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Ok, there's a major bug with 1.20. When cops use "Check for drugs" it -always- says the civ has drugs. You can try people that have just joined the server or just spawned, etc and it will say they have drugs.

On a side note, it may be worth moving the handgun shop off the main road (maybe just down that side road past the Gas Station), it kinda leads to issues with lots of armed people messing around there rather than somewhere slightly more out of the way.

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Ok, there's a major bug with 1.20. When cops use "Check for drugs" it -always- says the civ has drugs. You can try people that have just joined the server or just spawned, etc and it will say they have drugs.

On a side note, it may be worth moving the handgun shop off the main road (maybe just down that side road past the Gas Station), it kinda leads to issues with lots of armed people messing around there rather than somewhere slightly more out of the way.

I agree - It's imperative that the handgun shop gets moved to a more reasonable place, also the Jail town (Ortego) is missing a Car Shop, another thing that should be imho added back in ASAP.

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The jail town is Obregon, it has a pickup shop and I -think- it sells Skodas (Issetea said that almost all vehicle shops sell Skodas so it's a guess...)

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1. There is a Carshop in Obregan selling Pickups AND a skoda.

2. The lag which is mentioned by some players is mostly caused by the download of the mission during the first few days after a release.

3. Using the check inventory cops can see if the player really has drugs.

4. Progress of the mission is NOT supported by servers switching back to version 1.12 (and/or one of the unofficial edits).

5. Progress can only be achieved by players trying the new version and giving feedback.



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It seems it is impossible to change the view distance since the 1.20 sad_o.gif The default view dist is way to short for me

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Neo you can change the view distance in the menu by pressing 0-0-1. smile_o.gif

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Great, thank you for this info smile_o.gif

Small bug report : when the mission starts, it appears AN rpg Mission, is there no mistake ? tounge2.gif

More important : some guys are hiding their stuff using the gear menu so you do not see anything using check trunk or see trunk

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Issetea, another large bug is that the Mayor can't change the laws, you get script errors.

Also noticed that there is no explosives licence meaning that even cops can't buy any weapons with a grenade launcher as well as Stingers, Javelin, Strella, RPG, M136, etc...


Bug summary so far from me for 1.20:

Can't change laws as mayor, causes a script error.

Police can't buy explosives due to no licence (not purchasable anywhere).

Weapons in civs inventories show as "...bool array...".

Check for Drugs always claims that the civ has drugs.

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Version updated to 1.21 including some small hotfixes:

- fixed: Drug search always true

- fixed: Improved JIP performance (note: the first few days after release people have to dl the mission from the server so it lags - keep the mission on for a few days and it will be fixed)

- fixed: Removed vehicle actions from main dialog

- fixed: Scalar bool array string error when checking the inventory of a civ who has magazines/weapons

- changed: higher prices on weapons and magazines (taxes/prices can be adjusted by the mayor)

- fixed: Mayor is able to change laws

- fixed: Cops do not need licenses to buy things in the cop base

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Alright, thank you for this small fix.

I sum up the bugs that I found for instance and that are not fixed :

- The trunk option is not effective : when someone uses the gear option to put some stuff life weapons in his vehicle, the trunk option won't list it. Perfect to hide some weapons...

- The text which appears at mission's start is "An RPG-Mission", it should be "A RPG mission", small grammar fix

- Same thing concerning the version : it appears "1.20" it's now "1.21"

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please, tell me the true, do u actually need us, fans of ur mission who's sharing ideas with u? U never said a kind word to ur fans over there and u have taken lot of my ( and other ) ideas and u've turned it up side down never asked for our meaning. But except most of other ideas I always was trying to give full list of explanation what can this addons ( mayor, factories etc ) be useful for the gamers and how to make it easiest way to play with it.

There is explanation why I'm thinking that u don't care about ur fans and their ideas - I was the one who advised u to create Mayor, political parties ( u called it silly word Guild ) and Factories. So I can compare what I advanced and what we got in ur mission. U never listen and even answer me back, u just took the idea and create it ur own way for ur mission. The result we have now -

1-noone rush to be Mayor, it's too boring and Mayor has no respect. Every1 votes for him self. 3000 per 3 minutes is ok but no need to create Mayor if the point was in adding 3000 every 3 minute. U could buy such training in University.

