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I was reading dslyecxi's guide when i found this:

Quote[/b] ]Direct Speaking - This mode is just like talking without any sort of radio. Your voice comes from your character's location, is directional, and the character even lip-syncs what you're saying. Your voice will be affected by everything that influences in-game sound, so if you run behind a building and try to talk to someone, your voice will be muffled and indistinct. Direct Speaking is excellent for communicating with people around you regardless of what group they may be in. Shouting "Grenade!" over Direct Speaking is one example of how it can be used effectively.

As soon as i read that i said to me: "this is awesome, I HAVE TO TEST THIIIIIIIIIIIIS" and when i finally had entered the server I realized that... it didn't work sad_o.gif

Do you know how to make it work?

And YES i have mi micro activated!

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The VOIP as of 1.08 is pretty much unusable due to various issues. 1.09 should be the patch where it comes of age, though. If they pull it off, that will probably be the single most significant aspect of the 1.09 patch. I'm really looking forward to seeing it finally become a viable communication option.

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...if it goes out some day.

Well, another disappointment, i'll have to get used to not to be so excited with ArmA

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ps, it has to be enableled on the server for it to be used as well

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...if it goes out some day.

Well, another disappointment, i'll have to get used to not to be so excited with ArmA

I would rather them take their time and do it right than rush it to appease the people who are going to be whining about it regardless.


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So how long would that be then? 8 months? A year?

didnt u hear?? its coming out tomorrow yay.gif but only a half ass patch because they had to rush it out. It allso destroys ur PC when applied goodnight.gifgoodnight.gifgoodnight.gif

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Not a very constructive comment. Please get back onto topic or we will close the thread.

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Suma posted in this forum a few weeks ago that the delay in releasing the 1.09 patch is because of how long it is taking to do widespread testing of the VoN (i.e. VOIP, as used in this thread) fixes and anticheat measures.

This is fine but I really wish they hadn't delayed the fog fix for DX10 cards that is on the 1.09 fix list.  Now that I have become proficient at flying with a mouse, it sure would be nice to see where I am going.  Why can't they issue the fog fix as a pre-1.09 hotfix?

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VOIP ingame is very annoying tbh, everybody can use TS or similar, they should focus on bug fixes instead of a useless thing like that. Most people who play ArmA on an official server dont want to talk imo.

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=- @ Nov. 28 2007,11:54)]VOIP ingame is very annoying tbh, everybody can use TS or similar, they should focus on bug fixes instead of a useless thing like that. Most people who play ArmA on an official server dont want to talk imo.


VOIP has bugs... they're fixing it... and you want them to instead focus on bug fixes?

You may think TS is the end-all-be-all of gaming comms, but the in-game VOIP has features and potential that cannot be matched by TS no matter how much you wish it could be.

From a sheer wrongness-per-sentence standpoint, your post is off the charts. rofl.gif

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I agree that VOIP, as conceived in Arma, holds tons of potential and really hope that it reaches that potential. I just wish BI wouldn't hold back fixes for problems like the DX10 card fog bug while they are spending so much additional time developing and testing tech like VOIP.

Missing less buggy VOIP suuport is not as much of a loss to me as not being able to see where I am flying at high speeds in the Warthog or Harrier.

How about a DX10 card fog bug hotfix, BI?

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I'm gonna take a guess that the biggest time killer in this patch is not the VOIP but rather the anti-cheat mesaures.

I'm also wondering what effect will this have on mission making and scripting.

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