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Mando Heliroute ArmA

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im sorry if this sounds NOOBish but i never worked with SQF files. so how do i get the alpha trigger to activate the SQF

i tried this execVM "pickup.SQF" when i press ok i get type script, expect nothing.

also tried _handle = player execVM "pickup.SQF"

but this comes up with a error in game. am i going wrong somewhere?

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hello mandoble! where have you been in Italy (I'm Italian wink_o.gif )?

I need a simple and fast insertion/extraction script to use in mission editor.

the procedure should be this: 1-activation by radio; 2-selection of the landing zone by clicking on the map; 3-immediate take-off; 4-fast landing (just on the spot selected and not 100 meters away) to pick up/unload troops and even more fast take-off; 5-selection for the final landing zone; 6-possibility to repeat the script.

can you help me please?

i tried the script of another user but i don't like it because the chopper waits too much time on the ground and the whole script is slow exposing troops and chopper to enemy fire.

thanks a lot.

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hey mandoble

so is getting the helicopter to do some sort of fast insertions impossible? or are you still working on it?

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Hi Mandoble smile_o.gif Another great script from you notworthy.gif Thanks!

But I've got 2 questions.

1.) Some time ago I read something about a script from you that allows to be collected via ship after ejecting from an airplane above water. Is this true and if yes, where can I find this script?

2.)I tried to combine this heliroute script with Lightweight's Landhere Script. Please have a look into this code. It's only working in SP mode and that's the problem. sad_o.gif I need it for pilots who can be picked up automatically by the AI.

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">; Lightweight LandHere.sqs V1.1, Release 01/07

; 2006 by Plasma (plasma@everymail.net)

; usage [<Heliunit>,<Landingpoint / Object or Waypoint>] exec "landhere.sqs"

; use RadioMSG or Action for player to release heli (freemove=true)

; needs fdir.sqf

_lunit=_this select 0

_wpn=_this select 1


_fdir= compile preprocessFile "fdir.sqf"

; create landingpad at target (for future extensions only)

_lunit lockwp true

_hpad = "HeliHEmpty" createVehicle (position _wpn)

;set the new target for unit, wait until it is underway

_lunit domove (position _hpad)

@(speed _lunit)>10

;wait until unit we are near



_dist=sqrt( ((position _lunit select 0)-(position _hpad select 0))^2 + ((position _lunit select 1)-(position _hpad select 1))^2 )

?(_dist>100):goto "apploop"

(group _lunit) setspeedmode "LIMITED"

_lunit flyinheight 20

;manual approach, we force the unit to approach the target closer


_dir=[_lunit,_hpad] call _fdir

_dist=sqrt( ((position _lunit select 0)-(position _hpad select 0))^2 + ((position _lunit select 1)-(position _hpad select 1))^2 )

_lunit setdir _dir

_xv = 6*sin(_dir)

_yv = 6*cos(_dir)

_lunit setvelocity [_xv,_yv,0]


?(_dist>20): goto "iloop"

;forced landing

_lunit flyinheight 1

doStop (leader _lunit)

;wait until someone gives the global "takeoff" command



?!freemove: goto "waiting"

;off we go, release the stop command

_lunit lockwp false


(group _lunit) setspeedmode "FULL"

_lunit flyinheight 100

deletevehicle _hpad

(leader _lunit) domove (position _lunit)

It's been activated by an event handler

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">eh1= player addEventHandler ["fired", {if ((_this select 4)=="SmokeShellRed") then {[WHeli1, Player] exec "landhere.sqs";};}]"

The main idea was that multiple players can call an AI chopper with their smoke shells. The chopper lands at the smoke shell, the player is picked up and be brought back to base.

Well ... with Lightweight's script it's working just like I want it, but only in SP mode as I said sad_o.gif Do you have an idea what can be changed? Or are you planning a new script that will use the feature I need? tounge2.gif

Thanks in advance.

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Legislator, this thread is for heliroute, which you may use for your purpose. Remember that heliroute solves the route of the chopper and the landing/takeoff, anything else before or after that is up to the editor of the mission to solve. About Plasma script, you better try to contact him, this is out of topic here.

