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ArmA like you've never seen it before

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Can understand, but would this be avail to Arma users at all?

If you wanted to buy a LaserShot system with VBS2 software, you could. It's not really priced towards an individual user, though.

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Maby your company would find a market for a civillian version for individual users of arma though if it was being offered ?

obviously the weapons couldnt be the CO2 versions ( cost & legality in places ) but im sure something lower cost could be created.

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(Note that the black borders are only on those screens, the final product has seamless screens)

In the final product for whom? If for the standard user when and how much? wink_o.gif

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However, i STRONGLY recommend to you , to not USE a "power of 2" number of display . 3 -5 -7 render well the center of view.

2 -4 -6 etc ... cut the center in 2 piece , and its quite handicapping while you' re trying to aim.

always use a non power of 2 multiscreen installation.

Use only 3 screen , i think it's enough ... hey, 30 feet of picture biggrin_o.gif

ps: ho wait, i think you already know all of that , maybe you plan to use the four panel only for air training ?

*Multiple of 2.

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As it's not really priced towards an individual user, but you should think about expanding the franchise after a allowing the military exclusive rights for a year or two. Just like paintball, where groupes of people can rent an evening. Hell you could do batchelor parties, live ammo, strippers and tequila shots! I think we got a winning concept.

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Bugger me.....

I wish santa was real. sad_o.gif

BTW, Good flying with the LB, and,

Wouldn't you get a headache after a while?

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Now if only we could attach IR tracker to a head set, that included a screen for viewing, and then a IR tracked weapon for you to shoot, so you wouldnt have to use the mouse....

Also add a sort of dance pad beneath you to move and then a normal keyboard in front of you and youd be set for life.

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Can understand, but would this be avail to Arma users at all?

If you wanted to buy a LaserShot system with VBS2 software, you could. It's not really priced towards an individual user, though.

Yeah, was just curious if someone could purchase one for an arcade/bar setup. Would make an interesting setup for some local companies here that have attempted large scale light gun arcades but they fail. Friends with a person who owns one said place here who might be interested in something like that as they used to have what i called pods for mechwarrior. (http://www.virtualworld.com/) is the company they purchased them from, along with a six person space shooter game. Not sure what the name of that one is.

Are there options for guns without the co2 but that have feedback?

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You could have a mini keypad for your basic functions built into the foregrip of your weapon, have a sensor in the magazene well to detect magazine changes for reloading, and still use conventional track IR for Leaning, peaking over & ducking down- expande this further so the Track IR can detect the stance - Normal, crouched- prone.

Go a step further with the screens and have them round you on each side and above to give 110 degeree of head turn on ether side and 70 degree of elevated vision. Not quite a Holo deck from star Trek, but an improvement over the single wall of vision, and a quantum leap ahead of your LCD monitor on your desktop.

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I just peed a little.....

That is mind numbingly cool for all military geeks.

Well done on landing a dream job, and I thank you for sharing that.

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incredibly cool setup, training on virtual systems in invaluable for military personnel that will be fighting in urban areas training soldiers to make correct decisions fast which saves lives ... and you get to shoot shit and play with bad ass pc systems biggrin_o.gif

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Thinks about a inflatable dome structure, on the inside very nice white screen effect... crazy_o.gif

This is awesome, is it much harder to shoot the enemy with a real weapon then the mouse with the simulated weapon.

And you mentioned above you "could" be able to buy such a system with vbs software... How many digits are we talking? 4 atleast right...

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The picture + videos say more than words can, so let's jump right into them. This is all stuff that I've been working on lately at my job - this is the first time I've really had an opportunity to post about them.

Here's 40+ feet wide worth of beautiful screen real estate. The kicker is that you can shoot at it with laser-equipped, Co2-powered recoil weapons and kill stuff in the environment. (Note that the black borders are only on those screens, the final product has seamless screens)


Here's that same setup, flying around in a helo.


And last but by no means least, we have the icing on the cake - live-fire! This is me, with my own personal rifle, with real bullets, shooting virtual bad guys. The calibration was off a bit (shots were registering low, hence the many leg shots and near-misses below the enemies), but still, it was pure awesomeness incarnate. Dumped about five magazines through some of my scenarios in a 10 minute period.


inlove.gif   pistols.gif

Ok nice setup but you really need HOTAS though it takes away from the realism when you start using a mouse to fly a helicopter. HOTAS with rudder pedals in ARMA would be more impressive. BTW how many projectors are you using?

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why did you take the videos and stuff down dyslexic??? I wanted to show them to some friends now I cant sad_o.gif

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why did you take the videos and stuff down dyslexic??? I wanted to show them to some friends now I cant sad_o.gif

Limited time thing. There will be some PR stuff available in the next few weeks that will be better, so no worries...

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I did something similar to this a while back for OFP with kegetys' fwatch and some misc. parts. I had a thing where some glue code would read out the in-game compass heading from fwatch and send it to a phidgets servo controller driving a modified hobby servo with a compass card glued to it. It worked well, but I found it didn't help with immersion too much. I was gonna try to hack up a kind of controller from an airsoft gun and a trackIR, but I just lost interest and scrapped the project. The whole thing was very hackish, but at least it worked.

EDIT: now that I think about it, it's not that similar at all. Oh well, sorry for the threadjack.

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Quote[/b] ]The URL you followed ended with a 404 error (bad spelling, parsing error, or something similar).

Head to the main page and perhaps you can find what you're looking for there.

Bad link

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