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Wolfrug's Dynamic Sound AI (RUG DSAI)

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Please note: This is a SCRIPT SUITE, not an addon!

(addon version now also available! : RUG DSAI Self-initializing addon version, BETA v.0.4 (or scroll down to the end of this topic)

For the most up-to-date news, check out the OFPEC forum thread where I hang around more. And if you want to mirror the files you're more than welcome to! biggrin_o.gif

Wolfrug's Dynamic Sound AI (RUG DSAI).

Version: 0.3 BETA

Requires: ArmA v.1.08

Credits: ECP for Generic Sounds (and inspiration), BIS for US voices (Lite version). Normal version credits in main post on OFPEC forums wink_o.gif. Armaholic & Armedassault.info for mirrors!

Beta thread: OFPEC Beta Thread + download links

Download links:

(Look in the above thread for link to "full" version)

Filefront link: Beta 0.3 LITE

Armedassault.info mirror: Lite + normal

Armaholic mirror: Lite + normal

Filefront mirror for EXTRA RUSSIAN VOICES : just unzip into the same directory as the full version (will only overwrite init.sqs).

Missions using DSAI:

Were We Soldiers by MrN (requires VTE mod - uses modified v.0.1)

Version history:


- Initial release

v0.2 BETA

- Added two new scripts (UnderFireCheck.sqf & ContactCheck.sqf)

- Changed the scripts from group-centric to unit-array centric.

- Added Spanish sounds (SF2 demo) (only in full version)

- Removed Russian sounds (too big + no word from ECP)

- Added global variable RUG_DSAI_TerminalDistance to decide on range of scripts.

- Split into Lite and normal versions.

v0.3 BETA

- Added more functionality to RUG_DSAI_TerminalDistance (can actually terminate all scripts now).

- Added second global variable RUG_DSAI_CycleTime to decide loop rates of certain scripts.

- Added two new sound level defines to the description.ext, so that there are now three: normal, loud and quiet (GENERAL_SPEECH_SOUND_LEVEL, GENERAL_SPEECH_SOUND_LEVEL2, GENERAL_SPEECH_SOUND_LEVEL3)

- Minor fixes on some scripts.

- Added proper readme Smiley

- Added some minor elements to the demo mission...

Contents of readme (available in download packages for v0.3)):

1) Concept

2) Use (overall)

3) Guide on how to add to your own mission.


This is a Dynamic Sound AI (DSAI) much like the one used in the OFP Mod Enhanced Configuration Project (ECP), from where the inspiration to make this came.

What it does is add voices to soldiers which are appropriate to the situation. It is a (in my opinion) easily enough editable package, that can be added to any mission with a minimum of hassle. There are currently two versions: Lite, which only has the default BIS voices, and "normal", which also contains the configs and sound files for Spanish and Arabic (not linked on this thread).

2)Use (overall):

Everything important is inside a folder named "RUG_DSAI", except the RUG_DSAIinit.sqf scripts (more on them later). The RUG_DSAI folder has within it the *.h files which define the various sounds (included or excluded from the description.ext using #include as wished by the mission maker).

It also has functions (named things such as DSAI_Behaviour.sqf, or DSAI_ArabBehaviour.sqf). These contain within them the LISTS OF SOUNDS used by the scripts withing the RUG_DSAI\Scripts folder. This is where the real "dynamicness" comes in. You can, for instance, make a list of sounds which only use ONE speaker (say Robert Polo, or "number 4", or whatever), and then use that list for that one character, to avoid having one person speak in many different voices. Alternatively, if you don't like certain sounds, you can simply edit them out of this list and they'll never be spoken. The current lists are (for standard English sounds):

DSAI_Behaviour.sqf -> sounds for Safe/aware/combat/stealth.

DSAI_EnemyKilled.sqf -> sounds for "normal" enemy kill (<1000 rating change) and "big" enemy kill (>1000 rating change)

DSAI_Fleeing -> Activated for units within the group that are fleeing.

DSAI_Generic -> not language bound. Contains sounds like "ahem", and "sneeze" and "laugh" (stolen from ECP). Dependant on the current behaviour of the group (i.e., no laughing while in Aware, etc).

DSAI_Misc -> miscellaneous sounds, such as for reloading, throwing grenades, firing weapons.

DSAI_OwnKilled -> Sounds for when someone in the group is killed and teammembers react.

DSAI_Wounded -> Sounds played when and while wounded.

