[frl]myke 14 Posted May 22, 2008 @William1 Great addon mate. I've reworked the addon for Clan use (I'll not make it public in any way) so only player controlled Air vehicle will drop flares. Might be interesting for some people. It uses the same Flare_config.hpp as your original so people could switch by just selecting mod folder. Also renamed the .pbo to NoAI_Flares.pbo. If you like, i can send it to you and you may add it to your addon. I don't mind about credits since it was adding one line to one script so no big "rework". As said, i'll not release it in any way myself, just did it for internal use. If you're also interested, i might try to rework the scripts (keeping credits to Franze as initial writer and you as initial addonmaker for the standalone version) and maybe make them a little more optimized. Up to you. Mail me if you're interested: michel[dot]henkel[at]bluewin[dot]ch Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
frederf 0 Posted May 22, 2008 RPGs and AT-4's are unguided, I don't see how flares help at all against them.Do real pilots drop flares against those threats, does anybody know? Real pilots drop flares on approach and on egress of an attack run, even if no missiles are detected. Missile detectors look for small things approaching the aircraft at high speed, and will warn the pilot or do any number of automated things for you. This is what the script is simulating. Who knows if an rpg or at4 would trip one of those things. Yes, but I don't think that they turn incoming RPG's flying direction - black magic Are you serious? Does this mod turn rpgs? Yeah that's pretty wrong. How does this script work? The best way I could think to make this script is to change the current active target of the missile mid flight from the aircraft to a flare. This is basically what real flares do (I think). If that is not possible and we have to use a Romulan deflector shield method then the script needs to look at what kind of object is coming at it and decide if the flares will affect it or not. Looking into the config of the ammo fired and seeing if it has IRLock=1 or not would be the most foolproof and future proof method. I wouldn't' guess that M136/RPG7 would even trip the incoming missile event handler?! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
kuIoodporny 45 Posted May 22, 2008 RPGs and AT-4's are unguided, I don't see how flares help at all against them.Do real pilots drop flares against those threats, does anybody know? Real pilots drop flares on approach and on egress of an attack run, even if no missiles are detected. Missile detectors look for small things approaching the aircraft at high speed, and will warn the pilot or do any number of automated things for you.  This is what the script is simulating.  Who knows if an rpg or at4 would trip one of those things. Yes, but I don't think that they turn incoming RPG's flying direction - black magic  Are you serious?  Does this mod turn rpgs? Yeah that's pretty wrong. How does this script work? The best way I could think to make this script is to change the current active target of the missile mid flight from the aircraft to a flare. This is basically what real flares do (I think). If that is not possible and we have to use a Romulan deflector shield method then the script needs to look at what kind of object is coming at it and decide if the flares will affect it or not. Looking into the config of the ammo fired and seeing if it has IRLock=1 or not would be the most foolproof and future proof method. I wouldn't' guess that M136/RPG7 would even trip the incoming missile event handler?! As far as we're using ArmA missiles it's sooo hard. We'll need to take care of: - missile's direction, speed and position - target's direction, speed and position - flare's position Ahhh. And the _weaponname in vehiclechat is obsolete (systems like that IRL don't have accurate information what are they dealing with) The "direction" command is unaccurate - vectorDir is enough for us. That's my try on smoothing the countermeasures script out: <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">;Missile spoof script by Franze ;Uses elements from BAS's spoof missile script ;and from Moph's range bearing and altitude script _helo = _this select 0 _enemy = _helo select 2 _count = 0 ?