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Yet another ArmA sound modification

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I like your work so far. Looking forward to testing it out once you release it. The only sound which I found completely unrealistic was the shilka sound in this video:


the shilka has a much higher rate of fire than that sound bite you are using for it. Just my take on it.

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Here's anothe clip for yall: ArmA MGs

2 cents please

OMG! inlove.gif

Like I saw on youtube, people listed up whitch sound versions they liked best.

My favourites:

PK: Version 5

M249 SAW: Version 3

M240: Version 3

I came up with the same selections as Loffen.

However, as much as you could make this purely a popularity match, I think you should ultimately go with your judgement. I liked pretty much all the sounds you were using in the last preview youtube video.

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i love the sound and echo effect on the BMP2 Pure Genius

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Awesome work Cham my hats off to you, I think its a good Idea sampling each sound to the community so we can all agree on something! biggrin_o.gif

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i love the sound and echo effect on the BMP2 Pure Genius

Holy crap, I didn't notice the BMP-2 in that clip, the last time I saw it. Well It sounds awesome. Very realistic echo effect. thumbs-up.gif

I want this Mod now. biggrin_o.gif Can't wait... crazy_o.gif

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Thanks for your support all, i will probably need beta testers in a bit, I'm having trouble trying to find anyone who will help me with the config file to make it more of a stand alone mod instead of an over writting one, I'm working with Predator, at least I think thats whats going on, but it seems he wants to stick to his sound ideas which is cool, but maybe if there is someone else who might know a litle something about the sound config file we can team up.

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It is a bit difficult, indeed.

I triple checked most sounds and there are not many good sources for proper samples that don't sound like they were directly from YouTube.

As a perfectionist, I need something that reminds me of the actual gun. Since I have no talent in recreating or enhancing sounds from low quiality sources, I have to find and collect good recordings...

However, I think we can work together on the configs and help each other out, that way the people have a chance to choose their favourite mod.

I don't care who has the #1 sound mod, actually, it doesn't matter, so there is nothing wrong with three sound mods out there.

Anyway, the time difference is a major issue with co-working, Chammy lives thousands of clicks in the west and if he gets up, I nearly fall asleep (10 hours difference).

BTW, like to know what you think about this sound:


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Ive got a quick "What If" question im curious about, can the "zipping" sound of a RPG flying overhead be replicated in ArmA? I mean If the crack can be done for nearby rifle fire would it be possible. Because If so I guarantee that would make anyone hearing that sound touchcloth biggrin_o.gif

Heres an example of the Sound.


[Warning ^ Bad Language for all you minors!]

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Yes, you could even play a nice tune for a RPG passing.

Let's say "Rocket Man" by Elton John? biggrin_o.gif

Seriously, there should be a rocket engine sound already, most missles do have it.

I added that to the RPG in my mod, don't know if there was in the vanilla game.

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More then Glad to hear Pred, the more sounds that make me get my ass down and not want to fire back the better smile_o.gif

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Hehe, ok, maybe we can get a "Hit the deck" sound for any incoming missiles for you biggrin_o.gif

However, thought about something like that fly-by

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hah! yeah that'll do the job "RoadRunner coming up on your side! hit the deck!"

Wel hey Pred, If I had some decent soldier voices such as "take cover etc" Ive got some great Ideas for movies Id work on If I could manage to get hold of 'em, If you could help me out in anyways mate shoot a pm my way smile_o.gif

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Hehehe, yeah, true that Predator, or maybe a sound that screams "GaaaAAannggwayyyeeee!!!"

Yeah, usually there is a swhishng noise,

Well as far as quality wise in a mod, to me, becuase I have a certaiin idea on the sounds, I am trying to aim at the "natural" sound, if the sounds are so cleaned up then they start to sound too mechanical, you know what I'm saying. I'll still work with ya Pred, but you might want to be carecull not to miss match your sound fx. You kinda want them to have the same solid ness you have with all the weapons.

For some reason I sense a competition thing with FDF, I thnk a few of their members left some uncalled for comments on my preview, and Goeth hasnt been too frendly either, but oh well, no skin off my nose.

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BTW, like to know what you think about this sound:


Well its a nice clear sound, but it sounds as if it was fired underneath a yawning or over hang.

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There are some significant aspects creating a typical gunshot.