DSAI_Contact -> Sounds played when in contact and out of contact (v0.2)

DSAI_UnderFire -> Sounds played when under fire (sometimes: rather iffy) (v0.2)

The RUG_DSAI\Sounds folder holds within it the sounds. Their paths are defined in the *.h files in the root RUG_DSAI folder. Don't move them around unless you also change their path in the *.h file!

The RUG_DSAI\Scripts folder holds within it the scripts used globally by each "list". Most scripts take two arguments: the name of the list and the name of the group it's to be applied on. Some scripts are run for each unit separately.

And finally: the RUG_DSAIInit.sqf files: these simply run all the scripts in their right folders for the group. It will first pre-compile the lists, then send them off to each script together with the group name.

3)Tutorial on how to add to your own mission:

1) Make sure the mission file in question is "open" (i.e., not in .pbo format), and then copy over to it the whole RUG_DSAI folder, and the DSAIInit.sqf files you need (for instance the default RUG_DSAIInit.sqf and RUG_ArabDSAIInit.sqf). You can remove any sounds you find unnecessary to make the file size smaller.

2) From the description.ext included in the demo mission, first copy over to the other mission's description.ext the top section that says:








(You really only need the top three, the others might be implemented in the future). If the mission doesn't have a description.ext, you can just copy the demo mission's as a whole.

After that, in the other mission's description.ext you need to find a point where it says:

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">

class CfgSounds


sounds[] = {};

There might or might not be a section like this: if there isn't one, just copy it from the demo mission's description.ext. If there is one, though, copy-paste all the #includes into it (just put them straight under the sounds[]= {}; to make sure they're within the curled brackets. Afterwards it should look something like this:

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">

class CfgSounds


sounds[] = {};

// RUG_DSAI sounds

#include "RUG_DSAI\DSAI_BehaviourSounds.h"

#include "RUG_DSAI\DSAI_FleeingSounds.h"

#include "RUG_DSAI\DSAI_WoundedSounds.h"

#include "RUG_DSAI\DSAI_OwnKilledSounds.h"

#include "RUG_DSAI\DSAI_EnemyKilledSounds.h"

#include "RUG_DSAI\DSAI_MiscSounds.h"

#include "RUG_DSAI\DSAI_GenericSounds.h"

#include "RUG_DSAI\DSAI_ContactSounds.h"

#include "RUG_DSAI\DSAI_UnderFireSounds.h"

#include "RUG_DSAI\DSAI_RUSBehaviourSounds.h"

#include "RUG_DSAI\DSAI_ArabBehaviourSounds.h"

#include "RUG_DSAI\DSAI_ArabEnemyKilledSounds.h"

#include "RUG_DSAI\DSAI_ArabMiscSounds.h"

#include "RUG_DSAI\DSAI_ArabWoundedSounds.h"

#include "RUG_DSAI\DSAI_ArabOwnKilledSounds.h"

#include "RUG_DSAI\DSAI_ArabContactSounds.h"

#include "RUG_DSAI\DSAI_ArabUnderFireSounds.h"

#include "RUG_DSAI\DSAI_SPABehaviourSounds.h"

#include "RUG_DSAI\DSAI_SPAEnemyKilledSounds.h"

#include "RUG_DSAI\DSAI_SPAWoundedSounds.h"

#include "RUG_DSAI\DSAI_SPAOwnKilledSounds.h"

#include "RUG_DSAI\DSAI_SPAContactSounds.h"


Note that if you're not using any of the languages mentioned up above, you can just edit out them (i.e. SPA and RUS). Nothing changes though if you leave them in.

3) After this, it's just a matter of initializing the sounds themselves! This is best done from the init.sqs or init.sqf file of the mission. If the mission for some reason doesn't have an init.sqs or init.sqf, just copy-paste the one from the demo mission. The command is fairly simple:

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">

;RUG_TerminalDistance is the distance in meters at which all DSAI scripts shut off automatically. Default = 1000.

;Setting RUG_TerminalDistance to -1 automatically shuts off all DSAI scripts. Setting it to 0 pauses them.

;RUG_CycleTime is a relative number in seconds which determines how often certain sounds are played. Default = 5.

