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GFX Glitch

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ARMA version 1.08 Hotfix

Latest Ati Driver 7.10 / tried 7.8 catalyst as well.

GPU temps normal, no overclock. Other games work fine. Applied artic silver 5 to the GPU core, should not have problems with heat.


Athlon 4000+ X2

2gb Corsair RAM

Radon x850 pro 256mb

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happens to me ALL THE TIME, then soom after, its a CTD.

I dont know what the issue is, but id appreciiate it if someone told us. confused_o.gif

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My games does this, even after 1mhz extra when overclocking. As soon as I overclock, restart my machine and start ArmA I see this instantly. It's not overheating, computer's only been on a few mins.

I first thought it was because I tried changing my clock settings with ArmA still open (didn't realise). Then, I clicked ArmA and saw this lol. Thats about 20 minutes after having a new graphics card. Never had it on my old one when overclocking.

Even though its on stock I get it, on the very rare occasion. I was playing a game not long ago and a tree like object was like a beanstalk and shot into the clouds. Again, confused as I had no idea why it happened.

All I can suggest is putting your graphics card to default clock settings if it isn't already set as that.

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It's overheating smile_o.gif

try to move the air more around your graphics card and see what happens. If you didn't try it yet, then don't shoot it down.

I had GPU temperature on "normal" too and got visual problems in ArmA after some time of playing... solved by increasing airflow.

Everyone who has similar problems really need to try if the problems go away by putting a big fan to blow into the open side of your computer. Remove side panel of your computer case and target a fan to cool the graphics card.

But I must say, I don't accept this kind of problems! Using a big fan is not a solution, it is part of the problem. One more proof that this cursed PC platform is not actually suitable for entertainment products. It is by design unreliable and too complex to get right.

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So your saying that 35C after having the computer on a few minutes is over heating? smile_o.gif

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It's possible smile_o.gif

depends on where the limit is.

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I have the same problem, not overheating.

Its seems to be a problem with ati cards, i also have an ati card

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My card is definitely not overheating. I have no trouble with other games (CoD4 demo, Company of Heroes, Tabula Rasa beta) and I'm currently getting 50'c-55'c under full loads. 39'c under idle.

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First, did you search this forum to check if this problem has already been discussed? If not, then it could be a good time to do it...

Secondly, check the ArmA Community Bugtracker if there is already something about this problem.

Thirdly, try older graphics card drivers and *cross your fingers*

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another ATI user ...  i really wish to remember that fix (i really think it was fixable)

similar issues on older ATI cards (9xxx and pre 1k serie) was discussed very often in past

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I have this too on my 8800gts. its mainly linked to alt-tabbing to windows too often. i can confirm that overheating isnt the problem.

flushing helps sometimes.

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I have this too on my 8800gts. its mainly linked to alt-tabbing to windows too often. i can confirm that overheating isnt the problem.

flushing helps sometimes.

Ive hardly alt and tabbed the game and it does it


this seemed to work for me

''When I first got the game I was getting that.I changed something and haven't had to touch it since,even after few patches

I think maybe it was changing Display properties within windows,maybe set it to performance I think it was

Don't quote me, was a while ago

And like Chaos stated, same happens with overheating and are you overclocking your video?''



started doing it again damn it.

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I tried older drivers (6.8 catalyst) and reinstalled arma, still have the same problem. GPU temp during gameplay=51'C under load. No problems with heat what so ever.

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Wierd,this started happening to me today,I never had this problem before and all other games are running fine,the last thing I remember doing is installing the new nvidia beta drivers.

I don't think it's overheating but I'll check it when I arrive at home(If you guys could suggest what I could use it'd be great).

Sorry for my horrible english.

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Great news I fixed it, I set everything to "very low" and now it works perfectly.

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Did you alt tab before it happens?

Because this is exactly what i get from time to time after alttabbing...

My fix: daft as it is: don't alt tab. After alt tabbing, restart game.

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This only happens to me with textures set to very high and viewdistance over 2500m.

MSI Geforce 7900GS 512MB GPU@600Mhz RAM@700Mhz.

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