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Request for official CD Key/ Player ID registry

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Ok, its Simple. To aid in the battle againt the spinless ones intent on ruening public multiplayer, should BIS introduce the mandatory registration of your CDkey and/or player ID number to enable you to play online.

Such a database ( owned & run by BIS ) would automatically prevent Duplicate CD Keys & generated long ID numbers.

This wouldnt prevent you joining servers, it should prevent you from even getting the multiplayer function of the game to work at all untill you register. once done, then each time you play multiplayer your CD key/ID is checked on the database and it allows you access to the game loby etc.

This isnt a total cure for the Nutless assholes out there, but it would help. A simple method used by many games, so why not this one.

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This sure helps stopping the cheaters from changeing their ID's and I dont think they will risk their own ID being banned while cheating.

The only problem is: Are we sure we wont ban innocents? Wich is really bad since you are banned on every server at once...

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We wont be banning anyone with this, BIS will be, indirectly though. If someones daft enough to enter a dodgy key or ID then that Key & ID are blocked. There genuine Key/ID would still be ok.

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I am 100% for this. The only issue is that the cd keys are out there and stolen. So how do we know that it will not end up being abused anyway. They need to fix several layers to resolve the issue.

1. What would they do with the existing keys? Cause there are rumors (Pretty sure they are as i have seen people talking about being able to reverse the keys) that they have a legit key stolen from the servers.

2. Would they come up with a new ID system? Again the old ones are trash if you ask me (See #1).

3. Could we detect the key thru the scripts? Also can see who it really is? I am sure we still need to ban a single user from a server. Most login systems use a random key generated per login. However we need something that will show their userid number (So we can ban them)

4. Would the servers talk to a central server to verify the current login? Don't rely on anything a client says.

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I voted Yes even though i hate steam and other games that needs Login stuff banghead.gif when you register and have to find a unique nickname and password and then some games have gamespy accounts instead that may or may not work so you never know for sure if your current account works or if you have to create another nick for your account, so far i got 5 nicks on 1 account or something tounge2.gif

then the whole deal of login in to play mp, i hope its only for internet and not Local games, sometimes frustrating when you gonna try play local and then it just frezeez due to no internet connection at your friends place, yeah i know buy a router with more slots on but not everytime you got several hundred dollars to spend on hardware.. crazy_o.gif

I experienced cheaters in others games and i experienced cheaters in arma, and in arma it was the worst confused_o.gif hope Bi or some third party does something about it.

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I have valid keys but voted no I just see it as a waste of time or am I missing something. Shouldnt servers just block invalid keys to begin with???

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I have valid keys but voted no I just see it as a waste of time or am I missing something. Shouldnt servers just block invalid keys to begin with???

Concidering the reason of this thread, could you elaborate as to why you voted no?

We are just looking for good games amongst us, with out silly kids joining our servers.

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Why put the burdon of blocking keys onto the servers alone when  a central system would pick up most of them  before they even get to  a game server ?

I think when Big Bear is referring to silly Kids, he means the silly kids with Free copies of the games using invalid keys & ID's ? e.g the script kiddies.

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I think when Big Bear is referring to silly Kids, he means the silly kids with Free copies of the games using invalid keys & ID's ? e.g the script kiddies.

Actually I'm refering to the new "KFC" kiddies...

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I like the way those who voted 'no' have kept quiet icon_rolleyes.gif

Voted yes of course. ArmA is the worst game I have ever played online when it comes to cheats, hackers and general trouble makers.

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There are some problems with this.

- Is BIS willing to put up such a database and maintain it,

- and for how long? When BIS decides to close their server then no multiplayer, never again for anyone?

- Such a system must not require me to have internet connection for single player. That would be one of the most offending things a game developer can do for me.

- Is keeping such a system in the business plan of BIS? To me it looks like it doesn't belong into "game development". In other words, would it be wise at all to expect BIS to run such a database server for all worldwide players.


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The poll is to find out if people would or wouldnt be in faviour of such a system, which ive roughly outlined at the start. If the poll turns out to be predominately a YES vote in a weeks time, then we can pass it over to BIS and hopefully they will respond. only they know if its viable or even possible to intergrate into the game. If it turns out it is possible, and there willing to do it, then they would have the final say on how to intergrate it, not any of us.

If they chose to not to do it, but it was possible, where does it leave them with the view to future sales of Arma2 if its got as little security as Arma currently does. They could use Arma to get such a system working and then continue it with Arma2.

As things stand, I wouldnt buy Arma2 because of:-

1:- lack of security

2:- god awfull server admin functions. ( both based on owning Arma and knowing Arma2 is just a development of the same system )

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Absolutely YES! I am sick to the guys who can fake ur name and cheat and then ur name get bad reputation and maybe banned from some server even u are the angel. And of course every player then need rly buy the game so pirating will decrease.

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I think it should be up to the server admin and have an option to Register With Main Server or something.

But I have a feeling BIS would never go for this. Its just not their thing to actively support the community  crazy_o.gif

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I voted "Yes", because i want play online without another prick typing chat messages, that looks like they come from me. huh.gif

I hate the other cheating too, but that stunt put an end in my interests, to play ArmA online. mad_o.gif

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Sure a yes, and a message to BIS: if things are not going to be improved you can keep your copy of Queens Gambit and ArmA2 as well, I did intend to buy them,,,but ... Steam is a good example how it can be done. If you can`t do it on your own, talk to VALVE PLEASE!!!

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A yes vote.

I think the cheating side of the game has been neglected completely by BIS and one would expect a hotfix to include a key checker. The fact that there are months between patches and no guarantee that a new AC system will be implemented is bad for the game(I am not whining about the patches, but that the change list is put up just a day before the patch).

And I'd be delighted to hear if BIS have done something against cheating, besides the addon signatures system. The addon signatures system also has a flaw that if the cheaters create their own addons and get a signature, then what good does that do?

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Voted "No" because such a system would prevent me from playing online because I refuse on principle to register to a central database if I don't need it.

I see the benefit for this for public servers tho,so actually my vote is "Yes" but make it optional for servers. I have in the years I played online never come across a single cheater because I only play with people I know and thus see no point to be forced to register,yet I see that this could be helpful to public servers

Edit: "Yes" meaning if BIS can be bothered to fix it,I wouldnt mind as long as it is optional. I could think of hundreds of more important things for them to fix tho. No Anti-cheating system stops Cheaters,to stop playing with immature random people on random servers does

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