(fz_f18_noscripts == 1): exit ?((_helo select 0) animationphase "ewsfail" == 1): exit ?(not alive (_helo select 0) ): exit ?(isengineon (_helo select 0)): goto "next" exit #next (_helo select 0) removeAction jammeron _weaponname = _helo select 1 _missile = nearestobject [_enemy,_weaponname] _text = format["%1", _missile] ;hint format ["Heres the Text: %1",_text] ?(_missile iskindof "R_PG7V_AT"): goto "rpg" ?(_missile iskindof "R_M136_AT"): goto "m136" ?(_missile iskindof "M_Maverick_AT"): goto "laser" ?(_missile iskindof "M_Vikhr_AT"): goto "laser" ?(_missile iskindof "M_Hellfire_AT"): goto "laser" ?(_missile iskindof "BombCore"): exit ?(_missile iskindof "LaserBombCore"): exit ?(_missile iskindof "BulletBase"): exit goto "misdir1" #rpg ~(random 0.4) (_helo select 0) vehiclechat "R P G!" exit #m136 ~(random 0.4) (_helo select 0) vehiclechat "Incoming!" exit #laser ~(random 0.5) (_helo select 0) vehiclechat "Laser tracking detected!" #misdir1 _poshelo = getpos (_helo select 0) _posenemy = getpos _missile #start _x1 = _poshelo select 0 _y1 = _poshelo select 1 _z1 = _poshelo select 2 _x2 = _posenemy select 0 _y2 = _posenemy select 1 _z2 = _posenemy select 2 _x = (_x1 - _x2) _y = (_y1 - _y2) ;;_range = ((_x^2)+(_y^2))^0.5 _range = _missile distance (_helo select 0) ? (_x>0) and (_y>0): _theta = atan (abs _x/ abs _y) +180 ? (_x>0) and (_y<0): _theta = atan (abs _y/ abs _x) +270 ? (_x<0) and (_y<0): _theta = atan (abs _x/ abs _y) ? (_x<0) and (_y>0): _theta = atan (abs _y/ abs _x) +90 ;;goto "highlowchk" _dirhelo1 = direction (_helo select 0) _theta = (360 + (_dirhelo1 - _theta))Mod 360 ?(_theta > 15 and _theta < 45): goto "eleven" ?(_theta > 45 and _theta < 75): goto "ten" ?(_theta > 75 and _theta < 105): goto "nine" ?(_theta > 105 and _theta < 135): goto "eight" ?(_theta > 135 and _theta < 165): goto "seven" ?(_theta > 165 and _theta < 195): goto "six" ?(_theta > 195 and _theta < 225): goto "five" ?(_theta > 225 and _theta < 255): goto "four" ?(_theta > 255 and _theta < 285): goto "three" ?(_theta > 285 and _theta < 315): goto "two" ?(_theta > 315 and _theta < 345): goto "one" ?(_theta > 345 and _theta < 360): goto "twelve" ?(_theta > 0 and _theta < 15): goto "twelve" #highlowchk ?(_z2 > 50): goto "high" ?(_z2 < 50): goto "low" #eleven _oclock = 11 ?(_z2 > _z1): goto "high" ?(_z2 < _z1): goto "low" goto "rndm" #ten _oclock = 10 ?(_z2 > _z1): goto "high" ?(_z2 < _z1): goto "low" goto "rndm" #nine _oclock = 9 ?(_z2 > _z1): goto "high" ?(_z2 < _z1): goto "low" goto "rndm" #eight _oclock = 8 ?(_z2 > _z1): goto "high" ?(_z2 < _z1): goto "low" goto "rndm" #seven _oclock = 7 ?(_z2 > _z1): goto "high" ?(_z2 < _z1): goto "low" goto "rndm" #six _oclock = 6 ?(_z2 > _z1): goto "high" ?(_z2 < _z1): goto "low" goto "rndm" #five _oclock = 5 ?(_z2 > _z1): goto "high" ?(_z2 < _z1): goto "low" goto "rndm" #four _oclock = 4 ?(_z2 > _z1): goto "high" ?(_z2 < _z1): goto "low" goto "rndm" #three _oclock = 3 ?(_z2 > _z1): goto "high" ?(_z2 < _z1): goto "low" goto "rndm" #two _oclock = 2 ?(_z2 > _z1): goto "high" ?(_z2 < _z1): goto "low" goto "rndm" #one _oclock = 1 ?(_z2 > _z1): goto "high" ?(_z2 < _z1): goto "low" goto "rndm" #twelve _oclock = 12 ?(_z2 > _z1): goto "high" ?(_z2 < _z1): goto "low" goto "rndm" #high ?(_missile iskindof "RocketBase"): goto "rocketshigh" ~(random 0.2) (_helo select 0) vehiclechat format ["Incoming missile %1 o'clock high %2 meters",_oclock,_range] (_helo select 0) vehicleradio "fz_f18_bp_miswarn" goto "jammeron" #low ?