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Drago Island relased!

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yay.gif That is right does grill to beach. Thx Ofman - and contrgat`s.

zajebista inlove.gif

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Nice work OFman smile_o.gif

(check ur msg)

and check the arma rpt:

there are several problems like <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">Tree at 5050.000, 10553.800 out of grid (x-axis) - 0.000 rounded to 2 means u place some trees direct on a cell boarder

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Very nice, just it misses one thing: rocks! Rocks and little things like that provide some excellent cover while patroling an open area and suddenly ambushed.

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Nice job OFman, if you want to improve your island contact me on PMC Tactical for details.

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Great to see that its so easy to port OFP island to ArmA whit only few changes.

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Yeah man, good stuff - but needs rocks. Great job, otherwise.

- Someone convert Mapfact Nogova, and make it snappy! tounge2.gif

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Erm nice? No... Outstanding job mate!

Now we need Drago Island 2 smile_o.gif

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nice, and its smooth even with grass on.

I havent tested those bridges in the pic.. can we destroy them? icon_rolleyes.gif

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Yep, the bridge can be destroyed. Although I noticed the AI have trouble driving over it ATM. The heights arn't quite right.

Other than that small detail, great work on the island. Loved it on OFP aswell. thumbs-up.gif

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Tried it out, it's pretty nice.


There is grass under the sea.

The 'grass layer' which it meant to partially conceal you in grass over the distance is not working correctly. In places you can stand right on top of it and it will still be floating there. Over distance it also doesn't cover the ground properly, you can see that in some screens in the first post.

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Yeah, I've noticed that on Everon too and I think that the problem will exist until the arrival of the tools. It's related to the terrain detail setting somehow, try setting the detail on low and then on high on one of these places and compare.

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Your Island seems to crash my ArmA back to desktop... sad_o.gif

nevermind I just noticed it works only with 1.07

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OFMan, you seem to have used a 1024x1024 detail texture for the layer map! For a mono-rvmat island it should be the same res as the sat layer (512x512) and 100% black!

That could possibly explain the problems with the grass clutter and very low performance. I get 4fps just looking at the ground at my feet, where as on the same style of terrain/clutter on Sahrani I get 25~30.

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Thanks, I'll try fix all bugs in next version.

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Great work man!

Could you share with us, how you did that?

I have tried this way:


But in wrptool the object size can't be seen, it makes it very hard to work...

So, could you post a short tutorial (assuming that the reader is familiar with OFP island editing)?

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OFman: so, you'll be able to release 1.1 soon? Our team is eager to try it out...

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We tried out the "first" version yesterday and we had a couple of good fights in all villagers except Malden. Airstrip area is great, but we report a couple of problems with the island:

- some shrubs don't let you through at all

- shilka managed to shoot at and kill a soldier hiding in a house > no window, through the wall :]

- some hills are too big for unit to pass em (tanks etc)

Otherwise great work, hopefully we'll see an updated version with more small settlements and more rocks to take cover.

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doesnt shilka shooting through wall more have to do if its a wooden or thin metal wall? on rahmadi island i´ve gotten killed by a.i shooting through the wall a few times pistols.gif its pretty fun imo when you actually survive actually biggrin_o.gif

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Hey, OFMan

Any updates on this? Would be good if you updated this island with the help of the tools that were just released. smile_o.gif Give the airport a runway and fix the weird grass issue all over the island...

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