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Real life fire mission request.

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I'm trying to make a mission using the editor where using artillery is an option for success. But I have little military experience. What I'm curious about is this; how would the communications go between a squad in the field and the artillery unit on a safe location?

I mean, what words are spoken, i.e. when delivering coordinates, requesting number of rounds, and setting a munition to use?

How would it differ if the squad was in contact versus if they had all the time they need?

Any folks here with some knowlegde about artillery and military communications? Asking here since it's more knowlegde based instead of editing and scripting based.

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I don't know how it is done today, but 14 Years ago, a artilleri request was not to be transmittes in clear language. The spotter did send the message via radio...using a encryption table for coordinates and codewords.

I don't know how they do ist today with transmitters that have build in digital encryption, but at least the use of codewords for units and HQ, the request for Artillery and a code for each type of target will still be used today.

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dont think any 1 will post the rite way its done for security reasons? who knows whos watching rite? just make up a call sing for each unit, ie the arty and the unit whos requesting, then the unit in the field says (call sign) to (arty call sign), message, or fire mission request over, then they the arty boys will respond weather they can or not, then if they can, get the unit on the ground to say 3 spotter rounds HE at (grid location) then wait for them to fire them, they should say rounds fire or loose or anything like that, once they land check there on target an say either adjust fire, left 20, up 30 etc etc, then say i want 8 rounds HE on my mark. this isnt the proper way as ive no experince with arty or calling it in, but just work off something like that? keep it simple, im sure they had a system int he CoC arty in ofp? find them guys, ask them if they can help?

good luck with it, been waiting to see some arty working

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HERE is some good documentation on how fire missions work.

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If you havent read it yet, I would recommend "The guns of War".. A two part book about a Canadian FOO (Basically, an Artillery forward observer) of a 25pdr arty regiment in WW2..

Best WW2 book I've ever read.

From memory...

Coordinates, 3 rounds troopfire (3 rounds per gun). Usually took 1-2 mins to arrive - if the guns were 'available'.

He had different types of concentrations (Mike and Uncle targets). Mike targets would be I think 16 guns, Uncle targets 72 guns - Maybe not precise, but you get the idea.. smile_o.gif

You could allow for 'corrections of the moment' - weather, temperature etc. Depends on how detailed you want to be.


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Ah cool. Thanks for mentioning that book! I will have to give that a read, I'm really into WW2 artillery and stuff... wink_o.gif

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i kno that the newest wy of fireing is by satelit pin point. the even have shells whit hardt ware in site the shell and can be firet in totaly the rong wy and the shell it selfs wil atomatic re coreckt the wy to the target its the newest wy of suport fire and the shells wil hit ther target whit 99% presision and it wil hit it whit a 1 meter presision... so almost not posbel to dont hit the target the frendt lie fire is ban... and enmys have totaly no change even whit air to air missiles its presision is 99% of hitting the target and the are so fast that the to day radar wil not see it so flares are no optieone this air to air missile is the worst enmy of to days and air crafts will have no change at all onli the stealdt fiter the German Army have the best future artillery tank it can fire 4 shells in 1 shot and all will hit the target at same time

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HERE is some good documentation on how fire missions work.

Only spent 10 seconds skimming thru it but it looks to me to be the order that is actually given from commander to the loader/operator/whatever they're called in english, not the radio request.

My experience is limited to firing illumi mortars at pre-defined patrol locations. The patrol would then only radio in "Requesting light at B2M" and then give corrections (100 on, 50 left) and such.

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I'm sure you spotted it by now but at that same global security site is an FM exerpt for the sections of a call for fire:


Glad to see someone looking at it realistically, good luck with the mission.

Ah yes, I think this was the FM I originally intended to find, but I'm lazy so I just skimmed through the search. tounge2.gif

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Right here's one example how to send fire mission to artillery via radio. This example fills NATO standarts, but overall this might be bit hard to understand. My english is way too rusty to start explain and i'm not actual FO so my knowledge about this subject is quite thin.

Quote[/b] ]

contact to artillery, premature aknoledgement:

FO: M5 this is G17, adjust fire, over

Artilerry:G17 this is M5, adjust fire, out.

NOTE: "Adjust fire" could be replaced by "fire for effect" or "at my command".

Quote[/b] ]

Location of target in coordinates

FO: Grid LG 7992 7227, over (coordinates of target)

Artilley: Grid LG 7992 7227, out

target from FO to artilleryunit:

FO: two Mi-8s and 40 enemy dismounted infantry in open, over

Artillery: two Mi-8s and 40 enemy dismounted infantry in open, out

artilley fires:

Artilerry: R,F, DPICM in effect, 5 rounds, over (what and how fire for effect is shot)

FO: R, F, DPICM in effect, 5 rounds, out

Artilley: Shot, over

FO: Shot, out

Artilley: Splash, over (5 seconds to hit)

FO: Splash, out


FO: Direction 4800, add 100, left 150, over

Artilerry: Direction 4800, add 100, left 150, out

When marker hits where it should:

FO: Fire for effect, over

Artilerry: Fire for effect, out

more fire for effect or report that firemission has been completed:

FO: Repeat, over (repeat that same fire mission)

Artillerry: Repeat, out


FO: M5, this is G17, end of mission, 2 Mi-8s destoyed, estimate 30 casualities, over (mission succesful, no more fire needed. I would quess that enemy casualities can be left out.)

Artillery: G17, this is M5, , end of mission, 2 Mi-8s destoyed, estimate 30 casualities, out

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