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reskins by astradeus :steyr aug



mossberg 500

l85 and the box !!



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i thought that you only wanna make L85 reskin, i thought it will be also skin for me ?

yesterday i made upload of new basic pack, if you told me before i could make better L85

also new model of VSS is made by me, more polycounted, reskin of old one is good, but new is more detailed

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rightly so vilas but on the other hand the la85 you made & let me use, if it could be made better that would be sweet email me if you have better version of the la85.

but will say i liked the first one but if it can be improved all the better let me know, or any one else for that matter.

Also vilas should be thank for his briliant work, in the first place.

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i see some people here not understand - my weapons from my pack

if someone will make /remake models, super biggrin_o.gif

but also i wanna have it in my pack to give community better weapons

thats why there is new VSS since yesterday

and classes in config left as mine

so it can cause problems with my weapons if i make new config version

rename classes or other things because it sabotages my addons

if you make reskin, you must change weapon class or if it replaces weapon (like here mine) all other classes must be deleted !

otherwise if i made new VSS with real "auto" fire mode there can be problem, because you paste old config vesion

also i made configs in 4 versions:

close strike (AI ragne of fire 200 meters)


BIS values (AI fire at 400 m)

hard - more accurate weapons than BIS did it

when you put your config - all my configs are blown up

also if you don't know how to make config only for those weapons you should contac me with this

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Which Vilas addon do I need?

I've placed the ammo box, but get an error msg about a vilas addon.

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i've tried downloading this addon 4 times and everytime i get corrupt file, please any other links? crazy_o.gif

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@ 0.1 K ?... With a 512 DSL ?..

Can u upload it to somewhere like Filefront?.

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you seems to still don't understand, config of this addon corrupts my addon, because it uses my "class names " for weapons !

i contacted with autor via PM, but no answer

this addon is crushing my addons by replacing classes !

this is a "mine"

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oh ok, man i really wanted me a shotgun confused_o.gif i'll just have to wait for SJB's project wich will be complete in a year or so but will probably be one of the best every weapon packs except for lasers in ofp imo smile_o.gif

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shotgun is made by me since few months, it was added in february to basic pack, the same as in this "addon"

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that will explain the glitch fireing with no weapon held its allways your addons that F my game up vilas get it sorted plz

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What are the weapons names and their ammo so i can put them on soliders?

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glitch - i don't know this word in english , sorry i don't understand ?

what do i have to sort ?

it is not me who made mess

i hope moderator will do something

and other admins because many websites published this "mine" crushing my configs, i hope all news will be deleted and link made unactive untill autor will fix config

i am not agains reskin of my addons, i am against using the same class names like vil_vss, vil_mossberg, vil_l85 and etc...

config of this addon destroyes values from my config !

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glitch - i don't know this word in english , sorry i don't understand ?

'Glitch' vilas sort of means = 'bug'

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If their is a glitch then maybe you should get his permission to use them & then make a completely new config for these weapons so as they dont clash, wouldn't that be easyier, rather than cussing him or maybe make your own weapons.

As he is a really nice guy & dont need that kind of chat.

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1st: download for looking inside : 5,83mo 4sec at 1,45mo/sec

2nd: I agree 100% whith vilas, that need to be fixed before realease !

Quote[/b] ].......

class CfgPatches {

class VILAS_Forces {

units[] = {"VIL_BASIC"};

requiredVersion = 1.0;



class CfgVehicleClasses


class VIL_baza


displayName = "(VIL)";


class VIL_ammo


displayName = "babar_box";




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or that need to be contacted with me, i am for deleting link to this addon, because this addon uses my classes in config and makes my addon not-working

making someone reskin - no problem

making other man addon not function - very huge problem

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Closing. Removed the link as the creator of this addon did not respect the community tag rules.

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