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I'll start the ball rolling with the first.

Edit Vertices Height v2.0.1

Expanded version of the original EditVerticesHeight.vis


Download - UPDATED

Edited by [APS]Gnat

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Thanks! Looking forward to giving your script a try this weekend. Glad there are intelligent people like yourself who understand this stuff smile_o.gif

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I tried this script (Visitor 3 Script RandomObjectPlacer v1.1).

I selected an area that I wanted to put some trees in.

I ran the script selected the tree I wanted and set the amount to 70% and only one tree was placed in the selected area all the others were placed outside the area completely in an area south-east of my selected area.

I tried again with another object, the small runway lights, the very same thing happened here, nearly all the objects were not in the area I selected for them to be in.

Always one object is placed in the centre of the area I have selected, all other objects are outside my area.

Using lampazel as the object and 100% as the amount it places

10 lampazel models outside the area chosen and 1 lampazel in the middle of the area chosen.


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Array 0.1 (for Visitor3)

This script is for map-makers to place lines, fields, cubes, ... of objects.

USE: Save your work, select one object and run the script.

Don't use "UNDO" after running the script - otherwise Visitor3 may crash and/or data loss! (To prevent use by mistake:"Clean undo/redo data").





This script is a beta, it may contain bugs; use it on your own risk - save your work to prevent data loss, don't use "UNDO" after using the script!


Array 0.1 (beta)

Feedback, ideas, bug-reports welcome.gif .


btw: sry for my English

Edited by Master85
link fixed

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Good job mate.

Just a suggestion it would probably be a good idea if we all put heads together and worked out what kind of scripts we really need.

Just a thought


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  ([iC said:
Wedge @ May 14 2008,10:38)]Good job mate.

Just a suggestion it would probably be a good idea if we all put heads together and worked out what kind of scripts we really need.

Just a thought


Yeah good idea. I need a random object placer (cannot get the above script to work) that is capable of some amount of terrain-driven variance (like slope) and also something similar to Avenue but can take several objects and have irregular spacings.

Another script that might be nice is one that can lay out a tightly spaced selection of objects along a line. So for example you can have a couple of hedge-type plants very tightly spaced and also a few larger trees in there as well. Bingo instant treeline.

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can someone point me out a script that when selected a network road already placed in the map, changes the terrain to an desired altitude with small differences in altitude, ie,  randomly.

edit: The idea is to do this different elevation to make the terrain as more natural as possible..


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Bravo 6 -

Not sure about what you mean by selecting a road to introduce random height variations, given you want to smooth roads.  Although you probably already know this - no insult intended - [APS] Gnat's Edit Vertices Height v2.0.1 at the top of this thread does the random height modifier, among other things.  I usually use a .67 setting with Add/Subtract Random Value.  You have to select areas using F5. An excellent script.

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The idea is not to select the terrain and change it, but change the terrain selecting the road it self.

Ie, is to do something like the 'smooth roads' script does (when selecting roads) but instead to make the road completely flat, would be nice to be able to make the road smooth but also with some small random values in the terrain altitude.

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Well, I can never get the roads quite smooth enough! biggrin_o.gif

A work around might be to use the random height script on the areas around the road, and then smooth the roads minimally. The higher the value one puts in the road smoothing script, the less smoothing applied.

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We have the smooth roads script, in fact the slope=1 option can make it fair but it won't give high to the respective terrain.

So, can't a script like the smooth roads also add 3m high to the terrain exactly where the road is located?

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  [b said:
Quote[/b] ]Just a suggestion it would probably be a good idea if we all put heads together and worked out what kind of scripts we really need.

Just a thought

a smooth script for terrain vertices as allready mentioned for roads and stuff.

a object selection script (kind of object, min/max elevation, size, direction)

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Can you release your scripts again gentlemen ? Download link doesn't work actually.

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Thanks Gnat. Is there an option that would smooth out the marked part of the terrain from highest point to the lowest, without abrupt height differences in between?

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@ IceBreakr: For smooth roads there is a formal way... http://www.bundysoft.com/wiki/doku.php?id=tutorials:l3dt:roads

For sat grids lower than 4 meters and many tiny slopes I used PS (illustrator might do the job too)... basically, I have exported that EMF vector with scale 1:1 matching the size of height map and then I've applied that as an overlay with some gaussian blur to get the terrain smooth enough for the road network... after some test you may get outstanding results... and this unorthodox method works for making those sort of trenches besides roads if you change border colors in your exported road layer... cheerio!

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