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canis lupus

Resistance Units

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might make one with the camo jacket and with some other sort of pants, not jeans though, olive hunting style or something....

about the dirt, how's this idea, if you havn't already figured the guy in the picture is me, next time I get out I'll take some pictures of how dirty I got from being in the forest for a few days and base my mud textures on that, don't think it gets more real than that...

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thanks just what I was looking for, the units is pretty much in my head but the objects in the second picture was a really good inspiration...

btw is that a game worth trying

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btw is that a game worth trying

Definitely, especially beginning of the game has very nice atmosphere. But in the end it turns out to be too much casual shooter IMO. But worth of try. thumbs-up.gif

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is this to professional army looking, becasue this is pretty much what I would look like if I needed to be a resistance figher?



Thats it!


Just stick whit the pics quoted and you save my (and many others) day!

One side note, try to pack the textures into one images as possible. Seen couple model edits with GQ textures where for example from BIG picture only belt was taken... this increases the mods size too much.

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yeah I'm working on that just learned about Uv mapping so it should get easier, however as there are many unique units there will be a lot of textures but I'll be sure to keep it down as much as I can

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I love the idea with these resistance units!

Well, personally, I am still waiting for those OFP civilians, with that older clothes and leather jackets smile_o.gif They made theirselfes good as resistance units IMHO.

But in general, I think, your units will make it perfectly!

I remember when we were younger and went to play (scenario)paintball the first times, everyone just caught the most "military looking" clothes he had. One came out with a brown shirt, the other one even had camouflage pants, the other one had a balaclava he became as a gift some years ago, another one had nothing and tried to camouflage himself with some leafs...

I think, this is how resistance units should look like, as they (normally) don't have anything to do with military the first time they come in contact with it. They just grab from their home, what they think it could help them the most and hit the forest...

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I don't thinks it's a too unrealistic to imagine a guerrilla/partisan force being able to get hold of some camouflage. In the last uprising I led, it was much harder to find guns, which is why we didn't go through with it smile_o.gif .

I think if you use QB stuff for only a very small proportion of these units, ie there's no great benefit, best to drop it.

Will be great to have some insurgents not wearing thongs/flip flops and board shorts. Keep up the great work!

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That's just amazing, mate. Great job!

This makes me remember of FFUR's resistance. Those had a great serbian-style feeling. Unfortunately I could only find one screenshot from it:


If I'm not asking much could you please try to make the one to the right?? nener.gifnener.gif

Anyway good job, any release date?

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I remember using those alot, they got that feeling about them that I want to have with my addon...

could someone perhaps send me some screens from Red Dawn, not the winter gear as I don't plan to make that yet

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What's the problem with the RPGs in this picture?

errr they is a virgin media advert,thts wots wrong with them biggrin_o.gif

Well thats all i see anyways.

Great looking units agamoth,just the kind of thing arma has been crying out for since its release,keep up the excellent work notworthy.gif

All the best


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I remember using those alot, they got that feeling about them that I want to have with my addon...

could someone perhaps send me some screens from Red Dawn, not the winter gear as I don't plan to make that yet

Not much to see in red dawn, they had their normal civillian clothes, thick winter jackets, jeans etc.

Later in the movie they used some of the scavenged russian gear like the one guy that wears the KLMK copy suits that the took from a dead vdv trooper.

Also they offcourse used some older US military gear.

Also there were lots of funky fur hats, berets and head scarves.

Not too fitting to Sahrani at least smile_o.gif

Google search

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I posted one picture with RPG's in it so its pretty easy to guess wich... only thing really wrong with them is that I put them in the backpack I already had made wich was way to small so I reduced the size of the rocket's wich of course is wrong and will be corrected at some point...

here's the latest unit from one of the pictures I got... well I tried


I'll make some in game screens with better quality soon...

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here's the latest unit from one of the pictures I got... well I tried

Hi, that looks awesome notworthy.gif

Not bum looking and not too "military type".

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Hmm... with pulling the hood far down FOV will decrease somewhat.

This new one look imho too much like Stalker and not like urban/woodland/desert resistance unit. But if you making a little group of "ArmA-Stalkers" - will be nice too! smile_o.gif

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Can you make some for different seasons, like Summer and winter? Guys with short sleeves won't look right on a snow island, and guys wearing coats and hoods will be out of place in the jungle or Mediterranean climates.

Also you could split the civilians up into two groups, one being a more militaristic resistance, and one being more like a ragtag bunch of civilians. Also perhaps you should give some guys plaid clothing and maybe give some people suspender pants if possible.

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This new one look imho too much like Stalker and not like urban/woodland/desert resistance unit.

I have to agree with that. They could (as a suggestion) look a bit more like "coming from home" smile_o.gif Ya understand?

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yeah I have been playing with some of those ideas... I don't have any plans of winter units yet... I might at some point...

so far my idea is to make two sections one I will call early point of resistance where they will dress in what they would have had at hand and some later point where they will dress more like what they could have stolen and getting better at dressing for battle, I wouldn't go into a fight in just a t-shirt and never in jeans....

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Also you could split the civilians up into two groups, one being a more militaristic resistance, and one being more like a ragtag bunch of civilians. Also perhaps you should give some guys plaid clothing and maybe give some people suspender pants if possible.

I like this idea, If someone was to make a good storyline campaign they could have it start out with just rag-tag civilian clothes and by the time the campaign ended the characters in game would look like real resistance soldiers.

Also I third the "please don't use QG" statement.

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I think you should differenciate between ragtag resistance and more uniform militias. I really like these hooded fellas in the original post.

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so far my idea is to make two sections one I will call early point of resistance where they will dress in what they would have had at hand and some later point where they will dress more like what they could have stolen and getting better at dressing for battle, I wouldn't go into a fight in just a t-shirt and never in jeans....

VERY good, this sounds great!

Can't wait for these units!!!!!! pistols.gif

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I finally got arround to make some ingame screenshots... unfortunatly my computer had a bad day so the screens aren't in high quality as I hoped for.... hop you like them anyway






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