Callsign 128 Posted April 18, 2008 Is there any chance you could get rid of the green texture on the map, so its more realistic like your looking at your map when calling for stuff rather than a "super NV map of doom"?! :P Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
kremator 1065 Posted April 18, 2008 This is FANTASTIC news Mandoble ....... if YOU are stunned then I'm gonna get a bottle of smelling salts by my PC in preparation! [TAO] Kremator Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mandoble 1 Posted April 18, 2008 Bootneck, open mando_airsupportdlg.h, look for COMMAND_MAP class and change the colors there at will. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Callsign 128 Posted April 18, 2008 thanks great work by the way! (edit) just wondering if you knew the original colours or where to get them? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
kremator 1065 Posted April 20, 2008 Mandoble, got any lazy Sunday release for us? DESPERATE to work it into my mission! [TAO] Kremator Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mandoble 1 Posted April 20, 2008 ROFLOL, that lazy-sunday version would be without the evac option. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
kremator 1065 Posted April 20, 2008 Then we can wait Keep up the good work. [TAO] Kremator Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
kremator 1065 Posted April 26, 2008 Getting ready for this week's lazy Sunday ...... any good news for us Mandoble ? [TAO] Kremator Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mandoble 1 Posted April 27, 2008 Updated to v1.5, check first post. New items added for the console in v1.5: - Everything is now into mando_bombs folder - Call for evacuation: Select a destination and a chopper will aproach to the support position, land and wait for cargo, then it will proceed to the destination. You may also use this option over water, the chopper will descend to water level so "swimmers" will be able to board it and then be transported to anywhere else in the map. - Reconnaissance camera control. If a reco plane is in-flight, click RC ON button to take control of its camera. You may use the camera also to mark map positions. - Cruise missile manual guidance (requires Mando Missile). If a cruise missile is in-flight, click RC ON button to take manual control. - Cruise missile saturation attack (requires Mando Missile). The missile launcher will scan the target area and will fire against up to four target, 2 cruise missile in sequence per target. Option mainly designed to penetrate anti-missile protected areas. - mando_bombs.sqf updated, now the attack planes have less chances to lose the sight of the assigned target. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
kremator 1065 Posted April 27, 2008 Once again .... the Guru has worked his magic ! Putting it into my mission now Thanks again Mandoble ! [TAO] Kremator Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
kremator 1065 Posted April 27, 2008 Mandoble, Have tried to put this new version into my mission (previous version worked perfectly) and now all planes etc have a (-) beside them. What am I missing? Do I need to assign PublicVariable to them ? The demo mission is BRILLIANT fun ! The CM and Reco control take a little getting used to. Remember a while back I asked if it was possible to make the Reco stay on station (wide circle around chosen point) until destroyed/runs out of fuel/dismissed ...... is this possible with your scipts ? [TAO] Kremator Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mandoble 1 Posted April 27, 2008 Do you mean the plane markers having a (-) in their names on the map, or the buttons? Now everything is inside the mando_bombs folder, so remove any previous script outside that folder and make sure you execute the scripts with mando_bombs\whateverhere.sqf, also make sure the include in your description.ext points also to mando_bombs\ folder. <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE"> // Include required for air support console dialog #include "mando_bombs\mando_airsupportdlg.h" About the reco, actually it goes with limited speed overflying the target area, moving a bit away and then returning again to the target area before leaving the area and transmitting the detected targets. Note that the reco plane will transmit the located targets only when the reco mission ends so if you keep the reco there hovering forever you will be able to use its camera, but the reco plane will not transmit any target. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
kremator 1065 Posted April 27, 2008 Pure genius on your part ... pure DOH on mine ...... will try that now. The reason that I would love the Reco to continue flying over the area is for a commander position .... to be able to command troops (and pinpoint problems) over an area would be the DOG'S DANGIES ! Although it IS a brilliant idea to transmit the position of cars/tanks etc IF the drone was controlled by a human operator it stayed on station for a while I think would add to the functionality. So if I click on 'camera on' it knows that I want to access the commander function and stays on station (of course IF i turn the camera off it completes it's mission and returns to base. Sooooo excited about this! We need more people using it in their missions ! [TAO] Kremator Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