Hoot1988, I might try to create a quick insertion/extraction script based on current heliroute, but it will be quite risky for the chopper and its crew. Heliroute ensures no accidents while landing with high accuracy, but a quick and direct aproach to destination is also possible. Of course, if there is a building or a tree between destination and chopper, chopper will crash that way.

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cool! in that case the player using the insertion/extraction script should choose the spot accurately.

could you create that, please?

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Mandoble, your script is very useful but still has some bugs, in my opinion.

I use it to call a dynamic insertion/extraction chopper. The problem happens when I call the script the second or third time, the chopper heads to its destination but doesn't stop or land.

I think it's due to the fact that the first script I have called hasn't finished yet. The problem is that I use sqs and not sqf in my scripts, so I don't have the ability to check if the script is already running.

Any idea ?


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You dont need to check if the script is already running, what you need to check is the state of the route of the assigned chopper (I assume you are using version 1.2) which is stored into a vehicle variable

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">

[heli1,[getPos dest3],50, true]execVM"mando_heliroute_arma.sqf"


@ (heli1 getVariable "mando_heliroute" != "busy")

the name of the variable is "mando_heliroute" and the posible values are: "busy", "damaged" and "waiting".

use getVariable command to get the value, and use is there where the chopper is local.

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This script is actually more in line with what I am trying to do with your support scripts in warfare. The support scripts, while freakin' awesome, are overkill for warfare. What I am trying to do is get this script going in a warfare edit (Warfare advanced 1.31) that allows me to purchase choppers / troops for my own personal evac / reinforcement force that allows the same effect as your support scripts in that regard, but the items do not just "appear" and you must purchase them to stay in line with the warfare theme.

However, I don't know how to port these into a warfare mission since it is my basic understanding that you need each purchased helicopter to support the heli route script. Any way you can help with porting this into mission capable status for warfare or help lead where I have gone wrong? I have followed the install instructions but to no avail here.

Thanks in advance.

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sadly I have no idea about how Warfare works and I really dont have time to investigate it. But general speaking, if you have a chopper (buying it, for example), then you may setup routes for it. The problem you might have there is to create something like an interface with the map to setup these routes.

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I have a little problem with mando heliroute

I want to use it with the ACE Chinook and it don't work well

at the destination point, the Chinook brake to slow and it go to far, stop and make a 180° to go in good position

is it possible to change the script to say to the Chinook to brake before ?

what parameter I need to change ?


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On the helicopters approach, are there any enemy units in sight? I had a similiar problem, if the insertion chopper see's an enemy, it ignores the move waypoint "b4 the scripted behaviour" then moves off o a distance to enage the scripted behaviour. It then flies the scripted flight path from the distant point.

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I have this problem to but it is not the same problem

(to solve it I think we must change the side of the chopper (in civilian perhaps) but I don't found a command to change side in arma)

but for the ACE Chinook I thing the problem appear because the fly model has been changed and it brakes very slow

the problem appear even there is no enemy on the map)

I have tested other Chinook before (not ACE) with Heliroot and it work well


Edited by gonza

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Is there any quick and easy way to have the chopper hover rather than land and turn engine off if you call it from a position in the water???

I'm playing around with heliroute as implemented in Domination! - a simple airtaxi back to base using mando heliroute... works nicely, but I end up in the sea a lot with a long swim usually..... calling the chopper with "land = true" obviously switches the engine off, but "land= false" just results in a permanent hover at the FlyinHeight level.....

anybody know of an easy way to set a 1m hover instead of land - either permanently or preferably only when over water...???

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hi guys, sorry to post this on the A1 forum

But I do use these awesome scripts in arma2 (thanks mando!) and everything works like a charm... on non stock islands...

I mean this works on aceip, and a1 islands

but on chernarus, they reach destination and just stand there, no landing, sometimes after much time, one chopper lands and doesn't continue with the script

I mean I'm always using, ACM, SOM, animals, civilians, etc. and 7 choppers using the scripts, as every other island, I don't know if that could make the scripts to halt on chernarus


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