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Compact Fix Pack for ArmA v1.14C

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<span style='font-size:11pt;line-height:100%'>   Compact Fix Pack for ArmA v1.14G</span>


v1.14G - thanks to the Community for the input, exclusively to Alienmad462, Dwarden, stivik and i0n0s!

I've fixed most of my own old config errors, mostly in XEH coding. Camels won't fire flares anymore.

- ZGB_AdditionalWeapons: useful templates of vehicle weapons and magazines classes for addonmakers. Explore the addon's config for more.

- ZGB_BMPCommanderFix: says for itself. Hold space to manage weapons and select targets.

- ZGB_Collisions: driver/cargo bug seems to be unfixable. BIS - please hardcode collision eventhandler in ArmA 2...

- ZGB_DeathCam: fix for listen server - now addon works only in single player games

- ZGB_Flares: script automatically detects whether the missile's classname is ending with AA or SA to decide whether to spoof it or not

- ZGB_MES: MP effects, little conditions and realism improvement, Kamov's rotor blades fully binarized and error free. Please read the license at the end of readme file.

- ZGB_Pontoons: I was fighting against "getPosASL over structure" bug... and finally I solved it. It helps most of carrier disembarking situations smile_o.gif

- ZGB_Weapons: Vikhr has the airLock turned on again, but also decreased maneuvrability.

- ZGB_x_Faces: fixed the nasty configuration bug. Added Civilian (same as RACS) and US versions (statistical fix, however it's a shame there are no Asian nor Semit lookalikes).

- ZGB_Vehicles: removed IR signature for pontoons. No longer hunting them with Sidewinders.

- configuration folder changed to ArmA\DTA\userconfig (previously HPP or DTA)

Attention for server admins: new bikey (I lost old bikeys due to Windows failure).

Thanks for reports and suggestions so far!

Scroll down for download link!


<span style='font-size:11pt;line-height:100%'>Version history</span>


v1.14F2 - thanks to i0n0s, Q and GDT Team!

- ZGB_Collisions: slightly improved MP code, still far from ideal but at least does work sometimes. PublicVariableEventHandler functionality not implemented yet.

- ZGB_Pontoons: fixed typo in function

- ZGB_Seatbelts: fixed stringtable and improved function conditions

- ZGB_VLD: fixed config typo (void exclusion)

v1.14F - thanks go to Issetea and Fewo!

- ZGB_Collisions: clientside road accidents and overruns handling. Solution by Issetea and Fewo (Sahrani Life). Although MP announcement system is prepared, global announcement needs testing.

- ZGB_DeathCam: inspired by one of the OFP FFUR 2007 mod's features

- ZGB_Flares: code improvements

- ZGB_MES: ejected pilots are set in the direction of plane, improved Ka-50 ejection effect

- ZGB_Seatbelts: don't forget to fasten them

- ZGB_WarfareSoundFix: for those who are missing Warfare sounds due to developer's mistake (sounds[]={"please","dont","use","it","anymore"})

- changed folder for setting file (HPP instead of DTA)

v1.14E - thanks go to everybody involved in improvement of my patch!

- ZGB_ConfigFix: splitted into few parts, following suggestion of layne_suhr! Thanks!

- ZGB_Horn_QG: horns for armed cars from Queens Gambit

- ZGB_MES: fixed Kamov parachute lethal deletion when ejecting at low altitudes in MP (parachute is now created locally)

- ZGB_Radar_GPS: renamed to ZGB_HUD

- improved config

- improved MP code

- changed modfolder name to help updates

v1.14D - Big thanks to Sickboy and MadDogX on this release!


- ZGB_ConfigFix: fixed thanks to Sickboy!

- ZGB_Flares: interfering with Franze's F-18 sounds, separated ZGB_Flares_Settings from ZGB_Flares to increase security

- ZGB_MES: added Ka-50 disconnecting rotor blades effect

- many minor fixes

- improved MP code

v1.14C - more minor fixes and some advertisement

- ZGB_Flares: tweaked Chickening, dependant on skill and speed, further minor fixes

- ZGB_MES: fixed ejection sound, other minor fixes, splitted into ZGB_MES and ZGB_Pontoons

- ZGB_Pontoons: aircrews will automatically disembark from the raft when close enough to / on the land

- improved MP code

- new way of handling .hpp configuration file

v1.14B - many minor fixes, too many to count... for example ZGB_RACS_Faces and ZGB_SLA_Faces can work together.

