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Squad/Clan looking for player

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Read our 'Guidelines to Integrity' FIRST! : http://www.24sas.com/forums....9595322

If you are a person of high moral and ethical integrity, like what you see, and fit the build, apply.

Once you apply we will invite you to join us on Team Speak for a casual interview. If this goes well for both of us, we will invite you to participate in mission. Simply, if you like us and we you... game on.

Small four to five man teams. Lots of silent nights w/ low engagement levels. Sometimes VERY long intervals of reporting and memorizing enemy movements without engagement. Quick in quick out covert missions, with multiple objectives, are our main area of interest.

We expect you to posses some knowledge of formations, movement, engagement, comms, and tactical awareness. All operators must check the forums through out the week and be willing to contribute 'your skills' to the group on and off the field.

All operators are multi rolled; sniper, mg, AT, AA, etc., HALO and HAHO, custom maps, kits, addons, missions, units, etc. Kits are varied by mission, thus you may be required to use a CQB weapon such as the SCAR Marksman in order to switch combat roles. (such as FIBUA)

We are not a clan. We are friends who enjoy strategic tactical gaming in the mil sim realm. We do not role-play off the field. On the field however, we are strategic and organized, each operator is required to know his role and performs it, period.



Personnel Dept.

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The 72nd Blackheart Battalion is looking for new recruits to join us in battle. We are a US based clan with about 10 members and growing rapidly.

If You:

Are mature

Can work as part of a team

Are willing to commit to game play a few nights a week

Have a microphone and TeamSpeak

Are Interested in deploying using real world military tactics

Are interested in playing a wide variety of missions from coop to evo to deathmatch to team vs team stuff to the occaisional zombie mission.

Contact us on our teamspeak server at (don't forget the port number). Alternatively just meet us on our game server, which can be easily found by setting your mp game filter to look for 72nd.

Our Website 72nd Blackheart Battalion

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Looking for someone to play awesome MP with? dont want to change your name, or go trough bootcamps? are you young?

Well I am and I am looking for players from ages 0-15 to join all sorts of ArmA MP games. Co-ops, RPGs, CTDs etc etc... Only recuirement is the ability to speak enghlish! tounge2.gif

I am 14 (soonly 15 xmas_o.gif ) and too skilled at anything, so dont be afraid! just PM me and well figure a time to play! wink_o.gif

I live in europe, finland (GMT +2) and so I might not be able to play with payers from US, but we can allways try to figure a time. so join us, youngs and chosen ones! rofl.gif

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Clan of Brothers



We are a small cooperative gaming group who is looking for ArmA players interested in playing new custom cooperative missions.

We are a mature clan, most members are over 20 years old.  However, we do have a strict code of conduct or training schedule.  We are casual gamers interested in playing cooperative missions.

We edit our own missions often.  We use addons sometimes.  We are interested in hosting maps or addons made by members of the game community.

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Name: 20th Special Forces Group

Website: 20th Special Forces Group

Group Information:

Who we are: We are a Coop realism unit. We also do head to head fighting as well. We believe that real life should come first so we offer two different ways to join the unit. You can join our ODA, ODB, or our new ODC. The ODA is our ground based squad, they will have the main force of the unit. This is the princeable squad. The ODB is our support unit, they have a medic and the units Command Sergeant Major. The ODB also has our pilots, we have slots for both Fixed and Rotory wing pilots but would prefere to fill the MH-6 slot first as that is our princeable means of entering combat. The ODC is our casual squad, this is for those that want to be in the unit, but don't have the time for drills after they finish initial training. They can participate in matchs if they want however.

Purpose: The purpose of our unit is to provide a fun gaming enviroment where we have fun playing a game that we like. While we do take matches seriously we also won't let that get in the way of fun.

Contact Information:

E-Mail: [email protected]

X-Fire: CPT Larson [20th SFG]

Server Information: 20th Special Forces Group Public

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HitCorp PMC is a small, old clan with roots going back to OFP. Although we've been running for 4 years, we've never recruited heavily or seriously purchased servers (mainly BECAUSE of our low member count) so we are a close-knit and small team with infrastructure designed for many more people.

