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New Version 1.01 released. Downloadable on the first page of this topic including a full list of bug fixes and other changes (unused vehicles are deleted after 45 minutes).

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every server i play this on is ffull of idiots though we need a passworded server. all i get are spawn killers and people running everyone over its trulty sad. if anyone has a server that is passworded and we can play a decent game pm me

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I can always write the server names + passwords to the first post of this topic if you want me to do that.

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Could you add a bank terminal to the terrorbase also? It's pretty remote when you get out there and forgot to bring money smile_o.gif

If theres one in 1.01 ignore, I haven't looked in 1.01

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every server i play this on is ffull of idiots though we need a passworded server. all i get are spawn killers and people running everyone over its trulty sad. if anyone has a server that is passworded and we can play a decent game pm me

That's true mate. But you can always host your own server. wink_o.gif

The best way to get everyone playing the mission as it should be played, is use addons... This way they NEED the addons before they can join. People just jump on random servers, not even looking what type of mission is being played... Hopefully this will help.

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Played this a LOT recently, from a general opinion gathering ive heard these requests come up multiple times:

1) The bank. Bank robberies are very irritating, something needs to be done to make robberies happen less, because at the moment. Cops' main objective is to just stand at the bank. And if they do not bother, money HAS to be kept on your person otherwise you will just lose it when someone spawns, robs and drives away. Also you have to constantly keep collecting your money from the bank or it gets stolen. Either we need a 'secure' bank where we have to pay some sort of additional fee or some other concession, and this bank cannot be robbed, it allows people to have somewhere safe to store money instead of just having it constantly robbed.

2) Cop menu: at the moment you need to hold down enter, new cops end up accidentally disarming people and then they cannot give these weapons back. Why should they have to hold down enter? the automatic selection is disarm, it should stay up until the cop presses esc so that they dont automatically disarm someone.

Cheers, keep up the great work smile_o.gif Hope you get some nice addons in too, will stop the idiots just jumping in, killing everything, then disconnecting and screwing up the game. =)

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Because we have found and fixed some serious bugs we will release a new version 1.02 soon.


- fixed: publicstrings script restarts itself on error

- added: garage (vehicles close to an hideout wont disappear - distance < 50 meters)

- fixed: not all vehicles were deleted after 45 mins

- fixed: time since the player joined the game in stats - wrong time after death

- added: bank: bank robber can't use the bank for 10 mins

- fixed: no weapons/ammo in ammo crates for jip people anymore

- fixed: dead busdrivers now disappear

- added: groupnames now contain the player-slot (Cop1, Cop2...)

- added: bank insurance

- fixed: some other jip problems

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I agree that bank-robberies seem rather too central to the game. Perhaps have each bank robbery take 10% of the money so that there are both more robberies (fun) and less people becoming paupers (not fun). Most "real" bank robberies empty the cashier drawers of money anyway; they don't empty the entire vault! Alternatively, you could scale the amount taken based on how much individuals have, which "taxes" the rich, reducing inflation, but doesn't cripple the poor. Thus, someone with $1,000,000 might loose 50% in a robbery, but someone with $10,000 might only lose 5%. Imagine a rich player, that stands to lose a lot in a robbery, hiring poor players, who stand to lose little, to guard the bank for them!

The problems with the enter key on menus is often overlooked, since most people use the middle-mouse-button to select actions, not the enter key (which is another of the ArmA default keybinds for activation of actions). I'm sure that most developers aren't even aware that their dialogs are causing problems for people using the enter key. The easy workaround for this, that I commonly use, is to add a "dummy" button that is off-screen (y = -3;), has no action (action = "";) and also is the default button on the dialog (default = 1;). This way, when people use enter to select the action, they end up clicking this dummy button which doesn't cause them to do something they might not intend to do. Ideally, it would be better if ArmA hadn't mapped the keys like this, because even though the player can alter the binding, you really have to assume that people will be using the default keys.

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what about allow bank to hire 'guard' (either AI or player) ...

same goes for 'player owned' banks wink_o.gif

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Good stuff!

Will post any bugs, if found. wink_o.gif

|D:W| is now updated!

