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Mr Sarkey

Anti-Aircraft BRDM

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With ZU-23-2 23mm or what? Currently no, we're still waiting for a capable modder wink_o.gif current gun is quite successful against low-speed air threats.

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Aye that was a very cool addon in OFP. Espcially for mission makers, good for making areas "out of bounds" to the fly boys.

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Will mess around with the current BRDM with AT launchers alongside Mando Missiles

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there is a SAM system in FFN mod quite deadly for every kind of planes and choppers...


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I would love that ingame! wink_o.gif

Also Tunguska M1 and Pantsyr-S1 would be a nice nice addond. Hope someone is willing to model those nasty babies huh.gif

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Hi, if someone remember the MT-LB's 1.2 Pack that PSC and Maa

did for the OFP... the "light" pack was in MLOD file and "shouldn't"

be so hard to import it to the ArmA (asking 1St and giving full credits)

so we'll have the most pimp light armoured vehicles pack ever made

for a BIS game with the SAM-13 that was inside that MT-LB's pack.

I'll love to be blown off again in those crappy APC's and be shotdown

in my pimp AH1-Z Venom by those damn SAM-13's. Let's C ya

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Making a quick & dirty "SA-9" out of the BRDM 2 ATGM variant is a snap.

Not a real SA-9, but at least similar look, and more or less identical capability, with minimal effort.

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You can do this without any addons - just use scripts to remove the ATGM, then add a AA. <s>The problem is it has no radar, but this can be overcome by grouping it with a shilka.</s>

edit: seems they do have radar. I did this for a mission ~1 year ago, either my memory is wrong or it's been changed in one of the patches.

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there is a SAM system in FFN mod quite deadly for every kind of planes and choppers...

oh, our SAM in FFN mod.. didn't know that smile_o.gif

Anyway, just wanted to say that it was released with KP CTI.


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Fasad: what would be the command to replace AT5 launcher from BRDM with Strela for example?

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Hey guys!

I have made a very quick and dirty BRDM-2 AA conversion based on the normal ATGM one that ships with the game. I know it's neither very realistic nor a substitute for a real SA-9 "Gaskin" but should be fun to have non the less... just copy and paste the following into an empty config.cpp:

Quote[/b] ]

class Turrets;

class MainTurret;

class cfgWeapons


class AT5Launcher;

class BRDMStrelaLauncher: AT5Launcher


displayName = "Strela";

magazines[] = {"5Rnd_Strela_BRDM2"};

canLock = 2;

minRange = 1;

minRangeProbab = 0.300000;

midRange = 1000;

midRangeProbab = 0.800000;

maxRange = 2500;

maxRangeProbab = 0.100000;

aiRateOfFire = 5.000000;

aiRateOfFireDistance = 2500;



class CfgMagazines


class 5Rnd_AT5_BRDM2;

class 5Rnd_Strela_BRDM2: 5Rnd_AT5_BRDM2


ammo = "M_Strela_AA";

initSpeed = 28;



class CfgVehicles


class BRDM2_ATGM;



displayName = "BRDM-2 AA";

class Turrets : Turrets


class MainTurret : MainTurret


weapons[] = {"BRDMStrelaLauncher" };

soundServo[] = {"\ca\wheeled\Data\Sound\servo3",0.017783,1.000000 };

magazines[] = {"5Rnd_Strela_BRDM2","5Rnd_Strela_BRDM2" };

gunBeg = "spice rakety";

gunEnd = "konec rakety";




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So, do all clients gotta have this .pboed file with config?

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What do I know... I've made it less than 10min ago crazy_o.gifbiggrin_o.gif

I would assume though as it introduces a completely new unit to the game!

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Just made a few corrections

- changed the name of the unit from "BRDM-2 (Strela)" to "BRDM-2 AA" in order to be more in line with the rest of the gang

- changed the new launchers name to "Strela" so it doesnt show up in game as "AT-5" anymore

- changed the initspeed (= muzzle velocity) of the Strela Magazine

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wont it work to just use removeweapon and addweapon commands in the initline to give the vehicle strelas?

That way you can add it to a specific mission without need for a new addon... IF it works offcourse.

Im at work so i cant try now but in OFP you could have rpg soldiers shoot AT-6 Rockets or vulcan cannons and other silly things that way

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It probably will, but being the lazy person that I am I enjoy being able to just pick the ready-to-go unit simply from the dropdown list biggrin_o.gif

If anybody's interested I can make a similar Stryker-Stinger arrangement...

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