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Falseprophet's fx mod..

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there are now 2 .pbo files, one for the smoke menu which is completly changed and on for all the other scripts =)

i tryed to create this menu because most of the people never use smoke nades, they dont take it because mapmakers just forget them or they need the space in the inventory for other things smile_o.gif so i tryed it over a menu, now its only possible to use it once. .then you have to "rearm".. =)

the supply scripts are working also its done with the xeh compatibility.. i am just adding a few new features and will release a new version in the next days / next week...

i'm also working on a new vehicle for the mod.. (more about soon..)

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would it be possible to turn off the smoke for the soldiers and keep the smoke launcher rounds for the tanks? I loved the smoke rounds with the tank btw. smile_o.gif

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I´m sorry, but this addon does not work for me. I´ve installed it on our Server and on my Computer but it doesn´t work. Can somebody give me a hint on how to get this addon work?

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I just threw it in the arma /addons folder and worked no problem.

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I copied the .pbo file into a folder "@fxmod" and started ArmA with the parameter "-mod=@fxmod". I did this on both, Client and Server, then I´ve started AirCav2.0 and tried to attach a vehicle to a Blackhawk but it did not work.

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*** UPDATE ***

Version 0.9e (Still beta, not the final release! )


Basic Features from the old Version (also in the new):

- Police Siren: I know its a bit a stupid sound file, i have to replace it asap  its siren with two sound files, if you drive slow you got a fast siren sound if you drive fast a slow sound..

- combat illumination: allows you to drop red / green flares with your chopper over the battlefield to light it

- lift vehicle: allows you to transport vehicles with blackhawk / mi17.. but dont fly to fast or you will lose it

- Drop Medbox script for uh60, mi17, med bmp and med m113

- Drop Ammobox script for uh60, mi17 and both ammotrucks

- Smokeluncher for tanks

- Laser designator for styrker

- Searchlight for T72

- Drop smoke function for infantry

New Features:

- restricted usage of ammobox / medbox drop

- rearm functions

- "Smoke Menu" function for infantry extracted to a seperate .pbo file

- script bugfixes

- no "init" action

***** This mod requires the extendend event handlers ***

You can download it here (armaholic link):

(btw, great work @solus and killswitch)


Whats is coming next (Not in this Version!! )?

- Drop Sandbags

- Sandbag movement

- Deploy M2 / Russian MG

- Deploy AGS

- Command Tent

                         - Satellite scan script

                         - maybe arti or airstrike for officer tent

                         - only if activated over a mission parameter!! not avaible for everyone, only if the missionmaker allows it

- maybe need my new WIP addon M577*

- Rope effect for the transport

                          - maybe addon based with a model or effect

- restriction for "lz mark" and smoke luncher in tanks

- restriction for the weapons in the ammoboxes

- Pickup function for ammoboxes and medtents with uh

- Pack medtents back into the box

* Image of a alpha version (no engine block, no textures..):


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Very good just downloaded and will try it asap.

This is turning into a very good little mod.

Waiting for the future features to be included.


Ok all works very well with XEH. Thank you very much.

Just one bug: When being a driver in the M113 ambulance and using the action Drop Medbox an error message occurs on the screen:


_high = high-0.1;

sleep 0.0004;



Error else: Type string, expected code

File LSD_FPFXMod\scripts\fp_mbox\flup2.sqf, line 43



hint "Only the driver can use thi...'

And no Medbox is dropped.

Everything else work like a charm. Thanks to XEH it works with a lot of other mods too.

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General question, which vehicle should be able to drop sandbags??

the 5t-truck and ural?? repair truck?

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I think the 5t truck and the ural is good. Although I would suggest not to take the open 5t truck.

Also I would suggest to be able to call artillery or air strikes through the radio in the Humvees and UAZ's.

I pondered a little bit on your addon vehicle you are making. I think this is a very cool addon, but I spot a little problem coming:

When you give some nice feature to that new vehicle, people maybe play around with it in the editor but then it will be very likely forgotten. It's the best to implement features to vehicles that are already present in the missions. This way people will use your FPFX mod because there is no need to edit the missions. Maybe a workaround would be, if you would use a spawn script for the new vehicle. In example: If this truck or this tank or this vehicle is present then spawn this new vehicle in the near of it. (A good idea would be to spawn the vehicle when support trucks are present in the mission.)

What do you think?

EDIT: Did you find the solution for the M113 ambulance bug?

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Great Addon, it give to this game some kind of realistic that should be include from the begining.

Bug Repport: "unless for me"

Police Siren: I know its a bit a stupid sound file, i have to replace it asap its siren with two sound files, if you drive slow you got a fast siren sound if you drive fast a slow sound..

> not tested

- combat illumination: allows you to drop red / green flares with your chopper over the battlefield to light it

> don't work i tried all chopper but no action menu!!!

- lift vehicle: allows you to transport vehicles with blackhawk / mi17.. but dont fly to fast or you will lose it

> don't work same as "combat illumination" no action menu appear

- Drop Medbox script for uh60, mi17, med bmp and med m113

> work great for ground vehicules but not for choppers

- Drop Ammobox script for uh60, mi17 and both ammotrucks

> work great for ground vehicules but not for choppers

- Smoke luncher for tanks

> work great "but it would be better if the action menu don't appear when we are near the tank but inside, and i am not shure if all the crew must have the ability to launch smoke from inside, i'm not a tank expert but maybe gunner and chef can do it and not the driver...

