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Should Arma2 be called "Arma2"?

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Is this final yet? The only reason I ask is because potential buyers are obviously going to think "Did I need to play the first one?" which will effect the game's sales. Not to mention, the 1.0 version of Arma was no golden egg (now the game is really good with a lot less problems than vanilla 1.0), so players that bought Arma1 and didn't play it long enough - before the patches started rolling out, may reconsider not buying Arma2.

Example: Flashpoint > Gamespot 9.0 > Potential Buyer "This game looks good!" > Buys game.

Example 2: Arma2 > Gamespot 9.0 > Potential Buyer "Do I need to play the first one to play the second? > Checks Arma1 reviews > Sees the negatives and assumes the same for Arma2 > Doesn't buy game.

An interview with Suma a while back suggested that "The future of BIS and Arma2 depends on the sales of Arma2, along with the amount of patches it gets, if no one buys it, we wont patch it". I want Arma2 to do well, so BIS can at least feel that they can continue the work they've been doing.

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Well, in the other thread I suggested Arma II with roman numerals rather than the number, because "arma" is the Latin word for weapon.

I guess that's not as big of a change as you had in mind. biggrin_o.gif

As far giving Arma 2 a completely new name... it has it's pros and cons. Either way people will find out about Arma, (that could be a good or bad thing), and in the end I don't think it would have a huge influence either way.

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Im not really sure the name matters all that much... if it was named something else, people would still look up the developer and would end up checking the reviews of ArmA eventually anyway.

Its quite clear that one of the main reasons for ArmA1, aside from a money sink for BIS, was to get the ArmA name out there and build a new community around the new series, in preperation for the main BIS project, ArmA2. So any new, happy, customers BIS was able to bring in with ArmA will deffinatly help sales of ArmA2... tho Im sure ArmA chased off as many as it brought in.

Personally I would worry less about the name of the game, and more about the game itself. BIS needs to make it a game worth buying for people who own ArmA... and not some half hearted "sequal to OFP" thats basiclly a modded ArmA1. Only time will tell

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Well a good example would be (for me), "Saints Row", knowing what crap that game was (bought the game, completed 5% of the story, quit it and never played it again), no matter how hard they work on "Saints Row 2", I won't be purchasing it. The original "Saints Row" could have gotten better, but I wouldn't know because I was fed up with it, and likewise with Vanilla Arma, many people played single player, puked, and walked away. If BIS only knew how many walked away, and were able to compare that to how many came in, they then could weigh the pro's and con's.

Aside: Well I agree that Arma2 cannot be some crazed addition that mod makers could do in a week lol. Kinda like Queens Gambit, "Here you are, an island and a new weapon". When we see addon releases released everyday, I just don't see why BIS mines the community for the quality addon makers, kinda like they did for Warfare (great job by the way, CTI dude) wink_o.gif

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Quote[/b] ] just don't see why BIS mines the community for the quality addon makers, kinda like they did for Warfare (great job by the way, CTI dude)

They do. I will point the finger at Gaia and Maa, to single out but two. Even more work for BIA.

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Its probably too late but BIS should change the name otherwise alot of people will avoid it because of their early ARMA experiences.

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Guest Ti0n3r

They just have to focus on creating a good game. Take everything that made OFP so good and "next generation" it. The name doesn't matter from my point of view.

Just my stupid opinion confused_o.gif

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Its probably too late but BIS should change the name otherwise alot of people will avoid it because of their early ARMA experiences.

Good! Less whiners in the community is always a good thing. tounge2.gif

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Yes but even if it is a good game, most of the players that left initially wont take a second look. Which means, less sales - which means, less patches, which means, high chance that Arma2 is the last BIS game relating to OFP style gameplay. These are the guys that want to get out of the PC market, suggesting that PC games are dying and how they want to "get out and try other things" in radio interviews... I'm scared because then I'll be left with nothing to play lol.

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Its probably too late but BIS should change the name otherwise alot of people will avoid it because of their early ARMA experiences.

Good!  Less whiners in the community is always a good thing.  tounge2.gif

Every "whiner" is still soneone who bought the game tho... take away all of them, and you take away a very large portion of the community. As Victor pointed out... if ArmA2 dosn't sell well, the jigs up. So careful in wishing that large amounts of people don't buy the game....

