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well the title says it all i want to start making 3d models, and to tell you the truth im a complete noob does anybody know of any good starting tutorials and what tools i need to use to make it compatable with arma also i was looking at ofp addons and i was trying to learn how to port over mods and addons (with the mod/addons authorisation of course) into arma to see how it all works.

with porting ofp mods over i already have photoshop cs2 in place and i have o2 and bulldozer but to be honest im cack at it im having trouble viewing the p3d or 3d models within the ofp o2 viewer,

im an avid arma player spending about 8 hrs a day designing missions and re-texturing (skinning troops) i would just like to get into learning how to port over opf mods and create models for the game

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A complete noob just spent 3500$ for a modelling program?

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A complete noob just spent 3500$ for a modelling program?

when i was learning to drive I went out and bought a car to learn in... it cost me 5k - a complete driving n00b bought a car for 5k?

ever consider that in the same respect that I bought a car because I was intending to learn how to use it, he's done the same with 3ds max? The poor guy just wants some help BraTTy... be nice biggrin_o.gif

Paul - The tutorials that come with Max (help menu) are really bloody useful - thats how I got started with 3dsmax and they teach you the ins and outs of the program as well as teaching you some useful methods and all about lighting etc.

next port of cal is google to be honest - searching for 3dsmax tutorials will net you 1000's of results - but this forum here is a good place to ask questions:


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but you surely made a driving license before... i agree that buying (which i don't believe..) such an expensive program is abit much for a start. would have been better to get a freeware like blender or wings3d...

but simply google for "3dsmax and tutorial".it will get you plenty of results. especially video tutorials were very helpful when i started modelling.

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The Autodesk 3ds Max 30-day trial provides free* access to the software for noncommercial use. Animation and 3D graphics students, industry professionals, or anyone interested in breaking into the world of computer graphics (CG) now has the opportunity to explore all aspects of the 3ds Max software.


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thank you messiah, i am intending to use this program to the fullest, why go out and get a 3rd party modeling software when you can get the best,the reason i got the best is becouse im serious about this game and has i have explained in other post i spent about 8 hrs a day looking in mods, editing pbos config files etc i want to learn every aspect about modding so my aim is to start off small mabye start on making russian cold war weapon platforms and the weaponry they used in this era so any help with tutoral would be helpful in this matter

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its nice to see that youve bought 3ds max..

but do you want to show off?

you as a beginner could just have bought the ple version for just 120€

or get gmax...

sorry but that just kinda made my day  rofl.gif

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but you surely made a driving license before... i agree that buying (which i don't believe..) such an expensive program is abit much for a start. would have been better to get a freeware like blender or wings3d...

but simply google for "3dsmax and tutorial".it will get you plenty of results. especially video tutorials were very helpful when i started modelling.

whats expensive or not is down to each individual - people buy cars that are worth 10 or 20 times what mine is worth, but they both do the same job at the end of the day.

Paul - you're in for a few headaches at the start of 3dsmax, but once the basics are ingrained (like how to manipulate primatives etc) then its a constant learning experience - you learn something new every day you use it I find... same with photoshop

Quote[/b] ]uhm...

its nice to see that youve bought 3ds max..

but do you want to show off?

you as a begginer could just buy the ple version for just 120€

or get gmax...

Neph, ever consider that with your knowledge and experience you could perhaps help the guy

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i have tried blender and o2 i find them limited and when i mean im serious about modding only the best will do hehe thats just me

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I think Paul asked for infos on how to start making models and stuff and not starting a discussion how expensive 3DS Max is.


It's not our business if he paid 3500 bucks for a software, maybe he's a billionaire and it doesn't matter?


Come on, with your knowledge you could have posted something way better then bashing him, no?

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ok ok

i havent seen him asking in a thread asking about what sofware to get and if its reasonable.

on the one hand its not bad that he bought it.

but as i know/experience 3ds max its quite arkward and i dont really like it.

it might have been a bit wiser to try trial versions of the software and then simply upgrading the license if you feel comfy with it.

so now that he bought it he kinda should/has to stick to it

cause he´s spend so much money onto it.

so what now if he finds out that prog X is better for him than MAX ?

i could bite my arse ,if that was me (as we germans say)...

anyway since if been a bit sarcastic ill offer you some help

if you should get stuck with it smile_o.gif


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It's not our business if he paid 3500 bucks for a software, maybe he's a billionaire and it doesn't matter?

I wish i was then i could hire somebody else to do it for me lol

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for that you dont have to be a billionaire XD

for that you need pm´s hahah

just kiddin smile_o.gif

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I work for a studio and I use 3D Studio Max every single day (I started up working with the very first MS-DOS based version several years ago); and all I have to say is that it´s probably the most versatile and intuitive 3D software you will ever find out there.

If I were you I would do three things:

1;. Follow the included tutorials (are very useful and well explained)

2;. Be prepared to spend a lot of hours in front of your PC; This is a matter of practice.

3;. Surf the net. There´s a lot of tutorials and resources for beginners that will teach you how to perform from the most basic tasks to the most advanced scripts.

Said this, I wish you good luck and don´t give up!

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but as i know/experience 3ds max its quite arkward and i dont really like it.

it might have been a bit wiser to try trial versions of the software and then simply upgrading the license if you feel comfy with it.

Funny you say it. I find Lightwave awkward and unintuitive.

I actually preffer Wings3D, I regret not trying "them" out earlier. Very nice unwrapping, ten minutes withoout any manual and I can do it  rofl.gif . With Lightwave it took me a day to figure out where the hell I do that...

Pro software tends to have bilions of functions an ArmA modeller does not need, which tend to pop up everytime I press a button on the keyboard. The best thing about the LW3D was the fact that Undo shortcut was RIGHT Ctr+Z.

Left Ctrl opened some menu. Comedy gold biggrin_o.gif.

So happy I haven't bougth it.

I have never tried Max, but I've heard it's quite friendly after a while.

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and all I have to say is that it´s probably the most versatile and intuitive 3D software you will ever find out there.

I've only dabbled with Max, but as a layperson I wouldn't call it intuitive. I consider something to be intuitive if I can jump in and figure it out on my own without having to RTFM.

I'll never understand why in most 3d apps I can't just copy/cut and paste and have it NAMED copy, paste, etc instead of whatever they felt like naming it. I tried LW and I thought it was the easiest to just jump and and start editing since the naming conventions were all intuitive. Copy, paste, cut, etc. Simple. Max??? I get lost looking at the menus.

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also take a look at http://forums.cgsociety.org/forumdisplay.php?f=39 - the link leads to their game-modelling section. there is a lot you can learn by just watching the wip's..

secondly, when i started modelling, i frequently used to look at www.simplymaya.com - just take a look at their 3dmax section under: http://www.simplymax.com/ - many members of the community are beginners and therefore lots of basic questions are answered there....

btw good luck with max wink_o.gif

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If you spend $3000+ why would you jsut let the built in tutorials in max just sit there? because built in max tutorials have to be read through, without them it will be hard making addons, if you dont know how to use 3d max.....

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Quote[/b] ]I work for a studio and I use 3D Studio Max every single day (I started up working with the very first MS-DOS based version several years ago

Same here. Got it at work. But I have to admid that the learning curve was really steep and then came the switch to Windows based 3DS Max. But in the end it was a blessing. I would say that you have to spend a year with the software to become really familiar with it. 3DSMax is a huge program with not so nice interface and not so logical all the time.

Just remember that Max works on object basis and the working history is collected in the modifier stack. Well - just learn the interface with tutorials etc. really well. Without this knowledge you are hopelesly lost all the time.

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Learning curve is not that steep, its actually was easy to learn. people who were learning how to play Falcon 4 Allied Force on full realism will uderstand me.  biggrin_o.gif But 3d max is good, ebcause interface is much betetr then in o2, cant understand how people model everything in o2....

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Well... there is absolutely no "ArmA modelling ABC" tutorial.

I can make meshes and use the tools to shape them, reduce polies etc. This is all basic stuff.

But it's the most basic stuf that is killing me in LW3D:

1) how to set backdrop texture (blueprint)

2) how to select solids (I can only select verticles edges and  faces, LW is clearly missing one selection level).

3) Missing shortcuts for: Hide, show, invert selection... (takes minutes to find these)

4) when using Substract - what determines which one will be substracted from the other?

I mean: we're missing a 5-page tutorial that would cover all the specific things ArmA modelling requires.

Why use O2? It has all the options within reach. And actually: creating shapes by deforming cyllinders etc. takes the same ammount of time as making the same in pro programs, as long as faces don't go into dozens...

We don't create free surfaces yet, since we do not do soldier addons etc. For weapon addons O2 is enougth.

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Quote[/b] ]model everything in o2....

Well actually I do not think that you seriously taking wan't to model anything with O2 alone. You model with something else Blender, Rhino, LW, Max, Wings etc. and put the final model together with O2 or GateBuilder.

And with the learning curve I was refering to 3ds for DOS. Everything was a separate working space 2D shaper, 3D lofter, texturing etc. a bit like LightWave has separate working spaces for modeler and layout.

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Quote[/b] ]Maya anyone ?

Tried it with books even, but after about 10 years of 3ds stuff I have to admid that I had to relearn about 80% of stuff.

As I said Max is far from ideal or perfect. Lots of shortcomings and illogical stuff. Just have to know about it by doing and experience.

EDIT: In the end it is just matter of taste and what you want to make - animation, visualizations, graphics or realtime stuff.

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Well actually I do not think that you seriously taking wan't to model anything with O2 alone. You model with something else Blender, Rhino, LW, Max, Wings etc. and put the final model together with O2 or GateBuilder.

Well actually... I do.

Simple shapes: sphere fragments, cyllinder fragments, elipsoidal surfaces and such. It is pretty easy to make them in O2 and connect together.

Tried to make something in LW. After triangulating and importing there were still few broken verticles sad_o.gif. These were hard to find in finished model. That was dissapointing.

But I will probably use Wings from now on, since importing a O2 model to Wings for unwrapping would be a real pain (from game via 3Dripper?).

And I like the fact that it allows only closed geometries.

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