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Enemy-Friend distinction

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I know about LAN parties, that's may be OK for them, but..

Units recognition is a very problematic issue for Interet multiplay.

I know you'll say "real life", "see how it is in real life".

Don't say that.

In real life you probably will not expect untis of your squad riding forth and back on their own like tourists on forrest walk. In real life you will not ever expect your strayed buddy running right in front of you with his rifle in attack position aimed on you. In multyplayer it happens all the time. My man was checking out mushrooms in the nearby forest and when I said everybody stack up close to me, he just started to run right on to us. He got killed. I'm sorry. He could not shout "Don't shoot, it's me, Max!". He could not run with his rifle on back (or he could but 3 times slower than with rifle in hands).

And what can you say about snipers?

They differ only by their rifles. All I can differ is what that guy 50 meters right is probably East team, because he is with SVD, and this guy near our flag is my sniper because he has M21. When distance is 100, 150, 200 meters I can only detect an anonymous sniper. Abstract one. I'll probably waste my own sniper if he is beyond the level of my recognition. Epecially if he is watching on me through his optics, I guess smile.gif

May be we can invent another side for them?

Like if there are "East", "West", "Resistance" ...and "SNIPERS"


Their camo fits completely as for East the same for West.

In inet MP, sipers must be most hurted units. Nobody trust them because of their ability not to be recognized.

"Hey, guy with all that grass shit on head, don't wink to me!"

Can we have a better distinction for overall "frienly - enemy" units recognition?

This could be a switch in difficulty settings, for example.

DA R3AL M3N at LAN parties still can enjoy full masquerade and still try to have more enemies killed than friends, while people on the Net will just have a little better recognition and less comic situations like

mad.gif "- HEY, boss! You just killed ME!"

"- Oh sorry, John. I didn't intend that. But why the hell you took russian gun?"

That was funny yesterday, when I killed my buddy from 100 meters sprinting in my direction and I said:

"No one runs onto me with weapon unholstered and gets alive! EVER!"

"Any of you who points rifle to me and runs becomes seagull as fast as I pull my trigger!"

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I know you don't want to hear this.

In real life we went through so much think before you shoot training it wasn't even funny.

Second in real war there is lots and lots of friendly fire casualties, no one really talks about it. If you get seperated from your unit etc. you make damn sure when you think you are coming back into their area of influence you have a white flag or that you ditch a weapon all together.

In real life it was very easy to disticguish between our helmets and the helmet they enemy was wearing. You never shot at someone with the same kind of helmet you have, well at least until you gave it some serious thought smile.gif

Callsign: Cowboy

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i find that anyone shooting at me tends to be the enemy and if anyone is silly enough to get in my line of fire then so be it.

Old chinese proverb "He wishing to dance with bullets, shall get hurt"

alternativly leave ur shooting long enough to use binoculars and watch what the soldiers are up to or play better mp games where folks work together and dont run off on gungho shooting sprees

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Friendly fire in OFP is one of the funniest parts of the game

If your teammate is dumb enough to cross your line of fire

then its his own problem

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hahahah, It just sucks when 3 of your team mates were dumb enough to walk into your fire, Then the AI players get angry... and hurt you... bad

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And friendly fire isnt the games fault, its the players'. If you play in a clan and use some sort program where U can talk with eachother during the game, there will be almost no(if any) friendly fire.

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also in OPF its not THAT hard to distinguish soldiers..i mean just look for the brown in a soldier, if you see even a spec it could possibly be west, else its east. thats what i always do and i have like a 99.9% not-killing-teamates-due-to-uniform rating smile.gif

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Against AI at least enemy/friend is very simple, enemy is the one trying to shoot you in the face, friend is the one trying to shoot you in tha back wink.gif

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (cookj71 @ Feb. 11 2002,13:40)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">In real life it was very easy to disticguish between our helmets and the helmet they enemy was wearing.  You never shot at someone with the same kind of helmet you have, well at least until you gave it some serious thought smile.gif

Callsign: Cowboy<span id='postcolor'>

</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">

In real life it was very easy to disticguish between our helmets and the helmet they enemy was wearing. You never shot at someone with the same kind of helmet you have, well at least until you gave it some serious thought smile.gif

<span id='postcolor'>

From how far (in meters) you can see helmet details?

