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Mk-19 AGL

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What's up with the HUGE recoil from the Mk-19 in the game, it moves the HMMWV like 5 meters backwards when you're firing it and can move the Stryker IFV a few meters back as well. Thats not realistic at all and it defiantly needs to be fixed.

Watch this video here:

You'll notice that the HMMWV doesn't move AT ALL, and the soldier firing it barely moves as well...

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yeh I noticed that to. So when I make mission I neva use any viechle with a grenade luancher. But there probly something in da config that can change the recoil. I'm just to lazy to search tounge2.gif

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Apparently its cyclic rate is much higher according to the video aswell.

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Glad you found this out, but its only one of many issues that are not realistic in ArmA.

In fact ArmA has many wrong and not far enough developed things. confused_o.gif

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Yeah, I fixed my Mk19's cyclic rates to be realistic, and you end up getting knocked over Strykers and HMMMWVs, which shits me but good. Anyone who finds a way to remove or at least reduce the recoil, could they please drop me a PM? The only solution I can think of at the moment is turning the Mk19 into an MG class, but that's crap. banghead.gif

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Another thing I noticed is that theres WAY to much smoke from both the Mk-19 and the AGS-30 when they're firing, and it literally blinds you after a few shots, leaving that weapon combat ineffective.

Also, since we are talking about the HMMWV, where the hell are the armored turrets, even the US Air Force's HMMWVs have those armored turrets. But maybe I'll just have to wait for addons...

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SOBR[1st-I-R] @ April 15 2007,10:55)]Glad you found this out, but its only one of many issues that are not realistic in ArmA.

In fact ArmA has many wrong and not far enough developed things. confused_o.gif

You must feel compelled to post your "I think ArmA's flawed" opinion at every possible opportunity, eh?

Try doing something instead of just bitching, you might be surprised at the results. Use the bug tracker, post constructive feedback, do something aside from just complaining.

As to the issue at hand, this has been brought up before in the past. It is no-doubt on the "To Do" list, but how long it may take to get addressed is up for question.

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SOBR[1st-I-R] @ April 15 2007,10:55)]Glad you found this out, but its only one of many issues that are not realistic in ArmA.

In fact ArmA has many wrong and not far enough developed things. confused_o.gif

You must feel compelled to post your "I think ArmA's flawed" opinion at every possible opportunity, eh?

Try doing something instead of just bitching, you might be surprised at the results. Use the bug tracker, post constructive feedback, do something aside from just complaining.

As to the issue at hand, this has been brought up before in the past. It is no-doubt on the "To Do" list, but how long it may take to get addressed is up for question.

I am in fact doing something. You might have heard of Project USTP, there I am a developer bringing in my ideas to provide a guideline of realism for addonmakers and such.

And yes I "bitch" about because this is something that has to be discussed. ArmA has many flaws which decrease realism and fun in MP and SP games. Surely this is a reason to complain.

How can for example 180x 5.56mm ammo disable a Humvee while 270x 7.62mm (with greater power) do the same ? Shouldnt the 7.62mm value be less than 180x ??

And you want me not to mention it ? I have post it on the buglist too by the way, so please do some more research before accusing someone. The topicstarter complained about the Mk19s recoil and I told him that not only that grenadelauncher but many are things are not okay in ArmA.

Why should people play a game with this circumstances and rarely people complain about this basic must.

But yeah go ahead and defend ArmA because it has good graphics ...

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I'm fairly certain the recoil is hardcoded (because of the simulation used for the weapon & ammo), so nothing can be done about it.

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SOBR[1st-I-R] @ April 15 2007,19:03)]
SOBR[1st-I-R] @ April 15 2007,10:55)]Glad you found this out, but its only one of many issues that are not realistic in ArmA.

In fact ArmA has many wrong and not far enough developed things. confused_o.gif

You must feel compelled to post your "I think ArmA's flawed" opinion at every possible opportunity, eh?