(_missile iskindof "RocketBase"): goto "rocketslow" ~(random 0.2) (_helo select 0) vehiclechat format ["Incoming missile %1 o'clock low %2 meters",_oclock,_range] (_helo select 0) vehicleradio "fz_f18_bp_miswarn" goto "jammeron" #rocketshigh ~(random 0.2) (_helo select 0) vehiclechat format ["Incoming FFAR %1 o'clock high %2 meters",_oclock,_range] (_helo select 0) vehicleradio "fz_f18_bp_ffarwarn" exit #rocketslow ~(random 0.2) (_helo select 0) vehiclechat format ["Incoming FFAR %1 o'clock low %2 meters",_oclock,_range] (_helo select 0) vehicleradio "fz_f18_bp_ffarwarn" exit #jammeron _rand = 20 _chance1 = 3 _chance2 = 2 #rndm (_helo select 0) removeAction jammeron ?!(local (_helo select 0)): goto "spoof" ?(flarecount <= 0): _rand = 20; _chance1 = 3; _chance2 = 2 #spoof [(_helo select 0), _missile] exec "\WLM_Flares\ECM\flarelaunch.sqs" ?(random 100 < _rand): goto "quit" @ (_missile distance (_helo select 0)) <100 #loop _heli = _helo select 0 _dm = vectorDir _missile _dmx = _dm select 0 _dmy = _dm select 1 _dmz = _dm select 2 ; for future _vm = velocity _missile _vmx = _vm select 0 _vmy = _vm select 1 _vmz = _vm select 2 _vh = velocity _heli _vhx = _vh select 0 _vhy = _vh select 1 _vhz = _vh select 2 _pm = vectorUp _missile _pmx = _pm select 0 _pmy = _pm select 1 _pmz = _pm select 2 _ph = vectorUp _heli _phx = _ph select 0 _phy = _ph select 1 _phz = _ph select 2 _vector = _pm - _ph ?(_missile iskindof "M_Maverick_AT"): exit ?(_missile iskindof "M_Vikhr_AT"): exit ?(_missile iskindof "M_Hellfire_AT"): exit _missile setvectordir [(_dmx + ((random 2) - 1) / 4), (_dmy + ((random 2) - 1) / 4), (_dmz + ((random 2) - 1) / 4)] _count =_count +1 ? _count <7:goto "loop" #quit exit CMSe.sqs Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
frederf 0 Posted May 26, 2008 I was kinda appalled by the scripting in the original script so I'd thought I'd rewrite it. It's in SQS for starters which is OFP-old and it's about 3x as long as it needs to be. Script in WIP (non-working form): flareLaunch.sqf <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">/* Missile spoof script by Frederf, based on scripts be Franza, BAS, and Moph */ //Check if script should end before it will have effect if( notalive _aircraft or notisengineon _aircraft ) then exitWith; //Defifines1: Info from event handler _aircraft = _this select 0; _ammoName = _this select 1; _shooter = _this select 2; //Defines2: Aquire missile object _missile = nearestobject [_shooter,_ammoName]; //If not a detectable missile, exit /* Temporarily disabled if( not( _missile iskindof "R_PG7V_AT" or _missile iskindof "R_M136_AT" or _missile iskindof "R_Hydra_HE" or _missile iskindof "M_Sidewinder_AA" or _missile iskindof "M_R73_AA" or _missile iskindof "M_AT5_AT" or _missile iskindof "M_TOW_AT" or _missile iskindof "M_Vikhr_AT" or _missile iskindof "M_R73_AA" or _missile iskindof "M_Stinger_AA" ) ) then exitWith; */ //Defines3: Positions and range _posAircraft = position _aircraft; _posMissile = position _missile; _x1 = _posAircraft select 0; _y1 = _posAircraft select 1; _x2 = _posMissile select 0; _y2 = _posMissile select 1; _x = (_x2 - _x1); _y = (_y2 - _y1); _range = _posMissile distance _posAircraft; //Translates range into 50m increments _range = 50 * (round (_range/50) ); //Calculate relative direction from aircraft's front to the shooter if ( _x>0) then { if (_y>0) then { _theta = atan (abs _x/ abs _y) }; if (_y<0) then { _theta = atan (abs _y/ abs _x) + 90 }; else {_theta=090}; }; if ( _x<0) then { if (_y<0) then { _theta = atan (abs _y/ abs _x) + 180 }; if (_y>0) then { _theta = atan (abs _y/ abs _x) + 270 }; else {_theta=270}; }; if (_x=0) then { if (_y>0 ) then {_theta=360}; if (_y<0 ) then {_theta=180} } else {_theta = 180}; _theta = ( _theta - direction _aircraft + 360) Mod 360; //Translate theta into clock direction _theta = _theta/30; _theta = round _theta; switch (_theta) do { case 0: {_oClock = "Twelve"}; case 1: {_oClock = "One"}; case 2: {_oClock = "Two"}; case 3: {_oClock = "Three"}; case 4: {_oClock = "Four"}; case 5: {_oClock = "Five"}; case 6: {_oClock = "Six"}; case 7: {_oClock = "Seven"}; case 