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Firefox aiming for a download record

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Quote[/b] ]Version 3 of the popular Firefox web browser is going on general release on 17 June.

Wide take-up of the new version would further boost the market share of the browser which is currently used by about 15% of net users.

With the release, Firefox developer Mozilla is attempting to set a record for the most downloads over 24 hours.

"It's a global effort to make history," said Paul Kim, head of marketing at Mozilla.

Net gains

So far Mozilla has not said exactly when on 17 June the attempt to break the record will begin.

"There is actually no record for the greatest amount of software downloaded in one day, so for 24 hours from the moment we push the bits live, that's when the countdown starts," he said.

Mr Kim said Mozilla had no specific target for the number of downloads it would like to achieve on the day but racking up five million would be "awesome".

By comparison, Firefox 2.0 registered 1.6 million downloads on the day it was made available on 24 October, 2006. More than 1.3 million people have pledged to download the new version on 17 June.

BBC News

It's going to be an official Guinness World Book of Records attempt over the span of 24 hours... Can't wait to, erm, help them.

Having used the Beta version of FF3 for some weeks now I'm eager to get the new thing - the browser bar annoys me a tad since it only keeps a dozen websites listed, instead of everything entered in it, but otherwise I'm quite fin with it... it's quite smooth.

Flock isn't bad either, especially for a Facebook/YT/Flickr user, but I like my darker FF theme.

Oh and so that you could get the thing itself...


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Unless they sort their servers out they're not going to break the record, I can't even access the website.......

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works fine here, but the download speed is woeful (10kb/s) - Guess they're capping it to get as many downloading as possible. It's only 8mb, so its not a huge problem though.


spoke to soon apparently - tried to download 3, finished but exe was corrupt. Went back to the site to redownload and now its back to 'download 2.014' instead of 3.0


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Nope still can't even get on the website sad_o.gif

Can you share the download url please so I can start it downloading at least smile_o.gif

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bah you posted before I edited. Nope, gone bonkers here too. Site is slow now for me, and doesn't even show the 3.0 link anymore, as its gone back to 2.014.

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LOL oh well, guess I'll get it in the morning when America sleeps smile_o.gif

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Quote[/b] ]Paul Statham to Firefox

show details 21:51 (22 minutes ago)

That's all well and good, but your website is dead......

Quote[/b] ]Alix Franquet to me

show details 22:10 (3 minutes ago)


Hi Paul,

we've been having a few technical glitches because of the high traffic to the site, but you should now be able to download Firefox 3 here:


- there's a 24 hour window to download, so if it doesn't work right away, you can check it out later

- if you still see a download for Firefox 2, you should hit refresh to get the latest version of the page

Here's the announcement: http://blog.mozilla.com/blog/2008/06/17/download-day-is-here/

You can also follow this live at air.mozilla.com


PS: details on the technical issues are here: http://blog.mozilla.com/blog/2008/06/17/firefox-3-coming-soon/

Nice smile_o.gif

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do like the new layout and feel. The bigger 'back' button is a nice touch too, and it certainly does feel a lot faster.

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do like the new layout and feel. The bigger 'back' button is a nice touch too, and it certainly does feel a lot faster.

Hmm actually I think its kinda slower then v2, especially when loading pictures...dunno seems like rc3, I will test it more later...

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hadn't tried pictures, but after a quick buzz in google, primeportal and the CP thread I think picture wise its about the same. The main difference being, it seems, is that now it appears to cache the entire image and THEN show it, rather than v2 where it loaded it in.

In that way it may appear a bit slower perhaps? I never tried RC3 though.

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Were you redirected to RC page at 1st start?

Kinda odd, they didnt refresh the page obviously crazy_o.gif

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yes, I was redirected to the 'welcome to release candidate 3'

had to double check your link at first, until I guessed that they'd forgotten to take that out of the installer/update the page biggrin_o.gif

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Downloading at 2Kbs, must be popular! Can't wait for this version to be finally released! smile_o.gif

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Guest Ti0n3r

Just got it. New version rocks firefoxlover.gif

Faster in general and it also seems to be better optimized, if you know what I mean.

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Ha, first post with FF3. wink_o.gif Looking good so far, will see if it is really better the next days... I guess. whistle.gif

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Downloaded it there. I have been using the Beta versions so I havent been blown over by any mad changes :P Hopefully it wont crash as much!

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After my initial frustration at having to visit my most-viewed pages a few times in order to get them back at the top of the address bar list; I'm liking the new version of Firefox very much.

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Seems ok so far, one thing I don't like is that the search window in the toolbar is using Google.se and I can't find any way to change it to google.co.uk sad_o.gif

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I do not like the address bar at all anymore, I had the list of sites I always visited on the address bar now it shows every page I have been on in there its like internet explorer I hope there will be module or download that allows the Address bar back to the original its a pain to put all my favorite websites' homepages in my bookmarks

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Worried what addresses the wife/girlfriend/mother might find eh? wink_o.gif

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Worried what addresses the wife/girlfriend/mother might find eh? wink_o.gif

Hehehe, "awesomebar" becomes then "lethalbar" tounge2.gif

I like the new version very much. Everything looks smoother, faster etc.

I'm hoping this expertise gets applicated to a new thunderbird too.

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Seems ok so far, one thing I don't like is that the search window in the toolbar is using Google.se and I can't find any way to change it to google.co.uk sad_o.gif

I found a workaround to fix the issue, installed the "Add to search bar" addon, then opened Google.co.uk, right clicked and added to search bar, then went to C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Application Data\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\9ox5a4xc.default\searchplugins and cut google.xml and pasted it over the one in C:\Program Files (x86)\Mozilla Firefox\searchplugins and it works perfectly, now searches co.uk just as I like smile_o.gif

Only thing I'm missing now is tabbrowser preferences, completely breaks tabbed browsing if I try to use it and there's no newer version sad_o.gif

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