Try doing something instead of just bitching, you might be surprised at the results. Use the bug tracker, post constructive feedback, do something aside from just complaining.

As to the issue at hand, this has been brought up before in the past. It is no-doubt on the "To Do" list, but how long it may take to get addressed is up for question.

I am in fact doing something. You might have heard of Project USTP, there I am a developer bringing in my ideas to provide a guideline of realism for addonmakers and such.

And yes I "bitch" about because this is something that has to be discussed. ArmA has many flaws which decrease realism and fun in MP and SP games. Surely this is a reason to complain.

How can for example 180x 5.56mm ammo disable a Humvee while 270x 7.62mm (with greater power) do the same ? Shouldnt the 7.62mm value be less than 180x ??

And you want me not to mention it ? I have post it on the buglist too by the way, so please do some more research before accusing someone. The topicstarter complained about the Mk19s recoil and I told him that not only that grenadelauncher but many are things are not okay in ArmA.

Why should people play a game with this circumstances and rarely people complain about this basic must.

But yeah go ahead and defend ArmA because it has good graphics ...

Do you feel the need to jump on every post that says "all might not be well on Planet ArmA"?B

edit; Bah, quoted wrong post. sad_o.gif

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SOBR[1st-I-R] @ April 15 2007,14:03)]
SOBR[1st-I-R],April 15 2007,10:55]

And you want me not to mention it ? I have post it on the buglist too by the way, so please do some more research before accusing someone. The topicstarter complained about the Mk19s recoil and I told him that not only that grenadelauncher but many are things are not okay in ArmA.

Why should people play a game with this circumstances and rarely people complain about this basic must.

But yeah go ahead and defend ArmA because it has good graphics ...

Read his post. He wasn't saying not to mention these things but HOW you mention them. icon_rolleyes.gif

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SOBR[1st-I-R] @ April 15 2007,14:03)]
SOBR[1st-I-R],April 15 2007,10:55]

And you want me not to mention it ? I have post it on the buglist too by the way, so please do some more research before accusing someone. The topicstarter complained about the Mk19s recoil and I told him that not only that grenadelauncher but many are things are not okay in ArmA.

Why should people play a game with this circumstances and rarely people complain about this basic must.

But yeah go ahead and defend ArmA because it has good graphics ...

Read his post. He wasn't saying not to mention these things but HOW you mention them. icon_rolleyes.gif

Read my post. I said that I reported it on Biki Buglist and I am in a project to improve armas realism. wink_o.gif

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Ohhh ohhh, as soon as Dslyecxi eats their bread, he singing their song. Next time I bitch to my car dealer about the shitty car he sold to me, I might be faced by the reply I should handcraft such a car at home by myself before I have the right to moan.

This issue is there since OFP, same here in ArmA maybe.

In OFP WGL used as workaround to simulate nades as bullets to come around the hard coded recoil.

In ArmA there is the same issue and DVD solved this already for the Striker, ask him how he did it.

So far to the age of this issue.

Since there is a workaround, this problem seems not so urgent, but imagin the workload to do this to every vehicles with a nade launcher attached?

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Quote[/b] ]Read my post. I said that I reported it on Biki Buglist and I am in a project to improve armas realism.

It wouldn't hurt for you to stop taking every possible opportunity to snipe at ArmA/BIS.

Quote[/b] ]Ohhh ohhh, as soon as Dslyecxi eats their bread, he singing their song. Next time I bitch to my car dealer about the shitty car he sold to me, I might be faced by the reply I should handcraft such a car at home by myself before I have the right to moan.

I can't even begin to imagine what kind of crazy things you managed to read into my post to come back with a response like that. icon_rolleyes.gif

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I can't even begin to imagine what kind of crazy things you managed to read into my post to come back with a response like that. icon_rolleyes.gif

I can't imagine a weaker come back.

Other than this one, of course. smile_o.gif

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I think that if you're looking to spectate a cheesy flame-war, that not only are you in the wrong place and talking about the wrong people, but you're giving us some nice insights into character. Now let's put the kids to bed so the adults can talk, mmmkay?

