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ArmA Extended Dll

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ArmA Extended Dll



- File operations.

- String operations.

- Database like operations (a lot of vars in 1 file).

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">

1) Simple commands:

loadfile "01 :dll"                                      return dll version

loadfile "02 :ver"                                      return dll version

loadfile "03 :info"                                     return dll info

loadfile "04 :ArmaDir"                                  return Arma Directory

loadfile "05 :ArmaPath"                                 return Arma Path

2) File operations:

loadfile "06 :File.Write(""file"")@data"                return nothing

loadfile "07 :File.Append(""file"")@data"               return nothing

loadfile "08 :File.Delete(""file"")"                    return nothing

loadfile "09 :File.Exists(""file"")"                    return bool

3) String operations:

loadfile "10 :String.ToCharArray(""string"")"           return array of char

loadfile "11 :String.ToIntArray(""string"")"            return array of integer

loadfile "12 :String.ToLower(""string"")"               return string

loadfile "13 :String.ToUpper(""string"")"               return string

loadfile "14 :String.Copy(""string"", offset)"          return string

loadfile "15 :String.Copy(""string"", offset, count)"   return string

loadfile "16 :String.Length(""string"")"                return integer

4) DataBase like operations:

loadfile "17 :File.SetVar(""file"",""varname"")@var"    return nothing

loadfile "18 :File.GetVar(""file"",""varname"")"        return var

loadfile "19 :File.RemoveVar(""file"",""varname"")"     return nothing

loadfile "20 :File.VarExists(""file"",""varname"")"     return bool

loadfile "21 :File.VarCount(""file"")"                  return integer

See readme for examples.

Download page (32 Kb)

Direct link (32 Kb)

This dll is provided "as is".

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Nice, so this can be used to store info in files. Someone could probably make a replay system with this where the replays can be stored and played later. Like the After Action Review in VBS.

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For us tech-n00bs, could you please explain what this does? whistle.gif

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means that we can do or edit mission in MP?

can you build missions with more then 1 user at the same time? xmas_o.gif

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cant you already edit missions in mp already? like start a server and then click mission editor and edit there and when you press preview you get to the lobby and people can choose roles and you play? Of course you need player and playable soldiers too set in the editor. smile_o.gif

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OMG YES! Does this mean the RTE project might get started back up again?

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Does the source code of this application have anything to do with Kegetys' fwatch? If it is based on fwatch then this should be open-source like fwatch. Looks very similar to fwatch...

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Furthermore, can this be used to solve the savegame issue for long SP missions with large numbers of variables, like dynamic missions ?

Anyway, it's great you found that.


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Now the awesomness (great word, I know) of some of these mods and the dreams of mp campaigners can be realized. Well done.

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From what I am seeing...it allows you to read and write files within Arma missions.

Something I had wanted a while ago

Many Uses:

Ranking/stats (keep track of stats externally)

Loading on the fly pics and texts (ingame messaging?)

better savegames


depending on your imagination

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Probably, all it takes is a little cheat and you could delete all files in the folder the dll uses from a server running the dll, maybe even outside it. Can't tell for sure without testing it of course, maybe the writer was smart enough to consider this but I wouldn't use it on a pub.

And blocking packets with the commands is difficult since you can bypass simple rules with code strings: call ("doso"+"mesh"+"ite")

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So.... Whose in charge of the RTE Addon? (The latest one that allowed you to drag the objects and such around, it was wicked cool, but there was no way to save)

This thing kinda died fast, I hope there is work on the RTE.

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havent testet this addon, and i cant find it in the readme file.

what does this addon do? is it the real time editor? = 3d view editor ?

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No. This is not a 3DEditor. This is for read and write in the disc.

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WarWolf @ Sep. 04 2007,00:31)]THERE IS A VIRUS




no. it use some kind of virus technology. evristic code analyser in some antivirus programs possible can identify this dll like virus.

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Very nice Voyager... Gj!

Quote[/b] ]Furthermore, can this be used to solve the savegame issue for long SP missions with large numbers of variables, like dynamic missions ?
Simply program around it with Arrays with variables aswell as objects with variables (setVariable, getVariable). There's no need to use so many Global Variables at all.

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PLEASE, to make it compatible with DEDICATED SERVER


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The only downside is that hooking like this stops the server 100% until the hooked dll returns the value.

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PLEASE, to make it compatible with DEDICATED SERVER


It is dedicated compat. Just call the functions via the loadfile command. Just need to make sure that you don't use it in anything client side.

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