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Tank Fire Control Systems

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If NoWonderDog is gone, then his work should be picked up and used. It would be a waste of his great stuff to just leave it just because he never said "ok". I think he wouldnt mind if his work got into great new addons where it belong instead of just rot away. smile_o.gif

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Someone needs to send a PM or other means of getting a hold of him, other then posting here. Maybe he will check here, but he hasn't been seen at this thread for a while. If someone has the skills and the drive to deal with all the nonsense modders get and work load, it may be easier to get permission or at least an answer by trying to reach him elsewhere.

I'd love to see this advance further, without a doubt it's one of my favorites. But trying to speak to NWD through this thread hasn't gotten a reply for months.


I think you are right about NWD. He never gave that impression, he was always a straight up guy. Also, you are right about the Armour as well. Matter of fact besides McNools reskins there were no other tanks around at the time FCS was released. Too bad they weren't out back then, maybe he would've stuck around.

Regardless, hopefully one of you guys can get his permission to continue this project. It's truly a game changer for me, the only problem is the fact it doesn't work with the user made armour. I haven't really got in a tank since the new ones were released. I can't play in tanks with out the FCS but I use the user made tanks instead of vanilla BIS. Thus, no FCS for me at the moment. sad_o.gif

I look forward to see what comes of this, if anything. Good Luck Gents.

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Hi all in regards to this addon, NWD mentioned in Mateck's M1 thread (around pg 12) that he would look at updating the addon. I have had a limited amount of success in implementing this into Matecks M1 but as NWD pointed out there needs to be some minor additions made to the model in order for it to work properly(extra memory points needed i think it was) and also a bit of script modification.

I dont recommend it but i've got ver 0.1 working with Matecks M1 + some of the other T-72/T-90 addons, as ver 0.1 doesn't require a modified model, only the addition of NWD's laser and batteries. Only thing with it is that the standard Tank optics are still left in the middle of the screen, but changing the gunners view to a blank screen so NWD's optics works wouldnt be hard.

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hmmm...interesting...if ya need me I'm there....btw,do ya have a missle config for me for the BTR's???...I've also started a T-80UD to replace one of the t-90's for more variety.But would be better to have a separate complete set I think.

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I have a problem with this addon...

The "Change FCS mode" thing does not show up anymore, and the laser range thing does not work. Basically, I just see the reticle (the modified one with the red circle), and that's it. I can still change the rounds, but the FCS does not work. Also, the laser designator addon does not work anymore, it just works like the standard BIS designator.

In the original post in this thread, it says something about a "GMJ_SightAdjusment", but I don't have that addon, so that is not causing the trouble...

the FCS worked a few days ago, but it doesn't work now. I have tried to fix it by removing addons but it didn't help. Has anyone else had this problem? How did you solve it?

I experience the same issue. Specifically after I die, respawn, and mount the Gunner's position in the Abrams or T72 those options no longer appear on the context menu.

Does anyone know of a possible workaround?

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Essentially the tanks one want to use this for need to have modelled optics, and not only a viewpoint with a 2D overlay as it is per default. This is because the reticle itself should always stay the same size relative to the target (otherwise the MILS-marks on the optics become wrong), contrary to how it is in default ArmA, where the optics overlay always stay the same size, regardless of if you zoom in or not.

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Essentially the tanks one want to use this for need to have modelled optics, and not only a viewpoint with a 2D overlay as it is per default. This is because the reticle itself should always stay the same size relative to the target (otherwise the MILS-marks on the optics become wrong), contrary to how it is in default ArmA, where the optics overlay always stay the same size, regardless of if you zoom in or not.

Hmm, interesting...

So there is no way to remedy the issue at this point then? banghead.gif

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Hmm, interesting...

So there is no way to remedy the issue at this point then? banghead.gif

Well... Unless people want to open up the modified T-72 and Abrams models used in this addon to make copies of the optics and make their own fully NWD FCS-compatible versions of other tank mods, in which case it would be.

Suppose it'd need NWD's permission to do this though smile_o.gif

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I have a problem with this addon...