2-I have never seen anybody joining other guilds with any reasonable reason. Getting political points on fighting in gang area is the top of stupidity of the mission.

3-factories ... are just disaster. It's just impossible to create a single car even if 3 person is working on gathering resources ( yesterday I spend 4 hours on it and I gave up it became so boring like no tomorrow ).

It's absolutely clear that u r confused in what u r doing. You said by ur self somewhere that u can't create a new game but I think u also forgot that this is ArmA mission. People joining to play generally not longer then 2 hours. This why my idea with factories was based on faster ( and more interesting ) bases. So as all other things I proposed.

You mistake ( and I'm repeating my self I said long ago in this thread ) that you r giving too much attention for little details but missing huge part - general ideas of main concepts. I bet noone will spend playing 2-3 hours on gathering resources to create a single car man ... noone ever! So, what was the point of spending many days and hours on creating such options-scripts if u could it make another and easier way and more accessible for public to play?

Based on all i've said above I see no point of continuing sharing any ideas with u. I hope u respond with clear answer other way I'm not on ur side any longer.

P.S. to improve ur situation with Mayor and Factories, please, find and read my ideas with full description how it could be used in this thread.

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While I dont want to be rude, I agree with MaxRiga on some of his points.

Issetea you are extremely talented for creating SL and all the excellent scripts in it. Sahrani Life has so much potential to become a sort of first person MMO (the very first of its kind), which I believe could become extemely marketable as its never been done before. SL has all the necesary ingredients to become a huge success.

But right now there is some serious flaws, all which of could be easily remedied. I could make a list of those flaws, but basically what it boils down to is I believe you need to shape the gameplay and player behaviour through game balancing. In my experience, if everything is equal, players will always gravitate towards simple deathmatch game stlye without fail. If there is nothing stopping them from doing such, players will go back to the basics of just shooting each other over and over. So there needs to be systems in place to ensure that sort of gameplay is very difficult to accomplish. SL is an RPG mission and deathmatch players kill it; they frustrate players who are trying to play the game with more depth and basically kill the population and any more complicated gameplay that might be occuring on a server.

You need to encourage players to use the systems you have in place; such as the new factories, the drug running, buying and selling of vehicles, etc. And you need to DIScourage players from simply finding the nearest rifle and shooting everyone that you can. Right now there is simply not much reason to use these systems in game. Once you get enough money for guns (which is really easy to do), there is NO point in using all the cool features of the mod, and it becomes a killing fest against cops/civilians.

Also I notice a distinct lack of vision for the civilian side of the game. It has so much potential to become about gangs (or like maxriga said 'political parties'wink_o.gif. 2 or more rival gangs vying for power over sahrani, swallowing up smaller gangs and using proxy wars, spies, assasinations, blackmail, etc. Fighting over territory, the ability to claim towns as your own, income from towns, etc. But instead of any of that what do we have presently? All the civilians going to terror island so they can kill the police. That is just so limited and gets old so quickly, its so black and white when it could really be a very in depth part of the game, which would TREMENDOUSLY increase the replayability of the mod.

I really believe the player population would evolve and go along with your vision but you have to 'encourage' them by controlling their behaviour. A players natural behaviour in a game like ArmA is to grab a long distance rifle, find a great spot overlooking lots of other players, and start killing. So you need to take measures to ensure this type of behaviour is either extremely hard to do, or extremely time consuming to get to. This would mean you would force the players into doing other things, such as the mayor role and the amazing guild system that you worked out. So many possibilities would open up if players actually used that system, yet it remains completely unused because it does not have enough perks for the players, and its just as easy to go alone, making money easily to get the readily avaliable weapons.

So what is the solution? Well I think you should hear out the fans a bit more (and not the ones crying for more sniper rifles). See through your vision and know that others are playing this mod and being amazed by its potential. Listen to players and server admins who regularly play. Find out what most annoys them and disrupts gameplay, and keep that in mind when tweaking the gameplay.

I think maxriga came off as being too rude, Issetea I really do think this mod has such a high potential, it could be much bigger than evolution/berserk or any of those other arma mods, you just have to get the right combination in gameplay dynamics.

