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Evolution - Single Player

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I shouldn't move them? I've been renaming them(usually adding a # to the end and copy and pasting them to another folder). I'll try to keep them in the Missions folder from now on. Also, I haven't had a problem this time with loading saves since my last restart. I'm not using the XAMv1.3 Mod this time and haven't had a problem.....yet

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There should be no problem with moving the saves, as long the saves are moved to an intact partition.

I use XAM 1.3 and have no problems with my Evolution SP saves.

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don't know if it misses it or do you have to save the mission before you die each time to insure that you points are kept?

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please, please, add xam 1.3 support and vehicles, i know it will change the mission from what it used to be, but xam is usually more fun than vanilla.

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quick probably useless question:

when installing, it only mentions to move the pbo file into the missions folder. Done.

But what about the EvolutionSP.sara Folder that is included in the zip? anything done with it? or is it there for reference for modders...?

thanks. for some reason i find adding mods into arma a tad confusing at times...even though i KNOW its pretty straight forward smile_o.gif

looking forward to having A LOT of fun with this smile_o.gif

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But what about the EvolutionSP.sara Folder that is included in the zip? anything done with it? or is it there for reference for modders...?

That must've slipped in there by accident.

Just ignore it. All you need is the .pbo file.

Have fun! smile_o.gif

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Has anyone got Evolution SP working With mandoble's missles yet? Im too stupid to figure out how to add them myself sad_o.gif

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Hey Kronzky can you give us an answer on whether you're adding in more squad members or respawn.

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Hey Kronzky can you give us an answer on whether you're adding in more squad members or respawn.

No plans for either.

I am planning of implementing an SLA version though...

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Hey Kronzky can you give us an answer on whether you're adding in more squad members or respawn.

I am planning of implementing an SLA version though...

Great to hear =D

And I cant believe people still ask for respawns, its really not hard to save often. (I save after every minor battle and after moving my forces a substantial distance)

Also I have 1 issue, although I suspect it is an Arma problem. When I order an AI to mount the AV-8B GBU, the first time he will mount it, taxi, and take off OK.

If I order him to land, disembark, and then mount it again, he will mount, move forward maybe 2 meters, and then stay at that position (on the ground), no matter what I tell him to do.

The only order that he obeys is "Disembark" (he will give a "roger" to "move" orders, but not do anything).

Between the first time he disembarks and second time I order him to mount it, I usually get in it myself, move it to the end of the runway (and refuel/rearm in the process), as I thought maybe he wasn't taking off because he had less than 100% fuel/weapons, or had trouble working out how to get back to the end of the runway.

I have also tried it without me touching the aircraft at all, he just will not take off after landing once sad_o.gif

Do you know is this is an Arma bug, or if there is a workaround for it?

The other problem I had, (which I'm sure is just my lack of knowledge) is getting the airborne pilot in the AV-8B GBU to stay circling one location (away from me). Whether I use "Stop" or "wait", he always seems to keep coming back to my position and circling over my head. (and of course getting shot down as I am usually in an AAA zone.)

Am I just using the wrong command to get him to "wait" somewhere?

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Small query here. How does the random password gen work? If I decide to upgrade my RAM will all the passwords gained be worthless again?

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What is an intact partition?

An not damaged part of an hard disc. wink_o.gif

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Great. I just cleared the first city after a few hours... had to track em all down and ranked up twice!

But, I saved after... im just worried it wont keep my rank. I took a SS of it, but it shows up blank in the text field (top left) Maybe i took it a second too late sad_o.gif

If the save doesnt work, I might be back in here asking for a PM of the first city and first two rank ups sad_o.gif Just lettin you all know.. smile_o.gif

oops, forgot to say how much i love it. everything was great. clearing that first town on my own was intense... i went from m16a1 to dragunov to ak... even took over an enemy disabled tank and used its main gun! smile_o.gif

now im moving in to Somato(right?) with an MH-6 full of my squad!!! love it!! just hoping the save works...

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Okay, But Be sure to keep us updated all along the way ok Soldier?!? tounge2.gif

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OkitaMakato, don't worry - if you use the radio to call up the "enter code" screen, any rank/city codes you've already gained are shown on the left side. At least, they are in mine!

