Bravo33 0 Posted December 30, 2007 Nope, still not showing... confused... And it don't take much Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
manzilla 2 Posted December 30, 2007 Nope, still not showing... confused... And it don't take much Just curious but what folder are the range cards in? Also, what files do you have in the GMJ_SightAdj/AddOns folder? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Bravo33 0 Posted December 30, 2007 File location: C:\Program Files\Bohemia Interactive\ArmA\@GMJ_SightAdjustment\Addons Files included: GMJSightAjustment.pbopbo rangecard_aks74pso rangecard_KSVK rangecard_list rangecard_M4SPR rangecard_M16A2 rangecard_M24 rangecard_M107 rangecard_SVD Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
manzilla 2 Posted December 30, 2007 File location:C:\Program Files\Bohemia Interactive\ArmA\@GMJ_SightAdjustment\Addons Files included: GMJSightAjustment.pbopbo rangecard_aks74pso rangecard_KSVK rangecard_list rangecard_M4SPR rangecard_M16A2 rangecard_M24 rangecard_M107 rangecard_SVD It looks like it but are you using the range cards that came along with NWD_Ballisticsv1.6? If so, then the only thing different in my folder is, "NWD_SightAdjustmentPlugin.pbo" "SightAdjustment_AutoInit" I don't know if these extra .pbo's will help you out. But since this Mod works for me, maybe my folder setup is worth a try for you. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Bravo33 0 Posted December 30, 2007 NWD_SightAdjustmentPlugin.pbo is in my NWD_Ballistics addon folder. SightAdjustment_AutoInit I do not have. PM'd Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Bravo33 0 Posted January 1, 2008 Still no luck with the range cards showing! Tried putting the SightAdjustment_AutoInit in C:\Program Files\Bohemia Interactive\ArmA\@GMJ_SightAdjustment\Addons With no effect. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
TheHunterPDX 0 Posted January 18, 2008 Hi, I was wondering if anyone has calibrated these weapons with the new BIS ballistics from the 1.09 beta? Also, are the m107 ranges with the first or second level of zoom? Thanks for a sweet add on, after seeing shooter, I have the sniping itch. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
javelin10 0 Posted January 29, 2008 Still no luck with the range cards showing!Tried putting the SightAdjustment_AutoInit in C:\Program Files\Bohemia Interactive\ArmA\@GMJ_SightAdjustment\Addons With no effect. Hi Bravo, Had any luck yet? I've just got mine working for the first time after literally months... Turns out I was using the wrong (0.3)version of GMJ_SightAdjustment.pbo. It's about 24KB in size. Check yours then if that's it go and download version 0.4beta (43KB unpacked) from here and you should be in business. Don't think I've got it completely sorted, though, as the range card values don't work perfectly for me. With the M107 at 800m, I need 14.0 MOA rather then 10.5. Any ideas, anyone? This is with 1.09 beta, by the way... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
SD_BOB 10 Posted April 8, 2008 Has anyone had any luck running this with 1.12beta + 51 version ECS? When i run the addon, the ECS wont initialize. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ColonelSandersLite 0 Posted April 12, 2008 Bug with fix and repro steps: The bug and reproduction: All of these situations assume that you're using the nwd sight adjustment plugin. Suppose you have have an M-16 A4 (Ironsights), and during the course of your mission, you feel the need to pick up a m-4 acog+m-203. If you go back afterwards and pick up the original m-16, the mod will not let you adjust the sights anymore. If you go pick up and pick up a new AK, you will then be able to adjust the sights on both the M-16 A4 and the m-4 above (and you shouldn't be able to with the acog). What's happening, is there is an internal enable/disable switch that's updated when a new weapon is picked up. It is not however updated correctly when you pick up an old weapon. The fix looks like this: In SightAdjustmentLoop.sqf, add the following command after line 106: <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE"> _val = getNumber(configFile >> "cfgWeapons" >> _curweapon >> "GMJ_SA_enabled") == 1; GMJ_SA_SET_ENABLED(_val); It should look like this: <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE"> // load weaponcfg GMJ_SA_SET_CURMUZZLE(GMJ_SA_WCFG_MUZZLE(_weaponcfg)); GMJ_SA_SET_CURELEVATION(GMJ_SA_WCFG_ELEVATION(_weaponcfg)); GMJ_SA_SET_CURWINDAGE(GMJ_SA_WCFG_WINDAGE(_weaponcfg)); GMJ_SA_SET_CURRANGEELEVATION(GMJ_SA_WCFG_RANGEELEVATION(_weaponcfg)); GMJ_SA_SET_CURRANGEWINDAGE(GMJ_SA_WCFG_RANGEWINDAGE(_weaponcfg)); GMJ_SA_SET_CURADJELEVATION(GMJ_SA_WCFG_ADJELEVATION(_weaponcfg)); GMJ_SA_SET_CURADJWINDAGE(GMJ_SA_WCFG_ADJWINDAGE(_weaponcfg)); GMJ_SA_SET_CURMODE(GMJ_SA_WCFG_MODE(_weaponcfg)); _val = getNumber(configFile >> "cfgWeapons" >> _curweapon >> "GMJ_SA_enabled") == 1; GMJ_SA_SET_ENABLED(_val); }; Another bug, fix unknown so far: If you start a mission with no weapon, and go into the map, the mod loads the rangecards. However, this does not work correctly if you have not picked up a weapon. The game will display the horrid black scripting error box in the top left. Since gmJamez posted this a few pages back: Hi all,in case you were wondering why there haven't been any updates anymore: I fried my graphics card - a 8800 GTS - and used the current situation of not having a decent graphics card to quit gaming altogether. To all modders, you may use this code in any way you want - go crazy Also, many thanks to Solus for the extended init handler! greets, Oliver. I'll probably see about releasing a fixed version, perhaps without my name attached if that's what he would prefer. Any other serious bugs with it that I haven't caught yet? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ColonelSandersLite 0 Posted April 12, 2008 Another bug, fix unknown so far:If you start a mission with no weapon, and go into the map, the mod loads the rangecards. However, this does not work correctly if you have not picked up a weapon. The game will display the horrid black scripting error box in the top left. I've also found and fixed this bug as well: What's causing it is that this script uses the mode of the current weapon for +/- moa/mills display. Since when you have no weapon, it's not specified, it errors. Workaround which makes it default to MOA when no weapon is carried: change SightAdjustmentGetText.sqf, line 23 to look like this: <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE"> _val = [_v0 * 60, 3] call GMJ_roundn; _text = format ["%1%2 MOA", if(_val >= 0) then { "+" } else { "" }, _val]; it should look like this: <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE"> switch(_mode) do { case "MIL": { _val = [((_v0 * pi) / 180) * 1000, 3] call GMJ_roundn; _text = format ["%1%2mil", if(_val >= 0) then { "+" } else { "" }, _val]; }; case "MOA": { _val = [_v0 * 60, 3] call GMJ_roundn; _text = format ["%1%2 MOA", if(_val >= 0) then { "+" } else { "" }, _val]; }; default { _val = [_v0 * 60, 3] call GMJ_roundn; _text = format ["%1%2 MOA", if(_val >= 0) then { "+" } else { "" }, _val]; }; }; Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
andersson 285 Posted April 12, 2008 @ColonelSandersLite Good work, much appreciated! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ColonelSandersLite 0 Posted April 12, 2008 Don't think I've got it completely sorted, though, as the range card values don't work perfectly for me. With the M107 at 800m, I need 14.0 MOA rather then 10.5. Any ideas, anyone? This is with 1.09 beta, by the way... The rangecards are just plain wrong is all. I'm working on making correct rangecards for all the adjustable BI weapons + NWD ATM. What I'm doing to be sure they're correct is using a modified trueview/weapons replacement I built just for the purpose that gives me "superman" zoom on all the firearms and firing at targets that are as small as practical. When possible, this is the base of a popup target (not the popup target itself, the base of it). Just finished the assault rifles, the scores look like this: M-16 Meters MOA 100 0 200 1 300 2 400 6 500 11 600 17 M-4 Meters MOA 100 0 200 0.5 300 2 400 6 500 12 AK-74 Meters Mills 100 -1 200 0 300 1 400 2 500 3 500 4 AK-74U Meters Mills 100 0 200 0 300 2 AK-74UN Meters Mills 100 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Nev1571 0 Posted April 14, 2008 Good work, ColonelSandersLite! Will you post the finished range cards here? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ColonelSandersLite 0 Posted April 14, 2008 Yes, I will. In the meantime, here's some range values for the sniper rifles. They where all done with actual in game testing and confirmed by multiple people. Only headshots where possible, as one of my squadmembers was hiding so that this was all we could see of him. NWD ballistics where used for all tests. M24 100 -3 200 -2 300 0 400 5 500 9 600 14 SPR 100 -2 200 -1 300 +1 400 +5 500 +9.5 600 +15.5 (dispersion sucks at this range) M-107 100 -9 200 -5.5 300 -3.5 400 -0.75 500 +0.75 600 +4 700 +8.5 800 +12.5 900 +16.5 SVD 100 -1.5 200 -0.5 300 0 400 +1 500 +2.5 600 +4 KSVK 100 -2 200 -1.5 300 -1.5 (probably, it's actually -1.75 for 200 and -1.25 for 300, but it's not possible with the rifle) 400 -1 500 0 600 +1.5 700 +3 800 +4 900 +5 You may also find these numbers for range estimation to be most usefull. For all the american sniper rifles, with the NWD scope fix, the dots are the same height realitive to zoom when zoomed in at max. When the target is standing and X dots tall in your scope, he is always Y meters away. Dots Range 19 100 9 200 6 300 4.5 400 3.5 500 3 600 2.5 700 2 800 1.75 900 When using the Russian scopes, this is not relevant, as they have a built in range finder on the bottom left side. Several 72nd Blackhearts died to bring you all these numbers . Also, a new bug detected, with fix pending: When in the briefing screen, pre-game, if you click the reload button on the range card, it will cause arma to crash. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