50? 100? 150?

Just try to read your own post and imagine how it goes.

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Antichrist @ Feb. 11 2002,14:34)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Friendly fire in OFP is one of the funniest parts of the game

If your teammate is dumb enough to cross your line of fire

then its his own problem<span id='postcolor'>

I ment the case where it is not a plain and straightforward ground attack wave, like "form line" and "go go go" where all inline and only enemies in front.

Typical situation is where my squad is regrouping.

Like I'm waiting near flag someone to get closer and support me. Then I see that lucky someone 150 meters on hill and what? Did he cross my "line of fire"? Damn right! 'Cos I see him! Do I know is it a friend or a hostile?

Come on, say "real life". Not like this. Soldiers do not "capture the flag" in real life and they do not sprint forth and back all over the forward edge of the battlefield like football players on a match.

In inet MP it is always. It costs tremendous efforts to persuade someone to stick close and not to be on his own.

Until that "it is funny" but friendly fire as I noticed, usually prevails on fire to hostiles. That's because friendly unist are dispersed on smaller area and closer to each other that to hostiles.

Don't tell me about real life. I know.

Friendly fire is a sort of exception in real life.

It DOES NOT happen as often as many of you think.

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Damage Inc @ Feb. 11 2002,21:12)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">No problem for me if I see someone at a distance I shoot him.<span id='postcolor'>

All right.


You're just damn brave soldier.

Keep it on.

I always was wondering why I see so little of military people in Finland.

NOW I know.

Perhaps, many of them sometimes "see each other at a distance" ?



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Friendly fire...one of the best features of OFP MP IMO smile.gif

The fact that it requires the player to think before he pulls that trigger, and at the same time requires all players from one side to work as a real team (no freelancing etc), is what makes the gameplay so appealing to me.

When playing OFP MP, I often am a sniper. If you have experienced team m8s, they'll make sure to let you know when they pick up an AK (weapon type being the first point of recognition of a prone soldier to most snipers).

As for keeping East/West snipers apart: If you can spot a sniper and still have time to wonder if he's on your side or not, he deserves a bullet between the eyes smile.gif

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Sith @ Feb. 11 2002,20:51)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">As for keeping East/West snipers apart: If you can spot a sniper and still have time to wonder if he's on your side or not, he deserves a bullet between the eyes smile.gif<span id='postcolor'>

Ok! wow.gif

I'm not playing sniper on your team biggrin.gif

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Shadow @ Feb. 12 2002,00:05)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE"></span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">As for keeping East/West snipers apart: If you can spot a sniper and still have time to wonder if he's on your side or not, he deserves a bullet between the eyes smile.gif<span id='postcolor'>

Ok!  wow.gif

I'm not playing sniper on your team biggrin.gif<span id='postcolor'>

I predicted all of it, you know...

I offered another fraction in addition to East - West - Resistance.



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Reportedly, most western KIA's in the Gulf War was killed by western troops, not Iraq.

Either it says something about friendly fire rate or something about the Iraqi military, lol.

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Its all about having a good leader and a squad that obeys the leaders orders. That way pretty much everyone knows where everyone else from his/her team is, so incidents like that wont happen... If some noob doesnt obey the leaders orders then he deserves to be shot wink.gif

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Amen, but at the same time, this means on most Internet games, you'll end up shooting the first 4000 n00bs because the all wanna play Rambo-style.

The rifle is easy if it's AK's. The brown but is a dead giveaway. The helmet is an important feature for recognition, the uniform next.


Try setting up some east and west units very close to eachother in the Mission Editor.

