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D.murphy man


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I dont like music in games, ruin the immersion for me. Unless the music comes from a source ingame like a radio.

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Great news! I can't wait for the next beta. (Mainly so I can turn the radiation zones off) smile_o.gif

After dying several times due to radiation, once after flying through a HIGH zone and not landing quick enough to administer my Anti-Rad, I am glad to see this as a toggleable option. I am also of the mind that it should be off by default. I don't want to be a naysayer but it really takes away from the zombie action.

Example: in my last run tonight I was closing in on a crash site only to find that it was in the center of a hotzone. Well, that is all well and good except that if I don't feel like going into ground zero for a crash site recovery, I will never be able to get that mission again as it sticks around.

Also, i am noticing that sometimes a Kill-X Infected mission does not spawn enough zombies to complete it. I had entered a town and scouted it out, killing as I went. Eventually, the town was clear but it did not end the mission. According to the mission map, there were 47 left to kill. (it was a Kill-60 mission) Not sure if this is due to a spawning issue or what.

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Will look into it. The two problems however are not related.


Music will be optional.


Well this mission wasnt really designed for using helicopters in mind, so i can see how radiation zones could be pretty dangerous in helicopters. Also radiation zones do move around the island randomly every 10 mins, so if a mission is in a hot zone you can always return to it later to see if its cleared up.

The zombies shouldnt stop spawning as all spawns are set to INFINITE meaning as soon as you kill one zombie, another is spawned in the area. So no idea why they'd try up in less flying around in a helicopter has screwed up the spawns a bit (since you'd enter and leave spawn zones pretty quickly zipping round in a helicopter) but i will look into it. Also the Kill X infected counter was a bit unreliable in counting how many zombies you actually killed. and as been fixed.

EDIT: im now having some very strange bugs concerning the Geiger sounds. They where working, but now i try to test them out again and they wont play at all. No idea what is causing this as no errors are thrown up. I simply cant seem to play the sounds in game any more. I'm also having the problem with trying to get my addon of ambient music working, none of my custom sounds seem to be working what so ever.

EDIT2: Progress update:

Today i added a new little feature and changed a few things. Surviors are no randomly placed inside/on top of buildings in cities. This not only protects them a little longer but also means the player now has even more of a incentive to search buildings (and hopefully get trapped by zombies in them). However, the player now has the ability to 'call out' for survivors. Players will be notified if they hear any survivors within a 100 meter radius, theyll either hear # of distant cries for help, # of close cries for help (50m), and # of very close cries for help (15m). Any survivors who 'hear' the players call will try and move towards the players last known position when the player called. (which lead to an amusing scene of a survivor jumping to his death from top of a building trying to get to me whiles testing)

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"Any survivors who 'hear' the players call will try and move towards the players last known position when the player called. (which lead to an amusing scene of a survivor jumping to his death from top of a building trying to get to me whiles testing) "

Yeesh. This would have freaked me out the same way seeing a squad of dead officers in the middle of the street did.

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It was indeed freaky, especially since it seems he was just about to get attacked by a few zombies that followed him up there after he was shooting from the roof down onto the street. It looked like he jumped to his death rather then being eaten by zombies tounge2.gif I was walking along shouting for survivours and trying to home in on them when all sudden 'bang' right in front of my face a survivors drops out from the sky, i look up to see a bunch of zack staring at me from a roof top, after which they promptly ran down the stairs to come get me.

Certainly a rather freaky moment.

Another was being stuck in a stair well after going up stairs to rescue a survivor, he was laying on the stairs with an AK, i had a crappy pistol standing above and behind him, we where fighting for our lives as the infected flooded the door way and up the stairs blocking our only exit out the building, a sheer 5 mins of terror as me and my AI counterpart slaughtered a meat wall of about what seemed 100's zeds, both coming out of it with a good few scratches and half a mag left. Terrifying.

Any way i best go back to bug fixing rather then adding features and playing with them tounge2.gif

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Slide my gang a pre-release copy and =WE= can test <cough>play<cough> with the new features while you fix bugs... wink_o.gif

My gmail acct has plenty of storage space. hehe

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Dude that sounds like it came out one of my zombie books. Please send so I can test with my guys. yay.gifyay.gif

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About adding in music, when you figure out how to add in music is it possible for you to add in the 28 days later soundtrack. IMO the 28 days later soundtrack is probably the best zombie movie music I have ever heard.

