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Yet another ArmA sound modification

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great work mate, loving the sounds, probably not far off, if not the best game sounds around, cant wait to use them.

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Although I've never fired one in real life, I thought the general consensus of the MP5SD6 was that the click of the bolt was basically all that can be heard when firing. Your sound just seems a bit off, if I may.

The M2 sounds a tad strange too, but mate, it's your soundpack - do what you will!

I love your M4 sound though, definitely one of my favourites.

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Yes the MP5 when silenced still has a substantial amount of sound to it, though not a whole lot, it still can be heard from a distance.

The M2 was created by using BI's original M2 sound but with some added reverb or echo to it. I was experimenting with it, as I have half a dozen other samples for the M2.

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I recommend the M2 sound from any of Combat!'s addons - I once watched a movie of someone testing the strength of a Japanese sword by firing an M2 at it, and I remembered thinking quite distinctly that the M2 sounded almost identical.

Keep it up, in any case.

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Probably the best looking sound mod I've seen so far. Can't wait til it's release smile_o.gif

I used to be a 240 gunner. One thing that always bugs me is when the 240 sounds in ArmA or other games sound fake; in real life, a 240 RIPS in comparison to other weapons. You can always tell when one is going off (deafening). So, good job presenting that smile_o.gif

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Looking forward to the release of this Sound Mod! thumbs-up.gif

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Amen guys, I should have one out hopefully by this weekend, and with Predator, should have it cleaned up soon as well. I am making a city type one also for those who want to play any CTF's in the city or such, sorta an experiment. Like I siad though, I'm a Mr. Mom here so barely enough time to really focus on alot.

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Here's anothe clip for yall:

ArmA MGs

2 cents please

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The PK v2 sounds awesome, also the M249 v3 .. really nice! thumbs-up.gif

MfG Medicus

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The SAW and echo is just god damn awesome man,

i also like the M16 in burst mode A LOT.

Keep it up, you've just gained another fan. notworthy.gif

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Looking forward - voting - for "real sound":

PK v5, M249 v1, M240 v3.

but if you like more "boombastic action" take those with echos and more bass wink_o.gif

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Here's anothe clip for yall: ArmA MGs

2 cents please

OMG! inlove.gif

Like I saw on youtube, people listed up whitch sound versions they liked best.

My favourites:

PK: Version 5

M249 SAW: Version 3

M240: Version 3

The Sniper Rifle, M4, AT4 and the M203 were all pretty much perfect.


So very good work, IMO! thumbs-up.gif

Do you have any planned release date? biggrin_o.gif Can we get some previews of the vechiles, maybe?

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Thanks dudes, rock on, yeah, I'm currently checking out the config file using FDF's config , since THEY DID use alot of sounds I made that were for my Operation Flashpoint sound replacement, so no one should get butt hurt,  I just havnt heard of any credit givin to me for some of the sounds that were created by me but oh well, its not like I'm going to cry over it...anyways, yeah guys, thanks for the 2 cents, makes it easier to make a choice which smaples I will use.

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Great work matey notworthy.gif

Unlike most of the others (no offense) id say not to rush this fine piece of work, and take your time smile_o.gif

This i can wait for!

At the end of the day, most probably 99% of the ArmA community will be using your sound mod. No offense to the FDF mod, but they don't come close to what you have there! wink_o.gif

Let them take credit for your work, as the FDF mod will go down the drain goodnight.gif and your new mod will come out on top! for many years to come yay.gif

Btw mate... anychance you have a quick video of all the sniper sounds that you have at the moment? Im dying to hear the sound of the M107 whistle.gif

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pk- v5

m249- v3

m240- v3

m4 sounds are great, i dont like the suppressed ones though, explosions are great, cant wait to use this mate.

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Btw mate... anychance you have a quick video of all the sniper sounds that you have at the moment? Im dying to hear the sound of the M107 whistle.gif

LOL, thanks Snake,

Well, we don't want to bust anyones balls here or bag on anyones hard work, we're all good sports about things, adults,, but i do have to say, FDF mod is good in some aspects depending on the likings of people, some have their personal preferences. When I started checking out FDF's sound mod, plus their OFP total conversion mod I heard alot of my sound tid bits in there but not one credit or thanks, but then again I posted my sound mod so I guess it was fair game. But its all good.

The M107, I do have several 50cal sniper waves for it but it uses a sound bite some place in the addons where i just cant find. But I'm searching, I will post one soon to get everyone's opinion. Again thanks for everyones support me and for other developers work .

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As i posted in Predator's thread, this is just awesome.

Your sounds really takes a step further in giving one the "omg I'm shooting a real gun!" and "omg I'm getting shot by a real gun!" feeling.

Predator and this eargasmic mod is deffinately at the top of my list.

Keep it up! thumbs-up.gif

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Whether FDF used you sounds or not... If your using someone else's work then get there permission first and give them credit for it after smile_o.gif

But like you said its all good wink_o.gif Tbh i think FDF sounds doesn't sound that realistic compared to what you have there yay.gif

Keep up the good work wink_o.gif

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just wanted to say I think this is the best sound modding work yet, Keep up the good work wink_o.gif Machine gun post, Grenades/mortars, missiles all sound very good. Also love the echo return of the SAW.

only gun i think sounds a bit odd is the "woosh" sound of the M16/M4, not sure which it was.

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Chammy would it be possible for you to post a video of a firefight to show how the supersonic rounds sound to someone being shot at?? I currently am using predators mod and the only real beef I have with it is that the supersonic rounds sound very weak. The crack of such a round should cause you to jump as they are quite loud and unmistakeable. He said that they cant get any louder or have echo because of a limitation with the engine. Im hoping that your mod might offer some alternative or improved sound in this department. If the current sound cant be improved can it be replaced with something more realistic as seen in the live fire demo vid on dslyexcis website. Thank you for all your time and effort with regard to the sound modifications in both OFP and ARMA and the enjoyment they bring to the communities of both games as a whole.

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Chammy would it be possible for you to post a video of a firefight to show how the supersonic rounds sound to someone being shot at?? I currently am using predators mod and the only real beef I have with it is that the supersonic rounds sound very weak.

Absolutley, in a jiff here. I'll be back to repost here .........

the weakness may be due to your sound setting in the game.

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just wanted to say I think this is the best sound modding work yet, Keep up the good work wink_o.gif Machine gun post, Grenades/mortars, missiles all sound very good. Also love the echo return of the SAW.

only gun i think sounds a bit odd is the "woosh" sound of the M16/M4, not sure which it was.

yes, the whoosh sound is the echo wash from the report, recorded during the late afternoon ,evening with a few hills. there are times you might hear this due to the traveling of the bullet also.

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Thanks Chammy I look forward to seeing the firefight and comparing it to the video on dslyexcis website. Any suggestion you might have for sound settings to maximize the supersonic cracks? BTW have you seen the video im talking about? Its insane how loud the cracks are, would love to have ARMA sound like that during a firefight. Any help you can offer would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance. And keep up the great work  notworthy.gif .

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