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Artillery script

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Open the mission.sqm and delete the following addon on top:


But... if he used it in his Arty-Example you have to download Map_Misc from www.mapfact,net



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Hey Matt... I wrote you via ICQ.

LOL I haven't used ICQ in, like, years crazy_o.gif

I'll install it again, or you can contact me via MSN.

Edit: Or were you talking to Matt Rochelle?

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Nice Script.

Next time you should turn your grafics a lil bit higher, so you addon will be better accpeted, you know. tounge2.gif

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nice work, by the way, do you know there is a 100k limit for direct linked pictures whistle.gif


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nice work, by the way, do you know there is a 100k limit for direct linked pictures whistle.gif


no, didn't know that.

Sry. Fixed now.

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There used to be a script section (if I don't remember wrong) but I can't find it anymore - and as you pointed out in the sticky - it seems to have been removed....

Look here, notice the "ADDON/MOD & MISSION MAKING" part near the bottom with an "ARMA EDITING" section tounge2.gif

Anyway cool script. But there might be a problem with very long range targets because the shells get deleted after (I think) 25 seconds. It's a setting in the config that could be changed with an addon. I don't know if you've already found a way to deal with that, haven't had a chance to look at the script myself.

yep someone alerted me about that part of the forum, but what's done's done. I suppose a moderator will have to move the thread even though I think it's doing good here  wink_o.gif

concerning the range limit - I know about the time limit. furthermore: the force of drag in ArmA wouldn't allow the shell to fly much further than 5-6 km anyways.

all of these issues are dealt with in the documentation to the script.

but - try the script anyways. it kicks pretty much ass smile_o.gif

The range issue for the artillery is a bother. I bypassed it by making custom ammo classes and in order to simulate accurate ranges you have to use impossible muzzle velocities. I believe to get a projectile into orbit you need to have a velocity of 19,000 MPS in arma 17,000 MPS will get you about 10 KM. I tweaked with it for some time and the only way to get 10 km or above with out modifying any main files is to use crazy muzzle velocities. But if you want to increase the range of your script it is possible.

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i played with your addon and it was great... then i got crazy idea to replace those arty in your sample mission with m2 MGs, the script worked, but the M2 never fired...so im guessing maybe this script can be expanded into direct fire support script. you can have tanks, infantries firing into an area for an eventual assault. amazing...

say... can it be done?

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i played with your addon and it was great... then i got crazy idea to replace those arty in your sample mission with m2 MGs, the script worked, but the M2 never fired...so im guessing maybe this script can be expanded into direct fire support script. you can have tanks, infantries firing into an area for an eventual assault. amazing...

say... can it be done?

yep, should be no problem.

you'll have to change the class names (weapon class name, ammo class name) in the script though.

then you may also have to tweak the initial velocity (for the artillery it's something like 1083 m/s) and maybe the friction constant.

other than that it should be no problem using it for tanks for example.

also, I'm working of a new better version of the script that's more fail-safe, will allow for more rapid firing etc. will post it here when it's done. smile_o.gif

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hello im a noob what folder do the files go in


extract to \My Documents\ArmA\missions\

since the zipped files are in folders the complete folder structure will look like this:

\My Documents\ArmA\missions\art_test.Sara\

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Personally this script is the best artillery script. One thing I did see in another one was the addition of smoke/phosphorus shells and a few other types which I forget but that would be neat.

Great job notworthy.gif

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There used to be a script section (if I don't remember wrong) but I can't find it anymore - and as you pointed out in the sticky - it seems to have been removed....

