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Anyone heard of this CEX thing?

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I haven't seen it before, but it looks very promising.

Thanks for the link smile_o.gif

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i think it's a proyect form the chain of command, but not sure.

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now all we need is the COC arty in Arma.

There was nothing more thrilling ofp than calling in a 155 White Phosporus barrage which is set to explode 100meters above the ground and rain burning stuff down people's throats..... aaaaaah yes, i remember those moments...


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It's going to be a big thing when it hits the public. The usability and user friendliness of CEX compared to the old OFP CE is about ten times better. For a group like mine, it will redefine how we plan and coordinate in-game. Here's a look at the current custom ShackTac CEX layout, with our platoon structure (minus PltHQ element).


Hires version

Also, if you never played Snakeman's OFP CE stuff, you're really going to enjoy what he makes for ArmA with CEX. It's ArmA SP at a totally different scale than normal.

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An absolute must have!

Will the AI be able to create strategies from the map/marker screen like a tabletop General?

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I don't know much about CEX yet but I like it already! thumbs-up.gif

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Ahhh, I loved the command engine in OFP!

Can't wait to get my hands on it in ArmA.

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