New elements:

- ZGB_Flares: Franze's Flares

- ZGB_Horn: horns for armed cars

- ZGB_MES: Mandoble's Ejection Seats

- ZGB_Radar_GPS: refreshed old GUI addon

- ZGB_VLD: Vehicle Laser Designator

- ZGB_VNV: Vehicle Nightvision

Most important: You'll need Extended Eventhandlers to run the new addons.

Thanks on this release go to Franze, Frederf, Mandoble, Solus and William1!

v1.14 - (yes, 1.14 as the 1.2 wasn't really done) more simple improvements based on various people's work. I remember at least Chops, Karaya and Solus - thank you!

- Yeb's Grenade Name Fix is excluded from the Fix as it wasn't working - obtain the original Yeb's GNF!

- Language Fix is now fully working

- fixed grid zoom levels

- AI is no longer sniping aircraft pilots out and engages aircrafts better

- Laser scanner enabled for some aircrafts, the Vikhrs may lock on laser designated target

- M1A1's HEAT got airLock = 1 (I heard that it may be used against enemy helicopters...) the AI does not seem to use it anyways

- Redone RACS / SLA Nationality fix (updated method)

"v1.2" - Yeb's Grenade Name Fix is oficially included into pack

v1.1 - Separated Queens Gambit map fix


<span style='font-size:11pt;line-height:100%'>Contents of the pack</span>


The final pack v1.14G contains 26 .pbo files:

- ZGB_AdditionalWeapons.pbo

Adds weapon and magazine classes ready to be used by addonmakers.

Addon is completely independent to other parts of Compact Fix.

- ZGB_BMPCommanderFix.pbo

Enables radio commands menu for BMP commander's position. Hold spacebar and press [F] to switch weapons.

Addon affects locally created vehicles.

- ZGB_Collisions.pbo

Clientside road accidents and overruns handling. Currently does nothing but adds rating - better avoid running your teammates over.

Thanks for solution to Issetea and Fewo.

Addon is fully clientside.

- ZGB_DeathCam.pbo

"Death camera" effect. Fully optional.

Addon doesn't work in MP.

- ZGB_Flares.pbo

Improved Franze's countermeasures system, featuring more random effects dependant on "fear factor".

MP Fair - you can spoof remote incoming missiles, but local missiles fired at remote aircrafts will be spoofed too. Fully remote events won't be affected.

Thanks go to Franze, william1 and Frederf!

Requires XEH.

Addon is fully clientside.

- ZGB_Flares_Settings.pbo

You can change class exlusion for aircrafts in ZGB_Flares using this addon and HPP\ZGB_Flares_Settings.hpp (file that comes with the archive).

Thanks to Sickboy and MadDogX!

This addon is optional, You don't have to use it.

Requires ZGB_Flares_Settings.hpp file present in Your ArmA\Dta directory.

Addon is fully clientside.

- ZGB_Grid.pbo

100/1000 grids and 6 digit military coordinates system for Sahrani, Southern Sahrani and Rahmadi.

Thanks to Jinef!

Addon is fully clientside. However I suggest all clients and server to have this enabled.

- ZGB_Grid_QG.pbo

100/1000 grids and 6 digit military coordinates system for Porto and United Sahrani.

Thanks to Jinef!

Requires Queens Gambit.

Addon is fully clientside. However I suggest all clients and server to have this enabled.

- ZGB_Horn.pbo

Adds horns to driver position for armed M939, HMMWVs and UAZs.

There's minor animation bug with UAZ driver swapping position with gunner.

Addon affects locally created vehicles.

- ZGB_Horn_QG.pbo

Adds horns to driver position for Queens Gambit armed cars.

Requires Queens Gambit.

Addon affects locally created vehicles.

- ZGB_HUD.pbo

Modifies position and appearance of GPS and IR Scanner.

Addon is fully clientside.

- ZGB_LanguageFix.pbo and ZGB_LanguageFix_Bin.pbo

Multilingual vehicle and weapon designation fix. It's made similar way as my previous one Polish language fix. Languages affected:

English, Czech, German, Polish, Russian, French, Spanish, Italian.

Polish players would also have some bonuses like better radio stringtable or Armory comments for civilian cars.

Addon is fully clientside.

- ZGB_Magazines.pbo

That addon changes ammo count for M1A1's M240 and Mi-17's six UB-32 launchers to their real values.

For missions like Berzerk needs to run on server. Addon affects locally created vehicles.

- ZGB_MES.pbo

Adds ejection effect to BIS jets and Ka-50, effect of disconnecting rotor blades for Hokum (please read the license at the end of this file)

Based on modified Mandoble's ejection script.

Thanks to Mandoble!

Requires XEH.

Addon is fully clientside.

- ZGB_Pontoons.pbo

Life saving pontoons for all aircrews ejected over sea! Based on highly modified Mando's ejection script. Credits go to Mandoble!!!

Requires XEH.

Addon is fully clientside.

- ZGB_RACS_Faces.pbo, ZGB_Civilian_Faces.pbo, ZGB_SLA_Faces.pbo, ZGB_US_Faces.pbo

RACS one excludes black faces from RACS soldiers, Civilians one does same, US one reduces their percentage to a more realistic level. SLA one adds them to SLA troops.

Suggested combinations: RACS-Civilian-US or SLA only, as they act completely opposite. I've recently fixed the class bug.

Thanks to Alienmad462 for doing the thing unstuck.

Addon affects locally created vehicles.

- ZGB_Seatbelts.pbo

Seatbelt propaganda. Fully optional, as it does more damage to You when You forget to do fasten them. That's the only purpose of this addon.

Addon is fully clientside.

- ZGB_Vehicles.pbo

Enables laser scanners for aircrafts and assault helicopters, makes AI stop sniping crew out of aircrafts, tweaks sweeping for helicopters, disables IR signature of pontoons.

Thanks to PROPER Studios and Solus!

Requires ZGB_Weapons.

Addon is fully clientside, but also should be running on server.

- ZGB_VLD.pbo

Use it to enable laser designators for local attack helicopters (AH-1, AH-6 and Ka-50).

Based on same concept as Solus, done independently at the beginning of the 2008 year.

Requires XEH, ZGB_Vehicles and ZGB_Weapons.

Addon is designed to run only clientside as it alters muzzle in 12Rnd_Vikhr_Ka50 magazine class and, to be honest, AI can't put VLD in good use.

- ZGB_VNV.pbo

Press your "Compass" key while doing night missions in armored vehicle or airplane.

Compatible with and based on s-Hole's NightVision.

Thanks to s-Hole!

Requires XEH.

Addon is fully clientside.

- ZGB_WarfareSoundFix.pbo

For people encountering "Missing sound..." when playing Warfare. Fixed developer's bug of using OFP style array sounds[] in cfgSounds.

- ZGB_Weapons.pbo

Core of Compact Fix. Contains AI tweaks for use of AT and automatic rifles, improves 2A42 and Su-34's S8 launchers rate of fire, disables optics enforcement and IR tracking of static weapons. Provides support of ammo & weapon definitions for ZGB_VLD.

I took additional config settings from SLX mod's Vehicle Laser Designator.

Thanks to Solus!

Needs to be running on server.


<span style='font-size:11pt;line-height:100%'>Installation</span>


Most addons require ArmA 1.14 and Extended EventHandlers by Solus & Killswitch

1. Disable or delete addons from previous versions of Compact Fix (@zGuba, @zCF1.14F2 etc.) to avoid version conflicts.

2. Put @zCF1.14G and Dta folders into Your ArmA directory

3. Add @zCF1.14G to your -mod=...; string in ArmA launching link.

4. If You don't have Queens Gambit, disable or delete addons with _QG.pbo filename ending.

5. Enjoy The Game!


<span style='font-size:11pt;line-height:100%'>Disclaimer</span>


Don't blame me if Your computer blows up, Your fish dies etc. because of using my addons. Use them at Your own risk.

Feel free to modify and release their contents, but credit & inform me about it and ask original creators for permission to use their content.


Download from The Workshop (1.15 MB) + ZGB_Collisions demo

Download from ArmAholic

Download from ArmedAssault.info

Download from Combat-Prison.net

Thanks for mirroring!

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Hey, Some problems in the config; you break the default BIS Class inheritance tree smile_o.gif


[*] Fixed missing "CAAir3" from requiredAddons - probably the reason why the addon ended up in new missions addons and addonsAuto arrays

[*] Fixed Updating base class M4AIM->M4GL, by ZGB_ConfigFix\config.cpp/cfgWeapons/M4A1SD/

[*] Fixed Updating base class VehicleMagazine->, by ZGB_ConfigFix\config.cpp/cfgMagazines/1200Rnd_762x51_M240/    and   Updating base class ->VehicleMagazine, by ca\hotfix\config.bin/CfgMagazines/1200Rnd_762x51_M240/

[*] Fixed Updating base class Plane->Su34, by CA\air3\su34\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Su34B/

[*] Removed unnecessary class overrides (Mostly M4 series). Changes made in classes will bleed through to classes that inherit from them. You only have to override elements of classes that are actually specified in the class in it's original config

[*] Removed unnecessary classes: <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">class Turrets;

class NewTurret;

class MainTurret;These do not belong in the Arma Config Root, as they are built up inside the CfgVehicles classes (Starting in the class All  and  AllVehicles), and should be inherited from that tree instead.

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Thank You Sickboy!!!

I made real mess in ConfigFix, adding too many things to it. There'll be another update soon!

(to tell the truth, I didn't took too much care about it in this release...)

notworthy.gif  notworthy.gif  notworthy.gif

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  (zGuba @ June 05 2008,21:04) said:
Thank You Sickboy!!!

I made real mess in ConfigFix, adding too many things to it. There'll be another update soon!

notworthy.gif  notworthy.gif  notworthy.gif

Np mate, awesome stuff none the less! smile_o.gif

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Version 1.14D is up!


- added Ka-50 disconnecting rotor blades effect!

- fixed ConfigFix, thanks to Sickboy!

- many minor fixes

- not interfering with Franze's F-18 sounds

- improved MP code

- separated ZGB_Flares_Settings.pbo from ZGB_Flares to increase security


Download from OFP.pl (1.14 MB)

I need help with:

- MP tests - I own only one computer capable of running ArmA on it and only one ArmA copy smile_o.gif

- Configuration file for flares - it deserves to be working!

- Particle work - that makes me fully confused.

- Reports and suggestions.

- Modelling work - canopys and proper ejecton seats (ACES/K36/K37?),

- Perfected Kamov's rotor blade model. I cut them out from BIS Ka-50 p3d without any deeper work...

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Just fixed some typos in 1.14D. Please redownload if got the very first one.

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cant tell if it´s this mod or the new cold war marines stuff by fishkopp that causes this but..

i go from 480mb to 1.13gb in PF usage when starting arma with the 1.14D fix... wich ofcourse makes the game lag a bit

didnt notice it before with the 1.14C fix so it´s a "new" problem...

any ideas?

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When playing in the kamov using the 1.14d compact fix i got this error every time i clicked the "preview" button with a kamov on the map


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  (the_shadow @ June 08 2008,00:43) said:
cant tell if it´s this mod or the new cold war marines stuff by fishkopp that causes this but..

i go from 480mb to 1.13gb in PF usage when starting arma with the 1.14D fix... wich ofcourse makes the game lag a bit

didnt notice it before with the 1.14C fix so it´s a "new" problem...

any ideas?

Not connected to my addon, just checked it;

  (layne_suhr @ June 08 2008,10:03) said:
When playing in the kamov using the 1.14d compact fix i got this error every time i clicked the "preview" button with a kamov on the map


Please redownload from my FTP - that was the typo in ZGB_VLD I've fixed. Should be (local _vehicle) instead of (local this).

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Any chance you could remove the 6 digit map code??? I am too used to the 2 letter 2 digit code and so is all the people in the clan i am in who use this addon.

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Well, I could separate it. But don't expect it for tomorrow.

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Do i need to use and/or modify the flare settings file in dta folder to use it for all aircraft?

Thx for this addon, great work.