8: {_oClock = "Eight"}; case 9: {_oClock = "Nine"}; case 10: {_oClock = "Ten"}; case 11: {_oClock = "Eleven"}; case 12: {_oClock = "Twelve"}; case default: {_oClock = "Unkown"}; //Activate flare launch sleep (random 0.2); _aircraft vehiclechat format ["MISSILE LAUNCH %1 o'clock. %2 meters.",_oClock,_range]; _aircraft vehicleradio "fz_f18_bp_miswarn"; for {_x=0, _x<5, _x=_x+1} do { drop["\Ca\Data\kouleSvetlo","","Billboard",0.05,10,[-1.5,1,-1],[2-random 8,0,-10],0,2.8,1,0.1,[3],[[1,1,0.3,1]],[0,1],0.1,0,"smokes.sqs","",_aircraft]; _flare = nearestobject [_aircraft,"Billboard"]; [_flare, _missile] execVM "singleFlare.sqf"; sleep 0.2; }; singleFlare.sqf <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">//Variables passed to this script _missile = _this select 0; _flare = _this select 1; while {missle == missile} do { //Direct the missile toward the flare sleep 0.1; }; So far I'm just trying to get it to work. Making into an automatic addon and such would be later. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
frederf 0 Posted May 26, 2008 I'm getting it to work except I go crosseyed when I see that this flare system just randomly jerks around the missile instead of having a probability of directing a missile at one of the flares. Also it bugged the crap out of me that whoever wrote this couldn't make the degrees and clock facings come out reasonably. They were backward and then backward again. Instead of jerking the missile around in the base flare launch script, the flare launches should (individually) be passed the missile object to that script and have an 10-50% chance of directing the enemy missile to the flare. The structure is there except I'd like someone's help on acquiring the flare object. My use of nearestObject is wrong as I have tried to test it. How do I acquire the position of the flare/billboard particle after it is created? If it is not possible to track the particle effects then perhaps it is time to make an actual solid object flare to track. All I'm missing now is the code to direct the missile into the flare and then the packaging to put it into an addon. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
wipman 1 Posted May 27, 2008 Hi, when i meant that the flares don't shine or bright by night, i was meaning this: The missiles (as you ca see there) have that brighting effect that follows 'em during theyr trip to the Tango, the flares should have a similar effect while falling. I hope that i've managed myself to explain with this f*****' english of mine's what i mean. Let's C ya Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
flashbang151 0 Posted May 27, 2008 Maybe the flares can be drop 1 second after the missile launch. To "simulate" the reaction time. Near AA-Soldiers would be more effective and dangerous. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
frederf 0 Posted May 27, 2008 Automatic flare launches don't have much "reaction time." I had a breakthrough while staring at the ceiling that I don't really have to track the flare position to achieve acceptable results. The flare is largely stationary once launched so a static position on where the plane USED to be should be sufficient for now. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mandoble 1 Posted May 27, 2008 Pilot maximum reaction time and missile awareness minimum range are factors your might really want to consider for automatic countermeasure launchers. Both of them are critical factors for Mando Missile automatic countermeasures and playing with them a plane might become quire surveillable or just the opposite. is an example using a maximum reaction time of 0 and a minimum awareness range of 1Km, this way it is quite hard to hit planes flying away of you. Increasing awareness range makes the pilot to drop flares "too" early in many situations and the missile usually re-tracks the original target, increasing maximum reaction time and decreasing minimum awareness range multiplies the chance of a kill with first shot. And you may always make both factors dependant on the skill level of the pilot. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