The most noteable for the shooter is the muzzleblast, consisting of high pressured gases leaving the barrel. Mostly misinterpreted as bass due to the high pressure on the stomach.

The second and not really apparent aspect is mechanical noise made by the boltcarrier or breech/slide.

The third would be the echo, only heard outside with some distance between the shooter and the reflection surface.

The shot (muzzleblast) itself is pretty clean and straight forward, actually a loud explosion with a few distinct signatures, like diverted gases and vibrations (flashsuppressors shift the sound of a gun and reduce the burning gases to some extend).

Mechanical actions can only be heard in some occasions, the AK-47 for example has a quite slow boltcarrier and it will add a distinct nuance to the overall shot.

Belt-fed machineguns also have such effects.

Echo is only generated overdistance long enough to seperate the actual shot from the reflected sound. It's more of a reverb than an echo, anyway.

Now let's try to compare a real gunshot with a recorded one, played in ArmA.

A real shot sounds quite different each time you hear it. The first shot differs from the second and last (in a burst).

In ArmA only one sound can be played over and over again. Using the first is the best choice for proper recreation, it is the dirtiest sound but with the distinct signature intact. However, mechanics and reverb are not audible in this case.

Cameras do have an auto-gain for microphone input leveling the sound to reduce clippings. The first shot is the loudest and every shot in the burst thereafter will be limited.

Following shots consist of the reverb, mechanical movement and the shot itself. As stated above, the sound is limited by the microphone.

The last shot will have the typical reverb but may exclude the mechanical action, dependent on the type of weapon used (boltcarrier locks in rear-most position).

Now we have different approaches, or philosophies, what the sound environment should be like.

FDF made all sounds have reverb and a sharp report.

Chammy tries to make all sounds have their dirty natural, recorded features.

Predator tries to make them sound clean and sharp, as you would experience them in life.

Which mod the user elects to be his favourite depends on his/her taste.

Chammy and I try to keep the shot as authentic as possible. I for myself, don't want them to sound like I am watching combat footage on YouTube or Liveleak but not as artificial as FDF made them.

There is a thin red line to follow, I hope I don't struggle and fall into the hands of the dark side.

This should be enough to clarify the difference in the current sound projects.

To end the post, I have to admit, the sound-only project is not my main concern, I will work on the config mod most of the time, if the final 1.07 or 1.08 was released, never intended to work on two projects.

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ok lets not argue about whos mod is better Chammy and Predator, let the community decide, dont take this as a opportunity for competition but one to Standardise a sound pack that the community will use, both for realism and atmosphere.

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This was not an argument. Just a statement to the current situation. More an explanation for two different sound mods despite the cooparation.

I doubt there will be any standard for realism. And this was the whole point of my long post...

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Exactly, I didnt read one thing on here that hinted of an argument at all, there's just a difference in quality, craftmanship and preferences and the choice of the community, its not who's is better so I dont know where you got that from Swhing, lol,, unless of course, you're Novusordo, I don't know about him, Goeth seems a little agittated also.

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Chammy would it be possible for you to post a video of  a firefight to show how the supersonic rounds sound to someone being shot at?? I currently am using predators mod and the only real beef I have with it is that the supersonic rounds sound very weak.

Absolutley, in a jiff here. I'll be back to repost here .........

the weakness may be due to your sound setting in the game.

Hey chammy did I miss the video?

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Chammy would it be possible for you to post a video of  a firefight to show how the supersonic rounds sound to someone being shot at?? I currently am using predators mod and the only real beef I have with it is that the supersonic rounds sound very weak.

Absolutley, in a jiff here. I'll be back to repost here .........

the weakness may be due to your sound setting in the game.

Hey chammy did I miss the video?

Not yet bro, I'm fixin to stick one up real soon, I'm just scatter brained here, heh

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The Infiltration mod for UT '99 (great mod btw) has some very good sounds, some of the best quality I've heard.

It's a 'realistic' mod btw

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oops sorry about that, just it sounded like some sort of conflict, but never mind that

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LOL, "fuget about it" (Al Pacino style) , its all good.

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Ok, here's a little preview of my sounds in action for yall, i've been asked when i was going to post one and here it is. I still need to post a clip of all the rifle samples so everyone can chose which ones I should use, the MG post was very helpfull from you all thank you.

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