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XAM 1.3 Released

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that is basically correct Manzilla

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East Female soldiers (Chinese Unit)

Based On XAM1.3 Model



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thanks snake22000 smile_o.gif

PS: you are aware of the MP server crashing problems cased by

XAM on non XAM server, aren't you?

do you intend to fix this issue or is your opinion that the user has

to use XAM reasonable. thanks for response!

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I'm getting a lot of missing sound errors when I play this mod. Even the radio won't play any songs.

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Could someone tell me if its possible to shoot at targets from the Tank Computer and what are the buttons on left for? I found that S key is for stop and NV, Power off and that Smoke key but what is the rest for?

or maybe the manual translated to english would be best (I read this thread so I'm kinda sure there's not the link for it o; ) smile_o.gif

btw, is there a new version on the way? wink_o.gif

thx for replies whistle.gif

EDIT: lol I almost forgot the most important thing I wanted to ask - Can I disable the XAM smoke somehow? It eats too much fps : /

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please some one tell me....

1 how can i use the ap mines as a standalone?

2. how can i return the 3rd person view back to the bis default?

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Firstly: I like this mod very much. I don't play ArmA without it, mostly because of reason that Ai seems to have better way to perform in combat now. Atleast they seem to keep lower profile. Hard to tell what else there is done for AI, but overall i'm much more saticfied with AI with XAM than vanilla ArmA.

Secondly: That OFP's ECPish feature that guys are "communicationg" is nice for immersion... But it's bad thing from viewpoint of simulation or "realism". Don't know how things are generally done in world's militaries, but we were told and expected to SHUT UP or enemy hears us and is alerted of our presense. This is all-time behaviour and not conserning only certain tasks like forexample recon or guard duty. Loud soldier is bad soldier and he puts his unit and mission into danger.

Thirdly: Love that chopper radio notworthy.gif

Fourthly: Love every thing else in XAM notworthy.gif

Fifthly: Bu there could be more complete options for artillery, most of all distribution and number of shells used? Or is this gamebalace thing?

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btw is it possible to use the jumping mine and the ap mine ingame after taking it from an ammobox, like the claymore?

... and is it possible to use this in maps too?

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HI guys trying to make a XAM1.3 Only mission. But i am getting a strange error and none of the variables are in the mission scripts that i know of can anyone help please.

Error : _nobject = /#/ nearestobject [_Veh, "CAR"]

You can download the Beta v1.45 of the mission at the following Loaction If anyone can help please i would be very greatfull, and you get a mention on the credits.

Coop 30 rss.sara

Ps. this mission is not yet finnished

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None of the download links are working. Could you fix them? Or does armaholic have this? I better check.

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None of the download links are working. Or does armaholic have this? I better check.

Offcourse armaholic has it as we always have wink_o.gif

We have both bersions:

XAM 1.3 English

XAM 1.3 French

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Is there any actually XAM maps? I cant find anyone..

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I second that question as well. I downloaded it, and can't figure out diddly-squat. Not particularly fun considering the size and how long it took to download. tounge2.gif

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Hello guys.

Like a few other people here, I do really miss the zoom in function in game (both in 3rd and 1st person view (although it works with sights, it seem)) and it's really starting to get annoying without it.

As asked before, but not yet answered (I didn't find it anywhere in those 22 pages), is there any possible way, to:

1; Get the default 3rd person view back, but in XAM? (Not my question though, I like the 3rd person view)

2; Somehow, enable the zoom for both 3rd person and 1st person view?

Maybe this is something that would be considering as cheating or whatever in MP. But I usually don't play MP, it happens, but not with XAM yet though. But the thing is, while playing with my friends, or building my own missions and so on, I would really like to have the zoom. It's a matter of testing missions, photography etc etc.

Besides this, great mod. But only the loss of the zoom alone is driving me kind of crazy.

Thank you for any kind of help.



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I'm just waiting for the English manual so I can add the radio to some units and see what else there is in game that we don't know about.

So... BUMP. smile_o.gif

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Using 'True Mods' addon aswell will give you the Right mouse click zoom back! smile_o.gif

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Reporting an issue with this mod.

I have noticed that players using this mod, and joining a non mod equipped server ( playing stock models etc ) cause the server to crash.

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when i click on the english link, i get an error, and nothing DLs

Search for a mirror link?

Actually you only have to view one page back to get a list of download links.

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