shark-attack 3 Posted April 28, 2008 this is awsome ... however im missing something i can get the cruise missile option on console using the mando missile script suit but i have no launcher present . i have the launcher_land launcher_air launcher_sea units in editor .. what am i missing . many thanks Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mandoble 1 Posted April 28, 2008 No idea what are these launcher_land, launcher_sea or launcher_air. What you need to define is the unit that will act as cruise missile launcher defining two globals: <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE"> // init.sqf // ship named rhib1 will act as cruise missile launcher mando_airsupport_cmissile = rhib1; mando_airsupport_cmissile_pos = [0,-4, 1]; The first is for the unit itself, the second if for the firing position in model coordiates of the launcher. Of course you may select different launchers depending on the side of the player. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
shark-attack 3 Posted April 28, 2008 thank you mate ... boy those cm s are powerfull Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mandoble 1 Posted April 29, 2008 Ok Kremator, you got it. - Camera will be much more stable and independent of the banking of the plane, aiming with it will be much easier now. - If you get camera control while the reco plane is ingressing, the plane will hold position at destination until reco camera control is turned off, then the plane will egress. - Markers created by manual camera control are now broadcasted to any player of the same side as the console operator. Also will include a practical MP/SP naval battle demo mission with battle consoles, missiles and automatic guns. Each team needs to locate and destroy the enemy (an enemy with powerfull defenses). Expect the new version in few hours. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
kremator 1065 Posted April 29, 2008 Excellent news ! Can't wait to try it. I can now have my commander ACTUALLY commanding ! I have put EMSI's UAV as my 'eye in the sky' flying on limited and it works a treat ...... but having a STABLE camera will be amazing. Now here's the next thing ...... assuming that I have my commander doing his thing (looking through the camera at the surroundings), is it POSSIBLE that they other members of his team/side/2nd in charge can see what he sees through that camera ? CANNOT wait to hold a MP naval battle. It could be a little like BATTLESHIPS where a drone is sent out to a particluar area to relay a GPS location for a cruise strike ! If you keep going at this rate Mandoble BIS will have to rename it Mandoble's Armed Assault ! [TAO] Kremator Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
MehMan 0 Posted April 29, 2008 Hmm, is there a way to make the reinforcement scripts work that the helicopter lands and that the units that are created are the ones you lost in your squad, instead of 10 new guys? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mandoble 1 Posted April 29, 2008 You can change the behaviour of the console at will modifying its code, but the purpose of the reinforcements option is not just to replenish an existing group, but to really ask for reinforcements, even if you have not lost a single man of your group. Lets say you have an MP game with three groups, each group leader with a combat console and your side has a single reinforcement call available. Leader of group C finds heavy opposition, reaches an agreement with the other two leaders and then uses the single and last reinforcements option for his side. Running in the background you may have a script that increases the number of available reinforcements per side once every half an hour, for example. This is the kind of situations this reinforcement option is designed for. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mandoble 1 Posted April 30, 2008 Updated to v1.51, check first post. Changes in v1.51: - Now reconnaissance camera movement is independent of plane's banking and marked positions are broadcasted to any player of the same side as the reco plane. If you take control of reco camera while the plane is ingressing, the plane will hold position on destination until you turn its camera off. - Clash of Armadas mission included (MP 8 or SP). Seek and destroy the enemy carrier using cruise missile launchers, and many options available in the combat console of your fleet commander. Live in first person the fierce defense of your own carrier, SAMs and phalanx rounds everywhere. Mando Missile ArmA and Kaio's USS Nimitz addon required. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
kremator 1065 Posted April 30, 2008 Just got home and turned on PC to this great news. Will try it out now ! Looking forward to hunting the aircraft carrier Superb work AS ALWAYS Mandoble. [TAO] Kremator PS .... OK have now had a play with it and LOVE the Reco action ... just what is needed. The control is smooth. Is there any way to make the control of the CM now as smooth? They still seem a little jumpy (very digital in movement - centre=still, leftor right a little=major movement) PPS a NEW idea for this mod ..... C130 gunship (calls in a hercules gunship to circle the area using bofors to POUND the area with explosive rounds) ala Flight of the Intruder Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
colligpip 0 Posted April 30, 2008 fantastic love the carrier mission played it for ages- is there any way you could make the recon cam lock onto ground so you can track an area, might as well keep asking for things cos you keep delivering :-)...well done mando Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mandoble 1 Posted April 30, 2008 Do you mean to leave the camera automatically fixed pointing at some place? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
kremator 1065 Posted April 30, 2008 Yeah he prolly means that the camera stays on one location and gimbals on the air-platform so that it points in that direction UNTIL it reaches its limits. [TAO] Kremator Share this post Link to post Share on other sites