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I dont normally play role playing games so it took a while to understand thing but I've really got into this mission now. Thankyou for making this mission. thumbs-up.gif

The mission plays very well but my main concern is bank robberies. It should be made a (small) percentage of your money that is lost, say 5%. Saving up money is the main incentive to play the game and it feels kind of pointless if you loose it all every 10mins.

Maybe it needs to be clearer what you can and cannot do aswell because I was playing on one server and I got a bounty hunter license and killed some wanted terrorists and then I was banned. But aren't bounty hunters supposed to kill ppl with bounties on them?

Anyway keep up the good work.


P.S. Found another bug: when using the online banking at my hideout, if i try to deposit money to my account the money dissapears.

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Nice job issetea! Really feeling good about bank insurance biggrin_o.gif

And yeah i noticed the vehicle respawn thing didnt work.. it seemed to be mostly wrecks which didnt dissappear.

Keep up the EXCELLENT work!

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Just tried it very briefly. It looks very nice.

Any servers running this mission?

filter ic-arma.com we usually have it running. the guys in our tournament love it

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Can you carry a handgun and not have a license?  Better yet can you buy an AK-47 somehow, and maybe rob a bank? tounge2.gif  - edit* wow, must have missed that in the readme, what other types of criminal activity can you get into? pistols.gif

Sorry, got to thinking GTA a bit lol biggrin_o.gif

-If you shoot someone or a cop, do you get a star? icon_rolleyes.gif

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Hello I have some thoughts.

1) I like the change to bank robberies, you now appear to lose a maximum of 5000, which is fine.  I wouldn't protect people's bank money anymore than that because then the incentive to guard the bank is reduced - and personally I like how a bank robber can be hated by other civs.

2) there really should be a limit to how long your respawn time can get.  After 7 deaths I was having to wait 200 seconds to spawn - and those deaths were mostly being shot by cops for no reason or getting run over.  To add to the annoyance, the cops don't suffer such penalties and respawn in a normal amount of time.  Perhaps you could cap the time at 120 seconds or something?  And reward the player for staying alive for a long period by deducting a death every real life hour they stay alive (in effect, allowing them to respawn faster next time they die).  e.g. If you had 3 deaths but then stayed alive for 3 hours, your next respawn would be like your first death.

3) The cops still have life way too easy.  Most say they have more money than they would ever need.  Perhaps they could be given performance related pay?  For example, everytime the bank is robbed, you could reduce cop pay by 25%.  Then they'd have more incentive to protect it.  I like how now at the start, the cops only have pistols - and then rifles are enabled later.  However, rifles and then rocket launchers are enabled far too quickly.  I'd love to see the police convoy system expanded to help with this:  A rifle convoy, a grenade convoy, and a heavy weapons convoy.  If the civs hijack a rifle convoy, the cops don't get resupplied with rifles.  If they hijack every rifle convoy - the cops *never* get rifles, until one gets through.  I think this would give the cops some extra things to think about and keep them occupied, rather than harrassing civs all day and making up silly rules like "noone is allowed at the bank".

Another idea to make cop life less easy is to add a fuel convoy that is trying to reach the policebase. If it fails to reach the base, the spawn time of new vehicles at the policebase could be increased from 5 seconds to 30 seconds, or something similar.

What do you think?

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3) The cops still have life way too easy. Most say they have more money than they would ever need. Perhaps they could be given performance related pay? For example, everytime the bank is robbed, you could reduce cop pay by 25%. Then they'd have more incentive to protect it. I like how now at the start, the cops only have pistols - and then rifles are enabled later. However, rifles and then rocket launchers are enabled far too quickly. I'd love to see the police convoy system expanded to help with this: A rifle convoy, a grenade convoy, and a heavy weapons convoy. If the civs hijack a rifle convoy, the cops don't get resupplied with rifles. If they hijack every rifle convoy - the cops *never* get rifles, until one gets through. I think this would give the cops some extra things to think about and keep them occupied, rather than harrassing civs all day and making up silly rules like "noone is allowed at the bank".

What do you think?

I agree with you completely on this issue it is a really good idea to have that truck feature issued 'if the truck doesn't make it with the supplies the cops won't get new weapons. I can't tell you how disappointed we were when we hijacked the truck and saw no weapons on it (and the fact that the cops didn't suffer any penalties for it). Cops really need more to do than hassle civilians I remember one game the cops quarantined all of bangango 'cause of all the suicide bombers they shot all civilians in bangango on site (which really caused a riot).