Anyways just wanted to say Thank You! for an amazing piece of code/art.

Sahrani Life + VON = Whole New World in online gaming.

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Issetea: Cops can buy explosives now but if you try and buy RPG or M136 ammo in the cop base (I'm assuming also Strella, Stinger, etc ammo) it gives a ArmA script error (the message box pop-up window) rather than a mission script error. Sorry, the error only shows once so I can't check what it was again. It was one of those "... not found in..." messages.

Second is weapon selling prices. i.e. if you buy an M136 for nearly 40k, it only sells for 3.5k... that's a massive price drop.

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Quote[/b] ]1-noone rush to be Mayor, it's too boring and Mayor has no respect. Every1 votes for him self. 3000 per 3 minutes is ok but no need to create Mayor if the point was in adding 3000 every 3 minute. U could buy such training in University.

The Mayor can set the taxes from 0% to 30% which increases all prices. In addition the mayor gets 75% of all taxes paid and he can set the laws.

Quote[/b] ]2-I have never seen anybody joining other guilds with any reasonable reason. Getting political points on fighting in gang area is the top of stupidity of the mission.

Guilds don't have anything to do with political points and they just exist because we didn't delete the scripts and may use them for something else in later versions.

Quote[/b] ]3-factories ... are just disaster. It's just impossible to create a single car even if 3 person is working on gathering resources ( yesterday I spend 4 hours on it and I gave up it became so boring like no tomorrow ).

During most of the tests we don't have time to test factories so we didn't adjust the prices and resources yet. No one says that these are the final prices.


While some of you complain about the high prices and that's impossible to use and reach everything (like factories) in 2 hours of play time, some other complain about the spreekillers or that people get everything to fast. We can't adjust everything in a few weeks working on the mission and we can't decide when the admins restart.

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thank you for ur answer

at least I see u pay attention

my advises that can really improve general game play of the mission -

Quote[/b] ]The Mayor can set the taxes from 0% to 30% which increases all prices. In addition the mayor gets 75% of all taxes paid and he can set the laws.

I know, i was playing mayor while I rushed for factories and noone on the island was even care much when I raised taxes up to 30%. Everybody was voting for them selves so "the old Mayor stays" always happened with me ( by the way, i'm not OLD, so the right word might be – “The previous Mayor still in powerâ€, but u have to ask english speaking people how to make this phrase in right english, i'm not english ).

so, my proposal -

1-Major gets his 10000 ( not 3000 ) only if he in his workplace - City Hall

2-Mayor is leader of party ( you can simply change GUILD on PARTY ) so people vote for parties. This will reduce % of people who wants to be elected, because it cost 100000 to create party. So, newcomers can join parties for good money start ( and people do not pay for joining, it's mayor pays them for it, so it's good money start for newcomers. let's say every1 get 10 000 from Mayer when they join and 200 each 3 minutes. So Mayor has to know he will pay to be in power ).

So, the party wins if it has more members ( it's like u have 2 members i have 1 so u automatically win, if we have same amount of members - "the previous mayor wins" script appears.

3-Mayor has to have benefits other way there is no logic to be Mayor. I'd advise to make Mayor untouchable and let him be also chef of Police. So, he can judge. It's in his interest to judge well so he can get more people in his party. In this case Mayor gonna be more preoccupied about changing laws and taxes because it will effect on his political career.

4-Mayor cannot be arrested but Mayor also cannot buy drugs ( no such options for Mayor )

Quote[/b] ]During most of the tests we don't have time to test factories so we didn't adjust the prices and resources yet. No one says that these are the final prices.

I really believe gathering resources for factories is wrong way for ArmA mission. There is another idea how factories could be really good for civs.

1-u can build factory by ur self like hideout. One factory per one city. Let factory cost 150 000 or more. So, all money for every good in this city bought by civs goes to factory owner. For example, I buy factory in Bongago and place it where I want inside of the city range. Everyone who buys car at Car Shop pays 5500 for shkoda. tax% goes to Mayor and other sum goes to factory owner. So, as many cities as many factories can be build. Some of cities are good for it, some less. Factory owners can trade factories to new milliners who wants to buy it. And don’t forget, If I buy factory I know hove to pay off my expensive from it. IF factory cost 200 000 how many shkodas has to be sold in Bongago to finally pay off factory price!?

