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Jonny´s Marines

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Hi, judge by the screenshots, those Marines look great, they only

need a M1A Scout & a M1911 MEC-SOG & then they're done.

For the difference between "This and This..." it's the light temperature

what makes the Marpat look different, and not only the fact that

the 2Nd pic is obviously edited by the photographer; using the right

exposure, measuring the light etc etc, it's a photo for the armed

forces, so it have to look good by balls. Anyway... good job on the

Marines. Let's C ya

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All you need is to make the woodland guys our regular Men/soldier etc.... smile_o.gif

Then ill be your friend rofl.gif


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Woot! bout time somebody released this. I really dont like playing with the ACU's...they look terrible. Thanks alot!

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Hi, they look very good in game, much better than previously released

Marines that i had; plus that this ones have M16A4's instead M4's.

But i miss some things on 'em; like:

- Green or Coyote Tan Jungle hat head band.

- Sleeves pockets.

- Glove, anchor & eagle in the 8 peaks cap.

- Glove, anchor & eagle on the boots.

- Darker Coyote Tan in the Marpat(W) boots.

- Green or Woodland Kneepads in the Marpat(W).

- Coyote Tan Kneepads in the Marpat(D).

And the pants leg's pouches could have costures marks for the

differentiation of the vertical marks; also in the right side of the

central part of the helmet cover, in booth (W) & (D) versions...

there's no costures/shadows/lights differentiation, as if they were

out of the shown mapped zone.

If you look really really close... you can see a clipping area under

the kneepads pad, where you can see the BDU; and the boots

sole is an Altama sole instead the Vibram sole that the USMC boots

use; but those are small things. The units look very good & i like

'em alot. Well done. Let's C ya

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- Green or Coyote Tan Jungle hat head band.

ok, i get that point. Ill fix it in the next release. USMC logo is missing aswell

- Sleeves pockets.

Same as before

- Glove, anchor & eagle in the 8 peaks cap.


- Glove, anchor & eagle on the boots.

well i thought that ive done that. Not sure though *looks into the .psd*

- Darker Coyote Tan in the Marpat(W) boots.

i think they are a in the correct tan. And the usmc has issued only one type of boots afaik

- Green or Woodland Kneepads in the Marpat(W).

- Coyote Tan Kneepads in the Marpat(D).

matter of taste

ok ill try to fix all these details as soon as i get some time. I hope i can add some new content for the next version aswell. smile_o.gif

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Hi, is true... the Glove, anchor & eagle are there (im an asshole) but

i think that they're on the wrong side, that it should be in the external

side of the boot, like in this pics:

U.S. Cavalry USMC boots

But that's not a so bad thing, i like how they look anyway; what i

ain't like that much... is that "Wagner" letter on the top of the FR

units, or the Corpsman patch on the backpack, it looks weird & ain't

like it too; but's not my addon & i keep saying that it looks good

anyway. It'll will look better when BIS release some editing tools,

then you could add much more things; i could steal some things

from you >>;-) . Let's C ya

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Hi, is true... the Glove, anchor & eagle are there (im an asshole) but

i think that they're on the wrong side, that it should be in the external

side of the boot, like in this pics:

U.S. Cavalry USMC boots

i changed the sign on the boots now wink_o.gif

But that's not a so bad thing, i like how they look anyway; what i

ain't like that much... is that "Wagner" letter on the top of the FR

units, or the Corpsman patch on the backpack, it looks weird & ain't

like it too;

i was refering to this picture: 


Anyway iam off to bed  goodnight.gif

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Hi, what ain't like of that sign &/or the Corpsman patch, is that booth

look as displaced to the right, plus the fact that add the same name

or tag to all the soldiers of the same class, reduces the random shape

in 'em; will be better a tag that just say "Marines" in my opinion;

will not reduce more the random shape and may look good. But that's

just my opinion. Let's C ya

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Hi, another thing that i forget to mention is that there aren't the

units Class Name into the the readme, that will make it much easy

for the mission makers.

No USMC Needer, i wasn't meaning that one, i was meaning in the

8 peaks cap, booth in the (W) & (D) Marines, i've a good photo of

the 8 peaks cap(D), but unfortunately... i haven't any of the cap(W),

the closer thing that i've is a photo of the left chest pocket; but

the eagle is banked to the right, so it don't serves. And speaking of

banked things... most of the USMC soldier's photos that i have, show

the sides of the helmet cover banked to the right if we look at the

helmet from it's left side; but that's a small thingy. Let's C ya

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I think he means that you keep refering to it as the glove, anchor and eagle, rather than the globe anchor and eagle, thats all.

think most of us knew what wipman was getting at

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I found a bug, When you look straight down your right shoulder pops up and you don't look human....

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Hi, if i had to use any kind of medic patch into some USMC addon

units, i'll use this one:


And i'll use over the backpack, the subdued snake rolled up on the

cup with the angel wings at the sides (the default medic sign) for

prevent anyone to think "oh man, i've a Force Recon man at my

side, great" when what he really have at his side... is a medic with

less ammo than any of the other squad mates.

What i'll update for sure, is the Grenadier, and i'll give him a pimp

M16A4/M203 ACOG; i'll arm the Team & Squad Leaders with it too

and i'll give the Team Leader, 4 M433 nades & 4 Green Flares; and

a B92FS with for mags and 4 Green Flares to the Squad Leader.

I think that may be a good idea... maybe even give a M4/M203

ACOG to the Team Leader too; i don't know... it's not my addon.

Two reference photos of the sleeves pockets:

Right Sleeve Pocket:

Left Sleeve Pocket:

For the "Marines" Tag on the backpack... i'll use this one instead

that "Wagner" Tag:



Or those ones for the Desert Marines. But as i've said... is not

my addon & i like how they look; i just hope that all those

photos and ideas serve for something. Let's C ya

P.S: Notice the cold light temperature of the photos that i

took of the jacket sleeves pockets; that's because they

were took near winter; and i live in the N side of spain

(here rains).

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wip: Marines use no unit or division or batalion insignias or patches on their uniforms. Not even flags.

For nametapes, they are worn on the marpat uniform, under the vest, so it wouldnt be visible in arma anyway.


Name might be worn on the outside of the front of the vest and backpacks, however it would be useless in arma to do so, as not every player or AI has the same name.

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Hi, i know that the yankee Marines don't use to put flags and in they're

jackets, but i've seen some photos of Force Recon units with flags

over the sleeves pockets closure.

Quote[/b] ]Name might be worn on the outside of the front of the vest and backpacks

If you look at the current addon version... you'll notice a red & white

medical cross over the Corpsman's backpack, and a Tag preying:

"Wagner" over the Force Recon's backpack; i just though that use

those more generic "Murphy" and "U.S. Marines" Tags may be a good

idea for a future update, just that. I also have seen some photos

of Marines wearing a "Marines" Tag or a Tag with they're name

in the Eliminator III vest above the heart and in the back side of

the neck cover of the vest. But i'll not add the Tags there. Let's C ya

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Hi, if you don't have yet a better pic, John... then here it's the best

photo that i could get of the Globe, anchor & eagle of the desert

USMC eight peaks cap, i hope that it helps for a future update:

USMC Symbol (Desert Cap)

Let's C ya

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sorry for all those who have been waiting for a new version. Iam quite busy with other things atm but ill try to get the work done today. It should include some new textures for the FR´s aswell. Stay tuned.

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The thing about this game is. The whole "Grity" feeling of war just isnt there. Everythings too colorfull an feels like im on vacation rather than engaging enemy. So I dunno try to make em look a bit war torn. More dirty and darker. But other than that they look damn good and I'm using em.

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