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hmm if You get weapon ... can You hide it (pistol) ?

i mean it's small item it should be possible ...

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well i see 2 bugs the junk cars dont disapear in 4 mins and the ammo crate of the terror hideout dont work i tried to buy a ak47 and the ak never is in the crate only see 4 m4 whit magazines and granades, some people report in the server than the hands up animation dont work for some reason, well this is the bugs than i found smile_o.gif

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i can confirm all bugs, when you buy or take a gun you cannot make the animation or put your hand up, i see in the server than the cops cannot arrest someone why the scrit dont work properly,

the coops need choper to take the civ more fast if a civ have a choper only whit a anti aicraft is posible to stop

when the coops have helos they can be in the all map to fast

the coops need more helos 5 cops to the big map is imposible to cover fast in a vehicules i play sarahivillage and have more helos and i can cover the terrain more fast is boring make that only in cars, the coops need to make a block fast and the helos can make that fast, if the cops chatch the theft the money can be back to the bank in the act, the theft need deposit the money in the bank to use them later smile_o.gif

the option of the jammer is great and is a key for the terrorist to make some operation i use that and i can move free smile_o.gif

the innovation of the 1.1 is great but some scrips seems dont work, version 1.0 are more stable scrips smile_o.gif

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Quote[/b] ]hmm if You get weapon ... can You hide it (pistol) ?

i mean it's small item it should be possible ...

In Version 1.01 a Hangun-holster-script is added. With this you can hide your handgun, but when the cops checks you for items, they can see it.

Quote[/b] ]well i see 2 bugs the junk cars dont disapear in 4 mins and the ammo crate of the terror hideout dont work i tried to buy a ak47 and the ak never is in the crate only see 4 m4 whit magazines and granades, some people report in the server than the hands up animation dont work for some reason, well this is the bugs than i found

Will be fixed in the upcoming version 1.02.

Quote[/b] ]
Quote[/b] ]3) The cops still have life way too easy. Most say they have more money than they would ever need. Perhaps they could be given performance related pay? For example, everytime the bank is robbed, you could reduce cop pay by 25%. Then they'd have more incentive to protect it. I like how now at the start, the cops only have pistols - and then rifles are enabled later. However, rifles and then rocket launchers are enabled far too quickly. I'd love to see the police convoy system expanded to help with this: A rifle convoy, a grenade convoy, and a heavy weapons convoy. If the civs hijack a rifle convoy, the cops don't get resupplied with rifles. If they hijack every rifle convoy - the cops *never* get rifles, until one gets through. I think this would give the cops some extra things to think about and keep them occupied, rather than harrassing civs all day and making up silly rules like "noone is allowed at the bank".

What do you think?

I agree with you completely on this issue it is a really good idea to have that truck feature issued 'if the truck doesn't make it with the supplies the cops won't get new weapons. I can't tell you how disappointed we were when we hijacked the truck and saw no weapons on it (and the fact that the cops didn't suffer any penalties for it). Cops really need more to do than hassle civilians I remember one game the cops quarantined all of bangango 'cause of all the suicide bombers they shot all civilians in bangango on site (which really caused a riot).

Currenty the cops should not ignore the convoy. Even if they have a lot of weapons from the beginning, the convoy have to refill them. Every convoy, that arrives at the copbase, fills ONE of the crates. And if no convoy reaches the base anymore, the cops could have a problem. If civs hijack the convoy, they have to drive it to the terror-hideout. There it will fill their ammoboxes with the weapons the cops would get with that truck. Mean that it could be binoculars, it could be pistols, or it could be rocket launchers. But it will be changed in the upcomig version 1.02. If a convoy reaches the terror-hideout, every civ gets there a personal "set" of weapons in the ammobox standing there. But the idea itself is not bad.