The "Change FCS mode" thing does not show up anymore, and the laser range thing does not work. Basically, I just see the reticle (the modified one with the red circle), and that's it. I can still change the rounds, but the FCS does not work. Also, the laser designator addon does not work anymore, it just works like the standard BIS designator.

In the original post in this thread, it says something about a "GMJ_SightAdjusment", but I don't have that addon, so that is not causing the trouble...

the FCS worked a few days ago, but it doesn't work now. I have tried to fix it by removing addons but it didn't help. Has anyone else had this problem? How did you solve it?

I experience the same issue. Specifically after I die, respawn, and mount the Gunner's position in the Abrams or T72 those options no longer appear on the context menu.

Does anyone know of a possible workaround?

Hi Owens,

I tried to check the issue yesterday and noticed that the rangefinder seems to be inactive when you respawn.

That is a bit puzzeling, because it is a never-end loop (starts at init), that should be active as long as you play the mission.

The complexity of the implementation simply blew my mind. I hope that someone else might solve this issue.  confused_o.gif

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<s>Maybe it has something to do with dying in the tank (as opposed to a respawn issue) and the script not allowing that type of situation. It then "thinks" that you have permanantly left the tank?</s> Must be an issue with the default respawn script.

Something here?

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">///////// ABRAMS DISPLAY /////////

if ((animationState _player) == "Abrams_Gunner") then


_pvehicle setVariable ["NWD_COMPUTE_LEAD",true];

// Run turret tracker

_pvehicle setVariable ["NWD_TURRET_TIME", []];

_pvehicle setVariable ["NWD_TURRET_AZIMUTH", []];

_pvehicle setVariable ["NWD_TURRET_ELEVATION", []];

_pvehicle setVariable ["NWD_TANK_VELOCITY", []];

_pvehicle setVariable ["NWD_TURRET_SPEED", [0,0]];

_pvehicle setVariable ["NWD_AVG_TANK_VELOCITY", [0,0,0]];

[_player,_pvehicle] execVM "\NWD_Rangefinder\scripts\TurretTracker.sqf";

// populate action menu

_rangeAction = _pvehicle addAction ["LASE", "\NWD_Rangefinder\scripts\MBTELRF.sqf","LASE",9, false, false, "vehLockTargets"];

_pvehicle setVariable ["NWD_RANGE_ACTION", _rangeAction];

_dumpAction = _pvehicle addAction ["DUMP", "\NWD_Rangefinder\scripts\MBTELRF.sqf","DUMP",9, false, false, "lookAround"];

_pvehicle setVariable ["NWD_DUMP_ACTION", _dumpAction];

_bsgtAction = _pvehicle addAction ["BSGT", "\NWD_Rangefinder\scripts\MBTELRF.sqf","BSGT",9, false, false, "binocular"];

_pvehicle setVariable ["NWD_BSGT_ACTION", _bsgtAction];

_ammoAction = _pvehicle addAction ["Change FCS Mode", "\NWD_Rangefinder\scripts\MBTELRF.sqf","SWITCHAMMO",8,false,false];

_pvehicle setVariable ["NWD_AMMO_ACTION", _ammoAction];

_distAction = _pvehicle addAction ["Range Logic: Last", "\NWD_Rangefinder\scripts\MBTELRF.sqf","LOGIC",8,false,false];

_pvehicle setVariable ["NWD_DIST_ACTION", _distAction];

_coaxAction = _pvehicle addAction ["Toggle Coax", "\NWD_Rangefinder\scripts\MBTELRF.sqf","COAX",7,false,false, "toggleWeapons"];

_pvehicle setVariable ["NWD_COAX_ACTION", _coaxAction];

// _smokeAction = _pvehicle addAction ["Fire Smoke Grenades", "\NWD_Rangefinder\scripts\TankSmoke.sqf","",6,false,false];

// _pvehicle setVariable ["NWD_SMOKE_ACTION", _smokeAction];

_pvehicle setVariable ["NWD_FCS_RANGE", 0];

_pvehicle setVariable ["NWD_FCS_RANGE_MULT", false];