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It should be working as described there:

- if ZGB_Flares_Enabled in .hpp file is array then only aircrafts of classes described there will have flares. ("disabled by default")

- If ZGB_Flares_Enabled is not an array, then the script tries to access ZGB_Flares_Disabled, and all planes and helicopters except of those in array will have flares. ("enabled by default")

- The script's default behaviour (when there's no ZGB_Flares_Settings.pbo file or no valid array is defined in .hpp file) is "enabled by default" for all aircraft & helicopter classes except of parachutes and BIS Camels (excluded both in script and extended eventhandler).

  (spangg @ June 08 2008,17:19) said:
Do i need to use and/or modify the flare settings file in dta folder to use it for all aircraft?

Thx for this addon, great work.

So You don't even have to use ZGB_Flares_Settings to have this enabled for all aircrafts smile_o.gif

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Just want to say thanks for this, zGuba!

you put a lot of effort in your work and as far as I could test it it's all working out very well!

For stability and consistency reasons the addons should be loaded by the dedicated server, as far as I can tell (not that I know anything about it) - can this be confirmed?

I'm currently updating the guide - thank you, zGuba!

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I didn't tested it on dedi - not enough hardware xD

Got 3 and only 3 points on next update:

- parachutes in MES should be initiated by CreateVehicleLocal instead of CreateVehicle, not sure if this can help low altitude Ka-50 ejections in MP

- Need fixing blade:

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">Warning: zgb_mes\ka50_blade.p3d:1 Error while trying to generate ST for points: 42, 28, 41

Warning: zgb_mes\ka50_blade.p3d:1 Error while trying to generate ST for points: 7, 6, 27

Warning: zgb_mes\ka50_blade.p3d:1 Error while trying to generate ST for points: 41, 28, 7

Warning: zgb_mes\ka50_blade.p3d:1 Error while trying to generate ST for points: 41, 7, 27

Warning: zgb_mes\ka50_blade.p3d:2 Error while trying to generate ST for points: 1, 17, 26

Warning: zgb_mes\ka50_blade.p3d:2 Error while trying to generate ST for points: 1, 26, 18

Warning: zgb_mes\ka50_blade.p3d:3.5 Error while trying to generate ST for points: 1, 12, 20

Warning: zgb_mes\ka50_blade.p3d:3.5 Error while trying to generate ST for points: 1, 20, 13

Warning: zgb_mes\ka50_blade.p3d:7 Error while trying to generate ST for points: 5, 2, 6

Warning: zgb_mes\ka50_blade.p3d:7 Error while trying to generate ST for points: 7, 6, 2

Warning: zgb_mes\ka50_blade.p3d:7 Error while trying to generate ST for points: 0, 8, 1

Warning: zgb_mes\ka50_blade.p3d:7 Error while trying to generate ST for points: 9, 1, 8

Anybody keen on it? I have no idea what to do with this one

- Separate 6-digit maps from main config fix (as suggested)

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  [b said:
Quote[/b] ]Warning: zgb_mes\ka50_blade.p3d:1 Error while trying to generate ST for points: 42, 28, 41

Warning: zgb_mes\ka50_blade.p3d:1 Error while trying to generate ST for points: 7, 6, 27

Warning: zgb_mes\ka50_blade.p3d:1 Error while trying to generate ST for points: 41, 28, 7

Warning: zgb_mes\ka50_blade.p3d:1 Error while trying to generate ST for points: 41, 7, 27

Warning: zgb_mes\ka50_blade.p3d:2 Error while trying to generate ST for points: 1, 17, 26

Warning: zgb_mes\ka50_blade.p3d:2 Error while trying to generate ST for points: 1, 26, 18

Warning: zgb_mes\ka50_blade.p3d:3.5 Error while trying to generate ST for points: 1, 12, 20

Warning: zgb_mes\ka50_blade.p3d:3.5 Error while trying to generate ST for points: 1, 20, 13

Warning: zgb_mes\ka50_blade.p3d:7 Error while trying to generate ST for points: 5, 2, 6

Warning: zgb_mes\ka50_blade.p3d:7 Error while trying to generate ST for points: 7, 6, 2

Warning: zgb_mes\ka50_blade.p3d:7 Error while trying to generate ST for points: 0, 8, 1

Warning: zgb_mes\ka50_blade.p3d:7 Error while trying to generate ST for points: 9, 1, 8

Simply binarize your P3Ds and these messages won't appear again.