Quote[/b] ]i can confirm all bugs, when you buy or take a gun you cannot make the animation or put your hand up, i see in the server than the cops cannot arrest someone why the scrit dont work properly,

the coops need choper to take the civ more fast if a civ have a choper only whit a anti aicraft is posible to stop

when the coops have helos they can be in the all map to fast

the coops need more helos 5 cops to the big map is imposible to cover fast in a vehicules i play sarahivillage and have more helos and i can cover the terrain more fast is boring make that only in cars, the coops need to make a block fast and the helos can make that fast, if the cops chatch the theft the money can be back to the bank in the act, the theft need deposit the money in the bank to use them later smile_o.gif

the option of the jammer is great and is a key for the terrorist to make some operation i use that and i can move free smile_o.gif

the innovation of the 1.1 is great but some scrips seems dont work, version 1.0 are more stable scrips smile_o.gif

We did not want the situation that every cop uses a helo to cover the island. So there are more Car chasings or roadblocks, the civs should also have a chance to escape smile_o.gif

In the mission there is one important script that executes nearly every global action done by the players. A bug in version 1.01 could crash it. We added a security script which should restart it, but made a tiny mistake so it does not restart. It will be fixed in 1.02.

We hope that we fixed every critical bug in 1.02. If we does not find any more bugs on the publicservers, we will focus on a version with new features. We will also start scripting versions with necessary addons and/or more players. A release date of those versions is not yet determined.

Greetings, Fewo

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is impresive  the speed of your tecnique to make the scripts, great great job guys, arma now is another game really smile_o.gif, if you use adons for guns cars and people sahrani life will be an another game smile_o.gif

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Thanks for the info Fewo, keep up the good work man!

@Deady: No i dont think there should be a limit to death time, its good because it means you wont want to die. Which means people value their lives more. Sure, its annoying when some idiot comes and runs you over cause they're bored, but otherwise it means that if you go on a crime spree, you've really gotta make sure you live and not just go crazy with an AK next to the bank.

I saw a hilarious thing yesterday, some guy was angry cause the cops sent him to jail wrongly, i picked him up, and he took a suicide bomb, then he told me to get out the car, and he slowly drove into a police check point outside the bank shouting "ALLAH AKBAHHHH!!!" on VOIP and then everything just exploded killing about 5 cops and a civvie or two. With FDF sounds and Maddmatt's ArmAEffects it was great to watch biggrin_o.gif

Also im really really glad that you kept this map more 'on the ground' its almost impossible to 'arrest' a chopper, and it would just turn into a chopper DM...

Another suggestion: maybe make the buildings at civvie respawn automatically repair themselves? Just for the sake of long term games you know..

Hopefully once the vehicle deletion script is working properly then we can have some persistent servers set up smile_o.gif Theres nothing more annoying than building up your wealth only to have an admin come and restart the map sad_o.gif

Tip for everyone: If you want to play a GOOD roleplay, get a competant admin who intends to stick around for a long time, and make sure you tell everyone the rules of roleplay. If people start breaking the role play and start turning it into a TDM, then the admin can kick them from the server until people play properly smile_o.gif

EDIT: @ Jarvis: You can get weapons illegally, you gotta get someone with a licence to buy them for you. One of my favourite role plays is to be a weapon dealer, i get the licences, i buy the weapons and deliver them to the customer directly. Then i charge them a premium for the delivery and for giving it to them without the licence, therefore i make profit, and we got some good role play going smile_o.gif

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Version 1.02 released, Topic updated.

Fixes and Changes:

- fixed: publicstrings script restarts itself on error

- added: garage (vehicles close to an hideout wont disappear - distance < 50 meters)

- fixed: not all vehicles were deleted after 45 mins

- fixed: time since the player joined the game in stats - wrong time after death

- added: bank: bank robber can't use the bank for 10 mins

- fixed: no weapons/ammo in ammo crates for jip people anymore

- fixed: dead busdrivers now disappear

- added: bank insurance (not for cops :P)

- changed: player looses 10% of his bank account when the bank is robbed

- fixed: some other jip problems

- changed: Respawntime max

- fixed: Ammo Crate for Terrorists now works

- added: Random Music for the Intro

- fixed: Dialogs get closed when the player dies

- fixed: Alarmsound when the bank has been robbed didnt play

- changed: adjusted some prices again

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Haha you fixed my little trick of robbing the bank and then depositing right after wink_o.gif Nice one, it will make escaping with the cash a little more tense wink_o.gif

By "insurgance" I guess you mean Insurance?

By the way, eventually you might want to add all these options to the role select screen - e.g. Max respawntime, bank insurance on/off etc. Then server admins can decide how they'd like their game themselves smile_o.gif Just make sure the default options are what most people would like, incase an admin isn't around.

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