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This might be a dumb question but i couldnt find anything covering it. Sorry if its doubled.

I want to make a runway that doesnt bounce around when your trying to take off. Ive tried adding it to the road definitions and it wont recognize the binarized P3d's. I then resorted to laying the tiles by hand but then of course it doesnt mimick a roadway...just the surface underneath. Some help please if anyone can.

Thanks Alot


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I think I read that you place the invisable road on or under the runway. I havent tested it but I dont think we have the invisable road unbizarized, so it probaly wont work anyway.

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I used the invisible roads on the everon 0.5 airport and it works and this was a long time ago. You find the road under "P:\ca\Roads\road_invisible.p3d"

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I have same on airport, i just put some spare textures underneith it and set the roughness for that texture to 0, same for dust.

This does work, but i can think of not having a spare texture to do that trick with.

I havent tryed the invisable road yet, planning on trying that tonight.

I'll keep u guys posted.



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You need to use the invisible roads in conjunction with runway models, as the runway models do not have roadway lods due to their size.

This is why they are bumpy when used without invisible roads placed on top of them.


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Any special way of doing it, or just pore them onto eachother ?

Or even make a small road network ??

Just asking, before i go and do the trail and error thing for another night.




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Place the runway, I imagine you have it placed already anyway.

The runway models are 40m wide and 80m long, the larger ones anyway.

The invisible roads are 20m X 20m so to cover a runway piece that is 80m X 40m you will need 8 of them.


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When you place invisible_road, it would be very useful to make the placeholder in your working data which has snapping points and the road copied to Resolution LOD, so that you could see it in Visitor and on the map. Feel free to PM me if you need any extra help with this.

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Ummmm .... wouldn't that mean you'd need readable p3d models for every addon you'd need to edit ?

.... or am I missing something?

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Wow ..... this is going to be a pain ........

Corect me if I'm wrong .....

The Sahrani main airstrip doesn't disapear from your far view because the whole runway object textures are actually painted onto the main satilite view!

Hence when the object drops from your view distance, the land texture is so accurate you don't notice .....

How the hell am I to get the same effect without spending weeks trying to match the exact same scale and textue so they transition in view!

Is there some way I can take a flat in-ArmA or in-Buldozer picture of the runway object laying on the landscape and then paste that back into my sat.png ? .... maybe

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  ([APS said:
Gnat @ Dec. 29 2007,13:44)]Wow ..... this is going to be a pain ........

Corect me if I'm wrong .....

The Sahrani main airstrip doesn't disapear from your far view because the whole runway object textures are actually painted onto the main satilite view!

Hence when the object drops from your view distance, the land texture is so accurate you don't notice .....

How the hell am I to get the same effect without spending weeks trying to match the exact same scale and textue so they transition in view!

Is there some way I can take a flat in-ArmA or in-Buldozer picture of the runway object laying on the landscape and then paste that back into my sat.png ? .... maybe

In-game you can use the 'cheat' "TOPOGRAPHY" this spits out a nice and detailed vector map on your C: drive (I think..). It's in EMF format, you can view it with the default Windows viewer,but for editing you'd probably need to get some kind of converter.

Another option would be to use the "Export Map as image" in Visitor.... but that yields shit results compared to my first suggestion.


Come to think of it, runway doesn't show up on the vector map, so you might have to place some temporary objects as markers around.

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Thx Opteryx .... that nearly had potential, darn.

I'm going to try temparary painting on the sat.png bright single pixel reference lines across the runway area, take some vertical down pics in ArmA using the "camera.sqs", then go back to my sat.png and keep scaling the aerial pic until the reference line overlap. Then obviously delete the reference lines ..... I'll need luck!

$#@$%#$ .... but now I have a weird problem. In Buldozer the runway is continuious, but in ArmA I have like a 6 or 12 meter gap between each long "dirty" p3d and the nearest "main" p3d !! ffs

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  [b said:
Quote[/b] ]It's in EMF format, you can view it with the default Windows viewer,but for editing you'd probably need to get some kind of converter.

Don't forget there's a EMF to PNG converter included with the V3 package. It's just not mentioned! Look for the exe for this in the Visitor folder. Does a much better job than any of the 3 graphics editors I use.

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what about "export map as image" in visitor ??

this will create a emf pic which you can convert to PNG with the converter in the visitor instal directory (D:\Program Files\Bohemia Interactive\Tools\Visitor 3\emftopng.exe )

gives a blue edge !!!! needs to be cut, then you can overlay it on your sat_lco image.

The picture will show all objects and road parts, so you can now see exact where what is .

I have same on my map, no runway textures when viewing editor map, they have to be painted on sat image.



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In Buldozer they look fine, no gaps, no problem ...

But in game it looks like this ......

Any ideas ?

The gaps between a long "dirty" piece and a "main" peice.


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hmmmmm ... seems to be any peice can develop a gap.

I redid the runway in different bits, and still got some gaps.

The gaps aren't actually between 2 tiles, they are like 1 tile disappearing for its last 3 meters ..... its almost like the terrain cells or something aren't allowing it to be displayed ... crazy_o.gif

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Do you have a xxx_mco.paa of your runway texture?

My knowledge is limited, yet as I understood it this one used to

create some sort of blend effect between the sat texture and

the high quality texture in the vicinity.

_MCO - multiply color map, texture used to multiply with color map (as cdt) without fade out filter, average color should be 0.5 in all R G B channels

Edge posted more about these days. I fail to find his post though.