Look here, notice the "ADDON/MOD & MISSION MAKING" part near the bottom with an "ARMA EDITING" section tounge2.gif

Anyway cool script. But there might be a problem with very long range targets because the shells get deleted after (I think) 25 seconds. It's a setting in the config that could be changed with an addon. I don't know if you've already found a way to deal with that, haven't had a chance to look at the script myself.

yep someone alerted me about that part of the forum, but what's done's done. I suppose a moderator will have to move the thread even though I think it's doing good here wink_o.gif

concerning the range limit - I know about the time limit. furthermore: the force of drag in ArmA wouldn't allow the shell to fly much further than 5-6 km anyways.

all of these issues are dealt with in the documentation to the script.

but - try the script anyways. it kicks pretty much ass smile_o.gif

The range issue for the artillery is a bother. I bypassed it by making custom ammo classes and in order to simulate accurate ranges you have to use impossible muzzle velocities. I believe to get a projectile into orbit you need to have a velocity of 19,000 MPS in arma 17,000 MPS will get you about 10 KM. I tweaked with it for some time and the only way to get 10 km or above with out modifying any main files is to use crazy muzzle velocities. But if you want to increase the range of your script it is possible.

Not true, you can change the air drag instead. I've got APFSDS shells that will travel out to 22km (and would probably get near the realistic range of 80-115km if not for whatever deletes it at 22km) by using an initspeed of 1676 m/s and setting "airFriction = -0.0000375;" in the ammo config.

Drag deceleration is simulated in ArmA as "airFriction * velocity^2", and the default airFriction for projectiles is -0.000500. This value is about right for 20 mm shells, but too low for small arms and too high for larger cannon.

This is the value I changed when making my ballistics mod.

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Just droppin by again to say thanks for the script skickahit10. The first script kinda sucked LOL but the updated version absolutely rocks!

It will be a big part of Arma movie making I can tell ya  smile_o.gif  It's playing a big part in the one I'm working on now. This suite of scripts coupled with the new CSM Artillery samples are jaw-dropping. You'll see it in the movie I'm working on now which should be out in a few days smile_o.gif

<span style='color:darkred'>Question: Anyone know where to find some great artillery comms in any format? wav/mp3/ogg etc for ingame dialogue?</span>

<span style='color:darkred'>Question:Skickahit10, could you describe how to remove the sidechat from the scripts? Thanks.</span>


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Hey Matt... I wrote you via ICQ.

LOL I haven't used ICQ in, like, years crazy_o.gif

I'll install it again, or you can contact me via MSN.

Edit: Or were you talking to Matt Rochelle?

I thought the same thing, but thought he must of been talking to you as he is not on my ICQ lol.  tounge2.gif If it was me PM for ICQ numb.

@ArmaVidz Could try the old CoC Arty Mod, Im sure it will have the sounds inside.

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Just droppin by again to say thanks for the script skickahit10. The first script kinda sucked LOL but the updated version absolutely rocks!

It will be a big part of Arma movie making I can tell ya smile_o.gif It's playing a big part in the one I'm working on now. This suite of scripts coupled with the new CSM Artillery samples are jaw-dropping. You'll see it in the movie I'm working on now which should be out in a few days smile_o.gif

<span style='color:darkred'>Question: Anyone know where to find some great artillery comms in any format? wav/mp3/ogg etc for ingame dialogue?</span>

<span style='color:darkred'>Question:Skickahit10, could you describe how to remove the sidechat from the scripts? Thanks.</span>


yes. do like this:

look through all the .sqs-files belonging to the script.

whenever you find a line looking like this:

[something-something] sideChat [something-something]

you just put a semi-colon in front of it. for example:

_what_gun sideChat _text


;_what_gun sideChat _text

the semi-colon means that that line of code will be ignored by the script - hence there will be no chatter.

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Cool thanks man. I wasn't sure if removing or commenting them out had an adverse effect.

Thanks again!

@Matt Rochelle

Thanks I checked that out this morning and while there was some great music (1930/1940's) the dialogue wasn't all that spectacular hehe. Thanks for the suggestion  smile_o.gif

<span style='color:darkred'>Edit:</span><s>just to be sure it's okay to comment out these lines as well?</s>

Just removed  _what_gun sideChat _text out of each string. Appears to work fine.

