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hypno toad


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I have renamed this mission to "The Darkest Day"


It takes place in an alternate sahrani, after a nuclear reactor near bagango exploded. Along with many species of plant life and animals, bacteria also mutated because of the radiation.

The most impacting disease caused by the radiation, is one that causes loss of intelligence, and extreme violence in the subject. It is also highly contagious. This has plagued the northern part of sahrani, and there have been rumors among survivors that there are safe and guarded pockets in southern sahrani.

You play as one of many survivors, at the farthest, and safest reaches of northern sahrani.

Your group has decided that it is not wise to wait where they are, because soon the infection would come through their area.

So they have decided to take their chances, and head south, to the so called "safe area" On December 21, the shortest day of the year. They plan on moving through the dark, to limit detection of zombies, other people, and mercenaries.

Despite the horror stories of returning survivors, about the ruins of the nuclear plant, and of a pain transmition device, protecting Corazol.


There are plenty of secrets in this mission, you may find crates, full of weaponry. and vehicles that you can use to further assist your mission.

Information is also an important part of the game, by walking into certain areas, you may "refresh" your characters memory, about people, places and secrets. You may also find information in computers, and in desks, and on dead people.

The mission is fairly persistent, and may take a very long time to complete.



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If you put too many CZM zombies on the map you computer will slow down cause of all the scripts in the game I suggest you use these zombies instead http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=1628

Mind you these zombies are a little bit more complicated to get working but you'll get the hang of it if you read the instructions.

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If you use CZM you'll get REALLY laggy

Not really, maybe if you palce zombies on entire map. But if you spawn zombies, and then if player gets too far remove them icon_rolleyes.gif You ask why zombie maps are foggy? So you don't see zombies just appearing from air. whistle.gif

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This would be a really cool map if you or someone else could get this to work smile_o.gif I really love the unconventional missions in ArmA inlove.gif

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Well I am behind you on this one. I am a huge zombie movie/game fan...if you can incorporate everything you talked about into the game then it sounds outstanding. Just don't go overboard and give a soldier a pistol with one clip and 200 zombies between him and the next ammo cache. crazy_o.gif

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theres a problem with the yomies spawning system, after a while they just stop spawning all together. I tried creating a large scale zombie mission my self and luckily found this out early on.

I'm still waiting on some one to make a decent, unlaggy, working zombie addon that doesn't have any mission stopping bugs.

good luck though, it is possible to just script your own zombies using civilians rather then wait for an addon to be released.

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I fixed the Zombie spwning thing and did a test mission last night that had over 1059 zombies in it.

I made an edited nemlowzombies and had no problem with them running on my computer.

Will do more test with my clan tonight but it looks good to have the whole island covered in zombies.

Screenies to follow soon too. nener.gif

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If thats true, its excellent news! do please keep us updated! and maybe get in contact with the author so you release it!

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Ok got spawns all over the island and am working on a massive zombie mission.

Its just that I suck at making maps and I don,t have any objective set right now so it just me and some guys driving around looking for guns and killing all we see.

I have a few problems tho.........

1. zombies talk and u can hear them talking to each other. (need to fig out if there is a way to disable this.)

2. need more ideas for side missions to do while you are trying not to become zombie food.

3. the version I have running right now uses alot of addons. (I love custom weapons and stuff) Need to make clean version so non addon getting peps(lazy no fun peps).

4. need help with back story and some cut sceans to round out mission.

oops forgot will post screenies this weekend massive zombie waves and us holding out in a small house running out of ammo. yay.gif

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If you use CZM you'll get REALLY laggy

The low spec version shouldnt. (When the CPU gets overloaded the zombies will most likely stop moving properly etc)

Though they miss some nice features they are quite ok for large scale attacks.

EDIT: Oh, seems like prototype figured something out already. tounge2.gif

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Can you please tell us how you managed to fix the zombie spawning problem? Are you using yomies or CZM zombies? or have you just scripted your own?

Be great if you could share your secrets so we can all get zombie huntin!

As for mission objectives you could borrow an idea from one my old OFP missions Skye Virus, Collect X amount of radio parts from random locations around the island to repair a radio to call for help. Or if you want to make it little bit more complex maybe collect engine parts to repair a fuel truck so you can escort the said fuel truck to a helicopter to escape.

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notworthy.gif  notworthy.gif

D.murphy man thanks for the idea. I loved your mission from ofp, me and my guys played that and moded it it to death. It was one of the funnest we have ever played.

The zombies I have are just reconfig nemlowzombies that had the chest, leg and arm armor bumped up and the head armor lowered so that head shots kill in 1 hit and it takes like 5 to 6 body shots to kill them. I'll send original maker a pm and ask if its ok to send them out.

Spawn thing was fixed by the DGC (Dynamic Group Creator).

I just fixed a few lines in the code to make them spawn like other units and so far as I can see I,ve had no problems with them spawning.

D.murphy man if you want I can send what I have to you as you are mission maker and I'm not. I just want to be able to play a great mission and have fun like I have been doing so far with my guys. I want everyone to have fun and blast some zombies.

Also keep the ideas comming. I may not be the best mission guy but I can cut and past from other missons.

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I'll send original maker a pm and ask if its ok to send them out.

Its OK, though i would prefer if you changed the classname so there wont be any conflicts with the original verison(Just add your tag or something). wink_o.gif

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Wow this sounds like a great mision idea , I love playing around with the zombies on the mission editor. I do like the idea of finding certain things/activating radios around the island to aid in an escape/call for help.

A few ideas/suggestions for you =

Make every round count (Perhaps it could be made that weapons come with limited ammo and perhaps at one place there will not be weapons for all, so survival would depend onworking together).

Perhaps a "gunstore" or a few around the map (Buildings with weapon/ammo crates inside), cars having random amounts of fuel (nothing like runing out of petrol in the middle of nowhere surrounded by zombies smile_o.gif).

Perhaps a few slots for police (which start armed at a police station) a few army (National guard or something with humvees and trucks) and the majority being unarmed civilians (at first anyway) biggrin_o.gif.

Oh and will you place the zombie cures around the map or will you do it so it is upto the player to decide if he wants his friends to kill him before its too late... or savour his time left with no care for his friends safety! Muahahaha wow_o.gif!

Cheers and I look forward to playing the map, Col. wink_o.gif

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Quote[/b] ]D.murphy man if you want I can send what I have to you as you are mission maker and I'm not. I just want to be able to play a great mission and have fun like I have been doing so far with my guys. I want everyone to have fun and blast some zombies.

That be great! ill pm you my email, Its been a long, long while since iv made any missions in ofp and none at all for Arma.So my scripting and mission making skills are pretty rusty these days, hopefully ill be able to pick it back up again no problem. Although i dont have the time that i use to to be able to make mission.

Perhaps ill make a new version of my Skye Virus with the same open ended objectives etc..

Or even, if i get ambitious enough, an RPG sort of mission with lots of options and stats and things. With JIP too it could be a pretty fun Zombie MMORPG, the first of its kind as far as i know!

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yay.gif  yay.gif

Sorry I have not posted for a bit. I just got back from a small vacation.

D.murphy man I got your email and am making a clean version with basic arma addons and the reconfig zombies for you to work with.

The new zombies that ofpforum said I can rename I will be sending out this weekend after some fine tuning.

I will also add some screen shots soon too after I do another massive online test to see how many zombies I can have attacking us.

Please also keep the Zombie mission objective ideas comming. I can use all the ideas I can get even after reading every zombie book made.

Thanks for the support. notworthy.gif

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Heh, i was getting worried i thought you had disappeared of the face of the earth for a while there!

Im looking forward to seeing what you've managed to achieve with the new zombies should be a lot of fun MP zombie surviving, maybe finally we can get some more zombie missions pumped out for the community to enjoy!

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Once i get a decent set of zombies to use i will also make a few horror missions  biggrin_o.gif infact i already have 2 horror missions made which are very scary im just missing the zombies sad_o.gif both are MP missions too.

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Ok I have a problem............

I made these zombies kinda strong and it takes a bit to kill them (15 to 20) unless you do a head shot (1 or 2). But now the ai will not shoot at them unless the have an at4. Whats better zombies made for human players that you have to take down like a "real" zombie? Or zombies that can be fought by ai and humman players?

I also have slow and fast zombies let me know what you would like more or if I should send out the 2.

Also need more mission objective ideas. So far I got some stuff but I still suck at mission making  help.gif . I just normal look for other missions and cut and paste the objectives from them. whistle.gif

Thanks again!

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I think zombies that can be taken out by AI would leave the mission making possibility's a lot more wide open for people to play with, how ever you could release 'Realistic - Non AI compatible' zombies and 'Easy AI compatible' ones separately and give people a choice?

As for slow vs running zombies I always prefer the running zombies due to game play issues, In ArmA slow zombies just wouldn't be a challenge with the vast distances and open spaces where dealing with, however maybe releasing slow and running zombies would again give people a choice on what they want to use.

As for mission objectives, I cant think of any thing right now, but ill get back to you.

How ever with the recently released VFAI-AI extensions I was thinking of maybe creating a large scale open ended mission, with groups of AI soldiers or civilians randomly patrolling around the island looking for supplies and fighting one another in the midst of a zombie apocalypse.The Player would be dumped in the middle of all this and can choose what factions they want to join etc... or just survive against the zombies by them selfs

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I love zombie missions in ARMA, thanks for all your work!

One note about slow vs fast. I like the slow ones just because its the movie style of zombies I like. They are creepier and more believable when they are slow I think.


If an ammo shortage or double cross by your command could be mixed into the story, then those slow lumbering zombies would get a bit more troublesome IMO. Maybe they are slow but theres alot of them and the player has to get past large numbers of them to get a vital weapon. You cant waste ammo so you have to kill them with other means and use your bullets wisely.

 It could then take a whole mission time to upgrade your weapon from hunting rifle to a mil type assault rifle. I always like missions where you have to search for a dead mans weapon or keycard, so you have to fight move and search.

Maybe you have to do a set number of objectives to find out where a sniper rifle or SAW is hidden somewhere in a large area.  So a shortage of ammo and weaps with drawn out objectives would be more condusive to an enjoyable challenging "slow" zombie mission. Kind of like the puzzles from RE but better with more dynamic parameters.

I like the idea of an endgame portion of the mission with a big stand off/showdown at the Alamo style assault while waiting for EVAC.

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