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So many people willing to pay the 100 quid for TrackIR.

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So many people willing to pay the 100 quid for TrackIR.

If you're into flightsims etc, it's really beneficial. If you want to be immersed to a new level in ArmA...it's essential. biggrin_o.gif

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I would get it if it was a little cheaper and I don't understand the difference between the clip and the other thing.

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Mouse on my left (swivel arm on desk), keyboard directly in-front on pull-out keyboard tray, joystick on center of desk 12" away from LCD.

It's uncomfortable if you slouch, which is a good thing wink_o.gif Plus it looks really cool with my custom-upholstered fleece, woodland-camo high-back executive's computer chair!

(Fancy words for $69 Walmart chair me and my bro tore apart and covered with camo fabric lol)


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I would get it if it was a little cheaper and I don't understand the difference between the clip and the other thing.

It's really worth it though. It makes it really immersive and helpfull just moving your head to look around.

THe Proclip is a powered unit that clips on your headset that has LED lights on it instead of using a clip that goes on a ballcap with refelctive tape.

It's a bit more stable then using the reflective clip option. You can turn off the recieving camera's infered iluminators and you don't get hathead.

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