RUG_DSAI_TerminalDistance = 1000;

RUG_DSAI_CycleTime = 5;

RUG_DSAI= [(units aPgrp), (units bPgrp), units dudegrp] execVM "RUG_DSAIinit.sqf"

(note that if you're pasting this into an init.sqf file, you need to delete the commented line that starts with ; up above, and put a ; after each line). What you're seeing above is the standard way of initializing the English-language version for three different groups, named aPgrp, bPgrp and dudeGrp. Most groups in the coop mission should hopefully be named already; you probably need to go into the mission to check out their names (they will have something like "group1 = group this" in their init fields; if they don't, just name the groups using that piece of code (without quotes). Remember to name each group differently!wink_o.gif. After you've got the names of each group you want to add, just add them using the same syntax as above. I.e.,

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">

RUG_DSAI=[(units NameOfGroup1), (units NameOfGroup2), (units NameOfGroup3)] execVM "RUG_DSAIInit.sqf";

Do the same for the groups you want to have Arab/other language sounds. Find them in the editor, and name them if they aren't already, and then run the same script as above (except with RUG_ArabDSAIInit.sqf, or whichever is applicable). Do note however that if the mission maker has enemy groups (or friendly for that matter) spawn dynamically, you might have to do a lot more work to get the sounds to work with each group. For most standard missions however it should work just fine. Smiley

NOTE 1: The global variable RUG_DSAI_TerminalDistance. If this is not defined anywhere, it will default to 1000. This will decide the distance in meters around the player that the sounds will be played and the scripts run - mess around with it to see what suits you best. Having a lot of groups far outside of earshot that still have the scripts running is a bit unnecessary, and in cities especially sound occlusion makes it hard to ear very far - so you might want to limit it to something like 500 meters or so. But that's up to you. Setting it to -1 will terminate all RUG_DSAI scripts, setting it to 0 will simply pause them.

NOTE 2: The global variable RUG_DSAI_CycleTime gives a relative amount of time that certain scripts cycle (BehaviourCheck, GenericCheck, WoundedCheck): you can experiment with it to get a quick and easy change on the intervals of those checks (10 is pretty good). It defaults to 5.

NOTE 3: In the description.ext you #defined some variables named GENERAL_SPEECH_SOUND_LEVEL(+ number). The first, unnumbered one, is used by most sounds. The second (GENERAL_SPEECH_SOUND_LEVEL2) is used by the more "shouty" sounds (Behaviour:combat, underfire and contact). The third, GENERAL_SPEECH_SOUND_LEVEL3 is currently only used by the Generic sounds. Basically they are supposed to represent three sound levels: normal, loud and quiet. By either lowering (db-10, for instance) or raising (db+10, for instance) these variables in the description.ext, you can decide how far the voices are heard. It won't raise/lower their -volume-, but they will be heard longer/shorter distances. If you're not happy with 0 (no change), just raise or lower it as you see fit.

Thanks for testing!

Wolfrug out.

Quote[/b] ]

Wolfrug's Dynamic Sound AI (DSAI): Self-initializing Addon version

Version: 0.4 BETA

Required: Solus' Extended Init Eventhandlers, "core" RUG_DSAI.pbo addon

By: Wolfrug (www.ofpec.com)

Based on RUG DSAI scripts, check that topic for closer info (or on BIS forums just check first page). Any beta-testing reports much appreciated. biggrin_o.gif

Mirror 1: Filefront

Mirror 2: ArmaHolic

Installation: Just extract the .pbo files into your desired mod folder. Remember you have to have Solus' Extended Init Eventhandlers loaded as well!

The languages are distributed according to Side. Each language can have two potential sides (primary & secondary), decided in the config.cpp. Currently, the sides are:





The script that decides the ordering is still very much unfinished, however you shouldn't in most cases need or want more than the default (English) voices and maybe one other voice for OPFOR/Guer. Possible entries for the sides are "WEST" (= Blufor), "EAST" (= Opfor), "GUER" (= Independent), "CIV (= Civilian). Note that the civilian side is not yet fully implemented (for instance it might pick up empty vehicles and static objects which are considered civilian), and I'm still building a voice pack for them, however in -theory- it should also work to give civvies voices smile_o.gif

These global variables are created and used:





Values = string version of the name of the pbo used. For instance RUG_DSAI_SideWest = "RUG_DSAIArab" will make all West side units use the Arab sounds. This can be decided by the mission maker in the init.sqs, or by a server admin using for instance Doolittle's little widget. Note: Has to be done on init, if it's changed any other time the groups who have already received certain languages will continue using them. If you don't want a side to use a language at all, just set the variable to for instance "";

RUG_DSAI_AllowMP : true or false. False by default. Used to allow sounds used in MP, can be set by mission maker or server admin.