frederf 0 Posted May 27, 2008 <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">/* Missile spoof script by Frederf, based on scripts be Franza, BAS, and Moph */ //Check if script should end before it will have effect if( not (alive _aircraft) or not (isengineon _aircraft) ) then exitWith; //Defifines1: Info from event handler _aircraft = _this select 0; _ammoName = _this select 1; _shooter = _this select 2; //Defines2: Aquire missile object _missile = nearestobject [_shooter,_ammoName]; //If not a detectable missile, exit if( not( _missile iskindof "RocketBase" or _missile iskindof "MissileBase" ) ) then exitWith; //Defines3: Positions and range _posAircraft = position _aircraft; _posMissile = position _missile; _range = _posMissile distance _posAircraft; _range = 50 * (round (_range/50) ); //Translates range into 50m increments _x1 = _posAircraft select 0; _y1 = _posAircraft select 1; _x2 = _posMissile select 0; _y2 = _posMissile select 1; _x = (_x2 - _x1); _y = (_y2 - _y1); //Calc clock direction from relative position and aircraft facing _theta = 0; if (_x>=0 && _y>0) then {_theta = atan (_x/_y);}; if (_x>=0 && _y<0) then {_theta = 180 - atan (_x/(-_y));}; if (_x<0 && _y<0) then {_theta = 180 + atan (_x/_y);}; if (_x<0 && _y>0) then {_theta = 360 - atan ((-_x)/_y);}; if (_x>0 && _y==0) then {_theta = 90}; if (_x<= 0 && _y==0) then {_theta = 270}; _clock = (_theta - direction _aircraft + 360) mod 360; _clock = round (_clock/30); if (_clock == 0) then {_clock = 12;}; //Activate flare launch sleep (random 0.3); _aircraft vehiclechat format ["Missile launch, %1 o'clock, %2 meters",_clock,_range]; _aircraft vehicleradio "fz_f18_bp_miswarn"; [_missile, _aircraft] execVM "ZGB_Flares\ecm\singleFlare.sqf"; for [{_x=0}, {_x<5}, {_x=_x+1}] do { drop["\Ca\Data\kouleSvetlo","","Billboard",0.05,10,[-1.5,1,-1],[2-random 8,0,-10],0,2.8,1,0.1,[3],[[1,1,0.3,1]],[0,1],0.1,0,"ZGB_Flares\ecm\smokes.sqs","",_aircraft]; sleep 0.25; }; And the shell of the called script <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">//Variables passed to this script _missile = _this select 0; _aircraft = _this select 1; _calculated = 0; _vm = [0,0,0]; _vmx = 0; _vmy = 0; _vmz = 0; _vh = [0,0,0]; _vhx = 0; _vhy = 0; _vhz = 0; _vdx = 0; _vdy = 0; _vdz = 0; _maneuvrability = 20; _calculated = 50; _distance = 500; if( isNumber (configFile >> "CfgAmmo" >> _text >> "maneuvrability") ) then { _maneuvrability = getNumber(configFile >> "CfgAmmo" >> _text >> "maneuvrability"); }; while { _distance > _calculated } do { hint format["Catch at %1, Distance %2", _calculated, _distance]; _vm = velocity _missile; _vmx = _vm select 0; _vmy = _vm select 1; _vmz = _vm select 2; _vh = velocity _aircraft; _vhx = _vh select 0; _vhy = _vh select 1; _vhz = _vh select 2; _vdx = _vmx - _vhx; _vdy = _vmy - _vhy; _vdz = _vmz - _vhz; _calculated = (((_vdx^2) + (_vdy^2) + (_vdz^2))^(1/3)) * _maneuvrability * 0.150; _distance = _missile distance _aircraft; sleep 0.1; }; while {_missile == _missile} do { //Direct the missile toward the flare hint "Spoofing missile"; _dm = vectorDir _missile; _dmx = _dm select 0; _dmy = _dm select 1; _dmz = _dm select 2; _missile setvectordir [(_dmx + ((random _maneuvrability) - (_maneuvrability / 2)) / 30), (_dmy + ((random _maneuvrability) - (_maneuvrability / 2)) / 30), (_dmz + ((random _maneuvrability) - (_maneuvrability / 1.5)) / 30)]; //1.5 - the gravity always wins sleep 0.1; }; EDIT: Well this sort of works. The random jerking of the missile is just as likely to throw the missile INTO the airplane as away. Some fancy math could be done to direct the missile generally to where the aircraft USED to be instead of equally likely in all directions. I'd like to thank Guba for the inspiring code. Just cleaned it up a little and converted to SQF. Obviously this code is