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I've got some ambient music to add the mission (ripped from Fallout 2), but the size of all the music files alone is 19.3 MB, plus 451 KB of the mission. I think this might be a tad big for a mission file (especially if players try to connect via the server and have to d/l the mission file) so i was considering either making the Ambient music a separate addon so you can download separately to the mission, then have server option to turn music on and off (so you dont have to have the music 'addon' to play) or release 2 separate mission files, one with music, the other without.

What do you think guys?

(Also any tips on how to make a sound addon would be welcomed)

Since you asked so nicely...

Someone already had the right idea, you should go to the page for the HULK Oggplayer and check out the instructions on how to create your own music addons. Here's an example config, which you can happily rip and copy:

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">class CfgPatches


class MyMusic


units[] = {};

weapons[] = {};

requiredVersion = 1.14;

requiredAddons[] = {};



class CfgMusic


class BombTrack


name = "01 RATM - Bombtrack";

sound[] = {"\MyMusic\01_Bombtrack.ogg",1,1 };


class KillingInTheName


name = "02 RATM - Killing In The Name Of";

sound[] = {"\MyMusic\02_Killing_in_the_Name.ogg",1,1 };



This one has two songs in it by Rage Against The Machine, inside a .pbo named MyMusic.pbo (just to get the path right). The name of this addon is observable on top: class MyMusic. The folder path is determined not by the addon name, but by the name of the .pbo file.

So, to make this music optional, simply do something like this in the init file:

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">if (isClass (configFile >> "CfgPatches" >> "MyMusic")) then {[]execvm "musicloop.sqf"} else {};

musicloop.sqf being whatever script you have for running the playMusic files. Having an addon as mentioned above with the config.cpp that looks like that + the actual files inside it will make the music inside a part of the cfgMusic just like if you had made it a part of your description.ext, but without making the mission so darned heavy biggrin_o.gif

If you want the music to happen at select moments (travel music, combat music, town music etc) you can either simply define a global variable at the beginning (local to each player of course) and then whenever there's code to play the music you do a little check à la: if (HasMusicAddon) then {playMusic "labone.ogg"};

Good luck! biggrin_o.gif



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Sorry guys i wont be slipping any one an early beta wink_o.gif of course ever release i make is pretty much a beta, as you guys have noticed with all damn bugs tounge2.gif

But don't worry, ill have new version out soon enough!


Thanks very much wolfrug! I have now finally manged to get my little ambient sound addon working. Your help is very much appreciated! My little addon now also contains a few tracks from 28 days later sound track as well as fallout2. I doubt ill be adding any more to keep the size down (before all of you start flooding me with suggestions! tounge2.gif )

However i am going to ask for help from you guys with something else sound related. I need 2 or 3 heart beat sounds and heavy breathing sounds (be great if heavy breathing and heartbeat where one sound clip together) ranging from light to heavy. With this i intend to play them as the player comes into close contact with infected (closer they get, louder and heavier breathing/hearbeat) to create some tension when combating zombies and to add to the atmosphere. Along with the ambient music it should hopefully sound great!

Im also looking for some voice acting or free generic voices from else where for the survivors when there rescued or answering the players calls out to them and for when the player 'calls out' to the survivors. Somthing along the lines of 'Hello! is any one out there?!' for the player and 'HELP! im over here!', 'HELP ME!', 'Oh thank god, take me out of here.' 'i thought id never make it out of here!' etc... for survivors.

And before i forget, this isn't essential, but if any ones got some military radio sounds laying round that be great also! Mainly general radio chatter that can be played randomly, and perhaps things like "Our perimeter is under attack!" for when base is attacked, and "Refugees needing evac over." for when players cash in there survivors at the evac pad.

Cheers guys!

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I got you D. Will start packing sound files. Will send out tonight. Got good web page full of scary sounds. yay.gifyay.gif

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I too can report the bug of having 2-4 fps when viewing the weapons purchase console at the border.

If I play without the SLX mod, it goes away, however with it the same issue appears. Any ideas?