_pvehicle setVariable ["NWD_SUPERELEVATION", 0];

_pvehicle setVariable ["NWD_FLIGHTTIME", 1];

_pvehicle setVariable ["NWD_FLOATING_LEAD",0];

_pvehicle setVariable ["NWD_FCS_LOGIC", "LAST"];

cutRsc ["NWD_M1A1GPS_Display","plain"];

sleep 0.001; // wait until diplay initializes

// get display handles

_thousandscontrol = NWD_M1A1GPS_DISPLAY displayCtrl 432112;

_hundredscontrol  = NWD_M1A1GPS_DISPLAY displayCtrl 432113;

_tenscontrol      = NWD_M1A1GPS_DISPLAY displayCtrl 432114;

_onescontrol      = NWD_M1A1GPS_DISPLAY displayCtrl 432115;

_READYcontrol     = NWD_M1A1GPS_DISPLAY displayCtrl 432141;

_MULTIPLEcontrol  = NWD_M1A1GPS_DISPLAY displayCtrl 432142;

_FAULTcontrol      = NWD_M1A1GPS_DISPLAY displayCtrl 432143;

// cycle range display

_thousandscontrol ctrlSetText "\NWD_Rangefinder\data\green_1.paa";

_hundredscontrol ctrlSetText "\NWD_Rangefinder\data\green_2.paa";

_tenscontrol ctrlSetText "\NWD_Rangefinder\data\green_3.paa";

_onescontrol ctrlSetText "\NWD_Rangefinder\data\green_4.paa";

sleep 0.001;

_thousandscontrol ctrlSetText "\NWD_Rangefinder\data\green_5.paa";

_hundredscontrol ctrlSetText "\NWD_Rangefinder\data\green_6.paa";

_tenscontrol ctrlSetText "\NWD_Rangefinder\data\green_7.paa";

_onescontrol ctrlSetText "\NWD_Rangefinder\data\green_9.paa";

sleep 0.001;

_thousandscontrol ctrlSetText "\NWD_Rangefinder\data\green_0.paa";

_hundredscontrol ctrlSetText "\NWD_Rangefinder\data\green_0.paa";

_tenscontrol ctrlSetText "\NWD_Rangefinder\data\green_0.paa";

_onescontrol ctrlSetText "\NWD_Rangefinder\data\green_0.paa";

// initialize indicator lights

_MULTIPLEcontrol ctrlShow false;

_FAULTcontrol ctrlShow false;

// initialize to boresight mode

if ( isNil {_pvehicle getVariable "NWD_FCS_AMMO"} ) then


_initFOV = 2 * (getNumber (configFile >> "CfgVehicles" >> (typeOf _pvehicle) >> "Turrets" >> "MainTurret" >> "ViewOptics" >> "initFov"));

_pvehicle setVariable ["NWD_SIGHT_FOV",_initFOV];

_pvehicle setVariable ["NWD_FCS_AMMO", "APFSDS"];

_pvehicle setVariable ["NWD_FCS_COAX", false];

_pvehicle setVariable ["NWD_DISPLAY_LEAD",false];

_pvehicle setVariable ["NWD_FCS_RANGE_FLASH",false];

_pvehicle setVariable ["NWD_MPAT_PROXIMITY",false];

_pvehicle setVariable ["NWD_LASER_BURNOUT",false];

[vehicle _player, _player, "", "BSGT"]  execVM "\NWD_Rangefinder\scripts\MBTELRF.sqf";


hint format ["FCS Mode: %1",_pvehicle getVariable "NWD_FCS_AMMO"];


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Well, I noticed the issue simply after any respawn.

The code shows a "while forever" sequence. For me it seems that this while loop stops after respawn ot gets inaccessible for the new soldier, but I am not 100% sure.

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Well, I noticed the issue simply after any respawn.

The code shows a "while forever" sequence. For me it seems that this while loop stops after respawn ot gets inaccessible for the new soldier, but I am not 100% sure.

How is it launched? Maybe we'll be able to fix it.

What I've noticed already is variable object _player.

