database

    i'm looking for the magazine-name for the warfare static aa-launcher (stinger). weapon is stingerlauncher_twice and ammo is (according to "this addeventhandler ["fired",{hint format ["%1",_this select 4]}]") m_stinger_aa, but when i try to add that as magazine i get an error
  8. Specter

    City building pack

    weeee, indoor-fighting
  9. Specter

    RPG to rifle changes

    a more realistic approach would be to make the m136 non-reloadable... which would even work with the overall timing (switch from rifle to at -> fire at -> switch back to rifle): you let the rifle hang on your chest, take the at, flip sights, fire the at, let it drop and grab your rifle... so the time from rifle to rifle would be the same BUT you'd have to wait longer for the at-shot. and i'd get rid of a reloadable 1-shot-weapon btw sorry if this misses the threads point, i just hate that m136-reloading
  10. Specter

    Does a unit have a weapon?

    this is a wild guess, you'll have to test it yourself: use "weapons" to create an array of the weapons the unit has and then check if it's empty. in case you count handgreandes as weapons too (arma doesnt) you have to check that with the "magazines"-array
  11. Specter

    What is Battleye for?

    oh i know one... it's a combination of remote desktop software and remote controlled shotguns aimed at the heads of the players... pity it's illegal in most countries...
  12. Specter


    according to globalsecurity.org the apache wasn't in service until 1986 and wikipedia states, that the ah64-a saw first combat in 1989
  13. don't know if this has been mentioned before, but i played devils cross yesterday and after catching one round from a t72 i started bleeding in my a10 and couldnt get out to fix myself... so could it be possible to either turn off bleeding while in a vehicle or be able to do first aid in vehicles (maybe with a lower chance of success)?
  14. Specter

    Advanced Combat Environment

    yeah, that's what i ment... and maybe, just maybe there is a workaround that can abort the animation (like the farp-building in evo, when you start the farping and get in a vehicle, it aborts the animation and just build the farp...)
  15. Specter

    Advanced Combat Environment

    You should always get in cover before reloading. The "can't move while reloading" is intentional. It teaches you to be more careful. ok, what about you get in cover on a roof, with 2 feet of concrete between you and the known enemy and the next 100% cover 5 minutes run away. imo it's kind of decent cover, good enough to risk a reload, so you grab your empty m136 (oh, i hate this) and want to reload. and just when you pressed the button some jerk comes around a corner 50 metres away from you that was supposed to be covered by a squad that has been annihilated by a grenade. in real life you would drop the tube (ok, you wouldn't even have the tube in real life) and hit the roof (even tho it's on fire). in arma you get shot and die.