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It is good to know that the SPON Money shop FPS bug is particular to having the SLX mod running. I've had a quick look at the features of the mod and I can't see anything that would obviously cause a slowdown (but not tested it or looked inside the PBOs yet). Presumably other people have had the same problem before, but did they have the same cause or was another addon causing the problem in their cases?

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murphy, just thought I'd let you know that I just finished playing 4+ hours of your awesome mission with a friend of mine, and didn't even know time was passing that much until I started cramping!

Great work, and keep it up, man! We all appreciate it!

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Great mission! Given us hours of gameplay so far biggrin_o.gif

One thing I noticed that hasn't been mentioned yet - there's a guard at one of the posts when entering the quarantine zone that as an M4; people are just shooting him at the start of the game for a free weapon, kinda removes some of the challenge having automatic weapons from the beginning.

Also, sometimes we don't get notified that we're in a radiation zone until it's too late - driving along a road etc. then suddenly the hintbox says we're in a HIGH zone, dead before we get the chance to turn back.

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Well in next version the Geiger counter actually works, and the LOW zones are much larger to give you more of a chance to turn around before u hit medium and high.

As for the guard thats now been fixed. When you shoot him his weapon will be deleted (like the M2 gunners).

And the subject of AI:

I have been working on the atmosphere elements of mission, especially around the border. The border is now more built up with military personal patrolling, and sitting around relaxing (playing random animations). You can now also go up to any AI soldier and 'talk' to them. They'll say a random line of dialog giving insight into the back story and other random stuff. I am also planning to add some characters you can talk to that will have some more in depth dialog and maybe even give you 'personal missions'. As the current missions at the moment id consider 'Global missions' since any player can join in. Where as personal missions given to you via talking to AI will be only for you to complete (and be rewarded for). The other difference would be that personal missions would be more story orientated, Unlike the current generic global missions.

It now feels really great with the music as you start off, look around to see soldiers standing around chatting, smoking, patrolling, and helicopters flying over head to places unknown. It now feels a lot more alive and interesting compared to the bare empty border area of previous versions.

I've also edited the punishment for killing AI. You're now find $2000 (like before) and sent to prison for x amount of time (undecided yet) as well as all your weapons removed. Also now if you kill a fellow player inside the border you will be sentenced to death by firing squad! You will be lined up with other convicts in front of a line of soldiers, and as you'd imagine, shot. But out in the quarantine of course, your free to slay fellow players as much as you want.

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Turns out the timer for the radiation ended and moved, just happens it moved ontop of us tounge2.gif

Found a couple of bugs, all using a dedicated server & clients:

- JIP time of day doesn't work (always joins as day, while others are playing at night)

- Weather on dedicated servers doesn't work

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Turns out the timer for the radiation ended and moved, just happens it moved ontop of us tounge2.gif

Found a couple of bugs, all using a dedicated server & clients:

- JIP time of day doesn't work (always joins as day, while others are playing at night)

- Weather on dedicated servers doesn't work

Hm strange. I used doolittles time scripts from his batch-o-scripts release over at ofpec, just a direct paste into the mission. Will report it back to him.

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Hm strange. I used doolittles time scripts from his batch-o-scripts release over at ofpec, just a direct paste into the mission. Will report it back to him.

Could be related to the seagull bug? It was happening when all this occured.

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I highly doubt it is. That seagull thing is really weird, i might make a post about it over at OFPEC too see if any ones got an answer on it.

Also a minor fix i think every one will be happy about in next version : You can now be rewarded when mission is completed even when your INSIDE a vehicle! AND your now rewarded for zombie kills when using a vehicle weapon.

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we couldnt get it too work, firstly it throwing us all back to the game lobby, or CTD when we started the mision

and yes we did have all the right addons installed and on the server, it was also giving back loads of error reports,

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With Zombie awards for Vehicle Weapon Kills, I can see the price of M2 ammo going up... smile_o.gif

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Did you use its own Shortcut to start the game or did you use the one you usually use with all your other addons on the Start line?

I trim things down to bare basics when I start up my server. I don't want to muddy the water with too many other things running.

Try just including Yomies and the RH_Pistols addons. If that works, you might want to add your usual addons back into the Start line one-by-one. That way it will narrow down what might be blowing up on you and give D.Murphy a clue what is happening.

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