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... One idea... If there would be bus/rock/tank/building/invisible object created behind hummer/Stryker/UAZ so that recoil wouldn't hop vehicle backwards... No that ain't good, as expacely UAZ get damage if it's hits object. And if men start to disembark from Stryker's cargospace and Stryker starts to fire Mk-40 -> Lots of spaghett&ketchup-effects biggrin_o.gif

Well it was good idea at start, but didn't last for long. sad_o.gif

Has anybody experince of setvelocity? I've used it to make created artyshells fall in 45 dergees, so could it be used to counter AGLs recoil?

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Yeh it's stupid. Your Humvee etc back hops like a bmx and as soon as a few shots of fired the recoil has thrown you of a target.

Why do all these post turn into bitch wars.... (don't answer and bitch its rhetorical question)

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Quote[/b] ]

This issue is there since OFP, same here in ArmA maybe.

In OFP WGL used as workaround to simulate nades as bullets to come around the hard coded recoil.

In ArmA there is the same issue and DVD solved this already for the Striker, ask him how he did it.

Yea, my fault, nobody is reading my post til the end.

So once more, a workaround exists, my new friend Dslyecxi should maybe use the power of his employer as a customer of BIS/BIA to get this thing solved after 5 years.

Once more, all current and future wheeled (tracked too?) might be affected if it is the same issue in ArmA as in OFP.

If it can be solved with a simple config tweak (e.g. recoil delay/strength as for bullets) this issue can be seen as minor.

If this is still not possible to influence this it can be seen as major issue.

Maybe the reason why it is not fixed is that there are so many things to solve that BI did not found the time until now.

But it is addressed at least two times in mantis and hence it will not be forgotten.



If this bug is really an issue for you, you can vote it to show BI that you want to get it fixed with a higher priority. The devs of Bohemia MIGHT follow this, of course they would not drop all other work for it.

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Its easy to change the recoil.

Change the simulation in the cfgammo from "shotshell" to "shotBullet", for "G_30mm_HE" & "G_40mm_HE".

Reduce the V0 and max speed and you get a good result like this.


* ^^ Klick on the image*

Of course now, you will need a second class "G_30mm_HE" & "G_40mm_HE" for the rifle grenade (with the old values),

otherwise the M203 and GP25 would shot like a bullet.

Greetz DVD

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Ahhhh, some words from the master notworthy.gif

Is it then the same issue as in OFP that those "BULLETNADES" are not reaching their target if fired with high angle because bullets are erased after a certain fixed lifetime?

That would hinder from using grenade launchers as kind of arty with indirect fire from far distance.

In OFP those nades could not fly further then 200-300m because of their low speed.

What we should reach is:






at least 1500m, for inaccurate fire 2200m.

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Yes the MK19 does need to be as my astute colleague, Sgt. Mabes, pointed out in his original starting thread. The term "fog of war" comes to mind from the 19th century and before that time where the white smoke created by the black gun powder used would create everyone being caught in a real fog of gun powder. White smoke? I think not with a Mk19. This new thing called "smokeless gunpowder" was created a long time ago to stop this. Let's please have this fixed so we can use the weapon after more than one round of accurate fire.

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feel free to post everything on ArmA community BugTrackingSystem ...

either as bug or feature request smile_o.gif

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So once more, a workaround exists, my new friend Dslyecxi should maybe use the power of his employer as a customer of BIS/BIA to get this thing solved after 5 years.

You missed the part in my original post where I more or less said that it was a known issue and was likely to be addressed when possible. Prioritization happens, and you cannot expect a small team to fix every single bug at the same time.

Please stop bringing up my job at every possible opportunity. That's what, the third or fourth time in as many posts from you to me where you've mentioned it? I've been involved with ArmA for much longer than I've been working here on VBS2 stuff, and the two only vaguely mix. You assume a great deal with absolutely no actual foundation of knowledge in this area.

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