We're looking for good loyal members, so anyone interested, check out our full post. Once you join, you will become attached to the small, family-like closeness of the squad. Many of our members so far have found themselves becoming insanely loyal and proud of their membership.

There is no age limit and all you really have to do is play ArmA and follow those further up the ladder. As long as you can work as a team, follow basic orders and tactics, and act mature and responsible, you're good for us.

We will train you if required and wanted. So if you can listen, we can make you a killing machine.

We also have several airsoft divisions including a US division, a UK division, and a unoffical Finnish team. All but the Finnish team are inactive as of now, but we're looking for southwestern English members or Iowa area members to take the UK and US teams spots. HC Command is not in control of our sub-team in Finland, so we cannot give details on it and its whereabouts.

HitCorp PMC

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a new friggin clan :

have about (10-total) 5 people now , but 5 inactive.

searchin for players,

mostly the idea behind name was,

to lead orders have some kind of order ,

but be funny and not too hard.

got own server up.

send an email to subrscribe: [email protected]

soon coming : website with forum.

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update : got a ventrilo server and xml working.

the most basic idea about un is to have fun and not make game boring for someone else at same time.

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-{GOL}- Clan Recruiting Again

Current Active Members = 35

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Name: The Old Aged Players

Website : www.oap-clan.co.uk

Dedicated Server :

Server alternates between ACE mod and Vanilla - Depending on what the player wants.

Teamspeak and Forum available

We run a many missions all of which are available to the corresponding server mods.

Info : The [OAP] - Old Age Players clan was formed in November 2001 solely to play Tactical Ops, an Unreal Tournament modification. However as time has moved on and online gaming has improved we now participate in a number of other games mainly Call of Duty 4 and Armed Assault however we do also run Team fortress 2 and Left4Dead servers.

Clan members also participate in WoW, Guild Wars and Eve online.

As a clan we play ArmA for Co-op fun and are looking to swell our ranks in this respect.

We mainly run a Public server however would like more member to complete scenarios as a team in a locked environment.

We are always happy to see new team players on our server and willing to help newer players.

We are also active in COD4 on the Enemydown clanwar ladders.

For any more info drop by on our forums :


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Checkmate company is a north american based clan focused on utilization of the ACE mod. We are very new and still getting organized but it is a good opportunity for dedicated players to fill any role they desire. We plan on maintaining a tactical and organizational standard similar to the US Army. Checkmate company consists of 4 platoons. Recruits will receive training in many skills and drills utilized by real american forces, it is a requirement that you receive extensive training in one infantry role as well as a vehicle role.

Apply for checkmate company at this link:


Hope to see some new recruits soon, maturity and respect is required.

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The 101st Airborne Rakkasans is a realism unit the uses realistic units, tactics, vehicles, ranks, and procedures. We carry out missions and OPs to our fullest extent. We use real callsigns, signals, support, and basically we run exactly like the real U.S. Army does. When you enlist you will be put into a squad and put into multiple missions and senarios. We base our missions or current operations in Iraq. If you join you will be joining the most realistic unit out there. Are you up to it?

If you are pm or XFire me at jakethesnakkee or visit Our site take the application template and enlist.

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Name: 13th Company

Website: http://13thcompany.xooit.com

Info ***:13th Company is a French Team, English Speaking.

We're looking for players who wanna have fun, and play as a team.

13th Company has Studios, to make Projects, movies, campaigns...

The team plays on Battlefield 2142, Nitro Stunt Racing, Empire: Total War, Faces Of War and ArmA.

Contact Info:

Marc Shepard

MSN:[email protected]

No TeamSpeak or webcam required.

If you have any questions feel free to PM me or sign up and account at 13thcompany.xooit.com.

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2nd Marine Recon is an ArmA 2 realism unit founded by Midshipman 4/C Derek Price in August of 2009. Im currently a Naval Midshipman at the University of Arizona training to be commsioned as a 2nd LT may 2013 with the MOS of 0302 Infantry Officer

My main foucus is to create a unit that is fully adaptable to realism in game with military tactics and game play.

This unit was founded upon the three main values of the Navy/Marine Corp




We live by these values to not only better ourselves as indivduals but to respect those that serve and have served, and to those who are gaurding the gates of heaven.

The main focus of the 2nd MR will be to conduct multiple campaigns within the Chernarus region ranging from:

Basic to Advanced Air Assaults

Convoy Operations

Expeditionary Warfare

Force Recon Missions

City Patrols &

Multiple training and Logistics ops

The unit consists of multiple MOS's to choose from

0311 -- Rifleman

0317 --Scout Sniper

0321 -- Reconnaissance Man

0323 --Reconnaissance Man, Parachute Qualified

0331 -- Machine Gunner

0351 --Infantry Assaultman

0352 --Anti-tank Missileman

0369 --Infantry Unit Leader

1833 --Assault Amphibious Vehicle (AAV) Crewmember

1834 --Expeditionary Fighting Vehicle (EFV) Crewman

3531 --Motor Vehicle Operator

4641-- Combat Photographer

4671-- Combat Videographer

As of now there are three billits that will help bolster the speed of promotions

S112 -- Mission & Campaign ideas.

S467 -- Mission makers, Scripters and addons.

S921 -- Public Relations Recruiter

This unit will consists of members 18 and older with extreme conditions to those at ages 16 and 17

What we DON’T do

We don’t do drama. Certain people simply are unable to operate as part of a team and we have come to understand this.

Who you are

You must be fluent in English and have a legal copy of ArmA II

Be able to at a minimum, participate during evenings Missions on Mondays, Saturday and Sundays.

A microphone and ventrilo are a must.

Some clarification on the status of our unit.

Brand New Still need 4NCOs and cpu tech men for website setup and management.

If this appeals to you, we would like to have you aboard with us.

You can make contact with the xfire account dcprice21 or send and email to Derek Price at [email protected]

Semper Fi,

MIDN 4/C Derek C Price

University of Arizona

Marine Battalion Alpha Company Platoon 2013

[email protected]

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The United Gamers Community is seeking players and clans to join the community.We are a Multi Gaming Community who strives to make game play enjoyment for everyone, as a Multi-Gaming Community, we support several games and provide servers to play on for each of those games. Currently we are supporting 4 multi player games, which are: Arma II, Battlefield Bad Company 2, Battlefield 2 & Americas Army. With all the new games coming out, UGC is looking to expand their foot print in the gaming world by providing servers for these games as they come out. Medal of Honor and CoD: Black Ops are 2 of the most anticipated multi-player games to be released fall of 2010. We welcome all players to enjoy our servers, in every game we support and we welcome other clans to be a part of our community. We have made some changes to our community by switching to a new dedicated server so we can provide more game servers for our dedicated players and our members. Register at: the UGC Site for more information, and help support this great game as well and all the other games we support through the servers we provide.

Dual Quad Core 5520 Nehalems with Hyperthreading

500GB Sata II HDD


100Mbps Switchport Dedicated and not shared


Operating System: Windows Server 2003 Standard x64

Hosted by: Low Ping Game Servers - Chicago, IL

The various servers we currently offer can be found on the UGC Site:

Question or concerns feel free to email me.

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Black Ops Mercenaries S.F.

We have recently moved over from our own BF2 coop mod, into ArmA2 OA and wonder why we waited. This game engine has so much more strength and flexibility in the AI side.

Our club specializes in the AI, and we make them do what most programmers cannot. We are pushing the code beyond what the orginal programmers thought possible. Major issue with some interesting minor behaviours that give them more human like, unpredictable qualities.

We enjoy playing with all assets open to all players. This means you will find

all the weapons you need in each map we create for our dedicated server. Often we will give the humans unlimited ammo so we don't waste time reloading, and enjoy killing bots without interuption.

Our club designs maps for mature players, that enjoy heading a squad full of bots and moving forward in a typical advance and sercure fashion.

We create maps that are tuned to our players and style of play, from sniping maps, to armor maps, to flying maps, to CQB maps. A little of everything.

Normally we have 3 to 6 members playing on our server, and we always play BluFor.

Our T.S. server is:, access is through our website

We try not to use any mods or anything else that reduces the number of players, or forcing specialized downloads.

Try us out and see if this is what you've been looking for.

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