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Well, I noticed the issue simply after any respawn.

The code shows a "while forever" sequence. For me it seems that this while loop stops after respawn ot gets inaccessible for the new soldier, but I am not 100% sure.

How is it launched? Maybe we'll be able to fix it.

What I've noticed already is variable object _player.

It is simply lauched using the init eventhandler:

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">class Extended_Init_EventHandlers


class AllVehicles // the script will run for *everything*, but it will exit immediately if already initialized on client


NWD_Rangefinder_init="[] execVM ""\NWD_Rangefinder\scripts\RangefinderInit.sqf"";";




And that is exactly the puzzeling thing, because it should be active after a respawn. confused_o.gif

A flag is set inside the RangefinderInit.sqf to prevent multiple instances of the while-for-ever loop.

I hope that you may find a solution. I already tried a while-alive loop plus the engine eventhandler to restart the loop, but no effect. crazy_o.gif

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I think I've fixed this and also added support for S'Hole's displayEventHandlers. Also remade models using BIS samples... but...

where, oh where is NonWonderDog?  huh.gif

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According to the ACE forum he's left the community. There's never been any confirmation though. Your guess is as good as mine. Hopefully someone can find him. This is a much needed mod, I've not used a T72 or Abrams since the user edited ones came out.

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It's not that mysterious of a statement. Read the bold print. It seems he's concerned about doing the right thing. Too bad others don't always do the same.

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Does anyone know the status of this addon? How long does it take for the "copyright" to be void when the creator isnt around anymore (if at all) ?

This is addon is already soo good, i wonder if somebody can contact NonWonderDog for asking for usage rights.

I mean using his scripts and ideas, not the addon itself. More as a template for others do do their versions.

If then of course reworked with proper OFPEC Tags and such including credits.

Pls come back NWD!  help.gif

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Someone needs to ask Placebo to get a hold of him. Until he's reached, there's probably no status to report. I'd imagine that if he was reached we would've heard about it. Unless zGuba knows something we don't.

It's really not a matter of how long until voided, it's more of an issue of doing the right thing.

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aggh I saw this and thought there was a new version or somthing -- Please Non wonder dog show yourself. Or can somebody else get permission from high up to work on this. This is one of the best addons in arma really needs to be updated etc.

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The big problem with trying to make something more generally usable out of this addon is that it needs to have fully modelled optics in the tank, which means that *every* tank one wants to use this with need to have its model altered to very, very, very exact measurements.

With that being done neither the range 'disc' for the Russian tanks will work, or the optics that always keeps the correct MOA scale (unlike BIS's optics that are a static 2D sprite and that's only good for one specific and untold magnification)

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How about creating the 3d optics with a lateral animation to focus them correctly again? Driven by an script checking the zoom state. Also most Tanks are just variants of T72 and Abrams, so should be fine with those optics? or did i missunderstood?

Also the "sliding zoom" should be replaced by "stepping zoom", or do the real tanks have a zoom in/out and not a 1x, 2x, 4.5x, 9x or something stepping?

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Every tank in ArmA is most definitely not a variation of the M1 or T-72. They use similar configs and selection names, but the models are often radically different.

I think what he means is that the sight model needs to be carefully aligned with the cannon or something like that. I don't really know without looking at the model to get an idea of how it works.

Personally I would just like a little addon showing how to add a tank FLIR like the way Mapfacts has on their Apaches. I tried to figure their FLIR out to see if it could be modified to use on a tank but it was beyond my ability to figure out.

Chris G.

aka-Miles Teg<GD>

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It'll be harder to adapt script than to create 3D optics, as the 0.2 MLODs are commented out pretty well. Current version is definitely not mod-friendly due to it's nature of beign a single loop working on client's machine. I wish if NWD comes back one beautiful day and makes his pretty gear in a bit more modular way.

aggh I saw this and thought there was a new version or somthing -- Please Non wonder dog show yourself.  Or can somebody else get permission from high up to work on this. This is one of the best addons in arma really needs to be updated etc.

I really don't want to bother Placebo about this one too xD

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