Quote[/b] ]? _number_of_attempts >= 2 : _what_gun sideChat "Fire mission complete." ;
Quote[/b] ]? _v != 0 && _cpe > _fine_cpe_limit && _cpe <= 1500 : _what_gun sideChat _text

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There used to be a script section (if I don't remember wrong) but I can't find it anymore - and as you pointed out in the sticky - it seems to have been removed....

Look here, notice the "ADDON/MOD & MISSION MAKING" part near the bottom with an "ARMA EDITING" section tounge2.gif

Anyway cool script. But there might be a problem with very long range targets because the shells get deleted after (I think) 25 seconds. It's a setting in the config that could be changed with an addon. I don't know if you've already found a way to deal with that, haven't had a chance to look at the script myself.

yep someone alerted me about that part of the forum, but what's done's done. I suppose a moderator will have to move the thread even though I think it's doing good here  wink_o.gif

concerning the range limit - I know about the time limit. furthermore: the force of drag in ArmA wouldn't allow the shell to fly much further than 5-6 km anyways.

all of these issues are dealt with in the documentation to the script.

but - try the script anyways. it kicks pretty much ass smile_o.gif

The range issue for the artillery is a bother. I bypassed it by making custom ammo classes and in order to simulate accurate ranges you have to use impossible muzzle velocities. I believe to get a projectile into orbit you need to have a velocity of 19,000 MPS in arma 17,000 MPS will get you about 10 KM. I tweaked with it for some time and the only way to get 10 km or above with out modifying any main files is to use crazy muzzle velocities. But if you want to increase the range of your script it is possible.

Not true, you can change the air drag instead.  I've got APFSDS shells that will travel out to 22km (and would probably get near the realistic range of 80-115km if not for whatever deletes it at 22km) by using an initspeed of 1676 m/s and setting "airFriction = -0.0000375;" in the ammo config.

Drag deceleration is simulated in ArmA as "airFriction * velocity^2", and the default airFriction for projectiles is -0.000500.  This value is about right for 20 mm shells, but too low for small arms and too high for larger cannon.  

This is the value I changed when making my ballistics mod.

I have been playing with it alot and with given muzzle velocities a drag of 0.0001500. seems to be the most accurate ranges. on a flat plat with a muzzle velocity of 1050 I can get 12 km

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It's a great script there's just a couple things that really bring it down.

• Can never hit the intended target.

• M119 Gunners in their default locations end up killing one/two/three of themselves because they hit a hill close to the artillery battery while firing at the marker.

<span style='color:darkred'>o3oDeath, where did you move the M119's (flat plateau)??? I am curious, been busy, haven't had time to find a flat area for the arty that can hit north island. I've resorted to endless arty barrages.</span>

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I apologize if this question has already been asked (browsed quickly over the last 4 pages) but is there a way to make this script run off a trigger in MP?

I'd much rather have it work automatically based off enemy presence within a trigger if possible.


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<span style='color:darkred'>o3oDeath, where did you move the M119's (flat plateau)??? I am curious, been busy, haven't had time to find a flat area for the arty that can hit north island. I've resorted to endless arty barrages.</span>

The current version i am using has been reworked from the ground up and It has more accurate ranges. I just have a couple issues with it before I release it. But I usually use the airfield in south sahrani as a fie base. When I post the new version you should be able to use a fire base on rahmadi and hit just about anywhere on the map terrain dictating ofcourse.

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The terrain gradient needs to be taken into account within the scripts, or stick to flat terrain. The severity of the gradient affects the min and maximum fire elevations along with offsetting the required elevation to hit the target.

Altitude is another issue, the scripts will go into what appears to be an endless loop, if you deploy them too far above the intended target. It has a big impact on the min and max firing ranges, depending on if you’re above or below the target.

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(and would probably get near the realistic range of 80-115km if not for whatever deletes it at 22km)

according to this and this the realistic max range for the m119 is ~20km, not 80-115...

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