lacking some probability events and making sure it doesn't deflect non-guided missiles but that should be cake to add in later. If you REALLY want the high/low indication (which I think is silly, no real launch warning would give you that info and the practical altitude range in arma is 0-3000ft which is peanuts) then that could be added in easily. Overall I'd really like to get a more sensible missile redirection code in there. I'm thinking to pass a point in space to the script that jerks the missle that jerks the missile toward it which would be behind the aircraft Also I would like to continue to separate the physical flare system from the missile redirection algorithm so that on multiple launches you could still defeat multiple missiles but not have 50 flares erupting from your craft. Basically the flares would have a cool down period between uses so only one program could be going at a time but you could actively spoof as many missiles at once as you liked since if a 2nd missile was launched 0.1 sec after the first the flares reacting to the first launch should deal with the second launch as well. Also separating the flare visuals with the missile effects is more realistic since an automated system would be set off by an RPG, but obviously wouldn't affect its flight. Laser detection and some other limited info could be added as well so long as we're not being unrealistic. 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MonsterXXX 0 Posted June 27, 2008 I put some 3rd party AC and heli by correct class name in Flares_config.hpp and compared the readme file but some Ac and heli didn't launch flare as MAP_Air AC and heli.....etc. Could anyone tell me how to do it right way? Thanks. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
william1 0 Posted June 27, 2008 if they don't launch flares is because they are not extended eventhandlers compatible , this condition is needed for the flares to work on them , anyway i think many of map choppers like ah64 have their own flares system , don't know if they are only visual feature or working one. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
MonsterXXX 0 Posted June 27, 2008 if they don't launch flares is because they are not extended eventhandlers compatible , this condition is needed for the flares to work on them , aniway i think many of map choppers like ah64 have their own flares system , don't know if they are only visual feature or working one. I was tried many time but still didn't work. It also didn't work on FFAMM1.5. But when I removed FFAMM1.5 from ARMA shortcut it's work for all BI ac and heli. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Alex72 1 Posted July 3, 2008 About glowing flares that Wipman talked about (lighting up the environment). Didnt Sickboy make the SIX Tracers? Latest ones glow/lit up the environment/objects. I agree that it would be awesome on the flares to see them light up trees/objects/ground. Like when shooting flares with grenade launchers with M16s etc Side note: Scars F22 Raptor for some reason wont use your flares. Maybe you can take a look when you have time to what it might be preventing them to activate. Regards Alex Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
kuIoodporny 45 Posted July 7, 2008 72 @ July 03 2008,16:50)]About glowing flares that Wipman talked about (lighting up the environment). Didnt Sickboy make the SIX Tracers? Latest ones glow/lit up the environment/objects. I agree that it would be awesome on the flares to see them light up trees/objects/ground. Like when shooting flares with grenade launchers with M16s etc Side note: Scars F22 Raptor for some reason wont use your flares. Maybe you can take a look when you have time to what it might be preventing them to activate. Regards Alex The case with Scars' F-22 is that it has custom EventHandlers, not compatible with XEH. Same question about lighting here. Maybe drop flare ammo instead of particle? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Alex72 1 Posted July 7, 2008 @zGuba Yep. your right. It was fixed by William1 though as he made an "unofficial" XEH config fix and posted it in the F22A topic. So flares and lots of other goodies works now. LINK: F22-A XEH Config About the glowing flares - it must be done! Regards Alex Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
