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Falseprophet's fx mod..

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thx mate =)

i forgot to post my next changes:

- more realistic vehicle transport (working on an particle effect like a rope and its calculation)

- better police siren

- flare / jammer system for choppers (i wont work god damn.. lol i tryed so much combinations with it, but i keep working on it)

post if you got an idea what i can change add...

remember its just a beta version of the mod, i never said its complete! But there is no error atm, the functions are just not perfect but they work.. smile_o.gif

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hehe yeah the sound file is really bad.. i need a better one =)

the problem is the loop, i need a sound which i can repeat endless but also change to a other sound file without any problem.. :S

but i think i got a better file, just have to cut it =)

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Send me PM with your email I use the sirens at work all the time and have some on hand for some police cars im porting over from another game. whistle.gif

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I'm very happy about this mod.

In particular I'm happy about the fact that it adds game functionality and doesn't collide with any other mods I know so far. (And believe I'm playing with a lot of mods: 17 at the same time!wink_o.gif

Especially the medbox and ammobox drop is very good idea!

And yes you should limit the drop boxes action to 1 box of each category per 1 vehicle.

I will test this mod in the next days/weeks and will report what I (we, my LAN friends) found good or bad.

Keep up the good mod!


It would be nice if it would be possible to order AI to drop ammoboxes and medboxes. Right now it's only possible when a player is in the blackhawk.

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yeah i'm still working on the way how the functions are initialised. The extendent event handlers are maybe the best way, but it requires a other addon and can create problems with dacs, a other way is (what i try atm) to save the name of the vehicle in an array, so you can use the "init" function only once. The ammoboxes can be used only once then, because it will remove the action then, but if you fly to an ammotruck / supply truck you can reload it... but i dont have sooo much time atm, so i try my best to realise the functions asap.. smile_o.gif

the restriction is planed, it should not be possible to use the ammoboxes to spam =)

a other idea was, to add and artillery / command function to the general the function should be blocked then, and can be activated through the missioncreater / serveradmin over a publicvariable or an special string.. =)

my main work was the flare system, which is atm not activated in my mod because i cant start the script. Its crazy, the event handler "incomingmissile" works perfect in singleplayer missions / in the editor.. but it wont work on multiplayer games, also not with ai, not against other players even if the server / other player / me got the addon it wont work... but well i dont give up lol... maybe i will find a way how to start it and find the flying missile.. smile_o.gif

and yeah.. i am also working on three big mission projects.. lol

- dynamic sakakah mission

- dynamic / pvp mission on sahrani

- *** wink_o.gif

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i vote for XEH compatibility ...

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yeah rocko (ricky) tamed my independence desire ... smile_o.gif

now its based on xeh smile_o.gif

that solves the problem with the restriction.. more in tomorrow ore in a few days =)

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if i got a complete release (not this beta, with all the planed function) i will take a vid and upload it to youtube .. smile_o.gif

But first i have to write more scripts... actually i'm working on the last few strings to convert the mod to the XEH functions and then on my "rearm" script, so you can reload the ammobox and medbox. I dont want to update the mod every day lol, i just want to finnish most of the things, test them and release it in a final version smile_o.gif But i am still free for comments or wishes.. just post them.

@lebson506th, its an all in one mod.. but if i release it, i will explain you how to deactivate unused functions. You just have to add: // in front of the init lines, so you can chose the necessary functions and deactivate the stuff, which you dont want to use.. smile_o.gif

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Excellent work.

There is any chance to modify the dropped ammo crate content?.

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My problem is I want to use the script (giving you all credit, of course), but i dont want to have to use the addon.

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My problem is I want to use the script (giving you all credit, of course), but i dont want to have to use the addon.

Thats what i was trying to do also.. i extracted the ammo drop scripts out of it and put it in  a folder but than i get the error message can't find "LSD_FPFXMod\scripts\fp_drop\ammoair2.sqs" when i press the open ammo crate button in the action menu.

But after i fixed the error message the ammo crate still won't create when i press the open ammo crate button in the action menu..

