Barry the baldy 0 Posted August 5, 2007 Jeez.... Listen, I'm not a fan of having to upgrade to Vista for DX10, I would MUCH rather stick with XP but that whole deal only allows you to play DX10 games under XP. It doesn't allow all the DX10 exclusive effects as they were meant to be played. They aren't even really DX10 games. Theyre DX9 Games with DX10 features tacked on. You won't be able to play a Pure DX10 game and see it the way the developers made it. IF YOU WANT TO PLAY DX10 GAMES WITH ALL THE DX10 FEATURES YOU WILL NEED TO UPGRADE TO VISTA, END OF STORY. Vista and XP are 2 totally different OS's with different frameworks and architecture. You can't play a DX10 game the same way on XP as you can on Vista. Bite the bullet like everyone else and acknowledge that we will ALL have to upgrade to Vista (as much as most of us don't want to) to experience DX10 gaming. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
lee_h._oswald 0 Posted August 5, 2007 your going to change your mind about vista when all games become DX10 compatable. your going to need vista so dont be a XP fan boy and later cry for the need for vista  I'm not a XP "Fanboy". (fanboy is such a stupid word, it should be banned from this forum) Vista is fine when you only want to work with it. Playing "older" games on vista is hell. But I have no problem with that, beacause I don't think vista is build to play old stuff on it. When "Game2" is out, a vista pc with dx10 hardware (and service pack 1) will be needed, but that is far away for us "flashpoint/arma" player, because "we" want to play today with our favorite game. So, if you want to play ArmA(dx9 game), go and get windows xp as a second boot os. MfG Lee Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Raz0rx 0 Posted August 5, 2007 IF YOU WANT TO PLAY DX10 GAMES WITH ALL THE DX10 FEATURES YOU WILL NEED TO UPGRADE TO VISTA, END OF STORY. WRONG! Edit: Removed repetitive spam Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Barry the baldy 0 Posted August 5, 2007 Bloody spot on mate. Vista will allow you to play all games IN TIME once the OS is updated enough but as for right now (as far as gaming is concerned) its only good for the newest batch of DX10 games, which aren't even out yet. Like I said you can get it to run the same as XP for gaming but you will need to tinker with it a bit (there are alot of guides out there if you look) and doing that is not for everybody. If its not for you best to wait until MS updates Vista to do what XP does with gaming "out of the box". EDIT: I've looked at your link and read it through twice. What you're saying is akin to saying "You can Ice skate on concrete if you do the laces up a different way" Sure that might be true, you can strap up and grind away all day but will it be any good? Does that suddenly make the concrete turn to ice? From the ground up Vista is totally different to XP in the way it works under the hood but hey, its your call, if you want to try and get a fully featured DX10 game to work under the XP framework go for it. We'll all be enjoying our glide across the ice enjoying the scenery of a frozen lake surrounded by forest while you spark your way across the pavement in downtown shitsville. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Raz0rx 0 Posted August 5, 2007 LOL what? I haven't said anything. All i posted was a link to something that will allow DX10 to work on XP. Sure, you can shut it down all you want, but until Vista has at least a 2nd service pack, alot of people ain't gonna touch it. Either way, if these Alky libraries don't turn out as smooth as people hope, then there's always the option of a dual-boot system. So we can just use Vista when we want to play a DX10 game, nothing more. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Key Dutch 0 Posted August 5, 2007 Vista = Gamer's hell.Get yourself a winxp home edition and make a dual boot system. Don't waste your time on vista and gaming. MfG Lee your going to change your mind about vista when all games become DX10 compatable. your going to need vista so dont be a XP fan boy and later cry for the need for vista  LOL,  btw DX10 run nicly under XP, just use ur hands, if not for rebuild it, alteast for searching net. there  u find DX10 for XP. anyway, DX10 games, fully DX10, would not be relised for 2-3 years. as long DX10 was relised risently, all game, wich in develompment ,will base on DX9. plas  Game companys not stupid lose money, to relise games only for DX10, how many peeps have DX10 cards? probably only 4% out of all gamers. there ur ansfer, there would be at least 2-3 years, plas its just enouth time for Microsoft patch all holes in Vista, would not be surprise if they relise, by this time, new Windows. there for no point rush and by DX10 cards, by this time they will relise another 2 genurations. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
aus_twisted 0 Posted August 5, 2007 Vista = Gamer's hell.Get yourself a winxp home edition and make a dual boot system. Don't waste your time on vista and gaming. MfG Lee your going to change your mind about vista when all games become DX10 compatable. your going to need vista so dont be a XP fan boy and later cry for the need for vista  All games? lol I have a 8800GTX and have not even thought about installing Vista as yet, it's just far to buggy with drivers and some applications. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Barry the baldy 0 Posted August 5, 2007 Crysis is slotted for a 2009 release deadline which they are looking good to meet, I wouldn't go as far as saying it'll be another 2 generations of video cards before DX10 games become plentiful, thats a major exageration. Once we see games like Crysis, Bioshock and Timeshift released that when MS will knuckle down and get to work on Vistas flaws. As I've said before and as Twisted also said the majority of people who have been around for major OS releases all know that you give it about a year before you upgrade, you NEVER head out and buy an OS at its release, its the nature of the beast. ATM the 8800 series of GPUs will remain current for another year or 2 which is plenty of time to see a good release of DX10 games (many of which are in the making Dutch) and also plenty of time for Vista to iron out the kinks. But make no mistake you WILL need Vista to run a pure DX10 game with all DX10 features enabled. All programs like the one mentioned on the previous page will do is allow XP to see DX10 features and replace them with watered down versions that DX9 can handle. If you're smart you'll wait AT BARE MINIMUM until a few DX10 games are released until you upgrade to Vista. Doing it now, even if like alot of us you have a DX10 GPU, is just shooting yourself in the foot and asking for trouble with the games you already play. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Bergmania 0 Posted August 6, 2007 Crysis is slotted for a 2009 release deadline which they are looking good to meet, Ehm.. EA officially dated Crysis for Nov. 16, 2007. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Dwarden 1126 Posted August 6, 2007 please drop the DX10 games and Crysis subject ... this is no related to problems of ArmA vs hi-end systems ... use offtopic for that type of discussion Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
SWAT_BigBear 0 Posted August 6, 2007 Every forum I visit has the same cons in pros about Vista! It either works for your setup..or it doesn't! Personally, my latest build will never see XP. edit- because ArmA plays for me. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ozanzac 0 Posted August 6, 2007 I've just built a rig to similar specs. Gigabyte P35C-DS3R motherboard Intel Quad Core Q6600 Gigabyte 8600GT WD 320G SATA II HDD 2GIG OCZ DDRII 800 XP Pro SP2 My choices were, based on cost, right now practicality, and future proofing. I was considering buying some version of Vista, but after reading about the various versions of Vista and their memory restrictions, it occurred to me that only Vista Ultimate was practical, but at this time, it is neither cost effective, nor reliable enough, nor compatible enough with some mapping applications I use, to meet my study, and eventually, professional needs. I will eventually upgrade to Vista, but only once I'm convinced it bears more worth to me, than hassle. Unfortunately, I don't have ARMA yet, (I'm still configuring critical software), though by mid-week, I should be able to report my rigs performance. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
PAT3154 0 Posted August 6, 2007 i belive Arma, run better on single video card and single core CPU, than on any of  latest dual or quad core CPU and SLI/CrossFire cards, look like its do not support dual and quad core CPU. same with video cards, u have better prefeormance form single card then from SLI/CrossFire configuration.there for solution,use single video card, and if u have dual/quad core CPU, for better preformance u can OC ur CPU. from all what was sed is concluded, Arma was not build for: 1. Vista 2. SLI/CrossFire 3. Dual/Quad core CPU There isn't that many games around using multi cpu/core , I can like only think of Falcon4 (which had far worse compability problems bw..) Quake3/4 (and most of the ones based on it) and Unreal.. Even if the game itself isn't multi threaded it still will help it sum.. Nvidias drivers is smp aware for example.. and it can basically load 1 core/cpu 100% and not share it with the OS..  I have a 6700 with Striker Extreme mobo and SLI 8800 GTS's hooked up on a Vista 32bit system- 2 gigs of mem.  ARMA has worked great in that configuration.  I think the developers were a bit optimistic when they defined the minimum requirements for the game.  It probably can be run on the minimums but you have a slide show with all the details off. FYI, once you get the right rig, the game rocks!!!!  Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Barry the baldy 0 Posted August 7, 2007 Crysis is slotted for a 2009 release deadline which they are looking good to meet, Ehm.. EA officially dated Crysis for Nov. 16, 2007. My mistake, I actually meant to say 2008. THe official release you stated is correct but the devs have said many times that they are looking at Q1 2008. ANyway, we'll take it back on topic. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ozanzac 0 Posted August 27, 2007 Should've reported earlier, but I've had a shitload of problems with my rig since building it.... Initially, I thought there was a graphics card problem, seeing as my system would freeze whilist gaming...... A faulty powersupply cooked 2 motherboards, and a stick of RAM later.... It's all running smooth! Thankfully, all was replaced under warranty. I've been so busy chasing all this up, I've had zero time to go find somewhere that stocks ARMA! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
m0nkm0nk 0 Posted August 27, 2007 Close topic? XP is still better than Vista with games. And ArmA still runs better on XP Source: Close topic? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
rocket 9 Posted September 4, 2007 I just ordered new parts similiar to the OP's(except I got 64bit vista and 8800GTS 640), it is a bummer I will probably have terrible peformance in ArmA but it was made for future games so w/e Same rig as mine mate, I can't get ArmA to load. I suspect that ArmA is not having much fun in the mega-future environment of 8800GTS drivers + Vista 64bit. Would really recommend a dual boot in your situation, until some sort of solution comes along. Vista 64 is GREAT but riding with a new technology comes with some limitations. Read This Thread which exactly mirrors my experience, except with an ATI card (my screens look exactly the same). Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
rossiski 0 Posted September 12, 2007 I'm on a:Core 2 Duo E6750 2GB RAM XP Pro 8800GTS 320MB And I run everything on high at 1440x900 and never drop below 30fps. Thank you for posting that bit of info. That's precisely what I was hoping to find about the E6750 chip. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites