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Playing as Civilians?

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Hey, I was browsing through the forum and found this thread:


which adds civilians, and you can equip them with guns.

But is there a way to just play with a civilian skin like in multiplayer cooperative? I plan on just playing with a friend, so we'd install what we had to, to make it look the same on both machines.

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Not through a skin no, the civilians and soldiers are two different models, so the soldier models would have to be replaced with civilian models in multiplayer and set to "playable" to be usable.

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ok. is that hard to do, or maybe there is a tutorial or guide somewhere that could tell me step by step what i need to do

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It all depends on what mission you want, generally missions are not my thing but I know how to make atleast a simple one.

Start Armed Assault and go to the editor.

Start placing a unit as you normally would, click the first tab to the far left and scroll down to Civilian, click it and then choose a civilian.


Then click the tab under the side selection tab and scroll down to "Playable" and click it.


You'll notice that instead of the usual red player circle that the circle will be purple, and the game will report that "Player was not selected." Don't worry about that.

Next click save and name the mission, then click the bottom tab and scroll down to "Export to multiplayer" click it and it will be saved as a MP mission.

Then start your server and select your mission


Then click the civilian flag icon unless it is the only side in the mission, in which case it will already be highlighted. Select the character.


Then click okay, go past the briefing and click okay again and then you will be a civilian.


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Oh, one thing I don't have the full version yet, (I do a lot of research before i buy any game).

So I see that your civilian is unarmed, but, can I still outfit him with a full armament including binocs and nightvision? And does he get mission objectives? because I see he's his own group. we don't particulary want to run around as unarmed civilians and get shot hehe

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You can do what ever you like in this game.

Give the civian what ever weapons you want, what ever objectives you want anything is possible in the world of ArmA.

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It's very easy to play civilian in this game. Just as easy as playing BLUFOR or OPFOR (or "independent"), for that matter.

Go into your editor and double-click anywhere in the map. Under 'Side', select 'Civilian'. Then look down until you see a bar in front of which it says 'Init'; in that bar copy the following line:

this addmagazine "30rnd_556x45_stanag";this addmagazine "30rnd_556x45_stanag";this addmagazine "30rnd_556x45_stanag";this addmagazine "30rnd_556x45_stanag";this addweapon "m16a2";

Et voilà, a civie with a 5.56mm M16 assault rifle!

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Ok, one last question, is it possible to play the mp coop missions that come with the game as a civilian after some modding, or is it only possible by making custom maps?

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  (revenicus @ May 19 2007,19:01) said:
Hey, I was browsing through the forum and found this thread:


which adds civilians, and you can equip them with guns.

But is there a way to just play with a civilian skin like in multiplayer cooperative? I plan on just playing with a friend, so we'd install what we had to, to make it look the same on both machines.

you can just make a map with some ammo boxes and take the ammo out and scatter vehicles that u can use and stuff like that

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  (revenicus @ May 20 2007,00:30) said:
Ok, one last question, is it possible to play the mp coop missions that come with the game as a civilian after some modding, or is it only possible by making custom maps?

After some modding, sure, it's totally possible.

In fact, without modding at all, I -think- the way to do it would be to un-PBO the mission files, load them in the ArmA mission editor, and simply change the playable soldiers to civilians, making sure to give them weapons - and also making very sure to alter any triggers/waypoints/scripting that relied on the players being soldiers, or relied on them being BLUFOR or OPFOR, as they will now be civilians.

Someone else may want to add to this, for example, I think you might need to 'decrypt' the mission PBO file before you can un-PBO it ... ?

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Armed "civilians" are usually a good enemy in almost all of our "peacekeeping" missions. Since almost all insurgents in Iraq use civilian clothing, a lot of our missions have insurgents mixed with regular civilians (use Kronzky UPS script for example). Of course, team leader must preserve lives of innocent to make an interesting gameplay.

One more tip: AI civ on SAFE successfully hides his pistol behind his shirt, so use triggers for interesting CQB situations wink_o.gif

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  (Matt Rochelle @ May 19 2007,23:18) said:
[...] anything is possible in the world of ArmA.

just don't try to dig a hole and then jump over it tounge2.gif

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laugh. We could script a springboard to get the poor guy over the hole but his weakling legs would snap like twigs.

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Keep in mind though that civillians have a different AI FSM than regular soldiers have and therefore you have to script alot and fix them by commands to actually make them behave like fighting units. Else they will just drop and run away at every threatening situation. The often even don´t follow WP´s properly because they are constantly peing their pants. With some time and workarounds you can get a half-decent AI civillian fighting squad that will still have it´s odd moments...

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