Furthermore, the scripts have the following default globals:



TerminalDistance is the distance at which the scripts stop running (default : 700). Making it 0 will effectively pause the scripts. Making it -1 will stop all scripts (except the eventhandler, sadly). Can only be set by missionmaker or server admin. Can be changed on the fly.

CycleTime is a relative time that certain sounds cycle (default : 10). Play around with it as you see fit. smile_o.gif Can only be set by mission maker or server admin. Can be changed on the fly.

Disclaimer: Not really meant for MP use!!! I cannot stress this enough. Shouldn't explode anything, but I have no idea how it really works there. Mostly meant for SP use. The scripts are in BETA, and might have some bugs in them. Have no idea about server loads and the like. In short: I am in no way responsible for if this addon blows your computer up. Also, BIS is in no way affiliated with this addon nor its contents (well, except for the English sounds used and the engine, of course wink_o.gif

All questions should be directed to the pertinent topics at OFPEC or the BIS forums. smile_o.gif


Video of DSAI in action:

(by Mr. Burns)

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Awesome! Glad to see this essential script updated. Adding additional sound levels and breaking the sounds speech level categories will add even more realism.


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biggrin_o.gif Thanks for the mirrors, appended to the first post. If anyone makes any missions/videos (reminds me, I need to add MrN's mission there...) using DSAI, do tell, and I can add them to the main post as well. It's always nicer when there's something to play with it, whether it's an addon or a script suite, don't you think? smile_o.gif

Thanks for your positive comments so far. Remember it's still a Beta though, so any suggestions and/or arma.rpt errors/performance hits you want to report would be nice.



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This adds so much atmosphere! wow_o.gif

Any chance of a self initializing pbo version?

EDIT: I got that working for myself.. tounge2.gif

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I agree that would be prefered method for me aswell.

I waited for something like this since day1 of ArmA cause i loved this in OFP so much.

How big are the chances of russian sounds in the next versions?

My guess is the ECP ones also just were gathered from games so i dont think you cant use them, if you still are concerned about that i can also send you several hundred russian speech files like "Granataaaa!" and swearing words from the Alfa Antiterror game.

Only problem is you need someone that knows russian to tell you what the sounds really mean as the names of the files dont say much about the sentences.

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In version 0.1 I had several russian sounds (the behavioural ones mostly), however they were all in .wss format which is essentially .wav with a different ending >_< -> they were waay big. The configs however are still all there in the 'full' version. So all you need to do to get russian sounds is to grab ECP from someplace and take the ones I've used (all Aware, about half Idle/safe, most of the combat, most stealth) and copy-paste their folders to the Sound folder (and init them). smile_o.gif

I've also got a whole bunch of russian and american sounds from Cameron McDonald's ECP DSAI Extension, which he's kindly let me use (configs and all), however that's yet another 20 or so mbs to the file size, and in the end this is a script suite, not a collection of sounds biggrin_o.gif

What I am planning on doing though is releasing a "Mega" pack at some point which hopefully has a -lot- more sounds, from which you can then pick and choose which you want for your mission/campaign. smile_o.gif In the future!


If you got it to work, feel free to send me the pbo/host it yourself someplace and I can put it up on the front page for everyone to download! smile_o.gif

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if there is something i miss from OFP is when the russians used to shout "Vodkaaaaaaa" , that really added a lot of atmosphere to the game tounge2.gif

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I second that what Wolfrug wrote. Please share the self-intializing .pbo version with us!


I would appreciate a russian instead of spanish version too! As I'm would like to use your DSAI along with the dynamic speaking AI already included in XAM. Yes I know they talk a lot this way, but I don't mind it. I think Spanish would fit very good for the RACS. But Arabic does also. The best way it would be to release a pack where everybody could decide for himself which language the OPFOR and RACS use. I think English for BLUEFOR is good.

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Can't wait to try this out!  Been waiting a long time for something just like this.  From a quick look, sounds very configurable. smile_o.gif

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@Shadow & Kroky

I'm uploading the missing Russian sounds in a separate file presently, which can very easily be "patched" into the full version (just contains the correct sound folders, as well as a slight modification to the init.sqs that changes one of the SLA groups to speak Russian). The size of the .rared file is about 5.53mb, and it has Russian sounds for Aware, Idle (=safe) and Combat. smile_o.gif

The download link will be available on the front page as "RUG_DSAIBetav03_RUSSIAN". Just extract it into the same place you extracted the original, and the files should go where they're supposed to. Only file overwritten = init.sqs.