Besides, you really can't call people who were mad at how bad ArmA1 was at release, whiners. People who complained about the game (at least in this situation) tended to be thoes with un-bias opinions, unlike some people on these boards who think BIS can do absolutly no wrong.

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I'd say ArmA II or call it something completely different.

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Its probably too late but BIS should change the name otherwise alot of people will avoid it because of their early ARMA experiences.

In a lot of ways i agree with this. there are people, who like me will buy it because there is nothing else to compare and for the last 7 years operation flashpoint and then armed assault are the only ones that go for the realistic stratergy etc. I know people personnaly that i convinced to buy arma (after me going on about it for about 2 years before release) were very dissapointed and wont buy the next one. I have 2 teenage boys that i have tried to enlighten but they did not like it and prefered their console cod4 (this i can work on). The point is i do think they need to change name and advertise properly because they amount of people that i meet who are into gaming but when they ask what game you playing at the moment and you reply arma huh.gif?

Sometimes its a good thing and it keeps a lot of idiots away but it would be a sad day for me if bis stopped making this type of game

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How about calling it "Arma 1 With Patches"?

It has a certain ring to it.

ArmA II isn't really the same thing as ArmA I. It was in development before ArmA I and doesn't have the same engine, etc.

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It surely has the same engine, just with some additions. Yes, it might be a later iteration of the same engine as with any series of games but looking at it, the graphics side is very similar even if some AI updates and other various tweaks mean the core is slightly changed.

My guess is that BIS scrapped the unworkable "Game 2" we saw and had to build them again from the ground up in the ArmA engine, adding things here and there. No proper physics, no walking around in vehicles, cut-down RPG elements, no dynamic destructions. I'm not having a dig at BIS as they haven't done these things for good reasons but what we were all led to believe would be in Game 2 is no longer part of it.

Just a guess, though.

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They Could Call it

"Arma II - The Red Revolution"


"Warfare - The Red Revolution"

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My guess is that BIS scrapped the unworkable "Game 2" we saw and had to build them again from the ground up in the ArmA engine, adding things here and there. No proper physics, no walking around in vehicles, cut-down RPG elements, no dynamic destructions. I'm not having a dig at BIS as they haven't done these things for good reasons but what we were all led to believe would be in Game 2 is no longer part of it.

Just a guess, though.

Yes its from the Arma Engine but you have no proof and to make supid accusations. you have no idea what there capable of, they wouldnt call it Arma 2 if it was just going to be like a arma expansion.

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Whether ArmA 2 has all of the features promised initially in the target for game 2 has little to do with whether it's the same engine as ArmA or not. I see little reason for any speculation as to whether or not it's the same engine. Any similarity between ArmA 2 and ArmA is likely due to the fact that features from ArmA 2 have trickled down into ArmA (as BIS has stated on a number of occasions).

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Well, in the other thread I suggested Arma II with roman numerals rather than the number, because "arma" is the Latin word for weapon.

"arma" is "arms" in general; encompassing weapons,

shields and armour. In poetry it refers to the profession of

arms and the vagaries of war too. "telum" is the word

specifically for "weapon". I'm sure that the contraction

"ArmA" is not inspired by Latin, though.

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i think it should be called "Armed Assault Beta" since arma 1 actually is an Alpha version full of bugs

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Well, in the other thread I suggested Arma II with roman numerals rather than the number, because "arma" is the Latin word for weapon.

"arma" is "arms" in general; encompassing weapons,

shields and armour. In poetry it refers to the profession of

arms and the vagaries of war too. "telum" is the word

specifically for "weapon". I'm sure that the contraction

"ArmA" is not inspired by Latin, though.

"Arma" does mean "weapon" in portuguese.

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Well, in the other thread I suggested Arma II with roman numerals rather than the number, because "arma" is the Latin word for weapon.

"arma" is "arms" in general; encompassing weapons,

shields and armour. In poetry it refers to the profession of

arms and the vagaries of war too. "telum" is the word

specifically for "weapon". I'm sure that the contraction

"ArmA" is not inspired by Latin, though.

"Arma" does mean "weapon" in portuguese.

I believe it's the same for Spanish.

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