kuIoodporny 45 Posted July 7, 2008 72 @ July 07 2008,13:34)]@zGubaYep. your right. It was fixed by William1 though as he made an "unofficial" XEH config fix and posted it in the F22A topic. So flares and lots of other goodies works now. LINK: F22-A XEH Config About the glowing flares - it must be done! Regards Alex The main problem is that I'm lame at maths particles are easiest to use as they take speed from the object that they were attached to. When You create ammo, You need to set it's velocity, and use aircraft vector dir and up. Position is not a problem (modelToWorld). We'll also probably need to create instantly burning flare class Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Alex72 1 Posted July 7, 2008 Argh i wish i could be of any help in these matters... In my mind making them glow was as easy as just exchange the flares with the glowing m203 ones. ( yeah right! ) We need to bug Sickboy! Nah, i bet he got his hands full like all you addon maker boys. Would be nice though to see those flares drop during night missions. Regards Alex Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
lucifervivo 0 Posted September 4, 2008 Well i´m trying to use the flares with @FFAA mod, spanish army mod. I have a problem, only one model of the the eurofighter can use flares at same time. I mean:with this all helis of the mod are using flares, but only the first eurofighter (FFAA_EA_EF_CAT) uses them. I dont understand why only one eurofighter can use flares at same time. Thanks for helping men, this is a very good addon that the game needed!!! <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE"> class Extended_IncomingMissile_EventHandlers {        // BIS planes and choppers - flares enabled- comment entry or delete to disable flares        class AH1W {            class WLM_exclusion_AH1W {                      exclude[]={};                      IncomingMissile = "if ((_this select 0)==(_this select 0)) then {[_this] exec ""\Flares\ecm\CMSe.sqs""}";                        };                                   };        class UH60MG {                    class WLM_exclusion_UH60MG {                      exclude[]={};            IncomingMissile = "if ((_this select 0)==(_this select 0)) then {[_this] exec ""\Flares\ecm\CMSe.sqs""}";                         };                                    };        class AH6 {            class WLM_exclusion_AH6 {                      exclude[]={};                     IncomingMissile = "if ((_this select 0)==(_this select 0)) then {[_this] exec ""\Flares\ecm\CMSe.sqs""}";                        };                                   };        class KA50 {            class WLM_exclusion_KA50 {                      exclude[]={};                      IncomingMissile = "if ((_this select 0)==(_this select 0)) then {[_this] exec ""\Flares\ecm\CMSe.sqs""}";                        };                                   };        class Mi17_MG {            class WLM_exclusion_Mi17_MG {                      exclude[]={};                     IncomingMissile = "if ((_this select 0)==(_this select 0)) then {[_this] exec ""\Flares\ecm\CMSe.sqs""}";                          };                                   };        class A10 {            class WLM_exclusion_A10 {                      exclude[]={};                      IncomingMissile = "if ((_this select 0)==(_this select 0)) then {[_this] exec ""\Flares\ecm\CMSe.sqs""}";                        };                                   };        class AV8B {            class WLM_exclusion_AV8B {                      exclude[]={};                      IncomingMissile = "if ((_this