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I'm trying to make a sorta swamp area but using the map editor update, but I can't get the water to lay flat. it is always angled to whatever ground I put it on. I even laid some river bed and referenced the water to that, but it still maintains the angle of the ground. Can anyone offer a solution?

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Not sure, but have you tried setvectorup?

this setVectorUp [0,0,+0.1]?

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or the setpos command? with it you can set the position of the object, <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">obj1 setpos [ getPos obj1 select 0, getPos obj1 select 1, -5] where -5 is the height.

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i personally use

Quote[/b] ]setObjectPosition.sqf v1.00 BETA

by MadDogX

i dont know if he released it as an addon or a simple script pack ,try searching both a&m complete and scripting threads.

Because the water is such a big p3d its had to find a nice flat piece of ground where the land buldge dosent poke thru the water at some point though.

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Another way would be to edit the model in o2, and edit its properties to "surface", that would allow it to follow the terrain (like roads)

But the water model might have some special properties, as its animated gif I assume.

But this would require it to be in MLOD format, which is not available.

So i think your stuck atm.

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I thought i remembered seeing water objects in the editor(as in placeable squares 50x50?)? maybe I'm dreaming...

Edit: lol shows you how tired i am, you stated that in the first post... goodnight.gif

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Well, it's pretty impossible to set the bank of the object... that's the problem... you can't incline an it...

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Well, it's pretty impossible to set the bank of the object... that's the problem... you can't incline an it...

I thought it was possible, (perhaps even a property?) So that buildings towers etc can be always upright.

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Well, it's pretty impossible to set the bank of the object... that's the problem... you can't incline an it...

take a look down page here at maddogx beta script , dont know if he went on to develop or not.

about the 5th post down a download link

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Another way would be to edit the model in o2, and edit its properties to "surface", that would allow it to follow the terrain (like roads)

But the water model might have some special properties, as its animated gif I assume.

But this would require it to be in MLOD format, which is not available.

So i think your stuck atm.

Neg, the water starts out flat but works its way up to polygonal waves as weather increases.

It may be possible to make an animated model with an image. It was done in OFP:E, I remember seeing fountains that also had sound tied to them, the water inside was not moving up and down like the ocean around the island but it was moving as in flowing.

However swamp water is usually just stagnant and sitting there, so it may be possible to manipulate this to your advantage.

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Quote[/b] ] But the water model might have some special properties, as its animated gif I assume.

its done like this with more stages added using irradiance

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">class Water {

class Stage1 {

texture = "ca\data\data\water_nofhq.paa";

uvSource = "texWaterAnim";

class uvTransform {

aside[] = {0, 1, 0};

up[] = {1, 0, 0};

dir[] = {0, 0, 1};

pos[] = {0.3, 0.4, 0};



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no, I can asure it's not done by that... that is about Normal, and specular mapping... i wrote a tutorial, I know that! biggrin_o.gif

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Well is there any way to make a polygon surface with a water texture and make it behave like a tank track to simulate constant movement? I've been thinking about that and toying with the idea in my head, but I'm not sure if it's possible.

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dunno if it is possible, but as in OFP water effect was created by about 10 textures all named at the end .1.paa, .2.paa and so on till the .10.paa I think ArmA do the same...

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try configuring it using house class, they always point upwards regardless of the terrain angle. What you are trying to do has been done, I saw a video of someone swimming and boating on a small square of water that was floating in the air. good luck!

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The square of water is accessible by using the editor upgrade.

It will cut through uneven terrain though.

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no, I can asure it's not done by that... that is about Normal, and specular mapping... i wrote a tutorial, I know that! biggrin_o.gif

And it was an excellent tutorial linker ,i used it myself smile_o.gif

However you have not wrote a tutorial on <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE"> uvSource = "texWaterAnim";

unless i missed it somewhere ?

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