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Piper Warrior II

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thoughts? thumbs-up.gif

Wings need to be painted too.

Besides that, a tiny tad bit more white perhaps? But that's just my personal prefrence.

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Quote[/b] ]And sorry about the wrong name..suggested KSSAF, as it's how it stands in wikipedia; don't have QG yet

dont be sorry dude, I only just got QG myself and they mentioned RSAF so I thought we better go with that. Its your roundel design regardless, I just nabbed the RACS lion from the police car and used the blue from the flag.

Quote[/b] ]Any chance of armament for RACS plane? Even dropping grenades or smokes out a window would be nice.

UPDATE: I was playing in the config and we now have 6 lovely granades to drop from the sky. I also got the display name and pilot sorted.

Quote[/b] ]when you´re finished with the RSAF piper, will you make a repaint of the DC3 too?

I said that already, M60A3 first then I might do the DC3 (trust me I want to!wink_o.gif

Quote[/b] ]but it's posible to add a M240?

As a working weapon or just as gear? I like the idea of having a few m16s, ammo, smoke...

Quote[/b] ]Wings need to be painted too.

Besides that, a tiny tad bit more white perhaps?

The wings use the same texture top and bottom, paint the bottom white and the top swaps to, that looks odd.

I did try white first but it was to much contrast against the rest of the body so opted for a slightly darker grey.

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shouldn't you be asking gnat before making the changes

I think your re skin is sick though.

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shouldn't you be asking gnat before making the changes

I think your re skin is sick though.

Dont panic, I've spoken with GNAT his off on holiday for a few weeks so I'm just playing around till his back. Then you'll get the release from him!

and cheers!

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As an idea for armaments:


[*]A pair of 10k 'dumb' bombs either strapped to the wings or underbelly

[*]a pair of rocket racks on the wings, similar to a p47, perhaps only 2 rockets to a rack to stop it being overly powerfull

[*] The ability to drop flares as its only weapon, ala the m203 flares so a recon plane to could illuminate an area/mark targets

[*] A laser pod (could use the model off the BIS GBU harrier) with a gunner in the side seats working it, so a recon plane could mark targets ala the mapfact apache designators

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You know, I keep forgetting the RACS are not the resistance. They are a military force with money and weapons.

I'm hoping for some Cessna O-2, OV-10 Broncos,OV-1 Mohawk fit for ground attack. But a civi plane with nades would work just fine for now smile_o.gif

Hats off to Gnat and Red.

ps..Could the AI be fooled into firing illumination flares without scripts on the user end?

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Of course that the m240 would be a usable weapon.

And, exept for the bombs, i like the others ideas.

The bombs seems to much in my opinion.

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You know, I keep forgetting the RACS are not the resistance. They are a military force with money and weapons.

I'm hoping for some Cessna O-2, OV-10 Broncos,OV-1 Mohawk fit for ground attack. But a civi plane with nades would work just fine for now smile_o.gif

Hats off to Gnat and Red.

ps..Could the AI be fooled into firing illumination flares without scripts on the user end?

so true, this is only a light transport plane, for either transport or recon. There wont be any rocket pods or bombs.

I tried increasing its view distance so if in your group will work nice as an over head spotter.

The flairs/smoke insteed of nades or as well as, is a good idea but I knicked the nades config from the camel not sure if its possible to change. help.gif

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to be honest... for recon duty a high winged airplane would be more siutable since then the wings wouldnt block the view from the plane as they do on a low winged plane as the warrior...

maybe a cessna or even a old piper cub (or super cub) would be better in that role...

but as a light transport plane it fits quite well smile_o.gif

(even though i would prefer a little bigger plane for that role)

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I've spoken with GNAT his off on holiday for a few weeks so .....

lol Red, you confused "work" with "holiday" ..... long days and nights sad_o.gif nm

Nice Work on the repaint thumbs-up.gif

Back soonish ...

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I like the idea of being able to use a laser designator in it but having weapons on it is stupid

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I like the idea of being able to use a laser designator in it but having weapons on it is stupid

Here the same.

For the love of god, addon-makers: please don't become childish.