- Laser designator for styrker

> don't work

- Searchlight for T72

> don't work

- Drop smoke function for infantry

> work great and you had a good idea to separate it from the other function

thought that maybe my choopers probleme is a conflict with other addons, but for stricker !!!

any one have the same probleme??

looking for your updates, keep the good work man

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@Kroky, thats true.. i will just release the m577 seperate, and just use my addon for the functions.

An artillery script (single shot, barrage fire, combat illumination) is already implemented in the actual testversion (not the one from the download) but you cant use it, the mission maker has to allow the artillery script with a public variable and add the action to the vehicle. Maybe i add the combat illumination for everyone, but not the artillery... else some stupid kids just use it to nuke the own team..

@jfk15, i dont know maybe its a conflict but it should work usually... i tested the addon on a few servers and saw any problem, only the smoke menu remove function wont work on a modifiyed evolution map, i dont know why... but its not the "standart evolution mission" so i think its not a real problem..

well what exactly is the problem jfk, you see the functions in your action menu? You got the extendend event handlers?? If not, download them from armaholic...

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well what exactly is the problem jfk, you see the functions in your action menu? You got the extendend event handlers??  If not, download them from armaholic...

the probleme that i don't have the action menu in choopers for all the differents actions that you add in choopers, neither for the strycker laser target. all other work good and i notice that the M113 medic give me the same error as already mentioned.

i have the extended event handler.

I'll try to remove the other addons that includes choopers modification maybe i'll found conflict problem.

thx for your reply

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hi falseprophet !!! notworthy.gif

this addons is great...

I'm trying to use in my Evolution Modded with MapFact Chopper

It could be nice if the cargo lift function displays rope and works adding some weight by vehicle weight to Chopper fly model..

I ask u how to use the script just like ad addon ?

Or I need to add something in the mission to get it work ?

I also want to add CH47 Chinook as cargo transporter, and give it the possibility to lift M1 Abrams and 5T trucks

I can Help u in any way, tell me if I could do something for you to help your development

sorry for my english

thank you a lot for this addon


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hey FP I have I nice feature you could implement in your great mod:

- add extinguish fire action into the action menu for driver/gunner/commander in armored vehicles

If you look inside armoured vehicles there a fire extinguisher, but they never get used.

- Also if possible make the action drop ammo/medbox/smoke only visible when inside the vehicle

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I see the Smoke action every time in the game, also other action are displayed near vehicles is annoying problem there is my mistake or this should be fixed ?

when u use smoke with armour the enemy line of sight can see you trought smoke ?

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I think it would be good to add the action drop ammo or medbox also to passenger in the ammo truck or the helos. Sometimes AI are driving/flying the vehicles and the player is not able to use this action.

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yes the smoke menu and the chopper actions are always desplayed..

but i got a new idea how i can manage it, i create an dialoge menu for the addon, so you got a interface for all the functions =) for the infantry i create a special interface, something like a inventory, where you get special things in it at the start, depends on you class (e.g. engineer a repair kit / e.g. soldiers a medkit..) these kits work with random functions, so its calculated by the damage of the vehicle, the players rank and a random number...so you can heal yourself between 10-50% wink_o.gif )

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yes the smoke menu and the chopper actions are always desplayed..

but i got a new idea how i can manage it, i create an dialoge menu for the addon, so you got a interface for all the functions =) for the infantry i create a special interface, something like a inventory, where you get special things in it at the start, depends on you class (e.g. engineer a repair kit / e.g. soldiers a medkit..) these kits work with random functions, so its calculated by the damage of the vehicle, the players rank and a random number...so you can heal yourself between 10-50% wink_o.gif )

Thank u for answer, now I know that is not my mistake smile_o.gif

I previous asked u some question:

>It could be nice if the cargo lift function displays rope and works adding some weight by vehicle weight to Chopper fly model..

are u also working in this if u want I see a script that simulate vehicle weight add to the lifter ?

>I also want to add CH47 Chinook as cargo transporter, and give it the possibility to lift M1 Abrams and 5T trucks

can u tell me how to add a Chopper to transport able chopper, like UH60

>can I Help u in any way, tell me if I could do something for you to help your development smile_o.gif

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well i think its okey so, the only thing i need is a good sound file for the copcar...

the rob is already planned, also a more realistic transport (postet it already in my "futur changelog"...)

which chinook then? i dont know which chinook is in my addon list, but its just (sorry to the creator) stupid to fly it.. it turns complety all the time.. :S

if there is a more used and better model i will add it, i am also talking with a guy who made a custom chopper (from brit kit mod) =)

i first need all the basic functions for the addon (inventory, move objects and put them back in the chopper "scripts" are still not complete) i'm working at the inventory atm, i hope i hope its complete soon.. but i want a interface for it and not just a function. Unfortunality i cant hide the actionmenu functions of the choppers, you will always got the options if you stay in front of the car, and as foot soldier you just got one menu point. I think one point in the menu is okey, cuz in the car i dont disturb (only if you want to change your place e.g. from gunner to commander..) but as foot soldier every new point in the action menu is annoying thats true...

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i got something new for you guys... hehe i will update it with this function soon.

my flare function finally works in mutiplayer, dont fear the stingers / strelas again.. the jammer will destroy them wink_o.gif

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Eagerly waiting for your next update...

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me too smile_o.gif

and yes the Ch47 now is really unflyable but If u can I ask u to place a comment in the script, so I can add some eli to transport specific class of vehicles.

for example: MH6 can lift car, and Uh60 can lift cobra too...

and future working Ch47 can lift Uh60 and also abrams...

This will be fun transport tool for big scenario smile_o.gif

thank u for u work Falseprofet .... thumbs-up.gif

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