You would get the same error messages with BIS MLODs.



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  (The.D @ June 09 2008,21:08) said:
Just want to say thanks for this, zGuba!

you put a lot of effort in your work and as far as I could test it it's all working out very well!

For stability and consistency reasons the addons should be loaded by the dedicated server, as far as I can tell (not that I know anything about it) - can this be confirmed?

I'm currently updating the guide - thank you, zGuba!

I've designated addon to be fully client side (Flares are fair - while not affecting remote events, it should work both on missiles fired on Your plane and fired by you) although I suggest running it on server.

The ConfigFix is gonna be splitted into few parts (f. e. ammo count that could make f. e. Berzerk "unbalanced", no matter how that "balance" does look In Real Life)

  (thunderbird84 @ June 10 2008,10:05) said:
  [b said:
Quote[/b] ]Warning: zgb_mes\ka50_blade.p3d:1 Error while trying to generate ST for points: 42, 28, 41

Warning: zgb_mes\ka50_blade.p3d:1 Error while trying to generate ST for points: 7, 6, 27

Warning: zgb_mes\ka50_blade.p3d:1 Error while trying to generate ST for points: 41, 28, 7

Warning: zgb_mes\ka50_blade.p3d:1 Error while trying to generate ST for points: 41, 7, 27

Warning: zgb_mes\ka50_blade.p3d:2 Error while trying to generate ST for points: 1, 17, 26

Warning: zgb_mes\ka50_blade.p3d:2 Error while trying to generate ST for points: 1, 26, 18

Warning: zgb_mes\ka50_blade.p3d:3.5 Error while trying to generate ST for points: 1, 12, 20

Warning: zgb_mes\ka50_blade.p3d:3.5 Error while trying to generate ST for points: 1, 20, 13

Warning: zgb_mes\ka50_blade.p3d:7 Error while trying to generate ST for points: 5, 2, 6

Warning: zgb_mes\ka50_blade.p3d:7 Error while trying to generate ST for points: 7, 6, 2

Warning: zgb_mes\ka50_blade.p3d:7 Error while trying to generate ST for points: 0, 8, 1

Warning: zgb_mes\ka50_blade.p3d:7 Error while trying to generate ST for points: 9, 1, 8

Simply binarize your P3Ds and these messages won't appear again.

You would get the same error messages with BIS MLODs.



I hope that it won't spoil the model smile_o.gif I'm keeping having weird issues with binarised models like infinite vertices on whole screen.

Thanks for assistance!

EDIT: unfortunately binarising the model makes the whole screen obscured in these vertices when deployed that p3d sad_o.gif

Binarising error log:

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">Singular mapping: ca\air\data\ka50_03_co.paa, u 20.5505 x v 10.0229, AoT 25

Warnings in c:\gry\arma\zgb_fix_1.14d2\@zguba\addons\zgb_mes\ka50_blade.p3d:1

Singular mapping: ca\air\data\ka50_03_co.paa, u 20.5505 x v 10.0229, AoT 25

Warnings in c:\gry\arma\zgb_fix_1.14d2\@zguba\addons\zgb_mes\ka50_blade.p3d:2

Singular mapping: ca\air\data\ka50_03_co.paa, u 523.106 x v 8.06952, AoT 25

Warnings in c:\gry\arma\zgb_fix_1.14d2\@zguba\addons\zgb_mes\ka50_blade.p3d:3.5

Singular mapping: ca\air\data\ka50_03_co.paa, u 508.34 x v 8.00194, AoT 25

Warnings in c:\gry\arma\zgb_fix_1.14d2\@zguba\addons\zgb_mes\ka50_blade.p3d:7

Singular mapping: ca\air\data\ka50_03_co.paa, u 148.62 x v 8.30681, AoT 25

Warnings in c:\gry\arma\zgb_fix_1.14d2\@zguba\addons\zgb_mes\ka50_blade.p3d:10

Could somebody binarise it for me? Actual P3D on PM.

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