All the sounds have been borrowed from ECP, so all the credit goes to them! notworthy.gif

Two things I'd like to know:

1) How's the MP compatibility? I understand MrN had to do a lot of modifications to get it to work in his mission, and I'm guessing especially JIP might be a bit hard to accomodate: but I have no idea. crazy_o.gif If anyone makes a proper MP-compatible version that doesn't lose any of the original functionality, feel free to share it with me and everyone!

2) I know nothing about addon creation, and at heart this is a script suite (like Mando Missile or Spooner's creations), which means its designed to be put into each mission separately by the mission designer. However I suppose having a self-initializing addon version wouldn't hurt biggrin_o.gif So if someone creates one, especially one that works in MP, feel free to tell me and I'll gladly upload it!

And finally, any weird things, lag, glitches etc...please report them! This -is- a BETA. Thanks for the encouraging words so far though!



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Thanks for the linkage and thanks for your efforts with this script, it rocks!

Quote[/b] ] I understand MrN had to do a lot of modifications to get it to work in his mission,

Only because I'm stoopid and don't understand in-depth scripting, particularly in MP. Because the say command is local, ie has to be run on the client to hear the sounds I ended up creating a local trigger and capturing the units that way. Otherwise the units being spawned on the server are silent on the clients.

The obvious downside to this is that all the players will (I assume) hear different voices at different times.

I gazed longingly at Norrins revive script which achieves the same result by using all sorts of clever call compile format commands but that's way beyond me.

A self-initialising addon would be fab of course but one alternative would be to have the sounds in an addon and the scripts could be kept in the mission. This would save the hefty download if a mission is updated.



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Regarding the addon-version:

In principle I think it's possible to access the "default" sounds (since they're in the voice.pbo) via an addon (sadly you can't through a mere mission's description.ext sad_o.gif) which would cut down the size even more (for the lite version into just the scripts).

So anyone making an addon, think about that. biggrin_o.gif I'm not sure what the lines should be though...meh.

And yes, all players would probably hear different voices at different times. But then again, they're -mostly- there for ambience, and they don't work for Players anyway (only AI), and the ones that might be useful (such as "Reloading!" and "Fire in the hole!") should be triggered on all computers simultaneously anyway - even if the voice shouting it might not be the same!



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yes, this as an working addon would be the best, it was already my very favorite feature in ecp - please make it possible in arma notworthy.gifnotworthy.gifnotworthy.gif

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Would it be possible to use Doolittle's Global Server Config scripts to call these RUG DSAI scripts in all missions?


If I understand it correctly Doolittle's GSC scripts let you call an sqf file on ALL missions run on a server. For example on my server Dollitle's scripts call an sqf which contains

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">"

setViewDistance 1300;

setTerrainGrid 50;

sleep 3;

titleText [format [""Welcome to the game, %1"", name player], ""PLAIN""];

" call CreateLogicCode;

An on all the missions i run on my server the view distance is set to 1300, the terraingrid to 50 and when a player connects text appears saying 'Welcome to the game, PLAYERNAME'.

In prinicple then, is it possible to call the RUG DASI scripts by adding a line calling them to the above code snippet? Assuming all the sounds come from voice.pbo (which all slients should have) wouldn't this mean that they would run on all clients?

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crazy_o.gif I still know nothing about MP scripting, sadly, and even less about MP-server-side addon-scripting. It does look like it could be a pretty cool thing to use that method though, but can you call more than one script with it at the same time (RUG DSAI = a whole bunch of scripts)?

Also, right now the voices are -extracted- from the voice.pbo, but they're not called from there (i.e., they're in their proper folders in the mission): sadly, outside of an addon, it's not possible to access sounds and other such things through simple scripting. See for instance the excellent HULK Oggplayer, which cleverly uses addon format to allow the user to both access the default music and add their own custom.

However, if someone makes a (simple?) addon out of it, I don't see why it couldn't be initialized on the server and take the voices directly from people's voice.pbo? I believe the code would look something like this:

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">

class Brian_Get_out_here


name="Brian: Get out here!";




(borrowed from Grouplink II Plus by SNKMAN).

sad_o.gif Don't know addons or MP scripting though, sadly.

