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PARAISO (SPA) - In a serious game as ArmedAssault, you wouldnt expect nudity. and there isnt. At least not in the game. The Promotional website 'http://www.armedassaultsquad.co.uk' - also known from www.armatrailermaker.com has been organizing several missions to fulfill. Mission 7's task was : 'Go Commando'. Last week's winner was drawn and the winner was Sygitius. he send in the picture... Based on what criteria the jury has picked this winner out, remains unknown.


However, we could ask ourselfs if this 'Contest' should be taken seriously.

i mean, is this REALLY serious? do they REALLY give away prices to half naked people?

and who say's that this isnt just ANY guy-picture from the internet?

let me remind you that this is a OFFICIAL sponsored event, same as from http://www.armatrailermaker.com/

I think these websites are having the wrong audience... - or they organize it wrong, not getting the community involved.

- Seriously: who here is actively participating in the ArmedAssaultSquad contest?

and who is using the 'Arma TrailerMaker'?

A lot of money is spend on these projects, with only little success.

Im still wondering what the other submissions were!

What i really mean is - WE ALL here at the forums could do it better huh?

So, Im asking you all.... GO COMMANDO! - show them what that really means!

Plz attach your images in the replies..... ( nudity is NOT allowed! - try think with your brain! )


Jerry Hopper

Sahrani Radio

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Now that was shocking. Personally I didn't bother with that task since I'm not from the UK so I can't claim the prizes.

I did win the dog tags in the task where you say what 3 weapons in ArmA can share the same magazines. Of course I couldn't claim the prize so they chose another winner.

This whole competition was pathetic. 505 publish in many countries besides the UK, but they don't bother sending prizes to another country.

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So, Im asking you all.... GO COMMANDO! - show them what that really means!

I don't know bout other locations but over here (in Finland) going commando kinda means what is being presented in that winning pic whistle.gif

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Here, it means wearing pants without wearing underwear (wearing trousers without pants for you Britons).

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ot smile_o.gif

trousers and boxorz works well in the UK aswell biggrin_o.gif

English has taken a turn for the worst with the "gangsta" slang imported from over the pond im afraid, I blame the film industry completely for that one pistols.gif

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Yeah thats canny bad..

OT. (Taken from 5 US channel when CSI comes on)

"Dood you need to get some new pants".. "There not pants, there trousers" loool..

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English has taken a turn for the worst with the "gangsta" slang imported from over the pond im afraid, I blame the film industry completely for that one  pistols.gif

And are those "from over the pond" also to blame for

incorrect idiom, missing punctuation and run-on

sentences?  tounge2.gif

Anyway this entire thread is not logical, Captain. How can

nudity not be allowed if the very phrase itself means

that one is unclothed!?  Or was the original poster perhaps

unaware of the vernacular meaning of the phrase?

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English has taken a turn for the worst with the "gangsta" slang imported from over the pond im afraid, I blame the film industry completely for that one  pistols.gif

And are those "from over the pond" also to blame for

incorrect idiom, missing punctuation and run-on

sentences?  tounge2.gif

Anyway this entire thread is not logical, Captain. How can

nudity not be allowed if the very phrase itself means

that one is unclothed!?  Or was the original poster perhaps

unaware of the vernacular meaning of the phrase?

I do believe, Colonel, that he does not mean the common colloquil phrase of 'Go commando' to be a reference to having a lack of underwear, but he would take pleasure in viewing our ingame commando moments biggrin_o.gif

Ah screw it, im from essex, i've got a right to talk crap english :P (probably wink_o.gif )

Unless my perception of the post is wrong? :S

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Soz, had a question about this but found the answer anyway as soon as I'd posted!


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