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Throwing Rocks!

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Im just wondering, how hard would it be to make an Addon, of just a rock?

Like a hand grenade, but a rock...

So that Civilians can throw rocks!

anybody know?

or is anybody working on this?

by the way, sorry if this is the rong place to put this!

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I know, thats the thread for Addons requests,

but 1. My freind is going to make a basic model of the rock and im going to texture it.

I just dont know how to wright config. sad_o.gif

2. no one looks at that anyways...better off being deleted.

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try looking at how an old ofp addon did it - considering the differences in configs are quite minor, you should be able to work it out:


very old addon, but was very cool

Is that the addon that made them hoy TVs and vodka bottles

at you? The NI mod for OFP also made an experimental

version of rioters who would shout obscenities at you in

thick Nor'n Ir'n accents while bricking you! rofl.gif

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i think i've still got that riot mod where they chucked tellies at you on a cd-r somewhere. I often thought it would be a good mod if they could turn the beer bottles in to molotov cocktails, i'm no scripter so i dont know how it would work but it would be good, would make things slightly more lethal! a norn iron mod for arma would get my vote, we just need some RUC units and some armoured landies.

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i think it can be done, yeah the old ofp tossers addon was fun to play with sometimes biggrin_o.gif they trow rocks, tv's and bottles at you tounge2.gif if they where many they actually had a chance to kill you even smile_o.gif

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i think i've still got that riot mod where they chucked tellies at you on a cd-r somewhere. I often thought it would be a good mod if they could turn the beer bottles in to molotov cocktails, i'm no scripter so i dont know how it would work but it would be good, would make things slightly more lethal! a norn iron mod for arma would get my vote, we just need some RUC units and some armoured landies.

Oh yes, we had petrol bombs working - it wasn't that hard to

do at all - just some "drop" scripting commands, I think it was.

Now with the new Arma anims I suppose you could even do a

kind of "stop, drop and roll" when your trousers catch fire.

Anyway it used to be great fun testing it - dodging bricks

while trying to drop the bombers before they could light you

up. We were working on all sorts of riot stuff before the

whole mod went tits up.  icon_rolleyes.gif


But this is too far off topic for this thread now.   whistle.gif

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The stone age has come to ArmA .. What's next Spears?..


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thanks alot guys!

ill search for the rock throwing OFP thread and chek out that config!



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i think i've still got that riot mod where they chucked tellies at you on a cd-r somewhere. I often thought it would be a good mod if they could turn the beer bottles in to molotov cocktails, i'm no scripter so i dont know how it would work but it would be good, would make things slightly more lethal! a norn iron mod for arma would get my vote, we just need some RUC units and some armoured landies.

Oh yes, we had petrol bombs working - it wasn't that hard to

do at all - just some "drop" scripting commands, I think it was.

Now with the new Arma anims I suppose you could even do a

kind of "stop, drop and roll" when your trousers catch fire.

Anyway it used to be great fun testing it - dodging bricks

while trying to drop the bombers before they could light you

up. We were working on all sorts of riot stuff before the

whole mod went tits up.  icon_rolleyes.gif


But this is too far off topic for this thread now.   whistle.gif

Can i ask did you make that and if so will u release them looking great

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to be honest the reason i want this is to simulate, the Afhani's or whoever is throwin the rocks.

For realism...and just fun!


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Kris @ Sep. 09 2007,10:12)]lol yea it would be pretty fun but im more interested in the riot gear i would love that

same here, would love a riot mod, would just add another element to the game. imagine marching in to corazol to see 200 rioters, then you and your squad beat sh!t out off them while trying not to get burnt or stoned. i think i would give up half way through and start slotting them! mission failed!

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Kris @ Sep. 09 2007,10:12)]lol yea it would be pretty fun but im more interested in the riot gear i would love that

same here, would love a riot mod, would just add another element to the game. imagine marching in to corazol to see 200 rioters, then you and your squad beat sh!t out off them while trying not to get burnt or stoned. i think i would give up half way through and start slotting them! mission failed!

I'd be just as interested in bouncing a few well aimed rocks off the heads of the fascist police thugs! Hehehe.

Surley rock throwing just needs a little config tweak? Add cfg ammo, cfg magazines and add a unit?

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yeah a riot mod with some old 70's schimiter's and some armoured landies, ruc and army. maybe with arma you could actually have a guy topside with a rifle on the armoured landy. I wish i could make mods like that but i think i opened o2 once then cried and turned it off!

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