select 0)==(_this select 0)) then {[_this] exec ""\Flares\ecm\CMSe.sqs""}";                        };                                   };        class Su34 {            class WLM_exclusion_Su34 {                      exclude[]={};                     IncomingMissile = "if ((_this select 0)==(_this select 0)) then {[_this] exec ""\Flares\ecm\CMSe.sqs""}";                        };                                   };              class FFAA_FAMET_TIGRE {                                IncomingMissile = "if ((_this select 0)==(_this select 0)) then {[_this] exec ""\Flares\ecm\CMSe.sqs""}";                                   };        class FFAA_FAMET_NH90_MG {                                IncomingMissile = "if ((_this select 0)==(_this select 0)) then {[_this] exec ""\Flares\ecm\CMSe.sqs""}";                                   };        class FFAA_FAMET_NH90_FFUR {                                IncomingMissile = "if ((_this select 0)==(_this select 0)) then {[_this] exec ""\Flares\ecm\CMSe.sqs""}";                                   };        class FFAA_FAMET_CH47 {                                IncomingMissile = "if ((_this select 0)==(_this select 0)) then {[_this] exec ""\Flares\ecm\CMSe.sqs""}";                                   };        class FFAA_EA_EF_CAT {                       IncomingMissile = "if ((_this select 0)==(_this select 0)) then {[_this] exec ""\Flares\ecm\CMSe.sqs""}";                           };        class FFAA_EA_EF_CAP {                       IncomingMissile = "if ((_this select 0)==(_this select 0)) then {[_this] exec ""\Flares\ecm\CMSe.sqs""}";                           };        class FFAA_EA_EF_CAS {                       IncomingMissile = "if ((_this select 0)==(_this select 0)) then {[_this] exec ""\Flares\ecm\CMSe.sqs""}";                           };        // 3º parties planes and choppers - add the classname here to enable flares        // example:        // class 3ºparty-classname {                            //     IncomingMissile = "if ((_this select 0)==(_this select 0)) then {[_this] exec ""\Flares\ecm\CMSe.sqs""}";                              //      }; Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
manzilla 1 Posted September 4, 2008 Just a first thought here but I'd say the trouble may be due to a lack of XEH compatibility of the FFAA stuff. william1 mentioned this a few posts back. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
lucifervivo 0 Posted September 4, 2008 Quote[/b] ]ust a first thought here but I'd say the trouble may be due to a lack of XEH compatibility of the FFAA stuff. william1 mentioned this a few posts back. Yes i´ve readed the entire post... may be that, but the thing that´s strange is that when i put only one of those planes, the flares work properly. I got some questios: I someone got the flares and enters into a server without it what happens??? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
william1 0 Posted September 4, 2008 as Manzilla says that could be the case , could you send me the config of the eurofighter via pm to take a look at it ? . apart of this, you don't need to put a entry for each NH90 or eurofighter model, you only need to put  the one the rest of models inherit from Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
lucifervivo 0 Posted September 4, 2008 mmm only one??? i´ve done that and only worked for the model of i putted on the DTA. ok i can send you the config but how?? do you have email or something?? thanks for helping and for the fast response Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
william1 0 Posted September 4, 2008 click on the tab "msg" that appears below of my answer and you can send it via PM Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
lucifervivo 0 Posted September 4, 2008 Thanks william the flares finally work propperly Thanks for you and for all modder that male this comunity big working in the shadows!!! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites