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New sniper system?

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In sniping assassinations missions for ArmA... I find it impossible accomplish a mission with one well placed shot. A sniper shouldn't have to fire a "practice shot" and the AI just to shoot again and hit the target. Since any real person... would obviously run away after that first bullet... we just take advantage of this wonderful AI and rely on the fact that they will ether continue to stand there as if nothing is wrong... or simply lay down... BACH!

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Quote[/b] ]A sniper shouldn't have to fire a "practice shot" and the AI just to shoot again and hit the target

Are you serious?!

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sad_o.gif the thread went missing while I was gone...

People should keep this thread up so someone from BIS eventually notices how much the majority of the community would welcome adjustable sights.

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No, 'people' should add it as a feature request on the Bugtracker. Someone from BIS will then notice it and deal with it one way or another.

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No, 'people' should add it as a feature request on the Bugtracker. Someone from BIS will then notice it and deal with it one way or another.

I'm not too sure if that will qualify but im probably wrong.

Good idea anyways wink_o.gif

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I should have emphasised the 'FEATURE'. The BTS isn't just for bugs now, you can have 'wishes' if you give your report a severity of 'feature'. But you might want to check what's already in there for sniping-related things.

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They should Also make a aim system more releastic becuase in real life it is not easy to line up the aim that easly in arma. But include it in vetran mode becuase people will complain if it is the defualt aiming system.

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They should Also make a aim system more releastic becuase in real life it is not easy to line up the aim that easly in arma. But include it in vetran mode becuase people will complain if it is the defualt aiming system.

What do you mean?

If you're referring to lining up the front and rear posts, or maintaining correct sight relief through an optic sight, then it's something that's pretty much second nature to a soldier who practices frequently. Remember, the characters we are playing in the game are supposedly fully trained, so anything that comes naturally to a fully trained soldier should be made simple in the game.

If I missed the point, then never mind.

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So, there is the wind parameter in the game, which affects the smoke and clouds. If it can be used on bullets ( and maybe aircraft too ) what is there to wait for? It ain't gonna make it self. biggrin_o.gif

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Setvelocity can be used on bullets, I just tested it. Vehicles too of course if you want wind on choppers and planes. To make matters even simpler, there's a new command in ArmA which returns the wind vector:


Adding wind to rounds is easy. Making it realistic according to the type of projectile however, is not, unless you happen to be a ballistics expert with tons of data on all kinds of rifle rounds, rockets, tank shells etc. Then again, the flight paths are probably incorrect to begin with.


<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">// w_rifle.sqf

_r = _this;

_w = wind;

while {!isNull _r} do


_v = velocity _r;

_v set[0, (_v select 0)+((_w select 0)*0.2)];

_v set[1, (_v select 1)+((_w select 1)*0.2)];

_r setVelocity _v;

sleep 0.05;


Sniper's init line:

this addEventHandler ["Fired", {getPos(_this select 0) nearestObject (_this select 4) execVM "w_rifle.sqf"}];

Adjust the 0.2 to get more or less effect.

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and will not implement it, you want realism, buy yourself some guns, this is a game, and nobody cares if you are l33t znipr in a game.

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and will not implement it, you want realism, buy yourself some guns, this is a game, and nobody cares if you are l33t znipr in a game.

I didn't imply I was a 'l33t znipr', so please stop with juvenile superiority crap, 8 out of 10 people want adjustable sights for weapons, so don't insult me because you are gravely concerned that they will make the game too difficult for yourself.

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Set velocity doesn't really do it as a wind hack unless you update it about 10 times in flight. Wind accelerates the bullet to the side, not just set static lateral velocity component once.

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"Joint Operations: Typhoon Rising" had sniping that included bullet drop and wind effect. You had to adjust your sight to allow for distance and then aim-off for wind. This made sniping difficult but very rewarding, especially when you landed a hit with the 50 cal rifle at 1000yds. biggrin_o.gif

Bring it to ArmA!

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Set velocity doesn't really do it as a wind hack unless you update it about 10 times in flight. Wind accelerates the bullet to the side, not just set static lateral velocity component once.

I'm not sure if you meant the example above but it does just that, adds velocity in a loop with a 50ms delay, so maybe around 15 times per second if you account the time taken by the commands in between. "While" is a looping structure that runs as long as its condition is true.

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Setvelocity can be used on bullets, I just tested it. Vehicles too of course if you want wind on choppers and planes. To make matters even simpler, there's a new command in ArmA which returns the wind vector:


Adding wind to rounds is easy. Making it realistic according to the type of projectile however, is not, unless you happen to be a ballistics expert with tons of data on all kinds of rifle rounds, rockets, tank shells etc. Then again, the flight paths are probably incorrect to begin with.


<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">// w_rifle.sqf

_r = _this;

_w = wind;

while {!isNull _r} do


_v = velocity _r;

_v set[0, (_v select 0)+((_w select 0)*0.2)];

_v set[1, (_v select 1)+((_w select 1)*0.2)];

_r setVelocity _v;

sleep 0.05;


Sniper's init line:

this addEventHandler ["Fired", {getPos(_this select 0) nearestObject (_this select 4) execVM "w_rifle.sqf"}];

Adjust the 0.2 to get more or less effect.

Perhaps you could get a parameter like sideAirFriction of the ammo into the equation, somehow, to estimate wind effect on different bullets.

Nw that config parameters are readable through script,it should be doable

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bis..you there???

Your welcome to make the sniping thing welcome.gif

It won't happen unless it gets logged in the bug tracker.

I'd do it but I can't so far seem to find out how to get an

account on the bug tracker.

If someone else logs this in the meantime, please make sure

to ask for the ability to add an adjustable feature to iron

sights too, not just the rifles with telescopes.

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This is a simulator, and the concept sounds great, but with the limitations of the game how the hell are you going to tell wind speed! The grass just damm well sways in the wind! Not like you can grab a few blades of grass and drop them to tell which way the wind is blowing. Nice on paper, doubt it would work in practice.

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There's debris that moves with the wind on the ground already. And it wouldn't actually be hard to make a script that simulates the sniper throwing some leaves into the wind.

You could give the sniper access to a script that tells him the speed and direction of wind, accurate values from a weather station or a vague feeling like "the wind seems to be blowing quite hard from NW". Or give him some "cigarettes" or a flag and so on.

Or you can just shoot and see where the first round goes, it wasn't probably gonna hit anyway unless you had some good charts and estimated the distance correctly.

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someone will have to make a proof of concept mod to test performance hit, feasability etc.

with regards to the post above, maybe you could radio HQ with "request weather report" and they give you some stuff, inc wind speed and direction.

...still think it'll make sniping just about useless though. esp for the blufor snipers, good luck finding somewhere your camo actually works and sitting still for long enough to zero all this in.

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You should figure the stuff out in cover, then peek out after you've already got the windage and elevation set. And at distances where you have to think about the shot, no one will be hitting you back with an assault rifle.

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