7 0 Posted April 14, 2008 um why isnt the m16 zeroed at 300m? i thought all modern assault riflels were zeroed at 300m. btw great work. will you sign it as well? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ColonelSandersLite 0 Posted April 14, 2008 The incorrect zeros are due to the NWD ballistics. I don't care to speculate on what caused the error on his end, but he obviously put more effort into zeroing the sniper rifles than he did the other rifles. Still, the spr and 107 zeros are off by about 50 meters. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ColonelSandersLite 0 Posted April 14, 2008 Two crash fixes: When clicking reload in the briefing screen, the game will stop responding. Fix: Insert at SightAdjustmentRC_LoadConfigurations.sqf line 6: <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE"> sleep 0.1; Should look like this: <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE"> #include <SightAdjustmentConfig.h> private ["_rci"]; sleep 0.1; _rci = ["New"] + call compile format ["[%1]", loadFile format ["%1\rangecard_list.txt", GMJ_SA_RANGECARDPATH]]; GMJ_SA_SET_RANGECARDITEMS(_rci); GMJ_SA_SET_RANGECARDFIRSTITEM(0); [] call GMJ_SA_FRCSETBOOKMARKTEXT; [1] call GMJ_SA_FRCSELECTBOOKMARK; When clicking reset in the briefing screen, the game will stop responding. Fix: Insert at SightAdjustmentRC_Reset.sqf line 6: <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE"> sleep 0.1; Should look like this: <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE"> #include <SightAdjustmentConfig.h> private ["_disp", "_ctrl", "_t", "_magsW", "_magsP", "_mag", "_ammo", "_i"]; sleep 0.1; _disp = findDisplay 12; // clear distance list _ctrl = _disp displayCtrl GMJ_SA_RC_IDCListDistance; lbClear _ctrl; _ctrl lbAdd "distance"; _ctrl lbAdd ""; Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Nev1571 0 Posted April 14, 2008 Cool, thanks a lot! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
gL33k 0 Posted April 15, 2008 still no update yet ? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
KeyCat 131 Posted April 16, 2008 Thanks for the fixes ColonelSandersLite! Let us know if you wrap them up in a new version of this nice addon. /KC Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ColonelSandersLite 0 Posted April 17, 2008 Full rangecards: (note the tables are cropped here due to the messageboard messing with the formatting. The text is left intact so you can get an idea of the contents. See the attached text file for the full version.) There are 2 sets of values here for your reference. The tested values where gained the hard way, using targets that where as small as possible with respect to the dispersion of the weapon at the given range. The calculated table is where I simply fit a quadratic formula (well, a nice calculator did it for me) to the tested values to give values for a wider selection of ranges. Tested Values All values marked with an asterisk indicate that the weapon is too innacurate at this range for the listed elevation value to be precise. Calculated Values Small discrepencies can be found between these tables and the tables above. Mostly, these will be due to rounding the values, and human error in the shooting. Note that while some of the values below are theoretically possible, they are pointless to attempt. For example, you will never hit a target at 1000m with an SPR, except by dumb luck, regardless of elevation dialed in. Even if you did hit the target, the effect would be negligable. I have also noted that the AK-74 table is far too linear, but the weapons dispersion past 300 meters makes correcting it rather pointless. In the low range at least, it does fit the tested values above. All in all, the mathmatically generated numbers should be pretty accurate, limited solely by the data set. The most questionable numbers here are the values given for ranges greater than 1000m, since there was no data above 900m to calculate off of. They are still likely good enough to score a second round hit, but first round kill probability, even with perfect aim, is improbable. Full Range Card Values, courtesy of (Note to addon hosters, please do not mirror this file. An updated version of the addon is being beta tested at the moment. This file will be included with the release version.) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
engagé Baleine 0 Posted April 17, 2008 Hi ColonelSandersLite, i beg your pardon my poor english, but, because i don't see this information in your post and the read-me, could you precise the version of ArmA for your rangecards and the updated version ? It's for ArmA 1.12 beta ? Big thanks in advance. Have a good day. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ColonelSandersLite 0 Posted April 17, 2008 It's for the ballistics found here: I don't know for sure, but I doubt that the beta patches will have an effect. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
engagé Baleine 0 Posted April 17, 2008 Thanks a lot for your quick answer. Best continuation. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites