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Clean optics NOW!

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Quote[/b] ]The commander's anti-aircraft sight enables the commander to engage air targets by using the anti-aircraft machine gun from within the safety of the turret. The outlet windows of the above sighting systems are provided with protective glasses which are capable of being kept clean with the help of a hydraulic and pneumatic cleaning system.


I never understood why optics so dirty, they are useless over long distance. Will you change it back to normal maintained optics or do we need now for every standard BI vehicles a community addon with normal optics?



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Go ahead and make some optics.

Just what I was thinking too.

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Go ahead and make some optics.

Just what I was thinking too.

Me too.

Besides, weren't 'feature-requests' kept for the BTS?

What a lame topic title btw smile_o.gif

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My mommy used to slap my ass not making requests but actually ordering her to get me a cookie.


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Quote[/b] ]I never understood why optics so dirty, they are useless over long distance.

Have you ever been in a tank that was

a) a bit older

b) used in hostile terrain

c) exposed to natural effects ranging from sand to mud


Doesn´t look like.

I actually like the worn look. It´s pretty realistic for tanks in combat units that don´t have a 24h service point in their backpack.

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North Sahrani is supposed to be a typical bankrupt communist economy, needing constantly to expand and conquer in order to postpone economic meltdown (a la Soviet Union).

Bankrupt economy = bankrupt military = no money for proper maintenance of arms and equipment = dirty optics on T72 smile_o.gif

No such excuse for the RACS/US kit though.... (except it's obviously a deliberate game balancing device to stop tanks owning too much).

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I, personally, prefer the dirty optics as well. Specially the binoculars!

Since the only thing soldiers can get dirty with is blood, I think the dirty optics/binoculars kind of set the mood.

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Binoculars are fine, but TOW, AH-1Z and such optiks are useless in the current state.

I don't think the multimillion US$ vehicles have such poor visual quality, it might be OK for east-block countries, but I doubt the western countries can't afford such maintenance.

I guess it was a balancing issue to make the optics look like that. And we all know balancing = not good.

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@ the usual fan boys:

My point was that I think it is beneficial to have clean optics with vanilla ArmA since some mission makers prefer to use standard addons. If the optics stay like this (and sorry, not even the worst army in the world has such optics, the will to survive makes sure that the tanker will take care for his optics as he does for his eyes), the VD 10.000 is a joke.

And even on older tanks there are differnet ways to protect/clean optics.

Of course there will be new optics necessary just to get correct RL crosshairs, what I would like to see is a simple, clean optic, not the current that looks like a 2000t pelikan was sh**ing on it few seconds ago.

And it would enable more RL, you could script that the clean optics gets more and more dirty over mission time and you add "wipe optics" to action menu" if you like. But starting with an optic like that is...

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I&C you should really have a feeble idea of how the forum and bug tracker works. Turn down the drama queen and use the proper channels.  icon_rolleyes.gif

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Refer to my point about game balancing.

Some advice: use the term 'fanboy' where appropriate or risk being ignored.

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I have, but this is just an attempt to get it into 1.08 maybe. If modders feel the need to have dirty optics, they can add something on top of the existing clean and it could be dynamic within the mission.

After several tries to use tanks at long range I gave up, it is simply impossible, especially as commander without zoom you can`t spot enemy infantry at long distance and use MG efficient against them while AI does NOT have dirty optics virtually.

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@ the usual fan boys:

blah blah blah...

Wow, that "defence" is getting REALLY old now.

* Post whine thread

* Get bashed about it

* Whine some more about the supposed "fanboys"

Seriously, if the game annoys you that much, play something else. The rest of us are either making addons/mods to fix things, or waiting patiently for further patches from BI. Why oh WHY can't you do the same? And don't give me any of that "I'm trying to make the game better" crap. Thats what the BTS is for, and it certainly doesnt happen because of countless whine threads here... goodnight.gif

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@Mandrake5 : I left the assignment to names open, but you were not on that list.

@ the guys behaving like fan boys:

I made a request in addition to the BTS, your excellent answer were "make your own".

Sorry that I can not top that stupid answer, the arguments came first from Balschoiw.

So I can call you fan boys, because you do not come with arguments against mine, you just tell me again that my request is basically not valid.

Next would be "make your own game if you have any complain".

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Jep, nowadays ur a fanboy when you:

[*] Think that one should remain decent

[*] Think that one shouldn't demand anything, but request

[*] Think that one should not make a drag post in the forum but rather post in the BTS

[*] Think that one can better be constructive instead of Whining and Bashing

[*] Think that a point can be made by sane reasoning and discussing, rather than ridicule the other side

[*] Suggest to create something on your own

If the optics as they are now are realistic or not, I have no clue, actually I think the whole Tank Battles in OFP/ArmA are pre-ww2 anyway, maybe thats why they are filthy :P

Still, Heatseeker under me exactly tells my thoughts.

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I agree that some optics should be cleaned up somewhat, but please... you dont have to post like a spoiled kid demanding a new toy.

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As you call people like me fanboys im going to start calling people like you Gayboys, and if i get banned for it i want you also to get banned for it becuause we dont like to be called that. Since we are grown people with lives and who dont complain at evwerything we see as ive seen with alot of your posts mad_o.gifmad_o.gif

Anyways Back to the Topic, i actually like the sights the way they are, when people get textures that are clean they always want them looking like they have been in a battle, but with optics no?

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Why not? "ist der Ruf erst ruiniert, lebt es sich ganz ungeniert"

Can someone translate?

Back to my initial topic:

Would it be better to have optics clean in standard addons and dirty in custom addons where necessary or the other way around or dirty always?

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Would it be better to have optics clean in standard addons and dirty in custom addons where necessary or the other way around or dirty always?

Standard Addons Clean. Good thinking I&C!

If this would've been your firstpost of this thread, with a different title, i'm sure you wouldn't get so many "fanboi's" on ur neck.

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I agree that some optics should be cleaned up somewhat, but please... you dont have to post like a spoiled kid demanding a new toy.

oh no, but he paid good money for ArmA, therefore he has the right to....

Yeah, RIGHT.... crazy_o.gif

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Matt Rochelle:

Go back to the start of the thread and guess who started the fire.

And you also can not read what I quoted, even in the battle you can clean optics in RL with air or water. And scratched optics are replaced or the protection screen only.

Arguments please!

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@ Sickboy:

Quote[/b] ]Will you change it back to normal maintained optics or do we need now for every standard BI vehicles a community addon with normal optics?

Please rephrase that for me to make it clear to everyone. I mean in BI forum I do not ask the addonmakers to do this, and if, in the related section.

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North Sahrani is supposed to be a typical bankrupt communist economy, needing constantly to expand and conquer in order to postpone economic meltdown (a la Soviet Union).

1. The Soviet Union wasn't poor.

2. Western Capitalist Economic rules do not apply to Communist Dictatorships

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@ Sickboy:
Quote[/b] ]Will you change it back to normal maintained optics or do we need now for every standard BI vehicles a community addon with normal optics?

Please rephrase that for me to make it clear to everyone. I mean in BI forum I do not ask the addonmakers to do this, and if, in the related section.

I&C, the prob is not so much that part of the text, I think that part is fine...

But a thread title coming in at: "Clean Optics NOW!", simply reeds as some spoiled asshole that's demanding things instead of posting a request or better said a suggestion...

Maybe it's language barrier from different languages English ... But if so I would suggest taking a bit care for it because you show an image of being a spoiled little brat that doesn't request or suggest anything but demands and uses points to redicule the other side (which did not happen here though).

Another point is that ... if im not mistaken you were the guy that suggested the BTS stuff together with Boecko...

Make use of the damn tool!

Forum - Discussion

BTS - Bug Report or Feature Request.

In case you wanted a discussion, why dont you post it like:

"Hey Guys, I was wondering what you think about this;

I believe that the optics ingame should be "clean" because they are unusable at higher distances (especially with arma important due to higher viewdistance). In this case, BIS could leave the "Dirty" optics to Addon Makers, what do you think?"

That reads a whole lot different than "Clean Optics NOW!" and creates headroom for discussion.

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