I love the addon you made man... it is working great. But i wood love to use this scripts seperatly, so i won't have to put a addon in my mission file. And evrybody can join my mission.

keep up the great work...   smile_o.gif

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i poste a short workaround how to exract it (ammobox):

you need the file:

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">




for the medbox:

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">




just change all the "...\fp_drop\....sqf"; pathes do the correct folder path in your mission. To exract the russian ammoboxes you need the (_ru files wink_o.gif )

to change the content of the boxes, just modify: ammoair.sqs to add other files use: _crate AddWeaponCargo ["GUNNAME",1];

To run the functions, add this string to the init of the vehicle:

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">

LSDFP_ACT3 = _LSDFP_Obj addAction ["Drop Ammobox","\LSD_FPFXMod\scripts\fp_drop\flup.sqf"];

LSDFP_ACT4 = _LSDFP_Obj addAction ["Drop MedBox","\LSD_FPFXMod\scripts\fp_drop\flup2.sqf"];

the strings maybe change later in further version, next version requires the XEH and it removes the actions after using it.

Best way to use it without big modifications, copy all the files just in your mission smile_o.gif and add the actions to the chopper.. it dont need any other addon, so you can just use it... create a folder "LSD_FPFXMod" a subfolder "scripts" and into "scripts" the subfolder "fp_drop" so you dont even have to modify any file.. smile_o.gif just have to add the action to the vehicle and it will work wink_o.gif

if it doenst work, change everywhere

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">(vehicle player) and replace it with the vehiclename e.g. <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">heli1 and call the vehicle in the editor "heli1" !

or use the cheaper way lol.. just extract my mission:

itswar1.pbo from my mission package... the addon is implementet in the mission... wink_o.gif

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Excellent work.

There is any chance to modify the dropped ammo crate content?.

Yes there is. I've modified the ammoair.sqs for my personal use so that the weapons from the great wipman M4A1 pack are included. Open ammoair.sqs with ArmAEdit and simply add the names of the weapons from wip_M4A1.pbo to the lines. Repbo and use the modified addon works great.

(Of course you have to include wip_M4A1.pbo in your addons/modfolder)


- Indeed the non XEH compatible version doesn't work always due to conflicts with some XEH mods.

- Maybe change the loadout of the ammo crate. 50 pieces of each weapon seems a little bit unrealistic to me.

- suggestions: May the 5t truck could drop a bunker or at least some sandbags to build a little base?

- maybe the M113, M163, and Stryker could deploy 1 M2 static machine gun?

- the both above suggestions also for east.

Eagerly awaiting a updated version.

Even if it's not final yet!

Please release it and we will test it. And no we will not whine because of bugs but we will help to make it better.

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lol i know 50 pieces of everything is to much.. i reduced it already, i just added so much for test purpose smile_o.gif

the idea with the stryker and m113 is cool.. should be easy possible smile_o.gif

i had the idea with the bunker already, but i dont know which vehicle should be able to do it.. the truck is not really ideal for it...maybe the supply truck. Because its unrealistic to transport a complete bunker without any sandbag or create on the load area... :S and not to spawn a complet bunker.. just a few sandbags and you can create a bunker with these sandbags.. or something like that...

other idea was to camouflage the tanks with a net (spawn a large shed / shed ) over the tank... but if you spawn it on a hill it looks complete shit...

well there are not much changes atm, just the xeh test version i'm playing atm with it.. and it seems to work without any error msg... i just want to complete the stuff with the siren (replacement) and with the rearm function. Then i release it wink_o.gif

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I agree that a whole bunker on a truck is rather unrealistic. But maybe some sandbags (let's say 6 - 10) and if they were movable then it would be possible to create kinda bunker.

A little addon idea: Add a deployable US flag for BLUFOR, SLA flag for OPFOR and RACS flag for Independent.

Just for fun. So it would be possible to create kinda little base with medic tent, sandbags, ammo boxes, flag and a M2 for fortifying positions.

PS. Right now I can't drop the ammo boxes from ammo trucks and no medboxes from ambulance. Maybe this has something to do with the XEH. I'll try after you release the XEH compatible version.

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May I add one suggestion more?

Please remove the Smoke action in the action menu for infantry. I think it's kinda unrealistic to have unlimited smoke grenades. Smoke grenades should be launched from the inventory (fire mode) and there is already a very good addon/mod for this: VFAI combined with DMSmokeGrenadeVB.

Or at least tell the users how to disable this feature please.

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i hope you fix the locality issues with menus (multiply multiply smile_o.gif

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