Enter in the init field of each unit: "removeallweapons this; this doStand", that should make them stand and look at eachother. (without the doStand, they'll all go prone and start crawling around like mad)

Then set yourself up some hundred meters away with a rifle, and start practising. You learn to spot the difference soon enough.

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Hilandor @ Feb. 11 2002,11:49)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">i find that anyone shooting at me tends to be the enemy  and if anyone is silly enough to get in my line of fire then so be it.

Old chinese proverb    "He wishing to dance with bullets, shall get hurt"

alternativly  leave ur shooting long enough to use binoculars and watch what the soldiers are up to    or play better mp games where folks work together and dont run off on gungho shooting sprees<span id='postcolor'>

biggrin.gif ...or play better mp games... biggrin.gif

Dude, you can't be serious... within the ranks of a clan? Maybe, just maybe. But your average I-Don't-Know-These-Other-Players game... Get serious!

You get about as much cooperation and team work as in an under-8 soccer game.

Ah shucks... yer funny.

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I can tell the difference easy.....the Russians look lighter....US has a darker color to it.

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (teargas @ Feb. 11 2002,11:31)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">I know about LAN parties, that's may be OK for them, but..

Units recognition is a very problematic issue for Interet multiplay.

I know you'll say "real life", "see how it is in real life".

Don't say that.

In real life you probably will not expect untis of your squad riding forth and back on their own like tourists on forrest walk. In real life you will not ever expect your strayed buddy running right in front of you with his rifle in attack position aimed on you. In multyplayer it happens all the time. My man was checking out mushrooms in the nearby forest and when I said everybody stack up close to me, he just started to run right on to us. He got killed. I'm sorry. He could not shout "Don't shoot, it's me, Max!". He could not run with his rifle on back (or he could but 3 times slower than with rifle in hands).

And what can you say about snipers?

They differ only by their rifles. All I can differ is what that guy 50 meters right is probably East team, because he is with SVD, and this guy near our flag is my sniper because he has M21. When distance is 100, 150, 200 meters I can only detect an anonymous sniper. Abstract one. I'll probably waste my own sniper if he is beyond the level of my recognition. Epecially if he is watching on me through his optics, I guess smile.gif

May be we can invent another side for them?

Like if there are "East", "West", "Resistance" ...and "SNIPERS"


Their camo fits completely as for East the same for West.

In inet MP, sipers must be most hurted units. Nobody trust them because of their ability not to be recognized.

"Hey, guy with all that grass shit on head, don't wink to me!"

Can we have a better distinction for overall "frienly - enemy" units recognition?

This could be a switch in difficulty settings, for example.

DA R3AL M3N at LAN parties still can enjoy full masquerade and still try to have more enemies killed than friends, while people on the Net will just have a little better recognition and less comic situations like

mad.gif "- HEY, boss! You just killed ME!"

"- Oh sorry, John. I didn't intend that. But why the hell you took russian gun?"

That was funny yesterday, when I killed my buddy from 100 meters sprinting in my direction and I said:

"No one runs onto me with weapon unholstered and gets alive! EVER!"

"Any of you who points rifle to me and runs becomes seagull as fast as I pull my trigger!"<span id='postcolor'>

A friend of mine were a Team killer, he fetched the only BMP availible and i as a squad leader got mad of it sent my team mates after him... BOOOM Bmp and the dude does no longer exist......

So if you pulled that stunt on me i sure would pay u back every last dime.

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LOL my only time playing flashpoint online at the start I went straight for a BDRM and took off........but I had time to come back and steal a jeep to run the leader over with again and again.....

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Rogue2020 @ Feb. 12 2002,06:02)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">I can tell the difference easy.....the Russians look lighter....US has a darker color to it.<span id='postcolor'>


50 meters?

100 meters?

150 meters?

You perhaps have borrowed Megapixel Eyes with Zoom form Robocop, but I experience certain difficulties to highlight differences starting from 50-70 meters.

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