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First of all thank you for making this awesome mission. Playing evolution online is fun, but really frustrating since finding good tactical gamers that are as big of realism freaks as I am is rare. So thanks for the SP version.

I just wanted to throw in some suggestions here which imo would make this mission even better.

For one thing it would be awesome if you could implement some means of support (i.e. artillery, infantry, etc.) kinda like in Mr. N's dynamic war that could be called in via the radio. It would make the whole experience a lot more life like since imo it is somewhat unrealistic to take a whole city with only 12 men. This would make larger tactical operations possible which would be awesome.

Also it would be sweet if there was a little more life on the island itself like some civilians (for performance's sake in small amounts of course) and some random US ai patrols and stuff like that.

I am a great fan of this mission, it is about all I am playing besides online. It would be interesting to hear back on my suggestions.

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hey kronzky,

please add more squadmembers!!!!!12 men to capture an island is to hard!its not a specop mission it is a war mission!!!war missions needs more men :more men=more Fun=more KIA!!! wink_o.gifhelp.gif Please add more!!! help.gif

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You basically have an unlimited number of team members, since you can just recruit a new one if one dies.

Also, I would suggest to leave one guy back at the base once you got a good team size together. That way you can use him to recruit remotely (without you having to be at the base).

A lot of people don't seem to be aware of that feature, but it can be extremely useful if you're in the middle of a battle and your guys are dying like flies...

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yeah  its unlimited but you can recruit always 12 team members.but more than 12 is better i thing for a single player mission.with more men you can switch between specops assault or with more men  an big army assault!!!!its only for gameplay!!!!  tounge2.gif      its really nice work greets !!!!what is the next project??? notworthy.gif

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Yeah but kronzky when your online there's easily more than 12 ai in the game since everyones taking there squad members with them and if you have more than 12 people in a game each with about 3-4 ai squad members matches can easily reach 30-40 people on your side. and sice this singleplayer game is pretty much identical to it's multiplayer version can you please help us out and at least double the squad cap to 24 maybe. help.gif

Besides that great job on this mission I really love this evolution map.

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not sure if anyone read my post above. I think that 12 men at your disposal is good, but I think there should be the option to call in infantry or armored support or CAS or artillery. It gets kind of unrealistic if you as one man out in the field suddenly have control over like 30 people. You can't even properly control them. 12 under your command is good, that makes for 2 fireteams and two supporting vehicle such as a stryker or hmmwv with a tow launcher or something. Having control over massive amounts of players ends up in more of a strategy game like atmosphere. That's why I think the way it is solved in Mr. N's Dynamic War where you have the possibility to call in infantry support and request a certain location is great.

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It would be better, if we could recruit a few more man.

When i let my team board 4 M1A1, than there are no men left to give me AA support.

At least 2 more where cool, so that guys can operate an AA vehicle, and not every enemy air unit is capable to destroy my tanks in notime.

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"It gets kind of unrealistic if you as one man out in the field suddenly have control over like 30 people."

This is not unrealistic this is the Army!!!!!! You want realism go to army . fact is with more man you can choise between: oh i need 12 men or more men for a big attack or you do it alone. call for support is good idea and a another good option

"Having control over massive amounts of players ends up in more of a strategy game like atmosphere"

i dont think so. this is a tactial shooter not BF2 !!!! Strategy is Rome Total WAr etc.!! and you do not have to recruit any more than 12 if more should be

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"It gets kind of unrealistic if you as one man out in the field suddenly have control over like 30 people."

This is not unrealistic this is the Army!!!!!! You want realism go to army . fact is with more man you can choise between: oh i need 12 men or more men for a big attack or you do it alone. call for support is good idea and a another good option

"Having control over massive amounts of players ends up in more of a strategy game like atmosphere"

i dont think so. this is a tactial shooter not BF2 !!!! Strategy is Rome Total WAr  etc.!! and you do not have to recruit any more than 12 if more should be

well, that depends on what kind of role you play, meaning if you are a squad leader, or something more like a platoon leader. Having 30 men just unorganized with three choppers and 4 tanks and what not is more something that would be controlled from a command center.

But with the option of calling in the support units, be it air, infantry or whatever, it gives a feeling of better organization. Then you have several squads, each consisting of like 3 fire teams while you are the leader of one squad.

I agree with you though, if you move up to platoon level, there will be three squads, so you need more ai under your command.

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