2-If factory owner stays on his factory he gets 1000 each 3 minutes.

3-you do not get money from factories if u r wanted ( so, not just cops but also mayor can make people wanted-unwanted. there might be corruption as well ). So, if u r wanted in Bongago and somebody bought car Mayor gets his tax% but factory owner gets nothing.

4-terrorists and thieves can rob factories so owner of factory can lost 30% of his cash money if factory robed

so, if u create everything i've said above then u create game logic of the mission and players will RUSH to earn more money so they have ability to spend it ( for factories or for political campaigns ). Both of the ways are not complicated but it goes absolutely peacefully and they will be needed the protection of police. Those who want to be crime have more chances to play interesting games too, because they have more opportunities of actions ( revolution against mayor or terrorizing businesses ). In both ways police will be the only protection for peaceful people and crime will not be supported by business and mayor any more.

Once u finally create game logic base of the mission I can give u more detailed advises about interesting stuff ( and easy script creation ) such as Banks, Restaurants ( the good way, not like it’s now ), Trade Companies and, of course, Revolution with the support of evil invasion of Russkies wink_o.gif

and please, add airport company, so people can fly from one airport to another and get money for transporting goods. I love flying so I'd love to fly in SH mission and get money for that smile_o.gif)) it can work this way -

1-you have to buy plane ( it can be camel without ammo )

2-you get delivery job to another airports randomly the same way like u have deliveries taken from work places.

3-you must land on that airport to get delivery finish

4-you can buy airports same way like u buying working places and shops and get extra $$$ each 3 turns

5-and of course u can transport some illegal stuff for crime wink_o.gif)) as u know one airport is close to drug place. So crime can pay to be sure cops will not couch them on the way back from drug place ...

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Actually most people I know become Mayor not because they want to be Mayor but simply for the extra cash, they have no intentions on trying to sort things out or set anything up. There should be some obligations so it's not just a case of "vote for me so I can get some extra cash!".

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Played Sahrani Life last night for more than 12 hours and after making my first 1 mln dollars, decided to try out the factory stuff. In ArmA its kinda unusuall type of action smile_o.gif. Any way it was fun till, I got few tons of material in my truck and tried to get them all to the factories storage... Piking 30 items out of 2000 from my trunk and putting it to storage made me think this factory wont pay of in any way. Of course if you want just make M9 thats not a probelm but for any vehicle its not worth. I think there should be posibility to unload gathered items directly from trunk to storage. Lets say you drive the truck near the flag and while sitting in the truck just get a menu action alowing to do that. The ability of gathering items while sitting in the truck directly to its trunk would be even better smile_o.gif

Other thing I've noticed was very annoying especialy after an hour spend gathering items with my team mate into the separate trucks. When you give you cars key to other player, trunk from that car magicaly disapears with all stuff that was in it. Even when the key is given back to the real car owner trunk doesn't reapear...

That would be my notices and suggestions for this time.

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good stuff, nice having a little break from evolution and simHQ coops smile_o.gif

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A list of suggestions (after playing on XR server) :

1. Possibility for civilians or cops to regroup in squads so they can use the group channel. The mobile phone is not practical for use sometimes. Information messages could be stored as a log similar to the crime log.

2. Possibility to kidnap civilians. Don't know if it's possible to achieve because it needs : removing from kidnapped persons map, global/side/group channels and possibility to respawn.

3. Make Southern Sahrani an area where cops can't go. So it can be a quick escape zone for criminals.

4. The gray/black contrast for menus is too low. Make it white/black or yellow/black.

5. Retrieval of large money amounts done at central bank.

8. The hideout shows in inventory even if it is already placed after reconnecting.

9. Show number of votes each player/cop has gathered next to his name in the election list.

10. Allow the trunk of a vehicle to be locked/unlocked like the vehicle itself.

11. Lock picking doesn't seem to work. I bought the training and the lock pick but when I'm near a locked vehicle it says "no near vehicle"

12. About Factories and Resources.

Add notes in briefing about resources and how you obtain some of them from other resources.

---------> Resource Gathering :

Allow players to buy mines (a flagpole with buy action just like factories).

Once a player bought a mine, he must buy workers for the mine to increase its production rate.