Each terrain type is represented at close distance by a colour only (CO) texture and a normal map (NO*). On SaraLite, each 1024x1024 pixel detail covers about 4m. Each pixel of the layer mask covers about 2m.

Terrain types also have an associated MCO texture. This is a greyscale texture that is multiplied with the satellite map to provide middle distance details. On SaraLite, each 1024x1024 MCO texture covers about 40m (one terrain texture grid cell). The engine loads terrain textures one texture grid at a time, each segment being made up into 12x12 texture grids, plus the overlapping 32 pixels.


Or I am just taking rubbish. whistle.gif

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Runways are no longer represented by terrain textures, they are now models much like the roads are, they do not use mco textures, only co texture and nohq, sm in the rvmat.

I have no idea why the runways have gaps like that Gnat, unless its because they are ODOL models and not MLOD.

MLOD runway models have snap-to points much like roads.


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Could it be on a map grid 'seam'? It almost looks like the terrain is buldging there just a little. Otherwise, I have no idea what that could be. I'll think on it more.

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  (phaeden @ Jan. 03 2008,04:33) said:
Could it be on a map grid 'seam'?  It almost looks like the terrain is buldging there just a little.  Otherwise, I have no idea what that could be.  I'll think on it more.

Yes, seems that way. and there terrain is totally flat.

But what I have noticed of interest .... it ONLY effects North-South runways.

edit: Oh and its not related to any paticular rw object either, as I first suggested, gap(s) can appear almost anywhere.

If I copy the exact same runway tiles(p3d objects) spin 90deg and place them somewhere else .... no gap !!

BI Boys !! ??   whistle.gif

btw, I'm using the de-PBO'ed runway objects .... was there some talk of the MLOD versions coming with the latest V3?

I can't find them.

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Sorry to bring this from the grave.. but i think its better then start a new one.

I noticed here that wasn't clear the right way to do it.

And i thought i could help on the subject for those how still don't know and maybe someone could help me aswell.

How to do a runway:

as a lot of people know these are the following lines in config.cpp:<ul><span style='color:grey'>...

//default center position

centerPosition[] = {2500,2500,300};

// landing place - airport

ilsPosition[] ={2545,3000};

ilsDirection[] ={0,0.08,1};

ilsTaxiIn[]= {2495,2725, 2495,2850, 2508,2860, 2508,3000, 2520,3010,


ilsTaxiOff[]= {2545,2445,2520,2425,2495,2445,2495,2725};


(these codes might not work for your home made MAP)

While doing my new map in visitor, i came across with the airport complexity.

Though its almost done, i spent 1 hour to learn how to use these particular numbers/coordinates and i got into a conclusion, witch is, my coords are:

<ul>// Start Main Position in map

centerPosition[] = {1419.71,7095.36,2.00};

// landing place - The Airport/runway

ilsDirection[] ={<span style='color:green'>-1, 0.080000, 3.920</span>}; // <span style='color:green'>Direction = "\" , landing from Nort -> South</span> (you have to play arround with it abit for inclination)

ilsPosition[] ={<span style='color:blue'>743.71,9742.40,2.00</span>}; // <span style='color:blue'>coords start of runway</span>

ilsTaxiIn[] = {<span style='color:blue'>743.71,9742.40,2.00</span>}; // <span style='color:blue'>coords start of runway</span>

ilsTaxiOff[] = {<span style='color:red'>1419.31,7097.08,2.00</span>}; // <span style='color:red'>coords End of road way</span>


Now i post and explain why i used those numbers:

Remember how to make videos for missions in arma? Codes are:

<ul>// Start of runway, North of the Airport

_camera camPrepareTarget [1422.22,7160.34,-99962.41]

_camera camPreparePos [<span style='color:blue'>743.71,9742.40,2.00</span>]

_camera camPrepareFOV 0.634

_camera camCommitPrepared 0

@camCommitted _camera

// End of runway, South of the Airport

_camera camPrepareTarget [-6.50,12734.20,-99828.25]

_camera camPreparePos [<span style='color:red'>1419.31,7097.08,2.00</span>]

_camera camPrepareFOV 2.000

_camera camCommitPrepared 0

@camCommitted _camera

recognize some codes? Compair the codes and you will see what you have to do for your particular map.

Now my questions are:

<ul>1- How can i make the runway line "fater"/weight? Mine is too tin (but its working perfectly, AI's do use the airport well in take off and landing.)

2- How can i create more then 1 line for runway? In my map i have 3 runways.

Now some pics:


1024x768 1024x768 1024x768

Hope you can see the line in the 3rd pic.. but its very tin. How i make it fat like in ArmA?

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I also noticed when a AI in our group enters a plane that remains in the runway, the Ai turns on the engine and takes off immediately, even if we order him not to. The Ai also takes off if he has something in he's way.. if you have an other plane in front.. the Ai ignore that plane and crash into it.

Can some one help me about the weight of the runway line that i mentioned in the last post?

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Fatter lines... they are models... with textures on them... make copies of the models that represent the runways and change the texture paths in them to point to 'new' textures which you make with 'fatter' lines...

On your island... replace the current runway models with your new models...

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When i referred tin lines i don't mean the models themselves (p3d).

The models fit very well in the Sat_lco image smile_o.gif

I mean the lines we can see in the map if we press the 'm' key and we see the road lines posted in the map.

if you notice in ArmA 'm' key, you can also see those lines in runway positions.

I mean the lines, similar lines that delimitate the roads when you press 'M' for map but for runways.

I post some pics so i can be more clear with my idea.





Help please. help.gif

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