But: I have had reports that it works flawlessly in MP otherwise, so...! Should be good from that perspective. smile_o.gif (except for voices not necessarily being the same/said at the same time)



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But: I have had reports that it works flawlessly in MP otherwise, so...! Should be good from that perspective. smile_o.gif (except for voices not necessarily being the same/said at the same time)

I'm not really bothered about them being sync'd up on all the clients, it'd just be cool to have people who joined the server suddenly hearing AI chattering and shouting 'Grenade' and stuff smile_o.gifEspecially if they're not expecting it smile_o.gif In some ways that's even better than anticipating the voices biggrin_o.gif

I have no idea how you'd go about getting this to work, but at least it seems worth investigating. Any MP scriptors out there familiar with doolittle's GSC willing to give this a try?

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I'm working on this. Interesting idea, at any rate. I'll see what I can do. yay.gif My first foray into MP-addon-world!

Comments and the like are always welcome, incidentally!



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Awesome news Wolfrug biggrin_o.gif If I can help in any way PM me. I don't know scripting but I'm happy to help with any laborious data entry if that'll help you! (i'd imagine typing the all the calls for voices in voice.pbo script might be quite tiresome!wink_o.gif

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All right.

I've worked on this most of this afternoon, and I've finally gotten the darned addon-thing looking like something: now I just need to redefine lots and lots of paths. biggrin_o.gif

I won't have time to finish this today or tomorrow though (moving!wink_o.gif, and other stuff is coming up too soon (christmas, anyone?), but hopefully I'll get enough time together to spew out a couple of different addon-versions pretty soon!

The first one I'll try to do (mind, I've never done this kind of stuff before) is one which is activatable by server admins/mission makers: basically they can put the voices into their mission as an optional, leaving no addon dependency (hooray!wink_o.gif. Hopefully this'll be useable with Doolittle's tool too: I see no reason why it wouldn't be smile_o.gif And, happily, it'd only work for those who have the addon installed (and I'd leave some options for mission/server admin on which sides get which voices and so on).

Second, I'm thinking of making a version which is ONLY the Lite one: i.e., requiring NO external sound files whatsoever. This should be a pretty small file, so it should be all right. I'm not entirely sure if both the server and the client would need to have this addon to be able to hear the sounds, but if I only can, I'll try to make it so that the client needn't have it at all, and still be able to hear the sounds smile_o.gif

Any other suggestions?

(self initializing, non-controlled by server/missionmaker I feel is very much borderline cheating - however I might be convinced to make one for SP use)



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For SP it would be very nice to have it started automaticly. Put the addon in a modfolder and that's it.

If that is to difficult to make, setting a game logic in the editor is fine too.

Thank you for your fantastic work, it's making ArmA more alive.

MfG Lee smile_o.gif

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Second, I'm thinking of making a version which is ONLY the Lite one: i.e., requiring NO external sound files whatsoever. This should be a pretty small file, so it should be all right. I'm not entirely sure if both the server and the client would need to have this addon to be able to hear the sounds, but if I only can, I'll try to make it so that the client needn't have it at all, and still be able to hear the sounds smile_o.gif

This is the one I'm really interested in and hopefully it should only need to be on the server, not the clients as it can call the sounds out of the client's voice.pbo addon.

If you need help changing the millions of paths give me a shout!

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Yep, got that working just now: self initializing addon, size 2.5mb (English voices only, grabs them directly from sounds.pbo - 2.5mb comes from the Generic sounds), works SP only. Next I'll add the functionality to the Full version (including Russian sounds) which should have the following options: 1) Let Mission Maker/server admin decide if they want them on or off. 2) Let mission maker/server admin/end user decide which Sides use which languages (in that order: mission maker > server admin > end user).

I'll post it in a couple of days once I've finalized it and also added some kind of bikey to it smile_o.gif


sad_o.gif Sadly I don't think I'll be able to make a completely addon-undependant version of this, due to various ArmA issues. However, I'll make it so that people who have the addon in their folder can activate it in MP only if the server allows it on their missions (for instance by using Doolittle's little gadget), or if the mission maker has separately activated it. smile_o.gif

And no, I'm not going to make a version that just automatically activates in MP : they shout quite a lot, they cough, they say all kinds of things, and these are all easy ways to track enemies down, ergo cheating. Unless, of course, the server allows for it.



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