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M1114 Uparmored

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Well here is what I have added. And Im still adding stuff.all LOD's are going well. Armor valus are good. I have it where it can take 1 rpg hit an not kill any of the crewmen but disables the vehicle. Thinking about adding sirens for the driver. Oh an the Rhino thingy will be able move it either in the up pos or down. But mainly trying to get that real M1151 look with the help from others.


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There are relatively few individual addons that get me interested in firing up Armed Assault again. But this is definitely one.

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Very very very nice...thanks.

But please, leave them as standalone addons.

Regards and good work

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Very nice, keep up the good work...

What about windows on those turrets ? I mean, are you going to color them like this ?


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About the windows they will have a lil tint to them but will be clear an Im almost positive that those windows you are referring to is just thick glass. Thats where the green tint comes from.But i can be wrong.


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About the windows they will have a lil tint to them but will be clear an Im almost positive that those windows you are referring to is just thick glass. Thats where the green tint comes from.But i can be wrong.

The green tint is enhanced by the combination of polycarbonate and polyurethane layers with the thickness glass. When the light passes thru these custom manufactured layers the UV particles more or less "excite" something with in them. They also serve a similar function as contact lenses by correcting the slight diffraction that can occur when light passes thru very thick glass. This slight diffraction is also what excites the molecules in the layersand in the process reflecting the light so it is straightened as it exits the glass and into the eye. The end result is a tinting effect and in this case the color has other tactical benefits as well.

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About the windows they will have a lil tint to them but will be clear an Im almost positive that those windows you are referring to is just thick glass. Thats where the green tint comes from.But i can be wrong.

The green tint is enhanced by the combination of polycarbonate and polyurethane layers with the thickness glass. When the light passes thru these custom manufactured layers the UV particles more or less "excite" something with in them. They also serve a similar function as contact lenses by correcting the slight diffraction that can occur when light passes thru very thick glass. This slight diffraction is also what excites the molecules in the layersand in the process reflecting the light so it is straightened as it exits the glass and into the eye. The end result is a tinting effect and in this case the color has other tactical benefits as well.

The tint doesnt allways show up.. on the 18 photos I took of the uparmored hmmwvs none of them had the tint on the thick windows.

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VXR: I would like to see those photos, is there any website for them or link ? Only if you want and can show them, thanks. notworthy.gif

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About the windows they will have a lil tint to them but will be clear an Im almost positive that those windows you are referring to is just thick glass. Thats where the green tint comes from.But i can be wrong.

The green tint is enhanced by the combination of polycarbonate and polyurethane layers with the thickness glass. When the light passes thru these custom manufactured layers the UV particles more or less "excite" something with in them. They also serve a similar function as contact lenses by correcting the slight diffraction that can occur when light passes thru very thick glass. This slight diffraction is also what excites the molecules in the layersand in the process reflecting the light so it is straightened as it exits the glass and into the eye. The end result is a tinting effect and in this case the color has other tactical benefits as well.

The tint doesnt allways show up.. on the 18 photos I took of the uparmored hmmwvs none of them had the tint on the thick windows.

As it shouldn't. It's just an optical illusion the camera lens pulls off. It depends on the angle, the lighting, etc. of the shot and having the sky in the back ground thru the windows helps greatly.

Normally a picture that is looking somewhat straight thru the windows should not have it. That sky should be the culprit.

But this being said, exactly what I said in the initial post is correct. That process is what lead that picture to have a green tint.

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Very nice, keep up the good work...

What about windows on those turrets ? I mean, are you going to color them like this ?


IMHO it's really whatever he wants to make as there are a couple different styles of turret shields with glass. I've seen multiple configurations myself.

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I think the windows should be tinted slightly with blue/green like you see in Iraq.

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Not all the windows have blue green tint...... and not all the turrets have windows..... mine didnt.

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the ones i have seen were the latest versions made, they did not have any windows tinted.

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As someone whos family business sells the same bullet proof lexan glass in its drive-thru windows as is provided to the uparmored hummers (I was formerly in charge of that division before starting my own business) I will tell you that in fact its not really a tint, but just a product of the angle of the picture and the thickness of the glass. It does in fact look tinted but it is just the light being distorted by the thickness. close up the gless will appear clear and straight on up close it appears clear, but it is double thickness and that does affect the way light passes through it (prism like). I took a piece of ours today and took it in the sun and it appeared blueish when i tilted it. but inside the building under normal indoor office lighting it appeared perfectly clear. It should be noted as well that the sides of the glass are completely opaque and bluish gray....this I have no doublt would create that effect. However i trust WLD427 as he has spent 2 tours in Iraq in one of these and would know if perhaps a coating was added. I just know what I have seen and know that the manufacturer, who makes this stuff could not meet our demands for the glass at one point because of the uparmouring demand for IRAQ. Hope this helps.


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HEY! Where did you get that M88 recovery vehicled from in the background of the last photo??? wow_o.gif


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HEY! Where did you get that M88 recovery vehicled from in the background of the last photo???    wow_o.gif


I dont think the moderators like the shouting wink_o.gif it also wont make the addon be released any faster.

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I didnt realize I was shouting lol  rofl.gif

Whoz releasing it? Is it part of the uparmored hummer release?

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Nice Project I´m not sure if this is mentioned before but

I got a whish maybe it is possible to make some smokelaunchers which work. I think would be a nice adition though.

Keep up the good work


[uKF-SF] Sonnette [Msgt]

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Coming along brilliantly guys, looking forward to more updates or a release.


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I will upload the M1151 somewhere later today. Soon as I find somewhere to send it to be shared. Maybe someone knows who I should talk to. But its not a finished addon. just another unfinished project thats being worked on.

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