No workers means no production. The gathering rate of each worker must be such that it doesn't collect too much. It could be a random value of resource per minute added to the storage.

Workers can be a variable incremented each time the owner buys a worker - price of 7500 per worker seems balanced. And also put a limit on the number of workers.

Allow this workers limit to be increased with an upgrade of the mine.

---------> Resource and Items Factories

Again the player should be able to buy workers that will transform basic resources at a certain rate into more complex resources or build vehicles/weapons/items. The owner will choose what complex resource or vehicle/item/weapon his workers will manufacture (for example in the manufacture list the owner will place a list of things to make and as soon as resources/workers are available the items are made in that order or any item will be made according to what resources are available in storage).

Also allow for upgrades of the factory that will increase workers limit and/or worker productivity.

Allow players to choose their resource and/or item factory location (so they can put them near a mine for example).

Placing a mine, a resource factory and an item/weapon/vehicle factory of the same owner near each other will allow to share their storage so there will be no need for transport between them. This will allow for a simplification improving gameplay. Only other resources from other mines will have to be transported.

---------> Link between resource gathering - resource factories - item factories

Resource factories buy resources from mines.

Item Factories buy resources from mines or resource factories.

Mines issue selling proposals of resources.

Resource factories issue buying proposals to mines or selling proposals to item factories.

Item factories issue buying proposals.

A proposal is made of a resource, an amount and a price.

A truck can come to this mine and be loaded with an amount of the specific resource inferior or equal to the amount of the selling proposal.

All players can do the transport by buying the resource at a factory/mine and selling it to a another factory that buys the same resource. This needs a fast way of loading/unloading resources from the factory/mine storage to the truck and more generally between vehicles.

Thieves can steal trucks and sell the resources it transports. Make lock picking apply to trunks too.

Allow more players to buy mines on the same resource this way lowering the workers limit per mine. Mayor can choose which between the 2 options is available to players : whether only one or more mines can exploit a resource. A player will only be able to buy one mine per resource.

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Version 1.22 released.


- changed: some variables and prices

- added: a new factory on the terror island

- removed: some shops and objects from shops

- fixed: Trunk bug

- fixed: Police is able to buy explosives

- fixed: adjusted some dialogs

Link on the first page of this topic updated

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Just wondering why you removed the pickup's from all car shops? Was only think i like to drive that dont get damaged by them small post things on the roads.

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1.22 -

Money in the bank is NOT saved after reconnecting to a server (major).

Pick-ups still for sale in Obregon but they cannot be purchased even with the right licence (claims you don't have the licence).

Pick-ups now missing from police car shop.

Various (quite a few) script errors (I'll send you screen-shots over ICQ tomorrow).

AK ammo missing from the Police item shop (but AK-PSO for sale there, etc).

Shop windows need to be raised higher or shrunk slightly from the bottom so that chat doesn't obscure the lower parts/buttons.

Cops can buy and sell Drugs which means you end up with idiots using the cop side as an easy way of doing drugs.

That's all that seems to have been noticed from about 32 people on a server for over 4 hours.


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Might I suggest to not ask Issetea and Fewo directly to make an addon version as CAF Clan has already done this. I believe they are trying to keep Sahrani Life addonless as to it limits to whom may join. wink_o.gif

Also I tried RH Pistol pack and about half the guns don't have recoil sad_o.gif

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Thank you for the last update (v1.22).

It seems that some bugs (listed in changelog) aren't fixed.

- Concerning the trunk bug => take a vehicle and put for example a weapon in it using the gear menu. Then use the trunk option : you will not see the weapon you just put in the vehicle.

- Still the small grammar mistake, it's A RPG MISSION wink_o.gif

- Suggestion : increase the view distance available in gfx settings, so users with high end computers can raise their view distance to 10 000 and not only to 5000

Thanks in advance for your work

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suggestion :

- save key chain when reconnecting

- my game crashed and when I reconnected I didn't had the keys of the expensive truck I bought (I always lock vehicles when driving them)

bug or feature ? (factories) :

- I bought a resource factory and I made 10 pts of glass from sand, silicon and coal

- game crashed and when I reconnected the 10 pts of glass disappeared and resources I used to make them were back in storage

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