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Quote[/b] ]A laser pod (could use the model off the BIS GBU harrier) with a gunner in the side seats working it, so a recon plane could mark targets ala the mapfact apache designators

btw , did anyone tried to configure Laserdesignator in arma for use in vehicles ? i can't get it working for vehicle sad_o.gif

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thats it then if bdfy cant get it to work no one will. confused_o.gif

and doesn't the lazer designator need to stay locked onto the target until the air strike? an apache can just hover but the piper would be constantly moving. sad_o.gif

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maybe instead of laser designator u could drop a lazer marker and flares would give the plane a few more roles

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Are you still working on the CUB, from your progress shots it looks quite promising!

If you are will there be a number of versions.........

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fantastic units, have u been inspired of missing ofp ofp cessna ? smile_o.gif

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thats it then if bdfy cant get it to work no one will. confused_o.gif

and doesn't the lazer designator need to stay locked onto the target until the air strike? an apache can just hover but the piper would be constantly moving. sad_o.gif

Piper circles round while the gunner keeps the designator trained on the target? I dunno I was just throwing ideas out there

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Quote[/b] ]thats it then if bdfy cant get it to work no one will.


Quote[/b] ]and doesn't the lazer designator need to stay locked onto the target until the air strike

i tried with helicopter. it's moving, but LD is in the turret so AI easily keeps its on target. but it doesn't work for me sad_o.gif no red dot, not target appears. maybe i made a mistake somewhere - so i'm looking for other people expereince

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when using the laser designator in the helicopter u have to turn it on by pressin the fire button

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It's finally here!

For those of you who've been itching to try this baby in a "real mission" environment, wait no more! Wolfrug Productions Studios Inc. bring you...

Piper Warrior Tour Guide v.1.0 BETA (to OFPEC)

Thread in User Missions (BI Forums)

Currently featuring many, many scripts, fully voiced with (somewhat) working intro/outro (weighing in at 10mb unzipped), you will get to fly over ALL of Sahrani in this explosive little mission. Just be sure to take care of your piper and STAY WITH YOUR FLIGHT PLAN, and you should make it back in one piece! biggrin_o.gif

Since this is Gnat's thread, I'm sure he wouldn't want comments on the mission dropped here, but feel free to comment over at the Beta thread at OFPEC. smile_o.gif I hope he doesn't mind me linking to the mission from within the thread either.

All credit for the addon itself obviously go to Gnat.

Best regards,


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It's finally here!

For those of you who've been itching to try this baby in a "real mission" environment, wait no more! Wolfrug Productions Studios Inc. bring you...

Piper Warrior Tour Guide v.1.0 BETA

Currently featuring many, many scripts, fully voiced with (somewhat) working intro/outro (weighing in at 10mb unzipped), you will get to fly over ALL of Sahrani in this explosive little mission. Just be sure to take care of your piper and STAY WITH YOUR FLIGHT PLAN, and you should make it back in one piece!  biggrin_o.gif

Since this is Gnat's thread, I'm sure he wouldn't want comments on the mission dropped here, but feel free to comment over at the Beta thread at OFPEC.  smile_o.gif I hope he doesn't mind me linking to the mission from within the thread either.

All credit for the addon itself obviously go to Gnat.

Best regards,


i tried that mission because i like the concept (and the Piper Warrior), but i couldn't even get off the ground because the sound went all haywire when i left the hangar; it was loud and i couldn't understand a word.

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It's finally here!

For those of you who've been itching to try this baby in a "real mission" environment, wait no more! Wolfrug Productions Studios Inc. bring you...

Piper Warrior Tour Guide v.1.0 BETA

Currently featuring many, many scripts, fully voiced with (somewhat) working intro/outro (weighing in at 10mb unzipped), you will get to fly over ALL of Sahrani in this explosive little mission. Just be sure to take care of your piper and STAY WITH YOUR FLIGHT PLAN, and you should make it back in one piece! biggrin_o.gif

Since this is Gnat's thread, I'm sure he wouldn't want comments on the mission dropped here, but feel free to comment over at the Beta thread at OFPEC. smile_o.gif I hope he doesn't mind me linking to the mission from within the thread either.

All credit for the addon itself obviously go to Gnat.

Best regards,


I'll try this mission once I come back home and have some time to play.

The Idea is cool, also something like FSPassengers for MS Flight Simulator in ArmA would be cool. Sure in a much smaller way, but something like: get your passengers from a to b, be carefull of guerillias or something would be cool tounge2.gif

I really like the Piper Warrior II, nice toy smile_o.gif

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