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The Top 10 Arma Trailers

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As most of you know, there are A LOT of community-produced ArmA videos out there that just blow you away.

But unless you know exactly where to look for them, or have the time to wade through hundred of pages of video thread discussions, they're nearly invisible (especially to newcomers).

That's why I figured we need a permanent list of Top Ten ArmA Trailers.

That way anybody who wants to see what ArmA is all about has one easy place to find the top of the crop.

Or, if you as a veteran, want to quickly explain to somebody why you're spending your life with ArmA, just point them there... ;)

Since determining who's the top, and who is not, requires some kind of voting, I set up a YouTube group so we can use the system's own voting feature to keep score (the polling features of this forum are too limited to handle a dynamic list like this).

The top post of this thread will always be updated to have links to the top runners as well as their current scores.

(Since some of the featured videos have been on YouTube for a while, we are using a ratio to determine a representative score. If the stars given are identical, we take the number of votes and divide it by the number of views to determine these kind of ties.)

<span style='color:red'>SO - if you're a video artist this is the time to get your creations into the spotlight, and show off what you and ArmA can do!</span>

And even if you're a couch potato, you can still participate by voting for your favorites! ;)

And if you run an ArmA news site, feel free to link to the videos or mirror the list. The more exposure these deserving artists can get, the better! (For them, and for ArmA.)

The link for the group is: http://youtube.com/group/armatrailers.

(BTW - the fact that there's a "Moderator" box underneath my name doesn't mean that this is any official BI project. So no prizes, no free ArmA copies - just the satisfaction that you made some people happy, and contributed to the community...)

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<span style='color:red'><span style='font-size:11pt;line-height:100%'>The Top Five</span></span>

Russian Hell, by: denversson

Views: 1986, Ratings: 40, Ratio: 2.01

ArmA Reloaded Trailer, by: sincover47

Views: 1165, Ratings: 17, Ratio: 1.46


Defence of Paraiso, by: icfclan

Views: 2365, Ratings: 28, Ratio: 1.18


ArmA - Retaliation, by: Mawwic

Views: 1858, Ratings: 17, Ratio: 0.91

Armed Assault Music Video, by: Poland1st

Views: 5605, Ratings: 47, Ratio: 0.84

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<span style='color:red'><span style='font-size:11pt;line-height:100%'>The Runner Ups</span></span>

Armed Assault Zero, by: SaFalken

Views: 19393, Ratings: 153, Ratio: 0.79

ArmA: A Soldiers Life, by: thorpeland

Views: 13543, Ratings: 94, Ratio: 0.69


ArmA: The Fight for Paraiso, by: thorpeland

Views: 2466, Ratings: 16, Ratio: 0.65


ArmA: Extraction, by: Milkduster

Views: 4739, Ratings: 27, Ratio: 0.57

Armed Assault MIX, by: ArmASoldier2006

Views: 9108, Ratings: 45, Ratio: 0.49

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I think it's not a fair system of voting to compare the video viewings with the ratio because not too many people voted for the videos when they were seen - when they first came out. Falken's Armed Assault Zero for instance would have had many more excellent votes had this competition been held when that video came out, IMHO - it's a tie between Falken's and Dyslecxi's video that take the top stage. Wether this voting will do justice to the choices just because this contest was started this late, will remain to be seen... confused_o.gif

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Yes, the voting system is not perfect, and I am definitely open to any suggestions for a better system.

I first considered only counting videos that have been newly submitted, but then we would miss out on a lot of good stuff that's older.

We can't count just the votes, since that would favor for the older entries.

We could start a totally new voting round for any video submitted - old or new, but that would get very complicated, as that would have to be done on yet another site.

So - if anybody has any practical suggestions - I'm all ears...

If you look at the current standings though - it's a pretty even mix of old and new videos. So it doesn't seem to inherently favor one over the other.

And - as with any voting result - if you don't like the current outcome, just start voting yourself... ;)

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It's kind of amusing that a remix video is listed among the top 10, when the videos it uses as source material are all better on their own merits than the "remixed" version. smile_o.gif

[specifically, the "US Forces" (not listed) and "Montage" (listed, but with credit incorrectly given to s1mattias - better to put "BIS" as the source), which "Retaliation" uses footage from extensively along with an earlier BIS trailer.]

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cool idea!

I unfortunately cant release the new videos im working on... And the ones I made for youtube from arma have all been banned and removed because some dumb people thought they were real...

some really excellent videos Ive seen from the community...looking forward to more of these

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And the ones I made for youtube from arma have all been banned and removed because some dumb people thought they were real...


I can't believe they banned a game video! Where are they hosted now?

Do you want to try to submit them again, perhaps with a better "disclaimer", so that even the densest person will understand that it's JUST A GAME...

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I'm going to go ahead and add the two other ArmA trailers I've done to my Youtube account in a bit. I'll post their links here when I do, or add them to the Youtube group.. or whatever. They're on GVid at the moment.

US Forces: Google Video Downloadable

ArmA Montage: Google Video Downloadable

Surprise, surprise. tounge2.gif

So, as I was saying in the previous post... remixing a video that consists mostly of footage I shot doesn't sit well with me. smile_o.gif It's flattering, yes, but I think the originals are much better.

edit: Yeesh, nevermind. Youtube's upload limit is lower than I thought, and I don't feel like converting the Montage video just to be able to upload it. Someone else already has it up there anyway. "US Forces" is too old to be a contender, too. wink_o.gif

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Totally unfair system.

Create a Top10 wiki or something

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i suggest to use LiveLeak.com for long videos (not to mention there is option to keep original file format too not just dumbed down flash)

p.s. not to mention lot of people who like miltiary videos use it (PR for ArmA smile_o.gif lol

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I'm going to go ahead and add the two other ArmA trailers I've done to my Youtube account in a bit. I'll post their links here when I do, or add them to the Youtube group..

Now that's the spirit! wink_o.gif

Everybody please keep in mind that this is the beginning of this project. NOT the final..

There will be many more videos submitted, and many more votes cast. There are already big shuffles happening, on a nearly hourly basis.

As far as the specific standings are concerned - very likely they are not what most of you as individuals would think is the "proper" order (I certainly would have a different arrangement, if I were to set up a list). But that's the way it is with EVERY popularity contest. Most people have their own favorites, and sometimes they're on top, and sometimes they're not.

What most people will probably agree upon though, is that *all* of these videos deserve the extra exposure they will receive through this.

And that's what this is all about...

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I would love to be able to get the Hi-Res versions of many of these videos (particularly Russian Hell or Armed Assault Zero). Unfortunately, I can only find the hi-res version of the "like you imagined" video. Does anyone have them?

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Why has my video been kicked after being in for about 2 weeks?

I hope it´s just an error with youtube ... otherwise let me tell ya that this behaviour sucks a** :-/

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